[ANN] ApacheCon NA 2020 is virtual/online, completely free to attend, and call-for-presentations is OPEN!

2020-07-08 Thread Christopher Schultz
Hash: SHA256


[Cross-posting to dev@, please reply to users@]

ApacheCon NA 2020 is now "ApacheCon @Home" due to the COVID-19
pandemic, and will be held online 29 September - 1 October 2020. This
is a great opportunity for anyone who has never attended an ApacheCon
event to make this year their first ApacheCon. Registration is FREE

For those who have never given a presentation at ApacheCon, this is
also an opportunity for you to submit a presentation for our
consideration: the call-for-papers is open and the Tomcat track is
hoping to fill something like 12 - 36 hours worth of presentations,
panels, and meet-ups at this conference.

To register to attend or respond to the call-for-presentations, please
visit https://www.apachecon.com/acna2020/

Because the conference is being held online, obviously things will be
a little different than previous events. First, all presentations will
be streamed live and recorded for later replay if you can't make a
live-streaming event. "Attendance" for a live presentation would mean
streaming audio/video and at least a text channel by which questions
can be asked. I don't believe video is supported for attendees (to see
e.g. attendees faces) but it may be possible to ask questions via
audio instead text. I will follow-up with the organizers regarding
audience participation.

To accommodate attendees (and presenters!) in various time-zones
around the world, we will be attempting to schedule live presentations
in 4-hour blocks at 3 different daily intervals throughout the 72-hour

My goal is to encourage each speaker to present their material live
/twice/ during the event, once in each of two separate
timezone-centric blocks (e.g. North/South America, Europe/Africa,
Asia/Oceana) if at all possible, and for several committers to be
available to "staff" each presentation to introduce speakers, provide
moderation of questions from the live-audience for the speakers, etc.

Schedules will be announced after the presentations have been selected
and everything is negotiated with the speakers about when they are

If you are already considering submitting a presentation for including
in ApacheCon 2020, please head-over to the CFP at

If you aren't sure if you are interested in presenting, or aren't sure
if you have the experience, knowledge, etc. to warrant a position as a
speaker, please consider the following:

1. This is a welcoming community
2. This community exists to serve YOU
3. You are a part of this community
4. Helping others within the community encourages others to do the same
5. If you'd prefer to pre-record your presentation, we can handle that
6. Topics can be very wide-ranging. Here are some examples of
presentations from previous ApacheCon events:

  [From Committers / directly about Tomcat]
  - Running Apache Tomcat on GraalVM
  - Tomcat in clusters and clouds
  - Using Let's Encrypt with Tomcat
  - Securing Tomcat
  - Reverse-proxying Tomcat
  - Load balancing with Tomcat
  - Clustering with Tomcat

  [From Non-Committers or not directly about Tomcat]
  - Packaging Tomcat for Linux Distributions
  - I Love Lucee -- a Java implementation of Cold Fusion
  - Routing CDN traffic at scale using Tomcat
  - Secure Web Applications using Apache Fortress
  - Monitoring Tomcat; various tools
  - Building Reactive Applications on Tomcat
  - Troubleshooting performance using thread dumps
  - High Throughput Production Systems on Tomcat
  - Why I Love Open Source
  - Introduction to Spring Boot
  - Tomcat, TomEE, and Meecrowave

  If you are using Tomcat at $work and doing something interesting,
we'd love to hear about it.

7. You don't need to be the foremost expert in $feature to talk about it
8. We are actively looking for speakers to talk about these and other

  - How to get started hacking on Tomcat ("How can I help?")
  - Running a "split" Tomcat installation (BASE vs HOME) for easy
  - Deploying Tomcat in an auto-scaling environment (e.g. AWS EBS)
  - Tomcat should really have [Feature X]
  - Whatever you think might be interesting!

Please consider speaking if you haven't done so before. If you are
worried about whether your idea is good enough: don't. Just submit
your idea to the CFP -- you don't have to write-up the presentation in
order to submit an idea, just write a paragraph or two about what you
want to do -- and the track chairpersons (chairpeople?[1]) will decide
whether or not to include your presentation in the event. (And chances
are good that if you submit an idea it will be accepted.)

Please reply to the users list with any questions you may have about
ApacheCon, the Tomcat track, or submitting a talk proposal.

- -chris

On behalf of all ApacheCon 2020 Tomcat Track chairpersons


Looking for mod_proxy_ajp or mod_proxy_http users

2020-07-08 Thread Christopher Schultz
Hash: SHA256


I'm (likely) giving a presentation at this year's ApacheCon North
America (which is *virtual* this year, so the "North America" just
means "it was supposed to be in New Orleans in September" but anyone
can attend ... FOR FREE!) about migrating from mod_jk ->
mod_proxy_http and I'd like some feedback on my draft slides.

Is anyone using mod_proxy_ajp or mod_proxy_http in a production
setting and has a lot of experience with getting it all to work well?
My 20 years or so of experience with proxying to Tomcat has always
used mod_jk so I'm sure there are some obvious things I'm not thinking
about because mod_jk was designed to pretty much work right out of the

Feel free to contact me off-list so I can share what I've got and get
your feedback.

- -chris
Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird - https://www.enigmail.net/


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HTTP2:When does tomcat send continuous RST_STREAM with reason REFUSED _STREAM

2020-07-08 Thread Arshiya Shariff

What are the cases when tomcat sends RST_STREAM with reason REFUSED_STREAM 
continuously for every http2 request from the client ?
Also , In this case we did not see the max concurrent streams reaching 100.
Embedded Tomcat : 9.0.22

Thanks and Regards
Arshiya Shariff

Re: Monitoring Connections and Limits Thru HTTPD/mod_jk/Tomcat

2020-07-08 Thread Christopher Schultz
Hash: SHA256


On 7/7/20 18:32, Jerry Malcolm wrote:
> I going to assume that the reason I have apache httpd in there is
> 'because I always have had it there' is not going to go over well
> as a good reason, huh?

I mean... if you want to do more work and worry abot more resources,
free free to leave it in there. IMO the only reason to use httpd is if
you need something more complicated than what e.g. ELB can provide for
you. For example, classic ELB can't separate between two (or more)
applications running on each node under the same (external) hostname
and port. (Maybe Application Load Balancers can, but I haven't used them

So if you have /foo and /bar applications then you need a reverse
proxy in addition to the ELB.

Another reason might be some kind of authentication system which is
plugged-into httpd but is not possible (or inconvenient) to configure
in Tomcat.

> I used to use it to serve static files. But that is pretty much
> taken over by S3 now.  I still use it for the SSL stuff.

ELB can handle TLS termination. If you want to use TLS between ELB and
your Tomcat instances, there's no particular reason to use httpd for
that: just use NIO+OpenSSL and you'll have comparable performance.

> But that's primarily because it worked, and I hadn't yet learned
> how to set up SSL in TC.

It's "easy" in the sense that is't not much more complicated than
doing it anywhere else. If you are familiar with all the pieces and
parts, you just need to know how to configure them in Tomcat. The
complexity of the process is in the whole x509/CA relationship, etc.
and not configuring the server itself.

> It would definitely simplify things to get httpd out of the picture
> and go straight to Tomcat.  I'll start looking into trying that in
> a sandbox and see if we can't simplify things.  I still have to
> worry about maxing out connections.
> But an 'only-Tomcat' solution might ease a bit of the worries.
If you remove httpd, you should be cutting your connection count in
half, which I assume is a win for you.

> At least we can focus on one thing only.  Thanks for the info and
> the link.  I'll probably be back with more questions... :-)
Maybe start with configuring Tomcat for TLS. Modern Tomcats basically
just take this from httpd:

SSLProtocol [protocols]
SSLCertificateFile /path/to/key/and/cert/chain
SSLHonorCipherOrder On
SSLCipherSuite [cipher-suite-spec]

And turn it into this in Tomcat:




I'm not sure why both httpd and Tomcat's documentation say that having
a single file containing both the server's key and certificate is
"(NOT RECOMMENDED)". I see no security issues with that setup. You are
free to have separate files if you'd like. You can also use a keystore
to store your stuff but I find keystores to be cumbersome and like
PEM-encoded DER files better.

Leave httpd installed and configured, but just turn off the service
and maybe change the port number ELB is using to contact your server
(point it at :8080 instead of :80) and get Tomcat working. Once it's
working, you can start looking at monitoring.

Do you want to know how to monitor the instance so you can tell the
ELB when to auto-scale (up or down), or do you just want to "keep an
eye" on things so you can check to see if auto-scaling is "doing its job

- -chris

> On 7/7/2020 5:23 PM, Christopher Schultz wrote: Jerry,
> On 7/7/20 16:50, Jerry Malcolm wrote:
 I'm setting up an environment that has the potential for a
 large number of simultaneous requests coming in.   I have a
 basic Apache HTTPD with mod_jk talking to Tomcat, all on the
 same Amazon EC2 instance.  From my understanding, I have the
 potential of maxing out connections at httpd, at mod_jk, and
 also at Tomcat.
> Yes, and you'll also need enough file handles and ports available
> for all that. If one client-connection requires a connection to the
> web server (1 file handle, 1 port) and a connection from
> httpd->Tomcat (2 file handles, 2 ports), it may add up quickly.
> Are you sure you need httpd at all? I assume since you are AWS
> that you are using a load-balancer. What purpose does httpd serve
> in your setup?
 We are looking at setting up monitors to track all of this.
 But I don't want to reinvent the wheel if there are others
 who have created solutions for this.  Is there documentation
 on guidelines for configuring connections on all three so
 that they work together smoothly?
> The golden rule applies, here, but that mostly affects you when
> you have a multi-node cross-linked network like this:
> httpd 1 -\  /- Tomcat 1 httpd 2 -- Tomcat 2 httpd 3 -/  \-
> Tomcat 3
> You have to make sure that if for some reason ALL conecctions from
> ALL THREE web servers come-down on a SINGLE Tomcat node that it can
> handle that number of connections. Those numbers are sometimes
> surprising to people. If you have max-connections on each we