Re: Tomcat server not considering Mime Type - Request urgent help!!

2021-01-12 Thread Mounika Reddy
Pls check http response headers for the request to confirm if it's
returning proper headers.

Once they are in place then it may be to do with browser settings not
processing headers.

On Tue, Jan 12, 2021, 2:48 PM Jonnalagadda, Swathi (External) <> wrote:

> Hi Team
> We have an application deployed in tomcat9.0.38 server which generates an
> xls file dynamically and saves at server end. When we try to access the
> file using application frontend, it is neither showing up in excel format
> nor showing up pop up to save the file instead it is showing the content of
> xls file in xml format directly on the browser.
> Below mime type is set both at web.xml of webapplicatio end and as well as
> Tomcat9038/conf/web.xml
> xls
> application/
> Could you please help in resolving the issue ASAP
> Thanks
> Swathi

Re: Tomcat Displaying Login Page before redirecting to https

2021-01-12 Thread Jerry Malcolm


It definitely helped.  Works like a charm now.

I figure I only have about 10 more years of doing this stuff to start 
becoming reasonably educated in all of the ins and outs of tomcat.  The 
deeper I get, the more I realize how many issues and problems you folks 
have had to deal with and resolve over the years.  I really appreciate 
all of the help you and your team have been to me as I attempt to get 
everything working.


On 1/12/2021 1:49 AM, Mark Thomas wrote:

On 12/01/2021 00:45, Jerry Malcolm wrote:

On 1/11/2021 6:11 PM, Mark Thomas wrote:

On 12/01/2021 00:00, Jerry Malcolm wrote:

I have a standalone tomcat. TC is configured to redirect any port 80
requests to https/443.  It works fine on pages that aren't protected by
web.xml security constraints.  However, if a page is protected, the
login page appears while still in non-ssl http mode. For years, I've had
httpd sitting in front of TC handling the ssl stuff.  So this is new
territory for us.  Have we got something misconfigured or perhaps out of
order that is pushing the ssl redirect down in the process?

How have you configured the http -> https redirect?


Hi Mark, This is a snippit from my main web.xml file:;

     Protected Context


Hi Jerry,

I suspect the issue is how security constraints are merged. URL patterns
  in security constraints behave differently to URL patterns in Servlets
and Filters. For security constraints you take every constraint that
matches the URL pattern (and the HTTP method but I'm ignoring that for
simplicity) and merge them according to the rules in section 13.8.1. The
key part is:

"A security constraint that does not contain a user-data-constraint
shall combine with other user-data-constraint to cause the unprotected
connection type to be an accepted connection type."

To put it another way, if you want everything to redirect from http to
https, every security constraint needs to include a transport-guarantee



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Re: [OT] Join tables from different databases with tomcat datasource

2021-01-12 Thread Jerry Malcolm
The original question was about how to configure a tomcat datasource to 
connect to two separate databases on a single mysql query.  My confusion 
came from the fact that the urls I'm using in the resource definition in 
tomcat server.xml include the database name.  My original question 
assumed that I somehow needed to have a different datasource that 
referenced the other database and somehow use both datasources on one 
call.  I was not aware that I could override the database defined in the 
TC datasource with a different database.  So my question was indeed a 
Tomcat question and was not a sql question.  The responses evolved into 
sql after the original question was answered.

Thanks for the info.  I did get it to work.


On 1/12/2021 12:42 PM, Christopher Schultz wrote:


Marking as OP since this is really a question about databases.

On 1/11/21 14:15, Chris Cheshire wrote:
On Jan 11, 2021, at 1:19 PM, Jerry Malcolm  

I have a query that needs to access tables in two different 
databases on the same mysql instance.  I see how that can be done 
with the JOIN syntax in mysql.  But datasource pools reference a 
single database, correct?  I really need to 'join' two datasources 
for one sql call. I found info on doing this by embedding TC in the 
Spring framework.  But I was hoping to not have to do a major 
restructuring.  Is there a way to get a connection that attaches to 
two separate databases?

If the databases are on the same MySQL instance, just adjust the
grants for the user to be able to access tables in both datasources.


You will have to fully-qualify the table references in your queries 
like this:

FROM local_table lt
JOIN other_db.remote_table rt ON

Hope that helps,

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Tomcat server not considering Mime Type - Request urgent help!!

2021-01-12 Thread Jonnalagadda, Swathi (External)
Hi Team

We have an application deployed in tomcat9.0.38 server which generates an xls 
file dynamically and saves at server end. When we try to access the file using 
application frontend, it is neither showing up in excel format  nor showing up 
pop up to save the file instead it is showing the content of xls file in xml 
format directly on the browser.

Below mime type is set both at web.xml of webapplicatio end and as well as 


Could you please help in resolving the issue ASAP


Re: Bug report: Default TLS version needs to be greater then 1.1

2021-01-12 Thread Christopher Schultz


On 1/12/21 14:00, Aryeh Friedman wrote:

As of the latest upgrade of Safari Apple now gives a warning dialog if a
site uses https with TLS 1.0 or 1.1 (as per the NSA directive to
discontinue all use of said versions).

No directive from the US NSA. It's a recommendation. Apple and other 
browser vendors apply their own policies for this kind of thing. As of 
March 2020 (last year!), Firefox *disabled* TLSv1 and TLSv1.1 by 
default, then backed-off because apparently COVID-19 interferes with 
TLSv1.2 handshakes. Google deprecated those protocols a few months 
earlier and now they are disabled.

Tomcat 9.0.35 (the latest available via ports on FreeBSD) defaults to TLS
1.1 when SSLProtocol="TLS".

No, it doesn't. The default is to support TLSv1, TLSv1.1, TLSv1.2, and 

As per the above warning in Safari and the reason for it shouldn't 
Tomcat default to 1.2+ (I fixed it by adding 
sslEnabledProtocols="TLSv1.2" which as far I was able to determine

is not documented anywhere except for the following on StackOverflow:

It might surprise you to know that it's documented in Tomcat's user guide:

The sslEnabledProtocols attribute on a  was replaced a long 
time ago by the "protocols" attribute on an . It shoudl 
continue to work, but you are encouraged to use the new-style 
configuration as it's much more flexible and more obvious what's happening.

Note that the client is in full control of the client "hello" portion of 
the TLS handshake where it advertises the protocol versions it wants to 
use. If it doesn't advertise "TLSv1.2" then you probably won't get that 

What you have done is disable versions below TLSv1.2, which is why 
Safari doesn't complain. My guess is that Safari tries the lowest 
protocol it understands first instead of trying to connect using the 
latest version first, and you see this error.

To answer your question/statement about changing the default "protocols" 
to be TLSv1.2 (and not include the other protocols) in Tomcat, this is a 
choice for administrators to make. Changing the default may cause a lot 
of damage downstream.

That said, we should probably change the default for Tomcat 10+ to be 
"TLSv1.2". I'll raise that on the dev@ list.


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Bug report: Default TLS version needs to be greater then 1.1

2021-01-12 Thread Aryeh Friedman
As of the latest upgrade of Safari Apple now gives a warning dialog if a
site uses https with TLS 1.0 or 1.1 (as per the NSA directive to
discontinue all use of said versions).

Tomcat 9.0.35 (the latest available via ports on FreeBSD) defaults to TLS
1.1 when SSLProtocol="TLS".   As per the above warning in Safari and the
reason for it shouldn't Tomcat default to 1.2+ (I fixed it by adding
sslEnabledProtocols="TLSv1.2" which as far I was able to determine is not
documented anywhere except for the following on StackOverflow:

Aryeh M. Friedman, Lead Developer,

Re: [OT] Join tables from different databases with tomcat datasource

2021-01-12 Thread Christopher Schultz


Marking as OP since this is really a question about databases.

On 1/11/21 14:15, Chris Cheshire wrote:

On Jan 11, 2021, at 1:19 PM, Jerry Malcolm  wrote:

I have a query that needs to access tables in two different databases on the 
same mysql instance.  I see how that can be done with the JOIN syntax in mysql. 
 But datasource pools reference a single database, correct?  I really need to 
'join' two datasources for one sql call. I found info on doing this by 
embedding TC in the Spring framework.  But I was hoping to not have to do a 
major restructuring.  Is there a way to get a connection that attaches to two 
separate databases?

If the databases are on the same MySQL instance, just adjust the
grants for the user to be able to access tables in both datasources.


You will have to fully-qualify the table references in your queries like 

FROM local_table lt
JOIN other_db.remote_table rt ON

Hope that helps,

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FW: Tomcat Unable to disable TLSv1.1 in protocol="org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11NioProtocol"

2021-01-12 Thread Eric Lee

I'm running Tomcat on JRE 1.8.0_241-b07 on Solaris 5.11. Like many 
other people, I've failed to disable TLSv1, TLSv1.1 etc.

Here is a snippet of server.xml:


In fact, configuring any of these had absolutely no effect all and no message 
or error in catalina.out:




Tomcat continues to happily allow a TLS1 connection:

$ openssl s_client -connect