Generating MD5 password using tomcat 5

2006-05-13 Thread Devireddy, Nagendra Reddy (STSD)

I am trying to generate MD5 Password using tomcat 5.

$JAVA_PATH/bin/java -classpath
org.apache.catalina.realm.RealmBase -a MD5 TESTMESSAGE

Its throwing the following error ..

Exception in thread main java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:
at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass0(Native Method)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(
at Method)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClassInternal(

Where as same thing is working with tomcat 4.

I am struck here ..Can some one help me with this 

Thanks and Regards,
Nagendra Reddy. D
Hewlett Packard ISO (STSD)
Ph : 080-22052254
+hp = Everything is Possible 

RE: [ANN] LambdaProbe for Tomcat 1.5 is released

2006-05-13 Thread Vlad.Ilyschenko
Hi Remy,

There is a slightly newer version already:, which addresses problems 
with unknown ServerInfo values.

You can now force the first adaptor on the list by setting 
forceFirstAdaptor=true in spring-resources.xml. The list of adaptors has to be 
ordered accordingly of course.

As far as the context goes, there are quite a few TC 5.0 users as I'm sure you 
know :) and having logger in the context may help to troubleshoot startup 
problems for them.


-Original Message-
From: Remy Maucherat [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Fri 12/05/2006 2:39 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: [ANN] LambdaProbe for Tomcat 1.5 is released
 I am pleased to announce the immediate availability of LambdaProbe 1.5

 LambdaProbe is an Open Source (GPL) Tomcat monitoring and mangement webapp. 
 The new release features OS memory usage, swap usage and CPU utilization 
 monitors, support for Java Service Wrapper, which allows to restart Tomcat 
 from a web page, user interface improvements and important bug fixes0.

Very good.

Most probably this is for compat with Tomcat 5.0, but the context.xml is:
Context path=/probe privileged=true
Logger className=org.apache.catalina.logger.FileLogger

For 5.5, it can be simplified to (since the Logger element no longer exists):
Context privileged=true

It also doesn't support my on going 6.0 development, although most
likely 6.0 will remain compatible with 5.5. You could attempt to
default to the most recent adapter if no obvious match is found.

Rémy Maucherat
Developer  Consultant
JBoss Inc

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Tomcat, ClassLoader and java.lang.ClassCastException

2006-05-13 Thread Fernando Cheros

I have this code:

DAOClassLoader d = new DAOClassLoader();
Object o = d.loadClass(;
ActionTO u = (ActionTO)o;

The ActionTO is a simple TO object whit their get and sets and the
loadClass is:

package infraestructure.utils;

import java.util.Hashtable;

public class DAOClassLoader extends ClassLoader {
   private Hashtable classes = new Hashtable();

   private byte getClassFromFile(String className)[] {
   System.out.println(Fetching the implementation of 
   + className);
   byte result[];
   try {
   String file =
   + className;
   file = file.replaceAll(\\., /) + .class;
   System.out.println(Trataremos con  + file + ...);
   FileInputStream fi = new FileInputStream(file);
   System.out.println(FileInputStream:  + fi);
   result = new byte[fi.available()];;
   return result;
   } catch (Exception e) {
   return null;

   public Class loadClass(String className) throws ClassNotFoundException {
   return (loadClass(className, true));

   public synchronized Class loadClass(String className, boolean resolveIt)
   throws ClassNotFoundException {
   Class result;
   byte classData[];

   System.out.println(Load class :  + className);
   System.out.println(cache : );

   /* Check our local cache of classes */
   result = (Class) classes.get(className);
   if (result != null) {
   System.out.println(returning cached result.);
   return result;

   try {
   result = super.findSystemClass(className);
   .println(returning system class (in CLASSPATH).);
   return result;
   } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
   System.out.println(Not a system class.);

   System.out.println(repositorio );
   classData = getClassFromFile(className);
   if (classData == null) {
   throw new ClassNotFoundException();

   /* Define it (parse the class file) */
   result = this.defineClass(null, classData, 0, classData.length);
   if (result == null) {
   throw new ClassFormatError();

   if (resolveIt) {

   classes.put(className, result);
   System.out.println(Returning newly loaded class.);
   return result;

When I run the code in the console work fine, put when I run in a jsp I
have this:

type Exception report


description The server encountered an internal error () that prevented
it from fulfilling this request.




root cause



note The full stack trace of the root cause is available in the Apache
Tomcat/5.0 logs.

and the log is:

2006-05-12 14:02:42 StandardWrapperValve[jsp]: Servlet.service() for
servlet jsp threw exception
   at org.apache.jsp.admin.login_jsp._jspService(
   at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
   at org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet.service(
   at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(

RE: Tomcat Shutdown Unexpectedly

2006-05-13 Thread zhann
Hello Again,

I am not sure if this will help at all, but the specific versions of Java
and Tomcat are as follows:

Java - 1.4.2_06
Tomcat - 5.0.27

I get the feeling that this is a relatively obscure problem judging by the
lack of response.  It would be most helpful is someone can at least point me
in a direction that would help me solve this problem.  If you have any
questions regarding this problem, I will be more than happy to answer them.

Thanks again


-Original Message-
From: Vasily Ivanov [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, May 11, 2006 9:20 AM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: Tomcat Shutdown Unexpectedly


We've recently had something very similar with Tomcat and Apache Web Server.

Have a look here (read all in threads):

We changed configuration of Tomcat and Apache Web Server to be in sync. Few
days passed after fix's been placed, but it looks ok now.
Hope it'll help you.


On 5/11/06, zhann [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 We are having a strange Tomcat issue on one of our client's machines.
 The problem is that it shuts down randomly.  There is nothing in the 
 Tomcat Log to indicate why this is occuring, and the Windows Event 
 Manager simply states that the process shut down unexpectedly.  We 
 have tried recreating this problem in-house, but have absolutely no 

 We are running tomcat 5.x and Java 1.4.x.  The machine that this is 
 installed on is Windows 2003 with all the latest updates.  One other 
 thing to note, this installation of tomcat is using Load ballancing.

 If anyone can point me in a direction of where to look, it would be 
 very helpful.  I have scoured the internet and the newsgroups but 
 can't find a similar problem anywhere.

 Thanks in advance

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Re: Help with MD5 key generation with tomcat 5

2006-05-13 Thread Mark Thomas
Devireddy, Nagendra Reddy (STSD) wrote:
 No , My jre version is 1.4.2 ..

As the last poster was hinting at, you need to be running a 1.5 JRE or
install the 1.4 compat(ibility) download.


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Re: Weird problem with Tomcat 5.5.17 and j_security_check

2006-05-13 Thread Mark Thomas
When starting a new thread (ie sending a message to the list about a
new topic) please do not reply to an existing message and change the
subject line. To many of the list archiving services and mail clients
used by list subscribers this  makes your new message appear as part
of the old thread. This makes it harder for other users to find
relevant information when searching the lists.

This is known as thread hijacking and is that is frowned
upon on this list. Frequent offenders will be removed from the list.
It should also be noted that many list subscribers automatically
ignore any messages that hijack another thread.

The correct procedure is to create a new message with a new subject.
This will start a new thread.


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Re: Jakarta Messenger (and other dormant?)

2006-05-13 Thread Mark Thomas
Dean Anderson wrote:
 This may be the wrong list, but it is sort of jakarta related...

You need to post this to the Jakarta General list, not the Tomcat list.


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Re: How to embed server hostname in JSP page on clustered Tomcat

2006-05-13 Thread Scott Purcell
Not sure if you got a response to this, but this has worked for myself.

%@ page %


InetAddress ia = InetAddress.getLocalHost();
out.println(!-- hostname   + ia.getHostName() +   --);

- Original Message -
From: David Goodenough [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, May 12, 2006 8:19 AM
Subject: How to embed server hostname in JSP page on clustered Tomcat

 I have a cluster of (currently) two Tomcat 5.5.17 instances.  I want to
put a
 hidden field on the pages which tells me which machine I am currently
 connected to.  Reading the spec it appeared that using:-

 input type=hidden name=host value=${pageContext.request.serverName}

 should work, but it would appear that all this does is take the server
 of the URL.

 Anyone know how to do this (short of writing some Java code that is, I
 rather use simple JSP and JSTL).


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Weirdness with Tomcat 5.5.17, j_security_check and favicon.ico

2006-05-13 Thread Dean Searle
Hello Everyone,

I have just installed a clean server with windows 2003 Standard, Java
JDK 1.5.0_06  and tomcat 5.5.17. I moved my application that I created
on tomcat 5.0 to this server and set the application up as a host

When I access the site, it asks for the user name and password (normally
done). But after you are successfully authenticated, it goes to a 404
cannot find favicon.ico. So I googled and found that was an issue with
Firefox, so I tried IE and I can get into the application. But now, when
I put a favicon.ico in the applications root and I log in. With Firefox,
right after I log in, I get a page that displays my favicon.ico, but it
never gets to my index.jsp. I have to go to the url and delete the
/favicon.ico and hit enter and then I'm into the application. In IE,
after I log in, it takes me to my application, but it doesn't show the
favicon.ico in the address bar.

Has anyone else experienced this or could you point me to another
posting that shows how this was resolved. I thank you in advance for any
advice I can get.


Dean Searle
Computing Oasis
Caro, Michigan

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Re: Weirdness with Tomcat 5.5.17, j_security_check and favicon.ico

2006-05-13 Thread Konstantin Ignatyev
That is most likely due to security constraints URL in your web.xml

It looks like all your resources are protected and when browser tries to 
access favicon before anything else server sees it as protected resource and 
displays login form, and then let the request proceed to the favicon once 
user provided credentials.

On Saturday 13 May 2006 08:32 pm, Dean Searle wrote:
 Hello Everyone,

 I have just installed a clean server with windows 2003 Standard, Java
 JDK 1.5.0_06  and tomcat 5.5.17. I moved my application that I created
 on tomcat 5.0 to this server and set the application up as a host

 When I access the site, it asks for the user name and password (normally
 done). But after you are successfully authenticated, it goes to a 404
 cannot find favicon.ico. So I googled and found that was an issue with
 Firefox, so I tried IE and I can get into the application. But now, when
 I put a favicon.ico in the applications root and I log in. With Firefox,
 right after I log in, I get a page that displays my favicon.ico, but it
 never gets to my index.jsp. I have to go to the url and delete the
 /favicon.ico and hit enter and then I'm into the application. In IE,
 after I log in, it takes me to my application, but it doesn't show the
 favicon.ico in the address bar.

 Has anyone else experienced this or could you point me to another
 posting that shows how this was resolved. I thank you in advance for any
 advice I can get.


 Dean Searle
 Computing Oasis
 Caro, Michigan

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