Accessing static resources return 404 in embedded tomcat

2015-05-16 Thread Thusitha Thilina Dayaratne

I'm using embedded Tomcat 7.0.59. I;m trying to access a static resource
through the embedded server. In the server.xml file I've added following

Host name=localhost unpackWARs=true deployOnStartup=false
*  Context  docBase=/home/thusitha/abc path=/test/res / *

I have an empty xml file in the /home/thusitha/abc folder.

On the browser when I try to access it as follows I'm getting 404 error.

What could be the reason for this?

Best Regards

[ANN] Apache Tomcat 7.0.62 released

2015-05-16 Thread Violeta Georgieva
The Apache Tomcat team announces the immediate availability of Apache
Tomcat 7.0.62.

Apache Tomcat is an open source software implementation of the Java
Servlet, JavaServer Pages, Java Expression Language and Java
WebSocket technologies.

This release contains a number of bug fixes and improvements compared to
version 7.0.61.

Please refer to the change log for the complete list of changes:

Note: This version has 4 zip binaries: a generic one and
  three bundled with Tomcat native binaries for Windows operating
  systems running on different CPU architectures.

Note: Use of the Java WebSocket 1.1 implementation requires Java 7.

Note: If you use the APR/native AJP or HTTP connector you *must* upgrade
  to version 1.1.33 or later of the APR/native library.


Migration guides from Apache Tomcat 5.5.x and 6.0.x:

- The Apache Tomcat team

Performance bottleneck due to not-required @attribute in custom tags

2015-05-16 Thread Xavi Beumala
Hi all,

I've isolated a very simple use case that is causing a big performance
bottleneck. I'm running tomcat 8.0.15 and I can reproduce this on 8.0.20

With this simple .jsp:
c:forEach begin=0 end=10
err:myTag /

Where err:myTag is:
%@attribute name=myParam required=false type=java.lang.String %
%@taglib prefix=c uri=; %

c:if test=${not empty myParam}

Using JProfiler I've identified that the system spends lot of time on

If I'm right It turns out that myParam is not a required attribute.
ScopedAttributeELResolver is not able to read any value from the context
and starts executing the logic on ImportHandler which tries to load from
the the classLoader java.lang.myParam,
javax.servlet.myParam, javax.servlet.http.myParam
and javax.servlet.jsp.myParam which end up throwing
a ClassNotFoundException incurring a big performance drop.

Our application makes intensive use of JSP and custom tags and this has
been killing our performance (simple pages takes 4s the render).

Is this a known issue? am I missing something on my findings?
A simple solution consists in always initializing the @Attributes
What do you think? What would be the best solution? I think that if I'm
right this issue is affecting tons of implementations.

Many thanks for your time