Thank you everyone for the responses/suggestions.

I did ensure that those were the same during the tests, but had removed
that from the server.xml before sending. Both servers had negotiated the
equivalent of TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA with the client during testing.

Also, i've verified the JVM is in server mode, and I'm currently using

At times i can hit increased speeds of 10.8MB/s for IIS (about as fast as
this server's network card can handle), with tomcat running close to 7.8
MB/s.  (I'm just thinking out loud here) Assuming this is a normal
difference with tomcat running at 72% the speed of IIS, and if the system
was congested to the point of slowing down the downloads from the servers,
then I would expect tomcat to run at 2.5 MB/s if IIS was serving files at
3.5 MB/s.  It however looks like tomcat is serving data at a consistent 3.0
MB/s slower than IIS (not percentage based), which is why i saw 350 KB/s
against the 3.5 MB/s from IIS?

Anyway, I will try the APR connector and let you know.  Thanks again for
your comments!

On Thu, Jan 10, 2013 at 8:31 AM, David kerber <> wrote:

> On 1/10/2013 8:56 AM, Linoma DevTeam wrote:
>> Hi everyone,
>> I'm running some comparison tests with tomcat 6.0.35 and IIS running in
>> parallel on Windows Server 2008 R2.  Now I would expect Tomcat to be
>> somewhat slower, given the extra JVM layer, but in some situations, i'm
>> seeing differences that are tough to swallow.
> What JVM are you running under?  Is it running the client or server
> version?  I've found huge performance improvements in some kind of
> operations under a server JVM compared to client ones.
> D
>> Downloads
>> IIS         ~3.7 MB/s
>> Tomcat  ~350 KB/s
>> Test Details:
>> I placed a ~500MB file in the document root of the web app on tomcat and
>> set up an HTTPS connector.  Then I set up IIS with the same file and an
>> HTTPS listener.  I configured the cipher suite in tomcat to be the same
>> one
>> that was negotiated between IIS and my Chrome browser.  Finally, I set the
>> JVM max memory to 1024MB with a min of 900MB to reduce the impact of the
>> GC
>> and the memory allocation.
>> I'm using HTTP/1.1 connectors with pretty standard configuration:
>> <Server port="9005" shutdown="SHUTDOWN">
>> <Service name="admin">
>> <Connector port="9080" />
>> <Connector port="9443" protocol="HTTP/1.1"
>> SSLEnabled="true" enableLookups="false" disableUploadTimeout="true"
>> scheme="https" secure="true" clientAuth="false" sslProtocol="TLS"
>> algorithm="SunX509" keystoreFile="C:\temp\sample_**keystore.jks"
>> keystorePass="password" keyAlias="sample-key" keystoreType="JKS"
>> truststoreFile="C:\temp\**sample_truststore.jks"
>> truststorePass="password"
>> truststoreType="JKS" />
>> <Engine name="admin" defaultHost="localhost">
>> <Host name="localhost" appBase="webapps"
>> errorReportValveClass="com.**company.**CustomErrorReportValve">
>> <Context path="/sample" docBase="C:\temp\application\**WebRoot"
>> reloadable="false">
>> <Loader delegate="true" />
>> </Context>
>> </Host>
>> </Engine>
>> </Service>
>> </Server>
>> So, I extend the question of, why would tomcat only be able to reach 10%
>> of
>> the speed IIS is able to server when running parallel tests?  Any
>> suggestions on configurations that I could adjust on Tomcat, the JVM, or
>> operating system that improve that download speed?
>> Thanks in advance!
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