Re: how to block the duplicated requests?

2015-05-19 Thread Andr?? Warnier

David kerber wrote:

On 5/19/2015 8:09 AM, javalishixml wrote:

Just understood you. Really appreciate for your feedback.

How do we judge it's a robot?
item1: we find the request IP is always the same one.
item2: our page may contains several keep-alive connections. But the 
attack connection only focus on connection.

Based on these 2 items, we think the client is a robot.

I think maybe putting these 2 items together to consider it as a robot 
is a bit complex. Let's do it from the simple point.
If we alway find there is a same IP request our website the same url 
for many times, can I block this request at httpd level?

Yes, it's easy to block a request from a specific IP address.  You can 
do it either with httpd, or further upstream at your firewall.  I don't 
use httpd, so can't help you with the specific instructions on how to do 
it, but I know it's not difficult.

See here :

Also maybe read this :


At 2015-05-19 20:01:00, David kerber wrote:

On 5/19/2015 7:53 AM, javalishixml wrote:

I doubt you're going to be able to do this in httpd, unless you 
have a very simple, straight forward way of identifying the robots.
Yes. I just want to have a way to block the duplicated requests at 
httpd level. After all, my website has to face the the big 
concurrency issue.

I understand that's what you want.  What we're telling you is that you
probably won't be able to do that.

Let me ask the question again, that Chris asked before:  how do you tell
that a given request is from a robot?

The answer to that question will determine if you can block it with 

At 2015-05-19 19:35:26, David kerber wrote:

On 5/19/2015 1:03 AM, javalishixml wrote:

Thanks a lot for your information.

This solution is based on tomcat level.  If I always handle this 
issue at java level, I'm afraid it has performance issue. Because 
this web site afford a very big concurrency access.

Taking a consideration on its basic architect tomcat+apache, I 
think the best way to move this solution from tomcat to apache. So 
do you have some good solution at apache's configuration?  I 
understand this is a mail list for tomcat.. but just want to get 
any information

I doubt you're going to be able to do this in httpd, unless you have a
very simple, straight forward way of identifying the robots.


At 2015-05-19 04:00:28, Christopher Schultz wrote:

Hash: SHA256

To whom it may concern,

On 5/18/15 11:44 AM, javalishixml wrote:

I have a website. It is built by apache + tomcat.

Now we make a lottery activity at this website. But we find that
some robots always raise the duplicated requests to hit this
lottery activity. It causes that robots almost get all the awards.

So we just want to block these kind of duplicated requests at every
interval unit. For example, we set the interval unit is 3 seconds.
The if the robot want to hit the lottery activity in 3 seconds, the
website could block this action.

So how to do it? I suppose if we do it at tomcat level, is it a
very low performance? Can I do it at apache level? how to do it? If
I could not do it apache level, can I do it by setting sth at

If you have a way to identify a duplicate request (e.g. using a
fingerprint of the request that you can check during that 3-second
interval), then this is conceptually very easy.

It may not be great for performance, but you'll have to weigh that
against your own requirements. (For example, which is worse: poor
performance, or a site where only robots ever win the lottery?)

This will not be something you can configure in Apache httpd or
Tomcat. This will have to be an application thing (unless you can
describe the fingerprint technique to some httpd module such as
mod_security or mod_qos and then allow it to discard duplicates).

Back to the solution:

1. Take a fingerprint of the request
2. Lookup the fingerprint in a database of previous requests
 ( fingerprint - latest timestamp )
3. If the fingerprint appears in your database and the timestamp is
less than 3 seconds ago, discard the request
4. Otherwise, store the current timestamp and fingerprint in the 


For a database, I might recommend something like memcached or 
in-memory-style database. An in-memory key-value store is really 

you are looking for. Memcached has a nice feature where values can
automatically time-out (e.g. they are invalid after 3 seconds), 
so you
can make your application code a bit simpler because you'll never 

a value in the database that is not valid.

Hope that helps,
- -chris
Version: GnuPG v2
Comment: GPGTools -


Re: how to convert https to http by using mod_jk

2015-04-28 Thread Andr?? Warnier

chenk818 wrote:

Hi Warnier: Thank you for your reply??I always thought there was AJPs,now I 
understood?? but there's another question: In configuration 7, if the backend 
tomcat provide both http and https,which protocal will be used?Is it determined 
by httpd's protocol?

Take a look at the standard Tomcat server.xml configuration file.
There are 3 Connector defined there (2 are commented-out).  Each of these Connectors 
accepts connections (and requests) for one protocol.

It is the client which chooses to which port (Connector) it connects.

In a configuration like

browser - HTTP - Apache httpd + mod_jk - AJP - Tomcat AJP Connector - 
Tomcat webapp

the Tomcat client is Apache httpd + mod_jk.
It is thus Apache httpd + mod_jk which chooses to which port of Tomcat it connects (by 
default, 8009), and which protocol it uses (in this case, always AJP).

(Look at the settings for mod_jk, in Apache).

In a configuration like

browser - HTTP/HTTPS - Apache httpd + mod_proxy_ajp - AJP - Tomcat AJP Connector - 
Tomcat webapp

the Tomcat client is Apache httpd + mod_proxy_ajp.
It is thus Apache httpd + mod_proxy_ajp which chooses to which port of Tomcat it 
connects (by default, 8009), and which protocol it uses (in this case also, always AJP).

(Look at the settings for mod_proxy_ajp, in Apache).

Imagine this analogy :

There is a company in Germany which makes motorbikes and sells them to clients in the 
whole world.  The factory is in Germany, and there are the workers making the motorbikes. 
The workers speak only German.

For international clients to call, there are 3 telephone numbers :
- on telephone number 8080, there is a lady speaking English and German
- on telephone number 8443, there is a lady speaking Chinese and German
- on telephone number 8009, there is a lady speaking Italian and German

Each of these ladies can take a call in the language that she knows, and translate the 
customer wishes to German, for the factory workers.

If a Chinese client calls on number 8009, the lady there will not understand what he says, 
and he will get no motorbike.  But if he calls the number 8443, the lady will understand 
him; she will relay his order properly to the factory, in German; and the client will get 
his motorbike.

The factory is Tomcat; the factory workers are the webapps; the ladies are the 
Connector's; the Connector ladies translate the customer calls from their language 
(HTTP, HTTPS or AJP) into a HttpServletRequest that the webapps understand.
The factory workers do not need to speak English (HTTP), Chinese (HTTPS) or Italian (AJP), 
because they always get the requests in German (HttpServletRequest), as translated by the 
appropriate Connector.

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Re: tomcat7's welcome-file-list seems not to work fine on my server

2014-09-30 Thread Andr?? Warnier

?? wrote:

Here is my env:
Server version: Apache Tomcat/7.0.47
Server built:   Oct 18 2013 01:07:38
Server number:
OS Name:Linux
OS Version: 2.6.32-358.el6.x86_64
Architecture:   amd64
JVM Version:1.6.0_20-b02
JVM Vendor: Sun Microsystems Inc.

The problem:
my application layout:


root, or ROOT ?  (case matters)


and In $CATALINA_BASE/conf/web.xml, a welcome-file-list was defined as:

I didn't mapping any servlet on the /bar.
So when I request,
it was mapped to the default servlet, and get a 302 response.()
Like this:
#curl -v
* About to connect() to port 8080 (#0)
*   Trying connected
* Connected to ( port 8080 (#0)

GET /bar HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: curl/7.19.7 (x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu) libcurl/7.19.7 NSS/ 
zlib/1.2.3 libidn/1.18 libssh2/1.4.2
Accept: */*

 HTTP/1.1 302 Found
 Server: Apache-Coyote/1.1
 Transfer-Encoding: chunked
 Date: Tue, 30 Sep 2014 07:27:19 GMT
* Connection #0 to host left intact

* Closing connection #0

But when I further make a request to the . A 404 was 
responsed, like
#curl -v
* About to connect() to port 8080 (#0)
*   Trying connected
* Connected to ( port 8080 (#0)

GET /bar/ HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: curl/7.19.7 (x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu) libcurl/7.19.7 NSS/ 
zlib/1.2.3 libidn/1.18 libssh2/1.4.2
Accept: */*

 HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
 Server: Apache-Coyote/1.1
 Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
 Content-Language: en
 Content-Length: 949
 Date: Tue, 30 Sep 2014 07:27:22 GMT
* Connection #0 to host left intact

* Closing connection #0

I suggest that the /bar/index.jsp should be responsed for the welcome file 
But why i get a 404?

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Re: [OT] Tomcat bug 53814 - PDF plugin in IE cannot download correctly

2012-10-17 Thread Andr?? Warnier

Mark Thomas wrote:

On 16/10/2012 18:54, David Wall wrote:

By the way, the web.xml change we made was suggested in the bug report
and seems to resolve it for our IE site visitors.

Glad to head that disabling support for range requests works. That seems
like a reasonable short-term workaround until someone experiencing this
error contacts Adobe.

This is not exactly the same issue, but I thought I'd share this.
Just to give one an idea of what one is up against (and maybe also the 
difference between
open-source and not-open-source)

I found this while searching Google for things related to :
Adobe Reader plugin +Range +boundary.

Summary :
- an issue between IIS 7.5 and Adobe Reader plugin, related to byteranges, made 
impossible to retrieve PDFs
- first reported on Sep 21 2009
- it took MS until Dec 12 2009 (2 months) to come up with an explanation that 
the problem
was in the Adobe plugin
- MS hotfix released March 21 2010 (6 months later), in which they apparently 
that the problem was theirs after all
- as far as I can tell Adobe never did anything

And here is another similar issue on an Adobe forum:
- first reported Jan 12 2012
- fix released by Adobe on April 26 2012 (3.5 months later), after strong 
pressure from
some very large organisations (e.g., Citibank)

And I'll note that the present thread was opened yesterday, and at least a 
workaround was
provided the same day. And the original bug #53814 took 3 days to be tackled.

I wouldn't raise my hopes too high about Adobe ever fixing the underlying bug 
in the
plugin though.

It seems it is not only the banks that should be broken up before they get too 
big to
fail.  I would suggest that one also includes large dominant software companies.

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