Tomcat5.5 init script on FC4 revisited

2006-02-22 Thread Bob Hartung

Hi all,
  I have modified a file from Warren Pace.  After running, I can ps ax 
| grep jsvc and have two pids but trying to http://localhost:8080 gives 
a refusal.  I have checked the log files and there is no entry.  If I 
try to start with the file everygthing works including 
running the shell script as either root or user tomcat.  I have 
reproduced portions of the file below.  This file is written for SuSE 
and I am running FC4.  I do not find checkproc on the fedora site.

  Any and all suggestions appreciated.

 begin file ---
# Copyright (c) 2005 Warren Pace, Charleston, SC, USA
# init.d script for Apache-Tomcat ver 5.5.12
# For Open SuSE Linux ver 10.0
# Free for all - Use at your own risk
# Author:  Warren Pace [EMAIL PROTECTED]
# /etc/init.d/tomcat5




#. /etc/rc.status

if [ ! -x ${JSVC_BIN} ]; then
echo -n $2 Cannot Run Tomcat as a jsvc daemon, ${JSVC_BIN} is not
#   rc_status -s
exit 5

case $1 in
# Start Tomcat
echo -n Starting Tomcat 5.5.12 Servlet Engine 
#   checkproc on installed on FC4 (?)
#   checkproc -p ${PID_FILE} ${JSVC_BIN}
#   case $? in
#   0) echo -n - Warning: daemon already running.  ;;
#   1) echo -n - Warning: ${PID_FILE} exists.  ;;
#   esac
$DAEMON_HOME/bin/jsvc \
-user $TOMCAT_USER \
-home $JAVA_HOME \
-Dcatalina.home=$CATALINA_HOME \
-Dcatalina.base=$CATALINA_BASE \
-Dcatalina.tmpdir=$CATALINA_TMPDIR \$TMP_DIR \
-wait 10 \
-pidfile $PID_FILE \
-outfile $CATALINA_HOME/logs/catalina.out \
-errfile '1' \
-Xms64M -Xmx128M \
org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap \
#-verbose \
#-debug \
chown -R -H --dereference tomcat:tomcat $CATALINA_HOME/*
chown -R -H --dereference tomcat:tomcat $CATALINA_BASE/*
#   rc_status -v

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Tomcat5.15 basic setup question

2006-02-12 Thread Bob Hartung

Hi all,
  I am new to java and Tomcat.
  I have the following situation:
 FC4 server behind PIX box.  Internal address 10.x.x.x.
 Outside address resolves to mirc.[website].[suffix]

  I have deployed a java application called MIRC and it works fine at 
the server console.
  From the same network, I can access all functions with 
  From the outside world I can access the main page with 

  The problem is when I select a function on the entry page that sends 
me to another jsp in the application.  Because the application suggested 
that i hard code the local address, 10.x.x.x, when I do try to access 
another page the url is returned as, for instance. cannot resolve.

  I though of changing the address in server.xml to localhost:8080 but 
that too will not resolve from the outside world.

  My question is were if the mass of documentation for Tomcat should I 
start looking for the answer of how to configure this so it will work 
both from within my office and from the outside world?

Thanks for pointers!


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Re: Tomcat5.15 basic setup question

2006-02-12 Thread Bob Hartung

 Think I have it.  I'll test it out tomorrow.


Parsons Technical Services wrote:


Not a very good application if they are doing that. Hard coding things 
such as IP addresses is just asking for headaches.

I take it that you have a link or a button with an action that is 
sending you to the desired page.
Remove the; and simply leave the 
Login in place. If you need to move up a step on the content you can 
use ../ in front of the desire destination or add the folder to move 
down a level.

Now to unravel the confusion.
If at the root of the app:
href=test.jsp will link you to the jsp page test in the root of the app.
href=night/select.jsp will link you to the select jsp in the folder 
called night that is in the root.
Once in the night folder and you need to link to something in the root 
then use:


The same works for actions on forms.


- Original Message - From: Bob Hartung [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Tomcat Users
Sent: Sunday, February 12, 2006 11:24 PM
Subject: Tomcat5.15 basic setup question

Hi all,
  I am new to java and Tomcat.
  I have the following situation:
 FC4 server behind PIX box.  Internal address 10.x.x.x.
 Outside address resolves to mirc.[website].[suffix]

  I have deployed a java application called MIRC and it works fine at 
the server console.
  From the same network, I can access all functions with 
  From the outside world I can access the main page with 

  The problem is when I select a function on the entry page that sends 
me to another jsp in the application.  Because the application 
suggested that i hard code the local address, 10.x.x.x, when I do try 
to access another page the url is returned as, for instance. cannot resolve.

  I though of changing the address in server.xml to localhost:8080 but 
that too will not resolve from the outside world.

  My question is were if the mass of documentation for Tomcat should I 
start looking for the answer of how to configure this so it will work 
both from within my office and from the outside world?

Thanks for pointers!


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Tomcat5 and supporting files

2006-01-12 Thread Bob Hartung

Hi all,
  I need direction to an information repository that will explain what 
I need to do to get java-1.5.0 and tomcat5 installed and running and 
then allow installation of MIRC software, that requires tomcat5 on 
jvm-1.5.0 for the newer version.

  I have spent nearly two weeks of off ours (read evenings and 
weekends) .  I still have a huge number of issues.  In the latest 
attempt, I have done the following:

1.  reinstalled FC4 as a clean install wiping all HD.
2.  updated FC4 with a simple yum update
3.  downloaded java-1.5.0-sun and rebuilt the rpms per Peter Horwarths 

4.  installed the java-1.5.0 rpms with yum installlocal *.rpm while in
5.  Installed tomcat5 with yum --enablerepo=jpackage* install tomcat5
6.  I was then able to go to http://localhost:8080 and get the tomcat page
7.  I then installed the MIRC software - which seemed to go okay,
but refused connections then I tried to go to http://localhost:8080.

I am not a Java programmer and am new to Tomcat.  Is there a concise 
information sheet on how to set this up with rpms, especially with yum 
or should I just shuck it and go with the tar.gz, which I have 
successfully used before but which are harder to upgrade?  I am about to 
wipe this computer and reinstall again so i have a clean starting field, 
but do not wish to invest any more time in dead-end goose chases.



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rebuild-jar-repository error

2006-01-12 Thread Bob Hartung

I have installed tomcat5, with java

Now trying to start tomcat5 I get this in the output followed by an [OK]

  /usr/bin/rebuild-jar-repository error all detected jars were not 
found for this jvm.

I am not sure what to read at this point.



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Re: rebuild-jar-repository error

2006-01-12 Thread Bob Hartung

  I downloaded the sun tarball, the tomcat5 tarball and had both 
installed in less than 5 minutes.  Tomcat5 tested fine with $JAVA_HOME 
defined in /etc/profile.
 I was the able to install the MIRC storage service in an additional 5 

 Now, I may have upgrade problems but after days of fruitless attemtps 
at making this work with the rpms from jpackage and home build rpms 
following expert advice, I am just glad to see that the case repository 
service actually works and I can start to learn it.  As this is a test 
setup, i will continue try and get it going on a different machine with 
rpms but at a much slower pace.


Ghislain Bob Hachey wrote:

I'm having the exact same problems.  I also reinstalled FC4, jdk 1.5.05
and tomcat 5...still same problem.  I'm tired of this so I'm gonna try
NOT using the rpms.  Good luck.


On Thu, 2006-01-12 at 21:22 -0600, Bob Hartung wrote:

I have installed tomcat5, with java

Now trying to start tomcat5 I get this in the output followed by an [OK]

  /usr/bin/rebuild-jar-repository error all detected jars were not 
found for this jvm.

I am not sure what to read at this point.



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