Thanks Barry, the squeezer now works, but now I am having problem passing
the object to and from component on the page. Becouse the error is so weird,
I conclude something is wrong with component parametrs not being properly
handled. It works without the component. Page includes component

   <component id="categoryBox" type="CategoryBox">
       <binding name="category" value="category"/>
       <binding name="children" value="children"/>
       <binding name="listener" value="listeners.onClickCategory"/>

The component gets a list (children) which are value objects registered for
squeezing and their parent (category - also the same type) and should
display a list of their names. When a child category is clicked the
component sends a message through listener to the page that contains it to

  public IPage onClickCategory(CategoryVO categoryVO) {
     WizardStep2 wizardStep2 = getWizardStep2Page();
     return (IPage) wizardStep2;

which should display children's children, but instead I am getting the

Could not load class com.package.ClassName from WebappClassLoader delegate:
false repositories: /WEB-INF/classes/ ----------> Parent Classloader:

In my

  public Collection getChildren() {"get children of " + getCategory());
     Collection children = getManager().getChildren(getCategory(), null);"= " + children);
     return children;

page class method getCategory() returns null. The setter and getter are

  abstract public CategoryVO getCategory();
  abstract public void setCategory(CategoryVO categoryVO);

Advice appreciated!

2006/9/6, Barry Books <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Here is mine. Just add the state manager as a property and pull out
what you need.

public Object unsqueeze(DataSqueezer squeezer, String string) {
                try {
                        Repository repository = (Repository)
                        User user = (User) stateManager.get("user");
                        return, new Long(
                } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
                        // TODO Auto-generated catch block
                return null;

        private ApplicationStateManager stateManager;
        public void setStateManager(ApplicationStateManager stateManager)
               this.stateManager = stateManager;

<contribution configuration-id="tapestry.state.ApplicationObjects">
  <state-object name="user" scope="session">
    <create-instance class=""/>

<contribution configuration-id="">
<adaptor object="service:millSqueezer"/>

<service-point interface="com.trsvax.mill.MillSqueezer" id="millSqueezer">
<construct class="com.trsvax.mill.MillSqueezer">
       <set-object property="stateManager"

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