Re: Undeploy task not working

2006-06-06 Thread Peter Hubbard
On Mon, 2006-06-05 at 23:40 -0700, Venkatesh Babu wrote:
 Hello All,
 I'm using Tomcat 4.1 and trying to deploy/undeploy
 application using ant targets.
 Earlier I posted a mail on deploy task not working due
 to some protocol error. Got the solution for that :-)
 But right now undeploy task is not working. It is
 giving an error saying:
 FAIL - Cannot remove document base for path /app1

I found this often happened to me if there were open database
connections in the webapp, and I tried to undeploy it before stopping


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Re: The code of method _jspService(...) is exceeding the 65535 byteslimit

2006-05-12 Thread Peter Hubbard
On Fri, 2006-05-12 at 14:02 +0200, lk wrote:
 I got this bad error.
 Is there a way to solve this problem (maybe in the configurations file)?

This simply means you have way too much jsp code in one file.

Maybe you could split them up, or remove some of the functionality from
the jsp itself into helper classes.

As far as I know, it is a limit placed on method size by the JVM - I'm
not sure if it can be changed.


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Multiple browser windows sharing the same session - dirty hack solution

2006-05-11 Thread Peter Hubbard
Quite simply, if you have already logged in to the system, you get
kicked out until later. Like so:

HttpSession session = request.getSession(true);

if (session.getAttribute(details)!=null)
 log.warn(Already logged in.);
 session.setAttribute(details, client);
 redirect = /portal/portal.jsp;

This gets me out of the problem of multiple logins through the same
browser window (Firefox and Opera) or the same PC (IE) having their
session information confused.

I've not found any other ways around this problem, or solutions of how
to allow individual browser windows and tabs to have individual session
data. Is there a real solution for this, and if so could some kind soul
please point me in the right direction?



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