Re: Admin password for Tomcat

2023-12-28 Thread Jerry Malcolm


On 12/28/2023 3:38 PM, Christopher Schultz wrote:


On 12/27/23 02:13, Jerry Malcolm wrote:
I implemented the filter as you suggested.  But I guess I'm going to 
need some education on sessions.  Down in a user profile web page I 
have a button to "Impersonate".

I'm with you so far.

I create the GenericPrincipal object and store it in the session.  
I've checked several times, and every time I come back to that code, 
the attribute is set in the session object.

Good. When you do that, do you remove the "real" user's 
GenericPrincipal object from the session? Or are they both in there?
Sorry... lost you on that one.  I am just setting a custom 
"GenericPrincipal" attribute named "impersonatedPrincipal" in the 
session when a user clicks the "Impersonate" button on the web page.  In 
my understanding, at this point I'm just 'telling' the session that on 
subsequent requests in the custom filter, here's a principal object that 
I want to insert.  I also noted in your early example that you stored a 
'User' class as the attribute in the session, not a GenericPrincipal.  I 
couldn't find a "User" class.  So I just used GenericPrincipal, since 
that was what I will insert in the request object in the filter.

Remember that if Tomcat is going to enforce your authentication and 
authorization constraints, your Filter will run after that, and Tomcat 
and your application will disagree over which user is currently 
I'm not removing the real principal from anything.  Not sure how to do 
that?  in HttpSession?  in HttpRequest?  I assumed returning my new 
GenericPrincipal in the RequestFacade would override any other code 
asking for the principal.  How do I go about removing the real principal?

But when I put breakpoint in my new Filter object and look in the
session, no attribute.  It's a different session object from what I
can tell.

That's weird.

When you say "every time I come back to that code, the attribute is 
set in the session" ... what code are you taking about?
The filter's 'version' of the session doesn't have the 
"impersonatedPrincipal" attribute set (it doesn't have any attributes 
set).  But after clicking Impersonate, hitting the breakpoint, and 
watching the session attribute get set, I hit F5 to refresh the page.  
The filter breakpoint again doesn't have the attribute.  But if I click 
"Impersonate" again and hit that breakpoint the "impersonatedPrincipal" 
session attribute exists in the session.

I really thought I understood session objects.  I thought there was 
only one session object throughout the processing of a servlet.

Yes, if s/servlet/request/.

But I'm obviously missing something in the flows.  Why is there a
different session object in the filter than in the main body of the
servlet?  I did the getSession(false) as you suggested.  The session
object is not null.  It just doesn't have the attribute set. Yet if
I hit the Impersonate button again and hit the breakpoint, the
GenericPrincipal attribute is sitting in the session just as I placed
it earlier.
If the difference between when Tomcat evaluates e.g. user-roles versus 
when your application does won't explain what's happening, we might 
need to see some code.


Other than a loop that builds a Roles vector, these are the two lines 
that create the session attribute when the "Impersonate" button is clicked.

GenericPrincipal newPrincipal = new GenericPrincipal( getUserName(),
roles );
"impersonatedPrincipal", newPrincipal );

And this is the filter:

  PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();

  HttpSession session = 

  if(session != null)
 final GenericPrincipal impersonatedPrincipal = 
(GenericPrincipal) session.getAttribute("impersonatedPrincipal");

 if (impersonatedPrincipal != null)
    System.out.println( "Impersonating");
    request = new 

   public Principal getUserPrincipal()
  return impersonatedPrincipal;
  chain.doFilter(request, response);

I feel like I'm right on top of the solution.  But I just can't seem to 
get over the finish line. Thanks for you help.


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Re: Admin password for Tomcat

2023-12-28 Thread Christopher Schultz


On 12/27/23 02:13, Jerry Malcolm wrote:
I implemented the filter as you suggested.  But I guess I'm going to 
need some education on sessions.  Down in a user profile web page I have 
a button to "Impersonate".

I'm with you so far.

I create the GenericPrincipal object and 
store it in the session.  I've checked several times, and every time I 
come back to that code, the attribute is set in the session object.

Good. When you do that, do you remove the "real" user's GenericPrincipal 
object from the session? Or are they both in there?

Remember that if Tomcat is going to enforce your authentication and 
authorization constraints, your Filter will run after that, and Tomcat 
and your application will disagree over which user is currently logged-in.

But when I put breakpoint in my new Filter object and look in the
session, no attribute.  It's a different session object from what I
can tell.

That's weird.

When you say "every time I come back to that code, the attribute is set 
in the session" ... what code are you taking about?

really thought I understood session objects.  I thought there was only 
one session object throughout the processing of a servlet.

Yes, if s/servlet/request/.

But I'm obviously missing something in the flows.  Why is there a
different session object in the filter than in the main body of the
servlet?  I did the getSession(false) as you suggested.  The session
object is not null.  It just doesn't have the attribute set.  Yet if
I hit the Impersonate button again and hit the breakpoint, the
GenericPrincipal attribute is sitting in the session just as I placed
it earlier.
If the difference between when Tomcat evaluates e.g. user-roles versus 
when your application does won't explain what's happening, we might need 
to see some code.


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Re: [EXT] Datadog _ JMX Integration facing connection issues.

2023-12-28 Thread Christopher Schultz

Sai Vamsi,

On 12/27/23 04:12, Bodavula, Sai Vamsi Mohan Krishna (TR Technology) wrote:

Hello chris,

thanks for adding a point and I may have missed your email.

below is some of the points, which showed me how tomcat is being started in my 

   *     Line  19: INFO  [main][2023-12-27 09:00:38,983] - 
 - Tomcat initialized with port(s): 9109 (http) 10109 (http)

  Line  21: INFO  [main][2023-12-27 09:00:39,008] - 
org.apache.juli.logging.DirectJDKLog.log( - Starting 
service [Tomcat]
  Line  22: INFO  [main][2023-12-27 09:00:39,009] - 
org.apache.juli.logging.DirectJDKLog.log( - Starting 
Servlet engine: [Apache Tomcat/9.0.75]
  Line 134: INFO  
org.springframework.boot.web.embedded.tomcat.TomcatWebServer.start:Line 220 - 
Tomcat started on port(s): 9109 (http) 10109 (http) with context path 

to launch tomcat, we are not using any command here, I am trying to build my 
code to an image, making some helm chart out of it, using helm chart to install 
in my AKS containers.

This may be the first time you mentioned Spring.

I don't know if Spring uses any of those environment variables for 
anything at all.

You may need to consult the Spring documentation to see how best to set 
all of those JVM parameters.


From: Christopher Schultz 
Sent: Thursday, December 14, 2023 20:33
Subject: Re: [EXT] Datadog _ JMX Integration facing connection issues.

Sai Vamsi,

On 12/14/23 00:26, Bodavula, Sai Vamsi Mohan Krishna (TR Technology) wrote:

Hai Chuck.,
Thanks for jumping in.,

thats what my concern is.
as previously added by Chris, I have added my annotations in Catalina_opts ., 
Which is preferred by Java_Process for adding the annotations., But Here by 
using catalina_opts., they are not reflecting.

where as adding them in java-tool-options., Makes a process with Tomcat and a 
process that listens on the mentioned port., but throws port is already 
binded., as its an environment variable, its already looking for a port, where 
as its already created., throws binding error.

Yesterday ., I thought of adding both the formats, adding java_tool_opts and 
Catalina opts., inorder to utilize the previous thigns., as below

value: {{ .Values.deployment.javaVMMemoryArgument }}

  - name: POD_IP
fieldPath: status.podIP
value: >-
  -Xms2048M -Xmx10240M

Java_tool_opts are as : -XX:+UseStringDeduplication -XX:+UseContainerSupport

just added to initiate a JMX process.,

but nothing is working out.,
I would like to request you for further inputs

How are you launching Tomcat itself? Are you using or
something similar, or do you use some kind of embedded-launch?

It sounds to me like using CATALINA_OPTS is causing Tomcat not to start
at all. If you use JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS (which Tomcat ignores), Tomcat will
start but won't initialize JMX in the way you want it to.

The solution is to look at the log files that are produced when Tomcat
launches (or fails to launch). Are you able to observe those?

It would be great to see the exact command Helm (or whatever) uses to
attempt to launch Tomcat, and then the stdout/stderr of that attempt.

The diagnostic messages shown when a JVM refuses to start are usually
pretty good. Same thing with Tomcat, though Tomcat usually starts even
if e.g. no connectors are successfully started because there is no
actual requirement for Tomcat to listen to any ports.


From: Chuck Caldarale 
Sent: Thursday, December 14, 2023 00:28
To: Tomcat Users List 
Subject: Re: [EXT] Datadog _ JMX Integration facing connection issues.

On Dec 13, 2023, at 10:36, Bodavula, Sai Vamsi Mohan Krishna (TR Technology) 

as you just asked .,
I do have a process with Catalina.

root@lab1workflow4scalsvc2zus1-deployment-659dd79df7-wg59g:/# netstat -tulpn
Active Internet connections (only servers)
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address   Foreign Address State   
PID/Program name
tcp6   0  0 :::34753:::*LISTEN