Re: Trouble setting up virtual host

2009-08-03 Thread Lisa D Beggs/AC/VCU
I guess nobody is willing to help me any further on the below?

Lisa D Beggs/AC/VCU
Tomcat Users List
07/30/2009 12:47 PM
Re: Trouble setting up virtual host

Thanks to all those that have helped with this issue.

I contacted our Networking department to make sure that both ports 80 and 
443 were open inbound to the server and that they were open from both VCU 
and external networks (outside VCU).  The issue was on their end and it 
has been resolved!

I am also able to connect to my application using the virtual host (which automatically loads the 
logon.jsp page).

However, what I would really like to have happen is to only have to type 
in or and not have to type the 
/InfoViewApp after it and have set it to load the login page which is

Here is a copy of what I have in the host can I 
accomplish the above?

Host appBase=webappps/InfoViewApp 
unpackWARs=false autoDeploy=true xmlValidation=false 

Change is the essence of life. Be willing to surrender what you are, for 
what you could become. 

Lisa D. Beggs 
Information Technology Specialist
Business Application Services
Phone:  804 828-2098
Fax:   804 828-0322

Don't be a phishing victim - VCU and other reputable organizations will 
never use email to request that you reply with your password, social 
security number or confidential personal information.  For more details 

Mark Eggers
Tomcat Users List
07/27/2009 10:55 PM
Re: Trouble setting up virtual host

As usual, late to the thread.

I'll use C) then:

  C) on another workstation :
  - close the browser and re-open it.
  - in the browser, find the place where you can clear the cache.
  - do it (clear the cache)
  - request the URL :
  - indicate the result here :
  A:  Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage

This usually means that the other workstation cannot translate between the 

name you gave the host on the other workstation (adm138) and the IP 
address of your server.

I also noticed that while you use the fully qualified name in the other 
example ( you use the short name in your tests 

There are several things to try here, to see where the breakdown is.  I'll 

use numbers since everyone else is using letters.

1. From another workstation, open a DOS window (if it's Windows) or a UNIX 

shell command (if it's UNIX), and type the following:

ping adm138

1a) If you get:
Ping could not find the host adm138, then the other workstation does not 
know how to translate between the name and the IP address.

1b) If you get:
Four lines with a bunch of numbers, then the other workstation knows how 
to translate between the name and the IP address

2. From another workstation, open a DOS window (if it's Windows) or a UNIX 

shell command (if it's UNIX) and type the following:


2a) If you get:
Ping could not find the host, then the other 
workstation does not know how to translate between the name and the IP 

2b) If you get:
Four lines with a bunch of numbers, then the other workstation knows how 
to translate between the name and the IP address may be the fully qualified name, but this 
depends on how your network administrator has set up something called DNS.

Firewall check

Windows comes with a built-in firewall.  On XP/Professional it's located 
in Start-Control Panel-Network Connections.  You'll have to single-click 

on the active network (the one your server connects to) to see Change 
Firewall Settings on the left hand side.

Once you click on that (Change Firewall Settings), you should be able to 
edit the settings by selecting Exceptions tab.  Hopefully you'll see two 
entries for Java(TM) Platform SE Binary.  Make sure that the JRE you're 
using to run Tomcat is there (by clicking on edit and reading the 

Short term fix (once you've checked your firewall)

If you have administrative privileges on the other workstation (Windows) 
or root access (UNIX), you can add some information in a file called 
hosts.  On Windows, it's located in the %windir%\System 32\drivers\etc 
directory.  In UNIX it's located in /etc

The line you need to add is the following:

aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd adm138

where aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd is the IP address of the machine with your Tomcat 

If the fully qualified name

Re: Trouble setting up virtual host

2009-08-03 Thread Lisa D Beggs/AC/VCU
Hassan Schroeder
Tomcat Users List
08/03/2009 11:28 AM
Re: Trouble setting up virtual host

On Mon, Aug 3, 2009 at 7:31 AM, Lisa D Beggs/AC/ 
 I guess nobody is willing to help me any further on the below?

I gave you the answer in the very first reply in this thread.

--  If I remember correctly, the answer you gave me is not appropriate 
for my situation.  I can not rename my application directory folder with 
ROOT.  I must keep my application directory structure.

Hassan Schroeder
twitter: @hassan

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Re: Trouble setting up virtual host

2009-08-03 Thread Lisa D Beggs/AC/VCU
Hassan Schroeder
Tomcat Users List
08/03/2009 11:44 AM
Re: Trouble setting up virtual host

On Mon, Aug 3, 2009 at 8:39 AM, Lisa D Beggs/AC/ 

 --  If I remember correctly, the answer you gave me is not appropriate
 for my situation.  I can not rename my application directory folder with
 ROOT.  I must keep my application directory structure.

Why? Since you don't want that structure to be apparent?

In any case, I gave you two solutions; so if you truly can't or won't
use the second, use the first.

--  Well you obviously chose not to read that I have gotten much further 
than the first time I posted on this forum and am well beyond the initial 
problem I was having.  It's really sad that I decided to come here to get 
the help of people who with more experience than myself and learn 
something instead I feel I have been more chastised because of my lack of 

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Re: Trouble setting up virtual host

2009-07-30 Thread Lisa D Beggs/AC/VCU
Thanks to all those that have helped with this issue.

I contacted our Networking department to make sure that both ports 80 and 
443 were open inbound to the server and that they were open from both VCU 
and external networks (outside VCU).  The issue was on their end and it 
has been resolved!

I am also able to connect to my application using the virtual host (which automatically loads the 
logon.jsp page).

However, what I would really like to have happen is to only have to type 
in or and not have to type the 
/InfoViewApp after it and have set it to load the login page which is

Here is a copy of what I have in the host can I 
accomplish the above?

Host appBase=webappps/InfoViewApp 
unpackWARs=false autoDeploy=true xmlValidation=false 

Change is the essence of life. Be willing to surrender what you are, for 
what you could become. 

Lisa D. Beggs 
Information Technology Specialist
Business Application Services
Phone:  804 828-2098
Fax:   804 828-0322

Don't be a phishing victim - VCU and other reputable organizations will 
never use email to request that you reply with your password, social 
security number or confidential personal information.  For more details 

Mark Eggers
Tomcat Users List
07/27/2009 10:55 PM
Re: Trouble setting up virtual host

As usual, late to the thread.

I'll use C) then:

  C) on another workstation :
  - close the browser and re-open it.
  - in the browser, find the place where you can clear the cache.
  - do it (clear the cache)
  - request the URL :

  - indicate the result here :
  A:  Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage

This usually means that the other workstation cannot translate between the 
name you gave the host on the other workstation (adm138) and the IP 
address of your server.

I also noticed that while you use the fully qualified name in the other 
example ( you use the short name in your tests 

There are several things to try here, to see where the breakdown is.  I'll 
use numbers since everyone else is using letters.

1. From another workstation, open a DOS window (if it's Windows) or a UNIX 
shell command (if it's UNIX), and type the following:

ping adm138

1a) If you get:
Ping could not find the host adm138, then the other workstation does not 
know how to translate between the name and the IP address.

1b) If you get:
Four lines with a bunch of numbers, then the other workstation knows how 
to translate between the name and the IP address

2. From another workstation, open a DOS window (if it's Windows) or a UNIX 
shell command (if it's UNIX) and type the following:


2a) If you get:
Ping could not find the host, then the other 
workstation does not know how to translate between the name and the IP 

2b) If you get:
Four lines with a bunch of numbers, then the other workstation knows how 
to translate between the name and the IP address may be the fully qualified name, but this 
depends on how your network administrator has set up something called DNS.

Firewall check

Windows comes with a built-in firewall.  On XP/Professional it's located 
in Start-Control Panel-Network Connections.  You'll have to single-click 
on the active network (the one your server connects to) to see Change 
Firewall Settings on the left hand side.

Once you click on that (Change Firewall Settings), you should be able to 
edit the settings by selecting Exceptions tab.  Hopefully you'll see two 
entries for Java(TM) Platform SE Binary.  Make sure that the JRE you're 
using to run Tomcat is there (by clicking on edit and reading the 

Short term fix (once you've checked your firewall)

If you have administrative privileges on the other workstation (Windows) 
or root access (UNIX), you can add some information in a file called 
hosts.  On Windows, it's located in the %windir%\System 32\drivers\etc 
directory.  In UNIX it's located in /etc

The line you need to add is the following:

aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd adm138

where aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd is the IP address of the machine with your Tomcat 

If the fully qualified name is supposed to be, 
then add this line instead to the hosts file

aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd adm138

where aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd is the IP address of the machine with your Tomcat 

Long term (proper) fixes

Re: Trouble setting up virtual host

2009-07-28 Thread Lisa D Beggs/AC/VCU
Mark Eggers
Tomcat Users List
07/27/2009 10:55 PM
Re: Trouble setting up virtual host

As usual, late to the thread.

I'll use C) then:

  C) on another workstation :
  - close the browser and re-open it.
  - in the browser, find the place where you can clear the cache.
  - do it (clear the cache)
  - request the URL :

  - indicate the result here :
  A:  Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage

This usually means that the other workstation cannot translate between the 
name you gave the host on the other workstation (adm138) and the IP 
address of your server.

I also noticed that while you use the fully qualified name in the other 
example ( you use the short name in your tests 

There are several things to try here, to see where the breakdown is.  I'll 
use numbers since everyone else is using letters.

1. From another workstation, open a DOS window (if it's Windows) or a UNIX 
shell command (if it's UNIX), and type the following:

ping adm138

1a) If you get:
Ping could not find the host adm138, then the other workstation does not 
know how to translate between the name and the IP address.

1b) If you get:
Four lines with a bunch of numbers, then the other workstation knows how 
to translate between the name and the IP address

**A:  Yes I get the replys back, it is able to ping ADM138

2. From another workstation, open a DOS window (if it's Windows) or a UNIX 
shell command (if it's UNIX) and type the following:


2a) If you get:
Ping could not find the host, then the other 
workstation does not know how to translate between the name and the IP 

**A:  I can not ping adm138.fmdreports.vcuedu - HOWEVER, I can ping (and this is how we want the user to be name to be 
setup so that is setup correctly)

2b) If you get:
Four lines with a bunch of numbers, then the other workstation knows how 
to translate between the name and the IP address may be the fully qualified name, but this 
depends on how your network administrator has set up something called DNS.

Firewall check

Windows comes with a built-in firewall.  On XP/Professional it's located 
in Start-Control Panel-Network Connections.  You'll have to single-click 
on the active network (the one your server connects to) to see Change 
Firewall Settings on the left hand side.

Once you click on that (Change Firewall Settings), you should be able to 
edit the settings by selecting Exceptions tab.  Hopefully you'll see two 
entries for Java(TM) Platform SE Binary.  Make sure that the JRE you're 
using to run Tomcat is there (by clicking on edit and reading the 

Short term fix (once you've checked your firewall)

If you have administrative privileges on the other workstation (Windows) 
or root access (UNIX), you can add some information in a file called 
hosts.  On Windows, it's located in the %windir%\System 32\drivers\etc 
directory.  In UNIX it's located in /etc

The line you need to add is the following:

aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd adm138

where aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd is the IP address of the machine with your Tomcat 

If the fully qualified name is supposed to be, 
then add this line instead to the hosts file

aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd adm138

where aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd is the IP address of the machine with your Tomcat 

Long term (proper) fixes

There are really two parts to this fix.  The first part is to get your 
network administrator to add this hostname and IP address to your campus 
DNS server.  The DNS server is responsible for translating between 
human-readable names and IP addresses.  Once the name you have chosen for 
your server is in DNS, all machines using DNS servers will know how to 
interpret the name of the host.

**A:  They have done this is replacing the lengthy 
URL name of the web browser application(Infoview) that our users are using 
to use when viewing/scheduling Crystal Reports.  This is a Crystal Reports 
Server running Tomcat (not sure if you saw the initial post.

The second part of the fix is to alter your virtual host definition in 
server.xml.  In general, it's a good idea to only use fully qualified 
names in the server.xml file.

So, in part, your host element should look like this:

Host name=fully-qualified-host-name . . . . 


For example:

Host . . . 


However, if you want to have this virtual host respond to other names, you 
can add aliases for each name.  To do that, just add an alias element for 
each name you want.

Host name=fully-qualified-host-name . . . .

Re: Trouble setting up virtual host

2009-07-27 Thread Lisa D Beggs/AC/VCU
I am sorry, I don't usually post on forums.  I am sorry if I am making 
this difficult to read.  I hope this is better.  I am only copying what 
you are giving me and then responding.

 another that I have changed port from 8080 to 80,
 How exactly did you do this ?  I changed the configuration in the 
 server.xml file based on guidance from my vendor.

Unfortunately, I wasn't there, so I do not know what your vendor told 
you to do, nor what you really did.
So, what did you change, where in the server.xml ? 

See Q11

Did you keep a copy of how it was before you changed it ?


   I cannot see my default URL (http://adm138/InfoViewApp) either on user 

 workstation not sure if same or different issue, can see on server with 
no problem) 
 Q6.5 :
 Can you explain what you mean by can see on server with no problem ? 
 I type in my url in the browser on my server (http://adm138/InfoViewApp) 

 with the 8080, the page comes up, I can not do this on a user 
 workstation...if I change the port back to 8080 in the server.xml 
 fileI can bring it up again on the user work station but I must add 
 adm138:8080 in the url name.

Could you re-read the question, and your answer, and see if to you it 
makes sense ? To me, it doesn't.

If I type in http://adm138:8080/InfoViewApps or http://adm138/InfoViewApps 
on the server, the application comes up.  Before when I had it directed to 
port 8080, from a user's workstation I could get the application to come 
up using the http://adm138:8080/InfoViewApps URL, after I changed it to 
port 80, I could not get the http://adm138/InfoViewApps URL to work from 
the user's workstation, it only worked from the server.  Is that a better 

 Do you mean that if you open a browser directly on the server console, 
 then you can see the Tomcat default page when you enter :
 ?  NO, still can not see them.  However, I see the default Tomcat home 
 page if I enter these URLS on the server.

Same thing.  Worse, in fact.

 But if you do this on any other workstation, you get a cannot display 
 this page answer ?  Right :)
 A whole bunch of new questions :
 In which directory is Tomcat installed on this server ?  C:\Program 
 Files\Business Objects\Tomcat55
OK. (but leave space)

 Supposing for now that this directory is c:\tomcat, then under this 
 directory, are there the following subdirectories :
 - C:\Program Files\Business Objects\Tomcat55\conf
 - C:\Program Files\Business Objects\Tomcat55\conf
 - C:\Program Files\Business Objects\Tomcat55\webapps\ROOT
 - C:\Program Files\Business Objects\Tomcat55\webapps\InfoViewApp\
The second line doesn't match the question, but OK, I get the idea.

 Is there any other (than InfoViewApp) Tomcat-based application running 
 on that server ?  NO

Good, that makes it easier.  See the additional info at end.

 Will there be other applications there in the near future ?  No we don't 

 intend there to be

Good also.

 Suppose that we set this server up so that /both/ the URLs :
 return directly the login page of your application, would this be a 
 problem ?  That should not be a problem, should that cause any future 

Not right now.  And by the time it becomes an issue, there will be 
someone else on the list to help you with it, I'm sure.

 Or do you need that http://adm138; still returns the default Tomcat 
 homepage ?

I thus guess not.

Neither or http://adm138 work from any 
workstation ('cannot display the page').  And if enter in the browser from 
the server, they return the Tomcat default home page.

 In the \conf subdirectory of your Tomcat installation, there is a file 

 named server.xml.  In that file, there is a section resembling the 
 following (the ports may be different) :
  !-- Define a non-SSL HTTP/1.1 Connector on port 8180 --
  Connector port=8180 maxHttpHeaderSize=8192
 maxThreads=150 minSpareThreads=25 maxSpareThreads=75
 enableLookups=false redirectPort=8443 acceptCount=100
 connectionTimeout=2 disableUploadTimeout=true /
 Is this what you are looking for?  I don't have the one above..
Connector URIEncoding=UTF-8 acceptCount=100 
 connectionTimeout=2 disableUploadTimeout=true 
 enableLookups=false maxHttpHeaderSize=8192 maxSpareThreads=75 
 maxThreads=150 minSpareThreads=25 port=80 redirectPort=8443/

I said resembling, I did not say the same.  The only significant 
difference is the order of the attributes, which technically does not 
matter here.
But it's ok.  At least now, I know that there /should/ be a Tomcat 
listening on port 80.  But see below, we're not out of the woods yet.

By the way, this very portion of your server.xml above, is probably 
where your vendor told you to change the port between 80 and 8080, right ?

Re: Trouble setting up virtual host

2009-07-27 Thread Lisa D Beggs/AC/VCU
André Warnier
Tomcat Users List
07/27/2009 03:18 PM
Re: Trouble setting up virtual host

Lisa D Beggs/AC/VCU wrote:
 I am sorry, I don't usually post on forums.  I am sorry if I am making 
 this difficult to read.  I hope this is better.  I am only copying what 
 you are giving me and then responding.

Lisa, let's take this a little bit at a time.
The reason why your messages are difficult to read, is because there is 
very little visual difference between the original message, and what you 
reply.  So it is hard to see the difference.

If you are subscribed to this forum, presumably you get these list 
messages in your email inbox.
If you just hit the reply button, unless you have some funny email 
program, it should in some way highlight what was part of the original 
message. (Like this previous paragraph).

To type your response, just position below the original paragraph you 
want to respond to, leave a blank line, and type your response.
Then hit Send. It should automatically send your response to the 
Tomcat list.
Go ahead, try it with this message, right now.
Type a line just below here and hit Send :

I have Lotus Notes..I do not see anything different when I hit Reply, 
only when it comes back to me from where you reply does it look different. 
 I assume even if I bold or highlight it, it's not coming through on your 

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Re: Trouble setting up virtual host

2009-07-27 Thread Lisa D Beggs/AC/VCU
Change is the essence of life. Be willing to surrender what you are, for 
what you could become. 

Lisa D. Beggs 
Information Technology Specialist
Business Application Services
Phone:  804 828-2098
Fax:   804 828-0322

Don't be a phishing victim - VCU and other reputable organizations will 
never use email to request that you reply with your password, social 
security number or confidential personal information.  For more details 

André Warnier
Tomcat Users List
07/27/2009 03:37 PM
Re: Trouble setting up virtual host

Lisa D Beggs/AC/VCU wrote:
... (indicates I cut part of the previous message)
 If I type in http://adm138:8080/InfoViewApps or 
 on the server, the application comes up.  Before when I had it directed 
 port 8080, from a user's workstation I could get the application to come 

 up using the http://adm138:8080/InfoViewApps URL, after I changed it to 
 port 80, I could not get the http://adm138/InfoViewApps URL to work from 

 the user's workstation, it only worked from the server.  Is that a 

Unfortunately no, because :
As you explain it above, *from a browser running on the server itself*, 
the application responds, whether you add the :8080 or not.
(And, as per earlier explanations, not indicating a port is equivalent 
to adding :80, because that is the /default/ port.)

That would mean that your Tomcat server is listening on /both/ ports 
80 and 8080.

However, previously you mentioned that you had /changed/ port 80 to port 
8080 (or vice-versa) in the server configuration.
So it should be listening on either 80 OR 8080, but not both.
But according to what you say above, it responds to both.
That is what does not appear to make sense.

Now, a reason why it may work differently with a browser opened on the 
server itself, and a browser opened on a workstation :
- for the browser opened on the server itself, there is nothing 
in-between that could block the communication between the browser and 
the server, since they are both on the same computer.
- for a browser running on another workstation, the /may/ be something 
in-between the workstation and the server, which blocks communications 
either on port 80 OR on port 8080 OR on both OR on none.

That something in-between may be a router, a firewall, whatever.

So, do /exactly/ the following steps, and report the result for each step 

A) on the server itself :

- close the browser and re-open it.
- in the browser, find the place where you can clear the cache.
   Ask someone around you where that is for this kind of browser.
- do it (clear the cache, everything)
- request the URL :

- indicate the result here :

A:  This is with having the port changed to 80 for all of these answers. I 
get redirected to the http://adm138/InfoViewApp/logon.jsp which is the 
logon page for the application.

B) still on the server itself :

- close the browser and re-open it.
- in the browser, find the place where you can clear the cache.
- do it (clear the cache)
- request the URL :

- indicate the result here :

A:  Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage

C) on another workstation :

- close the browser and re-open it.
- in the browser, find the place where you can clear the cache.
- do it (clear the cache)
- request the URL :

- indicate the result here :

A:  Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage

D) on that same workstation :

- close the browser and re-open it.
- in the browser, find the place where you can clear the cache.
- do it (clear the cache)
- request the URL :

- indicate the result here :

A:  Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage

It is very important that you do exactly as indicated above, following 
all the steps.

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Re: Trouble setting up virtual host

2009-07-23 Thread Lisa D Beggs/AC/VCU
Can you tell us first under what kind of host this Tomcat is running ? 
Is it a Unix system, a Linux system, a Windows system ?
We are running Windows Server 2003

Second :
I am going to ask some pretty basic questions.  Can you answer them, 
even if you think that they are stupid, or that you have already 
answered them ?  That will give us some insight into the situation, to 
help you quicker.

Q1 : I presume that this, until now, is a working server. Yes/No ?  Yes

Q2: If yes, how do the users access it now ? What exact URL do they type 
in the browser location bar, to access the homepage of this server ? 

They used to type in http://adm138:8080/InfoViewApp - until I changed the 
port to 80 so now it is http://adm138/InfoViewApp - we want them to now be 
able to type in or to be able to 
get to that same page just easier to remember url for them

Q3: Still if yes, does that same URL work from all workstations, and do 
they all get the same page for the same URL ? And which page is that ? 

Yes, when they type in that page they get 
http://adm138/InfoViewApp/logon.jsp and this is what I need the DNS names 
to be redirected to.

Q4: Have you ever configured a webserver before (Tomcat or other) ? 

Yes  No, I have configured an out of the box application before using 
Tomcat for a Maximus application beforesome configuration modification 
of Tomcat involved and clearing cache, etc. but after installing the 
application and Tomcat, most modication done within the application 

Thanks for all your help!

Change is the essence of life. Be willing to surrender what you are, for 
what you could become. 

Lisa D. Beggs 
Information Technology Specialist
Business Application Services
Phone:  804 828-2098
Fax:   804 828-0322

Don't be a phishing victim - VCU and other reputable organizations will 
never use email to request that you reply with your password, social 
security number or confidential personal information.  For more details 

André Warnier
Tomcat Users List
07/22/2009 06:49 PM
Re: Trouble setting up virtual host

Lisa D Beggs/AC/VCU wrote:
 The default Tomcat page is what I get if I try to enter that on the 
 hosting Tomcat  Crystal Reports my configuration in the 
 server.xml file must be incorrect.
 If I try to type in the webpage from another computer it can not find 
Ok, Lisa, we're here to serve, no matter what comes...

Can you tell us first under what kind of host this Tomcat is running ? 
Is it a Unix system, a Linux system, a Windows system ?
And if it is a Unix or Linux system, which kind ?
(if you don't know, either ask around or enter uname -a in a console 
window on the server and tell us the result).

Second :
I am going to ask some pretty basic questions.  Can you answer them, 
even if you think that they are stupid, or that you have already 
answered them ?  That will give us some insight into the situation, to 
help you quicker.

Q1 : I presume that this, until now, is a working server. Yes/No ?

Q2: If yes, how do the users access it now ? What exact URL do they type 
in the browser location bar, to access the homepage of this server ?

Q3: Still if yes, does that same URL work from all workstations, and do 
they all get the same page for the same URL ? And which page is that ?

Q4: Have you ever configured a webserver before (Tomcat or other) ?

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Re: Trouble setting up virtual host

2009-07-23 Thread Lisa D Beggs/AC/VCU
Allright, let's continue step by step, based on the above.

a) Open a Windows command window.

b) Type nslookup adm138
The last line of the response is an IP address.  What is it ?  (which is IP of ADM138)

c) Type nslookup
The last line of the response is an IP address.  What is it ?  (which is IP of ADM138)

when the users now type the following URL in their browser :
what page do they see ?

Can not display webpage

Is it the same page as when you type this URL in your browser :

Can not display webpage

another that I have changed port from 8080 to 80, I cannot 
see my default URL (http://adm138/InfoViewApp) either on user workstation 
(not sure if same or different issue, can see on server with no problem) 
but I can address w/ vendor if I need to.

Change is the essence of life. Be willing to surrender what you are, for 
what you could become. 

Lisa D. Beggs 
Information Technology Specialist
Business Application Services
Phone:  804 828-2098
Fax:   804 828-0322

Don't be a phishing victim - VCU and other reputable organizations will 
never use email to request that you reply with your password, social 
security number or confidential personal information.  For more details 

André Warnier
Tomcat Users List
07/23/2009 10:42 AM
Re: Trouble setting up virtual host

Lisa D Beggs/AC/VCU wrote:
 Can you tell us first under what kind of host this Tomcat is running ? 
 Is it a Unix system, a Linux system, a Windows system ?
 We are running Windows Server 2003
 Second :
 I am going to ask some pretty basic questions.  Can you answer them, 
 even if you think that they are stupid, or that you have already 
 answered them ?  That will give us some insight into the situation, to 
 help you quicker.
 Q1 : I presume that this, until now, is a working server. Yes/No ?  Yes
 Q2: If yes, how do the users access it now ? What exact URL do they type 

 in the browser location bar, to access the homepage of this server ? 
 They used to type in http://adm138:8080/InfoViewApp - until I changed 
 port to 80 so now it is http://adm138/InfoViewApp - we want them to now 
 able to type in or to be able 
 get to that same page just easier to remember url for them
 Q3: Still if yes, does that same URL work from all workstations, and do 
 they all get the same page for the same URL ? And which page is that ? 
 Yes, when they type in that page they get 
 http://adm138/InfoViewApp/logon.jsp and this is what I need the DNS 
 to be redirected to.
Allright, let's continue step by step, based on the above.

a) Open a Windows command window.

b) Type nslookup adm138
The last line of the response is an IP address.  What is it ?

c) Type nslookup
The last line of the response is an IP address.  What is it ?

when the users now type the following URL in their browser :
what page do they see ?

Is it the same page as when you type this URL in your browser :

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Re: Trouble setting up virtual host

2009-07-23 Thread Lisa D Beggs/AC/VCU

  TCP128.172.12.129:6415128.172.12.129:2940ESTABLISHED 2804

  TCP128.172.12.129:6415128.172.12.129:2877ESTABLISHED 2804

  TCP128.172.12.129:6415128.172.12.129:4608ESTABLISHED 2804

  TCP128.172.12.129:6415128.172.12.129:2164ESTABLISHED 2804

  TCP128.172.12.129:6415128.172.12.129:2873ESTABLISHED 2804

  TCP128.172.12.129:6415128.172.12.129:2867ESTABLISHED 2804

  TCP128.172.12.129:6415128.172.12.129:2880ESTABLISHED 2804

  TCP128.172.12.129:6415128.172.12.129:2886ESTABLISHED 2804

  TCP128.172.12.129:6415128.172.12.129:3602ESTABLISHED 2804

  TCP128.172.12.129:6416128.172.12.129:2891ESTABLISHED 1932

  TCP128.172.12.129:6416128.172.12.129:2904ESTABLISHED 1932

  TCP128.172.12.129:6418128.172.12.129:2908ESTABLISHED 512

  TCP128.172.12.129:9535128.172.193.85:3898ESTABLISHED 196

  TCP192.168.21.101:1085192.168.21.101:8194ESTABLISHED 2428

  TCP192.168.21.101:1087192.168.21.101:1088ESTABLISHED 2428

  TCP192.168.21.101:1088192.168.21.101:1087ESTABLISHED 2636

  TCP192.168.21.101:8194192.168.21.101:1085ESTABLISHED 2636

  TCP127.0.0.1:2162 CLOSE_WAIT  932

  TCP127.0.0.1:4925 CLOSE_WAIT 4372

  TCP127.0.0.1:53001127.0.0.1:2436 TIME_WAIT   0
  TCP128.172.12.129:2440128.172.12.129:2963TIME_WAIT   0
  TCP128.172.12.129:2451128.172.12.129:6410TIME_WAIT   0
  TCP128.172.12.129:2452128.172.12.129:6410TIME_WAIT   0
  TCP128.172.12.129:2463128.172.12.129:2963TIME_WAIT   0
  TCP128.172.12.129:2474128.172.12.129:6410TIME_WAIT   0
  TCP128.172.12.129:2475128.172.12.129:6410TIME_WAIT   0
  TCP128.172.12.129:2476128.172.4.225:80   TIME_WAIT   0

C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator
Change is the essence of life. Be willing to surrender what you are, for 
what you could become. 

Lisa D. Beggs 
Information Technology Specialist
Business Application Services
Phone:  804 828-2098
Fax:   804 828-0322

Don't be a phishing victim - VCU and other reputable organizations will 
never use email to request that you reply with your password, social 
security number or confidential personal information.  For more details 

André Warnier
Tomcat Users List
07/23/2009 12:46 PM
Re: Trouble setting up virtual host

Lisa D Beggs/AC/VCU wrote:
 Allright, let's continue step by step, based on the above.
 a) Open a Windows command window.
 b) Type nslookup adm138
 The last line of the response is an IP address.  What is it ?  (which is IP of ADM138)
 c) Type nslookup
 The last line of the response is an IP address.  What is it ?  (which is IP of ADM138)

The above is good. It means that at least the DNS part is OK.

 when the users now type the following URL in their browser :
 what page do they see ?
 Can not display webpage
 Is it the same page as when you type this URL in your browser :
 Can not display webpage

That is not good.  It means either that Tomcat is not working properly, 
or that something is blocking port 80.

 another that I have changed port from 8080 to 80,
How exactly did you do this ?

  I cannot
 see my default URL (http://adm138/InfoViewApp) either on user 
 (not sure if same or different issue, can see on server with no problem) 

Q6.5 :
Can you explain what you mean by can see on server with no problem ?
Do you mean that if you open a browser directly on the server console, 
then you can see the Tomcat default page when you enter :

But if you do this on any other workstation, you get a cannot display 
this page answer ?

A whole bunch of new questions :

In which directory is Tomcat installed on this server ?

Supposing for now that this directory is c:\tomcat, then under this 
directory, are there the following subdirectories :
- c:\tomcat\conf ?
- c:\tomcat\webapps ?
- c:\tomcat\webapps\ROOT ?
- c:\tomcat\webapps\InfoViewApp ?

(replace c:\tomcat\ above by whatever directory your Tomcat is really 
installed in)

Is there any other (than InfoViewApp) Tomcat-based application running 
on that server

Trouble setting up virtual host

2009-07-22 Thread Lisa D Beggs/AC/VCU
I am hoping you can help me.  I am trying to get a DNS entry that we set 
up (alias to point to another page on 
our Crystal Reports Server (Infoview). 

We are running Tomcat 5.5.20.  I was told I need to set up a virtual host, 
I need to point the DNS entries to the logon.jsp page that is located in 
the Tomcat55\webapps\InfoViewApp\ directory. 

When I type in the above website from the server however, I get the 
default Tomcat home page.  So essentially I need to set it up so that the 
URL to the logon page is redirected to or and not the current - 

Any suggestions, this is all new to me.


Server port=8005 shutdown=SHUTDOWN

!-- Used by Manager webapp --
Resource name=UserDatabase auth=Container
   description=User database that can be updated and saved
  pathname=conf/tomcat-users.xml /

  Service name=Catalina
Connector port=80 /

Connector URIEncoding=UTF-8 acceptCount=100 
connectionTimeout=2 disableUploadTimeout=true 
enableLookups=false maxHttpHeaderSize=8192 maxSpareThreads=75 
maxThreads=150 minSpareThreads=25 port=8080 redirectPort=8443/

!-- This is here for compatibility only, not required --
Connector port=8009 protocol=AJP/1.3 /

Engine name=Catalina defaultHost=localhost
  Realm className=org.apache.catalina.realm.UserDatabaseRealm
 resourceName=UserDatabase / Host name=localhost 
appBase=webapps /
appBase=\webapps\InfoViewApp\logon.jsp unpackWARs=false 
autoDeploy=true xmlValidation=false xmlNamespaceAware=false
Context path= docBase=./



Change is the essence of life. Be willing to surrender what you are, for 
what you could become. 

Lisa D. Beggs 
Information Technology Specialist
Business Application Services
Phone:  804 828-2098
Fax:   804 828-0322

Don't be a phishing victim - VCU and other reputable organizations will 
never use email to request that you reply with your password, social 
security number or confidential personal information.  For more details 

Re: Trouble setting up virtual host

2009-07-22 Thread Lisa D Beggs/AC/VCU
The default Tomcat page is what I get if I try to enter that on the server 
hosting Tomcat  Crystal Reports my configuration in the 
server.xml file must be incorrect.

If I try to type in the webpage from another computer it can not find the 

Change is the essence of life. Be willing to surrender what you are, for 
what you could become. 

Lisa D. Beggs 
Information Technology Specialist
Business Application Services
Phone:  804 828-2098
Fax:   804 828-0322

Don't be a phishing victim - VCU and other reputable organizations will 
never use email to request that you reply with your password, social 
security number or confidential personal information.  For more details 

Hassan Schroeder
Tomcat Users List
07/22/2009 03:42 PM
Re: Trouble setting up virtual host

On Wed, Jul 22, 2009 at 12:10 PM, Lisa D Beggs/AC/ 
 I am hoping you can help me.  I am trying to get a DNS entry that we set
 up (alias to point to another page 
 our Crystal Reports Server (Infoview).

DNS entries associate host (and domain) names with IP addresses.
They do not point to pages.

 When I type in the above website from the server however, I get the
 default Tomcat home page.  So essentially I need to set it up so that 
 URL to the logon page is redirected to 
or and not the current -

Then you could replace the default home page with one that will
forward or redirect requests to / to your own app.
You can make your own app the default Context by removing the
existing ROOT Context and renaming yours to ROOT, and define
login.jsp as a welcome page (see the default welcome pages and
explanatory note in the global $CATALINA_HOME/conf/web.xml).

Hassan Schroeder
twitter: @hassan

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