hi there,

i have a page to edit an entity.
this entity contains a list of childs connected via OneToMany.
the page contains a component and that component (named ActionsLoop)
an AjaxFormLoop component for edit/add/delete the child entities.

the ActionsLoop component has a parameter:

    @Parameter(required = true, defaultPrefix = BindingConstants.PROP)
    private List<CallOnDutyAction> actionsList;

the actionsList elements wrapped into a map object
with an unique ID as map key. (AtomicLong ID_ALLOCATOR = new AtomicLong();)

this is my onAddRow event method:

    Object onAddRow()
        CallOnDutyAction action = new CallOnDutyAction();
        actionsMap.put(action.getMapId(), action);
        return action;

and this is my onRemoveRow event method:

    void onRemoveRow(CallOnDutyAction item)

and here is my onAfterSubmit

    void onAfterSubmit()
        for (CallOnDutyAction action : actionsMap.values())
            if (action.getId() == 0)

if i add a child entity, all is fine: after i submit the form, the new child
added to child list and saved into the database table.

but if i change or remove a child from the AjaxFormLoop nothing is happen
with the modfied childs

where is my fault ?

with regards
Sven Homburg

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