Tomcat 6.0.14 and Eclipse 3.3

2008-01-21 Thread Alec Bickerton
I've been seeing some unusual behaviour when staring eclipse from the 
server tab.

When I start tomcat the server tab never reports that tomcat as started. 
It always appears as either stopped or starting...

The server is actually running an I'm able to use the installed webapps 
and do debugging so this is not a blocker for me. It is however, a 
little annoying.

Does anyone know a workaround for this. I've seen a few reports about 
this on the Internet, but no useful suggestions.

On other thing, under MyEclipse 6; (same workspace and launch config) 
this issue does not appear. The server starts up and shows started. in 
the server tab.

Is it likely to be an eclipse problem, tomcat 5.5 did start correctly.

Server launch config...
Program arguments:

VM arguments:
-Djava.library.path=C:/Develop/Java/JDK6/bin;C:/Develop/Tomcat6_14/bin -Dcatalina.base=C:/Develop/Tomcat6_14 
-Djava.endorsed.dirs=C:/Develop/Tomcat6_14/common/endorsed -Xmx512m -XX:+AggressiveOpts 
-XX:+UseParallelGC -XX:+Inline 

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Tomcat 6 and tomcat native

2007-09-07 Thread Alec Bickerton

I've been looking at tomcat 6 and have seen a notification that my
tc-native was out of date.

07.09.2007 13:06:05 org.apache.catalina.core.AprLifecycleListener init
INFO: An older version 1.1.9 of the Apache Tomcat Native library is
installed, while Tomcat recommends version greater then 1.1.10

Normal startup follows

My question is, where do I find this mythical beast?

The latest version on
is the version I'm using 1.1.9.


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Tomcat native.

2007-08-08 Thread Alec Bickerton


I've only recently returned to using tomcat since tomcat 4.0.1 and I 
note that things have moved on somewhat. I'm currently working with the 
Tomcat 5.5.xx line. I would like to know is :

What exactly is the advantage of using the tomcat-native library?

I work with some fairly large Linux cluster, that typically have more 
than 2 tomcat instances for physical server. These machines have a large 
number of request and use a significant amount of RAM as you'd expect.

The Web page states.
Advanced IO functionality, OS level functionality and Native process 
handling .

Which is all very good, but it doesn't tell me what I need to know in 
order the convince the people higher up the food chain, to at using it.
From the testing I've done, performance difference is marginal at best 
and memory usage is virtually the same as without.

What real world impact will this have on applications that don't use 
OpenSSL, but do need lots of thread and lots of memory.


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