Hi Folks,

I am seeing a surge of demand for JQuery, node.js, bootstrap, backbone, yadda 
yadda yadda

I am not sure this twisted cryptic object oriented way of managing dom objects 
is sufficient to throw away the whole server side.

>From ambitious developers that are coming from PHP dot.net or graphic arts... 
>who are leading the way into javascript code bases that are pure 100% 

leads me to believe... as a veteran java developer... 

that the javascript will go thru the clouds and will be a huge pile of barely 
readable javascript and I am not sure if it will pass the manageability test.

What is worrisome is that they are coming out with MVC model binding stuff too.

I would like to take T5.4 into the javascript jquery tough test.

can anyone suggest eclipse plugins, editors, maven components that will enable 
me to out perform these 100% pure javascript zealouts ?

I believe I can get better modeling out of the whole stack instead of pushing 
everything into the script tag.

I dont know how far they think they will go without annotations.

Anyway, your help is appreciated. Is it not time for the java guys to start 
sticking together ?
I havent aquit/// yet
Best regards 
and thanks... KEN                                         

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