You can retrieve the timestamp via File.lastModified(): pass that to a Date object to get a human-readable value:

        new java.util.Date( new"/path/to/file").lastModified()))

Output that in a scriptlet to see it on the page (there may be tags to handle the file lookup and date conversion/formatting to avoid scriptlets);

At 01:24 PM 12/15/2005, Saha Rabindra N wrote:
Hi All,
 Can anyone give me some idea about following ::
I have two source code folders in Unix for a tomcat webapps. I need to pick up the most recent timestamp of the files out of those two folders.

I need the most recent timestamp value in form of Date which will be shown in a web page as
Last Update On : <timestamp value>

Can you tell me how do I do it in Java.

Thanks for help.


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