Specifying a Custom Authenticator Class

2021-10-01 Thread Jerry Malcolm
I need to write a custom BasicAuthenticator class to decode a 
specialized encoding of the authToken.  I have been scouring google for 
info.  I found one post where the answer included the statement:

"Extending from AuthenticatorBase is a great idea, and you can avoid 
Tomcat's standard authenticator by configuring your authenticator as a 
in your application's META-INF/context.xml file."

That is  precisely what I want to do. But I cannot find any 
documentation on how to configure a different authenticator class in a 
context.xml file.  I'm sure I'm just missing it, or I'm using totally 
incorrect words in the googe searches to find it.

Can someone please point me to the documentation for this?



Re: manager best practice

2021-10-01 Thread Christopher Schultz


On 9/28/21 06:52, Greg Huber wrote:


Are there any best practice notes for the manager app?

eg, if include the app in webapps I get a context on my site, do I 
create a long name for the folder (the url) to hide it?

eg folder called reallylongmanager1234567890

so I get http://xxx.site/reallylongmanager1234567890

Or is there a better way?

Hiding the name is just security-by-obscurity. But in this case, it's a 
useful one if you want to go through the effort. No script kiddie is 
going to scan the internet for host/reallylongmanager1234567890, they'll 
try host/manager and, getting a 404, will move-on to others.

At $work, we enable the RemoteAddrValve and make sure it only allows 
connections from localhost. It turns out this is the default these days, 
so I may adjust my build process to stop doing that explicitly. We also 
require authentication so local miscreants, if they exist, can't mess 
with our applications. Well, at least non-root miscreants. ;)

We also run everything through a reverse proxy (httpd) and only map our 
"real" web applications from the outside world into the back-end Tomcat 
notes. This is the real protection: you can't get to our manager from 
the outside world at all.


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Re: tomcat presentations on ApacheCon 2021

2021-10-01 Thread Christopher Schultz


On 9/27/21 16:21, Mark Thomas wrote:

On 27/09/2021 20:27, Усманов Азат Анварович wrote:

Hi everyone! Does anybody know where/when to find the  
video/audio/slides (if any) from the last weeks's tomcat track on 
ApacheCon 2021?Because I completely missed it last week.
  I'm assuming all of these would be added to tomcat presentations 
page http://tomcat.apache.org/presentations.html or  
https://www.youtube.com/c/ApacheTomcatOfficial/videos at some point in 
time.I'm in no rush , just wanna make sure  I haven't missed anything 
which could be useful on a  daily basis. Especialy considering the 
fact that  I've had a few aha ("I wish I'd knew this earlier") type  
moments after watching  tomcat presentations before.

The conference team has a few hundred videos to process. They should 
start to appear over the next few weeks. Mine was pretty much the same 
as the one from ApacheCon Asia which is already available.


Also the team who processes those videos are all at another conference 
this week, so nothing has yet been done for ApacheCon.

I'm the track chair, and I'll be helping to get the Tomcat-related talks 
up on YouTube as soon as possible.


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Re: How can I set the version of sessionId cookie which tomcat send to the client to 0?

2021-10-01 Thread Christopher Schultz

Kuang Neu,

On 9/25/21 04:48, Yi Kuang Niu wrote:

As is known,when the client accesses the server, the server will create a 
session and send the sessionId (in the form of cookie) to the client.But these 
days,I met a problem.I found the IE11 browser doesn’t support cookie if the 
cookie version is 1.In client side,every time a new request is sent to the 
server,tomcat will always set a new sessionId as cookie.But when I simulate 
manually as tomcat to send the sessionId(cookie version is 0) to client in 
IE11,the session works well,and the problem above didn't exist.Therefore,how 
can I set the configuration of tomcat to ensure it will always send the version 
0 cookie of sessionId to client?
I would be much grateful if you could help me solve this problem.Looking 
forward to hearing from you!

Could this be your issue?


If not, maybe you can give us some more information?

- Tomcat version
- Contents of cookie which is ignored
- URL you are trying to access (specifically, protocol and whether the 
hostname matches any domain that might be a part of the cookie)

I'm using Tomcat 8.5 and I don't get a v1 cookie. I get:

Set-Cookie JSESSIONID=[id]; Path=/context; HttpOnly; SameSite=Lax

I have manually set SameSite=Lax due to my own requirements. No version. 
No domain. Nothing funny.

Does anybody really use MSIE 11?


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Re: Tomcat 9.0.52 http2 flow control issues

2021-10-01 Thread Mark Thomas

On 20/09/2021 07:28, Mark Thomas wrote:

On 10/09/2021 11:42, Mark Thomas wrote:

Hi Erik,

Thanks for the report. I'm looking at this now.

I'm testing with a simple index page that references 3 largish images 
(~6MB each).

I've found an issue with HTTP/2, sendfile and StackOverflowExcpetion 
that I have a local fix for.

With that fix in place, I can see a flow control issue. Somehow, a 
stream is getting a larger allocation from the connection control 
window than the stream control window. That leads to some internal 
values having unexpected (negative) values and things quickly escalate 
to the connection closing abruptly from there. I'm currently looking 
into how this happens.

I'm not sure if I am seeing a different issue to you or just a 
different symptom of the same issue. I'll keep the thread updated with 

I found the root cause - there were further concurrency issues in the 
connection flow control window management. I've refactored the code to 
simplify the approach and (hopefully) make it more robust. I am no 
longer able to recreate the issue I was seeing.

The fixes will be in the October release round. If anyone would like to 
test this sooner than that, you can build from source or I can make a 
test build available on request.

The 9.0.54 release vote is in progress. If you'd like to test this, 
details of where to get the files are on 9.0.54 VOTE thread on the dev 
list. (Note: Only if the VOTE passes is this an official release. Until 
then it is made available for testing purposes only). There will be 
announcement on this list if the VOTE passes and the release becomes 
official. If all goes well, that should be early next week.


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