RE: session trakking in jsp or in Bean

2006-01-12 Thread Fredrik Rubensson

> Marju wrote:
>  I want to track a session of an input a user enter in my jsp page.The
jsp page 
>is using a bean to execute sql queries.That works wel.
>  My question is it advisable to track the session in the jsp page or
in the 
>Bean.Which is better

I am not sure I follow you here. There is a session object you can get
from the request that makes it possible tostore data through several
request in the same session. request.getSession().setAttribute("akey",
anObject) to set session attributes.
request.getSession().getAttribute("akey") to get attributes. If you have
users that log in and out you probably should set some user identifying
info in the session and a filter to makes sure that the user is logged
in for certain requests. 


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RE: java.lang.Class.getResourceAsStream() throws ClassCastException

2006-01-11 Thread Fredrik Rubensson

> During initilization of my c3p0 connection pool by hibernate the below
> exception occurs. The exception causes a failure in the c3p0
initilization and 
> thus hibernate and my application.
> Does anyone know what might cause this behavour?

Seems like it is the catalina class loader that fails to cast an object
into a 
org.apache.naming.resources.FileDirContext. I checked the latest source
of this class and there is no FileDirContext in WebappClassLoader. From
the stack I am guessing that there are class namse in property files
that are loaded dynamically. Maybe something is wrong in those property

What version of tomcat are you using? (Assuming that you are using
tomcat that is. Catalina code seem to be involved somehow.) I am not
sure if I can help you any further but the folks that can will surely be
happy for some details about tomcat versions, platform and so on.


The stack trace --

at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0
(Native Method)
at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance
at sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance
at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance
at com.jsportal.projectportal._config.(
at com.jsportal.projectportal.applicationConfig.
at com.jsportal.projectportal.web.webApplicationConfig.
at com.jsportal.projectportal.web.ApplicationStartupServlet.init
at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapper.load
at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext.loadOnStartup
at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext.start
at org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.start
at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHost.start
at org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.start
at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardEngine.start
at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardService.start
at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardServer.start
at org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina.start(
at org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina.execute
at org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina.process
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke
at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
at org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap.main
Caused by: java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError
at com.mchange.v2.c3p0.PoolConfig.(
at org.hibernate.connection.C3P0ConnectionProvider.configure
at org.hibernate.cfg.SettingsFactory.createConnectionProvider
at org.hibernate.cfg.SettingsFactory.buildSettings
at org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration.buildSettings
at org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration.buildSessionFactory
... 26 more
Caused by: java.lang.ClassCastException: 
at org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoader.findResource
at java.lang.Class.getResourceAsStream(
at com.mchange.v2.cfg.BasicMultiPropertiesConfig.
at com.mchange.v2.cfg.BasicMultiPropertiesConfig.
at com.mchange.v2.cfg.MultiPropertiesConfig.readVmConfig

RE: error Ljavax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest

2006-01-11 Thread Fredrik Rubensson

> I `m calling a bean  from a jsp page that return HttpServletRequest
> HttpServletRequest req= myBean.getMessage();
>   out.write(req.getParameter("mess"));
>   where mess is a variable that was set in the bean
> My problem jsp can`t compile I got the following errors
>javax.servlet.ServletException: com.MyBean.getMessage()
>java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: com.MyBean.getMessage()

I feel this question should be answered by reading up on Java - it has
not much to do with tomcat. The exception you get is easy to find on the
web I googled "java.lang.NoSuchMethodError" and got as first result the
Sun javadoc for the class. It's here:
. It says: "Thrown if an application tries to call a specified method of
a class (either static or instance), and that class no longer has a
definition of that method." (Now this explanation may be hard to
understand if you are not somewhat used to OO terminology. If this is
the case I suggest you read up on OO and its use in Java.) Anyway, this
means that there is no method in your class com.MyBean called getMessage
that returns an instance of javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest. 

It would be interesting to know why you are passing around the
HttpServletRequest in this way. It is easily accesible from the JSP page


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RE: Concept for modeling hierarchical data

2006-01-10 Thread Fredrik Rubensson

Florian Lindner wrote:
> > Florian Lindner wrote:
> > >Hello,
> > >I'm searching for the best concept of how to use and save 
> > >hierarchical  data. I have a structure like PC file system with
> > >data. There a  folder objects and files objects of different types.

> > >Every object have  data like permissions, date and author. And they

> > >have type-specific data  fields like resolution (of an image type)
> > >location (of an meeting
> > > type) or ingredients (of an recipe type).
> > >What is the best way to store that kind of data? What database is 
> > >recommendable? What concepts of persistance? Or not using managed  
> > >persistance and do it manually?
> >
> > If you want to do it manually, a hierarchical tree can be
> > by just one table:
> >
> > CREATE TABLE tree (
> > parent_id   INTEGER
> > );
> >
> > With managed persistence, be carefull not to configure it to load
> > entire tree at once.
> >
> > As for a DB, any decent relational DB will do.
> In this concept I need a table for every type of objekt I want?

It depends on if you want the DB to handle data integrity for you. If
you are happy to have everything as key-value pairs you can come away
with two tables. Add a table with columns kay, values and a foreign key
to the suggested tree table. If you want specific data integrity per
type you will have to have one table per type. It also seems that some
data is there for all types (permissions, date and author). Maybe you
want to reuse that definition in one table. 

In the end it depends on what you will be using this tree of data for,
how will you access it and what technology will be used? Will it be
read-only or both reads and writes? Volumes? Number of users? If data is
to be updated by several users I think youl should definitely use a
relational database of some kind. If it is read-only then XML files will
be good enough. Hibernate is a good persistence framework to use if you
want to do the modeling in XML or Java.


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RE: Tomcat 5.5.x and java 1.4.x

2006-01-10 Thread Fredrik Rubensson

>> The only thing needed to run on 1.4 is the compatibility package,
>> contains a few class files that are standard in the 1.5 JRE but have
>> be downloaded separately for 1.4. 
> It's not class files it contains: it's xml and jmx jars. I haven't
quoted out of > context: I know the details.

And just maybe there may be class files in the jar files? 


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Re: Avoid duplication of database settings

2006-01-10 Thread Fredrik Rubensson

Sorry about the "antispammed" subject in my previous post.

>>> I have an application consisting of a web application and some stand
>>> alone java clients. Both the web application and the java clients
>>> a database. The problem is that the database configuration is 
>>> duplicated.
>> If you are doing it the ant way I recommend using filtering.
> Thanks for the suggestion. I will have a look at it.
>Do you know if frameworks like Spring or Hibernate solves this kind of

I don't know about spring but in hibernate there is one configuration
file that you can share between webapp and standalone clients. (Using it
in my current project.) If you only use Hibernate to access your
database you will be fine. It is also possible to get the DataSource
from the hibernate configuration if you want to access the database
directly (for performance reasons). I have some SQL scripts that need
the database info so I use filtering anyway both as a way to have the
configuration values in one place and as a way to easily build for
different environments.


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RE: [SPAM] - Re: Avoid duplication of database settings - Number of numbers in MIME From exceeds maximum threshold

2006-01-10 Thread Fredrik Rubensson

>>> I have an application consisting of a web application and some stand

>>> alone java clients. Both the web application and the java clients
>>> a database. The problem is that the database configuration
>>> is duplicated.
>> If you are doing it the ant way I recommend using filtering.
> Thanks for the suggestion. I will have a look at it.
>Do you know if frameworks like Spring or Hibernate solves this kind of

I don't know about spring but in hibernate there is one configuration
file that you can share between webapp and standalone clients. (Using it
in my current project.) If you only use Hibernate to access your
database you will be fine. It is also possible to get the DataSource
from the hibernate configuration if you want to access the database
directly (for performance reasons). I have some SQL scripts that need
the database info so I use filtering anyway both as a way to have the
configuration values in one place and as a way to easily build for
different environments.


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RE: Tomcat IIS-redirector help

2006-01-09 Thread Fredrik Rubensson
> Curious though, I think you mentioned that you added the isapi filter
to the web 
> sites container, on not the web site itself, is this correct? 

Yepp - I think you should be able to do it either way. If you want the
filter to be  active for all your web sites you can add it at the top
level. That's the way I have done it. Maybe it doesn't work if you add
it directly on the website itself?


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RE: Tomcat IIS-redirector help

2006-01-09 Thread Fredrik Rubensson


> I had not added the DLL to the web services extension section until I
read your 
> email, however I am still having the same problem. Can someone tell me
how to 
> verify that I can execute /Jakarta/isapi_redirect.dll from my vhost?
> (http://hostname/jakarta/isapi_redirect.dll) <---is this right?

No - you should set up a web site in IIS that uses the ISAPI filter to
talk to Tomcat.

> Is there something that perhaps I did not configure somewhere else
that could be
> causing this problem?

Probably. I did this recently and followed the guide here: . There are
several steps to do. Steps that comes to mind: 
- In your web site in IIS you need a virtual directory that is called
"jakarta" that is mapped to the directory where JK is installed. 
- Your web site of "Web sites" should have the ISAPI filter installed. 
- JK uses 2 property files that is defined in the registry. If you used
the installer for JK this should be no problem. Otherwise you need to
enter stuff in the registry. The file called
should contain the mapping you need to talk to in Tomcat.
- The only part that isn't documented is the one you just managed to do
regarding the "Web Services Extensions". 

All the details is in the official documentation for JK. Follow the link
and good luck with the tweaking.

Fredrik Rubensson

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RE: JasperException: No tag "xhtml" defined in tag library associated with uri "urn:jsptagdir:/WEB-INF/tags

2006-01-09 Thread Fredrik Rubensson

I don't know anything about this xtags taglib you seem to be using so
just take the following comments for what they are

> org.apache.jasper.JasperException: No tag "xhtml" defined in tag
> associated with uri "urn:jsptagdir:/WEB-INF/tags"

I would say this means that we are missing a file called tags in the
WEB-INF directory of the webapp. The gile is supposed to define the tag

The reason we get this is the first line in the jspx file: 


> I have tried downloading the xtags and adding them to the WEB_INF
folder in the 
> ROOT directory but this has not helped. Any assistance would be
> appreciated.

Your url to the app seem to suggest that the webapp is called viewscast.
You should add the file to /vieewscast/WEB-INF/ rather than
.../ROOT/WEB-INF/ . And then there seem to be a conflict between the
name of the taglib. The exception misses "tags" while you are
downloading "xtags". May be one of those silly things...

Hope this helped,
Fredrik Rubensson


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RE: jsp cannont find my bean class

2006-01-09 Thread Fredrik Rubensson

>   Where to place the jsp file? 

It can be in any directory under you webapp. Typically you place it in
the root directory of your app. So if your app is called "mygoodapp" the
jsp can be placed in /webapps/mygoodapp/ or any
subdirectory. If it is called jsppage.jsp you can access it with
http://localhost:8080/mygoodapp/jsppage.jsp assuming that you have a
default installation of tomcat.

Fredrik Rubensson

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RE: [SPAM] - Avoid duplication of database settings - Number of numbers in MIME From exceeds maximum threshold

2006-01-09 Thread Fredrik Rubensson

> I have an application consisting of a web application and some stand
alone java 
> clients. Both the web application and the java clients use a database.
> problem is that the database configuration is duplicated.
> When I change the database settings, I have to reconfigure both the
> (META-INF/context.xml) and the java clients
> I'd like to avoid this duplication. One possible solution would be to
> the context.xml based on with an Ant
script. Are 
> there any better solutions?

If you are doing it the ant way I recommend using filtering. There is a
task called filter (see You put the values
you want to use at several places in its own property file for example
dbname=mydb, in the places you want to insert it you go @dbname@ instead
of the actual name. When you run the filter task all values in the
filter property file is put in its correct places.

(I use this now to build for different environments. One property file
for development, one for test and one for production. But in you case
you onle need on file I guess.)

If you are using Maven there is some more support for filtering although
the ant task still needs to be called explicilty.

Fredrik Rubensson

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IIS connector (JK-1.2.15) fails to call Tomcat - returns 404

2006-01-03 Thread Fredrik Rubensson
[Tue Jan 03 08:24:15 2006] [1444:3060] [debug] jk_uri_worker_map.c
(486): Found an exact match ajp13w -> /vbc
[Tue Jan 03 08:24:15 2006] [1444:3060] [debug] jk_isapi_plugin.c (845):
check if [/vbc] is points to the web-inf directory
[Tue Jan 03 08:24:15 2006] [1444:3060] [debug] jk_isapi_plugin.c (863):
[/vbc] is a servlet url - should redirect to ajp13w

Any help would be highly appreicated.

Fredrik Rubensson

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