Re: How to have a custom classloader outside Tomcat's own lib-dir?

2023-04-17 Thread Thorsten Schöning
Guten Tag Thorsten Schöning,
am Montag, 17. April 2023 um 13:16 schrieben Sie:

>> common.loader=[...],"${catalina.base}/lib_custom/*.jar"
>> common.loader=[...],"${catalina.home}/lib_custom/*.jar"
>> common.loader=[...],"${catalina.base}/lib_custom/custom.jar"
>> common.loader=[...],"${catalina.home}/lib_custom/custom.jar"

No idea what I did wrong before, but this works now as long as I have
the correct path to the JAR.

> common.loader="[...],"${catalina.base}/Tomcat_ClassLoader.jar"
> common.loader="[...],"${catalina.base}/webapps/RIFF/WEB-INF/lib/Tomcat_ClassLoader.jar"

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Thorsten Schöning

AM-SoFT IT-Service - Bitstore Hameln GmbH
Mitglied der Bitstore Gruppe - Ihr Full-Service-Dienstleister für IT und TK


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Mit freundlichen Grüßen, 

Thorsten Schöning

Telefon: +49 5151 9468-55

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Re: How to have a custom classloader outside Tomcat's own lib-dir?

2023-04-17 Thread Thorsten Schöning
Guten Tag Mark Thomas,
am Montag, 17. April 2023 um 12:13 schrieben Sie:

> What are those reasons? I'm wondering if the reasons have any impact on the 
> answer.

Unlikely, it's about business logic. The custom classloader uses some
custom config file to maintain additional JARs for the classloader
based on a custom feature system enabling/disabling things.

For the time being that classloader is needed, but the interesting
question is where the JAR file is stored and where the classloader is
actually enabled/used. If it really needs to be in some Tomcat server
side config or can be placed into a webapp.

> That should have worked and is the approach I'd recommend. Exactly
> what did you change when you tried this?

Something along the following, don't have the exact lines anymore.
Need to try again at some later time not that I know it's the correct
approach at all in theory.

> common.loader=[...],"${catalina.base}/lib_custom/*.jar"
> common.loader=[...],"${catalina.home}/lib_custom/*.jar"
> common.loader=[...],"${catalina.base}/lib_custom/custom.jar"
> common.loader=[...],"${catalina.home}/lib_custom/custom.jar"

> No. Tomcat needs to be able to load the custom class loader in order to 
> configure it.

Just to be sure: I don't necessarily need Tomcat-level classloader,
but webapp-specific might be sufficient. But on that level there's no
way to use a custom classloader or is there?

I'm e.g. using Axis2 as a webapp in Tomcat and that does support a
custom classloader. But that is simply because it does so on its own,
have nothign to do with Servlet standards?

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Thorsten Schöning

AM-SoFT IT-Service - Bitstore Hameln GmbH
Mitglied der Bitstore Gruppe - Ihr Full-Service-Dienstleister für IT und TK


Tel:   +49 5151-  9468- 0
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Mit freundlichen Grüßen, 

Thorsten Schöning

Telefon: +49 5151 9468-55

AM-Soft IT-Service - Bitstore Hameln GmbH
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How to have a custom classloader outside Tomcat's own lib-dir?

2023-04-16 Thread Thorsten Schöning
Hi everyone,

I have some app consisting of a directory layout with some bundled
Tomcat, containing at least one exploded webapp. For various reasons,
that webbapp needs its own classloader, which is currently configured
in context.xml of Tomcat and stored in its own lib-dir. I don't like
putting custom JARs into the default deployment of Tomcat too much.


So, is there some way to put the JAR elsewhere?

Whatever I tested didn't work, e.g. adding the JAR to "common.loader".
But I must admit that I didn't fully understand if common.loader is
used to load the custom loader at all or only afterwards and stuff.

Or is there some way to not use Tomcat's "Loader" above and only
maintain a custom, webapp-specific classloader in the one webapp
needing it?

I've searched for somethign like "setClassLoader" and found it for
some servlet containers, but it doesn't seem to be standard and
supported by Tomcat.

Thanks for your input!

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Thorsten Schöning

AM-SoFT IT-Service - Bitstore Hameln GmbH
Mitglied der Bitstore Gruppe - Ihr Full-Service-Dienstleister für IT und TK


Tel:   +49 5151-  9468- 0
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AG Hannover HRB 221853 - Geschäftsführer: Janine Galonska

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Mit freundlichen Grüßen, 

Thorsten Schöning

Telefon: +49 5151 9468-55

AM-Soft IT-Service - Bitstore Hameln GmbH
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Re: Why does LockOutRealm not support CredentialHandler?

2022-11-16 Thread Thorsten Schöning
Guten Tag Christopher Schultz,
am Mittwoch, 16. November 2022 um 13:35 schrieben Sie:

> I really don't know why you are seeing that warning. You aren't
> explicitly-setting a CredentialHandler on your LockOutRealm and
> that's the only time this warning should be shown.[...]

Yes I did during tests when the credential handler didn't work as
expected for the user database. I simply moved it up for test
purposes, got the warning and thought there was some fundamental 
underluying problem.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Thorsten Schöning

AM-SoFT IT-Service - Bitstore Hameln GmbH
Mitglied der Bitstore Gruppe - Ihr Full-Service-Dienstleister für IT und TK


Tel:   +49 5151-  9468- 0
Tel:   +49 5151-  9468-55
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AM-SoFT IT-Service - Bitstore Hameln GmbH, Brandenburger Str. 7c, 31789 Hameln
AG Hannover HRB 221853 - Geschäftsführer: Janine Galonska

Für Rückfragen stehe ich Ihnen jederzeit zur Verfügung. 

Mit freundlichen Grüßen, 

Thorsten Schöning

Telefon: +49 5151 9468-55

AM-Soft IT-Service - Bitstore Hameln GmbH
Brandenburger Straße 7c
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Re: Why does LockOutRealm not support CredentialHandler?

2022-11-16 Thread Thorsten Schöning
Guten Tag Christopher Schultz,
am Mittwoch, 16. November 2022 um 04:50 schrieben Sie:

>  resourceName="UserDatabase">
>  className="org.apache.catalina.realm.SecretKeyCredentialHandler"
>  algorithm="PBKDF2WithHmacSHA512"
>  iterations="10"
>  keyLength="256"
>  saltLength="16"

That worked right from the start, I had a DIGEST in tomcat-users.xml
and was able to login with plain-text password provided to the

> ...

Adding that didn't work, I was only able to login with providing the
DIGEST of tomcat-users.xml as password to the browser, which actually
made it a plain-text password at the server. The following fit as well
to what I recognized:

BUT: I gave things an additional try now and especially after the
discussion about auth-method BASIC vs. DIGEST and login DOES work now!

I most likely not only added LockOutRealm at some point, but switched
from BASIC auth to DIGEST as well, because I've read that in the CIS
spec I worked with. That combination can't work and at some point I
most likely became frustrated and changed DIGEST back to BASIC, while
having changed other aspects of the realms already or might have
simply forgotten to change passwords vs. digests in tomcat-users.xml
or whatever.

So, I guess the reason for the warnign about an ignored credential
helper in LockOutRealm simply is because it doesn't handle credentials
at all? And as LockOutRealm forwards actual login to its children
THEIR assigned credential handlers are properly taken into account?

So whatever the SO-guy sees, might have a different root cause, as it
was the case for me.

Thanks for triggering me to try again! Might have been to late already
at Monday as well. :-)

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Thorsten Schöning

AM-SoFT IT-Service - Bitstore Hameln GmbH
Mitglied der Bitstore Gruppe - Ihr Full-Service-Dienstleister für IT und TK


Tel:   +49 5151-  9468- 0
Tel:   +49 5151-  9468-55
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AM-SoFT IT-Service - Bitstore Hameln GmbH, Brandenburger Str. 7c, 31789 Hameln
AG Hannover HRB 221853 - Geschäftsführer: Janine Galonska

Für Rückfragen stehe ich Ihnen jederzeit zur Verfügung. 

Mit freundlichen Grüßen, 

Thorsten Schöning

Telefon: +49 5151 9468-55

AM-Soft IT-Service - Bitstore Hameln GmbH
Brandenburger Straße 7c
31789 Hameln

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Re: How do auth-method BASIC and DIGEST play together with some credential helper?

2022-11-15 Thread Thorsten Schöning
Guten Tag Christopher Schultz,
am Mittwoch, 16. November 2022 um 04:17 schrieben Sie:

> You should double-check the definition of "compliant to CIS
> benchmark spec" because there is no way in hell that HTTP DIGEST is
> required.[...]

The spec doesn't tell me exactly to use auth-method DIGEST, but their
example configs and stuff use exactly that.

> $ grep -i 
> [.\n]*DIGEST[.\n]*
> UserDatabase[.\n]*
> $CATALINA_HOME/webapps/manager/WEB-INF/web.xml

And here it comes:

> If a Realm exists without a digest attribute or without a value for
> the digest attribute, this is a fail.

That sentence is for Tomcat 9, in which that attribute has been removed
as well already, didn't it? They don't even mention any credential
handler possible in Tomcat at all, even those are superior than using
the digest attribute.

So this whole abstract seems broken in the CIS spec to me and I just
needed to collect input how to deal with that. OTOH, thinking about
it again, the customer says to run automatic CIS checks using some app
and that didn't complain about auth-method BASIC yet. So using that
with PBKDF2WithHmacSHA512 seems to be fine even more.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Thorsten Schöning

AM-SoFT IT-Service - Bitstore Hameln GmbH
Mitglied der Bitstore Gruppe - Ihr Full-Service-Dienstleister für IT und TK


Tel:   +49 5151-  9468- 0
Tel:   +49 5151-  9468-55
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AM-SoFT IT-Service - Bitstore Hameln GmbH, Brandenburger Str. 7c, 31789 Hameln
AG Hannover HRB 221853 - Geschäftsführer: Janine Galonska

Für Rückfragen stehe ich Ihnen jederzeit zur Verfügung. 

Mit freundlichen Grüßen, 

Thorsten Schöning

Telefon: +49 5151 9468-55

AM-Soft IT-Service - Bitstore Hameln GmbH
Brandenburger Straße 7c
31789 Hameln

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Re: Why does LockOutRealm not support CredentialHandler?

2022-11-15 Thread Thorsten Schöning
Guten Tag Christopher Schultz,
am Mittwoch, 16. November 2022 um 04:00 schrieben Sie:

> Thorsten, what makes you say "it doesn't work" and "LockoutRealm
> ignores any credential handler"? When you say "it doesn't work"...
> what DOES it do?

IGNORES because it logs a corresponding warning on explicitly
configured credential handlers for the LockOutRealm itself and uses a
hard-coded default handler, which only allows plain-text passwords in
tomcat-users.xml. Or to be more specific, whatever is input intoc
tomcat-users.xml is simply used as plain-text password, so adding a
digest based on PBKDF2WithHmacSHA512 won't let you login with the real
plain-text provided to the browser by the user. But it allow login
when providing the digest as plain-text password.

If credential handlers are configured for child realms, those are
simply ignored as well, even without any warning this time. Which
makes it additionally difficult to debug this whole setup.

> In Tomcat 10 BTW, the "digest" attribute has been removed in favor
> of a properly-configured . Note that you can't
> use "digest" and also get acceptable security out of the Realm, anyway.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Thorsten Schöning

AM-SoFT IT-Service - Bitstore Hameln GmbH
Mitglied der Bitstore Gruppe - Ihr Full-Service-Dienstleister für IT und TK


Tel:   +49 5151-  9468- 0
Tel:   +49 5151-  9468-55
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AM-SoFT IT-Service - Bitstore Hameln GmbH, Brandenburger Str. 7c, 31789 Hameln
AG Hannover HRB 221853 - Geschäftsführer: Janine Galonska

Für Rückfragen stehe ich Ihnen jederzeit zur Verfügung. 

Mit freundlichen Grüßen, 

Thorsten Schöning

Telefon: +49 5151 9468-55

AM-Soft IT-Service - Bitstore Hameln GmbH
Brandenburger Straße 7c
31789 Hameln

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Re: How do auth-method BASIC and DIGEST play together with some credential helper?

2022-11-15 Thread Thorsten Schöning
Guten Tag Mark Thomas,
am Dienstag, 15. November 2022 um 20:44 schrieben Sie:

> Assuming digesting passwords with one round of MD5 and no salt
> isn't acceptable (I'd be surprised if it was) then you are probably
> looking at HTTPS + BASIC + PBKDF2WithHmacSHA512.

Thanks for that clarification, it's exactly what I expected. My major
problem is that I have IT sec of some customer requiring me that the
Tomcat is configured compliant to CIS benchmark spec.

One requirement is to not have cleartext passwords in
tomcat-users.xml, which is possible with your suggestion. But at the
same time config examples of that spec use auth-method DIGEST and as
we both seem to agree, that doesn't make too much sense. Other parts
of the spec don't make sense in this special aspect as well and simply
seem outdated and copied over from VERY old Tomcats.

So, my approach will be to use HTTPS + BASIC + PBKDF2WithHmacSHA512
most likely and simply tell IT sec that CIS benchmark stuff doesn't
work in that aspect and PBKDF2WithHmacSHA512 is superior. The used app
doesn plain-text auth on it's own as well and they need to trust HTTPS
as well, so no real problem, besided that vood spec.

Thanks for input!

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Thorsten Schöning

AM-SoFT IT-Service - Bitstore Hameln GmbH
Mitglied der Bitstore Gruppe - Ihr Full-Service-Dienstleister für IT und TK


Tel:   +49 5151-  9468- 0
Tel:   +49 5151-  9468-55
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AM-SoFT IT-Service - Bitstore Hameln GmbH, Brandenburger Str. 7c, 31789 Hameln
AG Hannover HRB 221853 - Geschäftsführer: Janine Galonska

Für Rückfragen stehe ich Ihnen jederzeit zur Verfügung. 

Mit freundlichen Grüßen, 

Thorsten Schöning

Telefon: +49 5151 9468-55

AM-Soft IT-Service - Bitstore Hameln GmbH
Brandenburger Straße 7c
31789 Hameln

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Re: How do auth-method BASIC and DIGEST play together with some credential helper?

2022-11-15 Thread Thorsten Schöning
Guten Tag Mark Thomas,
am Dienstag, 15. November 2022 um 18:36 schrieben Sie:

> Please go and read my email - and the links I provided - again.

I did, so feel free to tell me how I tell my browser to use my
plain-text password as PBKDF2WithHmacSHA512 digest with 10
iterations, a key length of 256 bits and a salt of 16 bytes. Because
my browser's dialog asking for username and password doesn't allow me
to put any of these options in.

Are you sure to have understood that I already know how to store a
digest with those settings in tomcat-users.xml? That wasn't the
question. The question was this aspect from your own link:

> When the authenticate() method of the Realm is called, the
> (cleartext) password specified by the user is itself digested by the
> same algorithm[...]

There is no cleartext password from the user from the browser if
"DIGEST" is used. The cleartext password
needs to be available in tomcat-users.xml, but isn't when using

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Thorsten Schöning

AM-SoFT IT-Service - Bitstore Hameln GmbH
Mitglied der Bitstore Gruppe - Ihr Full-Service-Dienstleister für IT und TK


Tel:   +49 5151-  9468- 0
Tel:   +49 5151-  9468-55
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AM-SoFT IT-Service - Bitstore Hameln GmbH, Brandenburger Str. 7c, 31789 Hameln
AG Hannover HRB 221853 - Geschäftsführer: Janine Galonska

Für Rückfragen stehe ich Ihnen jederzeit zur Verfügung. 

Mit freundlichen Grüßen, 

Thorsten Schöning

Telefon: +49 5151 9468-55

AM-Soft IT-Service - Bitstore Hameln GmbH
Brandenburger Straße 7c
31789 Hameln

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Re: Why does LockOutRealm not support CredentialHandler?

2022-11-15 Thread Thorsten Schöning
Guten Tag Rémy Maucherat,
am Dienstag, 15. November 2022 um 12:59 schrieben Sie:

> Maybe NestedCredentialHandler could be used to construct a
> CredentialHandler that could be useful to the application, but this
> needs more thought.

That wouldn't change anything, as that handler would be ignored and/or
warned about again. The problem is the strategy from which realm to
get the handler and a depth-first approach seems to make most sense.

I've created a bit now, this should at least be documented as widely
as possible. In the best case even enhanced of course.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Thorsten Schöning

AM-SoFT IT-Service - Bitstore Hameln GmbH
Mitglied der Bitstore Gruppe - Ihr Full-Service-Dienstleister für IT und TK


Tel:   +49 5151-  9468- 0
Tel:   +49 5151-  9468-55
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AM-SoFT IT-Service - Bitstore Hameln GmbH, Brandenburger Str. 7c, 31789 Hameln
AG Hannover HRB 221853 - Geschäftsführer: Janine Galonska

Für Rückfragen stehe ich Ihnen jederzeit zur Verfügung. 

Mit freundlichen Grüßen, 

Thorsten Schöning

Telefon: +49 5151 9468-55

AM-Soft IT-Service - Bitstore Hameln GmbH
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Re: How do auth-method BASIC and DIGEST play together with some credential helper?

2022-11-15 Thread Thorsten Schöning
Guten Tag Mark Thomas,
am Dienstag, 15. November 2022 um 12:51 schrieben Sie:

> In short, the digested value you save as the user credential is one
> of the inputs the client uses when calculating the value to use in
> the authorization header.[...]

My client is a browser and that asks me for plain-text passwords.
There's no way I could provide a digest generated using
PBKDF2WithHmacSHA512 with the settings mentioned in my former mail.
And even if there was, that digest would be a plain-text password

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Thorsten Schöning

AM-SoFT IT-Service - Bitstore Hameln GmbH
Mitglied der Bitstore Gruppe - Ihr Full-Service-Dienstleister für IT und TK


Tel:   +49 5151-  9468- 0
Tel:   +49 5151-  9468-55
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AM-SoFT IT-Service - Bitstore Hameln GmbH, Brandenburger Str. 7c, 31789 Hameln
AG Hannover HRB 221853 - Geschäftsführer: Janine Galonska

Für Rückfragen stehe ich Ihnen jederzeit zur Verfügung. 

Mit freundlichen Grüßen, 

Thorsten Schöning

Telefon: +49 5151 9468-55

AM-Soft IT-Service - Bitstore Hameln GmbH
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How do auth-method BASIC and DIGEST play together with some credential helper?

2022-11-15 Thread Thorsten Schöning
Hi everyone,

I have some webapp hosted by Tomcat and need to restrict user access
to some part of that. One additional requirement is that this app
needs to be CIS benchmark compliant and that requires to not store
plain-text passwords. So consider the following user database and
credential helper being used to stored hashed passwords in

>  className="org.apache.catalina.realm.SecretKeyCredentialHandler"
> algorithm="PBKDF2WithHmacSHA512"
> iterations="10"
> keyLength="256"
> saltLength="16"
> />

And here's where things become interesting, because the docs of the
CIS benchmark PDF are using a DIGEST auth-method instead of my used
BASIC one.

>interner Bereich

From my understanding, the BASIC auth-method results in the browser
sending plain-text passwords to the server, which can than be
processed by some credential helper to compare the results to what is
stored in tomcat-users.xml. OTOH, when using DIGEST, the browser won't
ever send plain-text passwords and hashes already which needs to be
compared by Tomcat. To be able to calculate the same hash, AFAIK
Tomcat needs to plain-text password itself as well. But because of
DIGEST auth-method and the already hashed password in
tomcat-users.xml, it can't have access ot the plain-text password.
That's the overall goal of using the credential helper in this case.

Additionally, from my understanding DIGEST auth-method has nothing to
do with any digest config of any realm or credential helper. It's
really distinguishing on HTTP level how browser and Tomcat share

So, is it even possible to use SecretKeyCredentialHandler and
auth-method DIGEST together or am I required to use BASIC? If DIGEST
is supported, how does that and credential helper work together
without plain-text password available at the server at all?

Of course there's TLS in place, it's really about to follow the CIS
benchmark as much as possible for some customer requirements. But some
parts of that CIS benchmark don't make too much sense to me.

Thanks for your help!

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Thorsten Schöning

AM-SoFT IT-Service - Bitstore Hameln GmbH
Mitglied der Bitstore Gruppe - Ihr Full-Service-Dienstleister für IT und TK


Tel:   +49 5151-  9468- 0
Tel:   +49 5151-  9468-55
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AM-SoFT IT-Service - Bitstore Hameln GmbH, Brandenburger Str. 7c, 31789 Hameln
AG Hannover HRB 221853 - Geschäftsführer: Janine Galonska

Für Rückfragen stehe ich Ihnen jederzeit zur Verfügung. 

Mit freundlichen Grüßen, 

Thorsten Schöning

Telefon: +49 5151 9468-55

AM-Soft IT-Service - Bitstore Hameln GmbH
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Why does LockOutRealm not support CredentialHandler?

2022-11-15 Thread Thorsten Schöning
Hi everyone,

I have some webapp hosted by Tomcat and need to restrict user access
to some part of that. One additional requirement is that this app
needs to be CIS benchmark compliant and that requires to use
LockOutRealm and restricts to store plain-text passwords. Therefore,
the ultimate solution in my case would be the following:

>  className="org.apache.catalina.realm.SecretKeyCredentialHandler"
> algorithm="PBKDF2WithHmacSHA512"
> iterations="10"
> keyLength="256"
> saltLength="16"
> />

But that doesn't work, because LockOutRealm ignores any credential
handler. Additionally, with my used Tomcat 10, I'm unable to set any
"digest" attribute on the realm itself anymore as well. The only way
to fulfill both requirements is to implement a custom realm.

> Nov 14, 2022 9:03:48 PM org.apache.catalina.realm.CombinedRealm 
> setCredentialHandler
> WARNUNG: A CredentialHandler was set on an instance of the
> CombinedRealm (or a sub-class of CombinedRealm). CombinedRealm
> doesn't use a configured CredentialHandler. Is this a configuration
> error?

So, what's the reason of not supporting credential handlers for

Doesn't make too much sense to me, especially as most docs I came
across use LockOutRealm in combination with some other realm and
there's no docs that a fundamental concept like credential helpers
won't work at all in this setup. Additionally, when researching about
that task, some people even claim that the above XML config works, but
it simply can't. I don't see any code in LockOutRealm to ask other
realms about their credential handlers.

I've had a look at the bugtracker already and couldn't find this topic
discussed or a reason for the implementation. OTOH, someone did add
some code to explicitly log a warning message instead of fixing the
underlying problem.

Is the problem really to decide which of the child realms to choose
for its credential handler to use? In the easiest case simply use the
first credential handler found with a depth-first search, that should
work for the majority of use-cases. Other aspects of the config like
default assumed nesting level of realms and stuff seem hard-coded as

Would be glad to read some thoughts, as I need to decide how to deal
with this limitation right now. Thanks!

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Thorsten Schöning

AM-SoFT IT-Service - Bitstore Hameln GmbH
Mitglied der Bitstore Gruppe - Ihr Full-Service-Dienstleister für IT und TK


Tel:   +49 5151-  9468- 0
Tel:   +49 5151-  9468-55
Mobil: +49  178-8 9468-04

AM-SoFT IT-Service - Bitstore Hameln GmbH, Brandenburger Str. 7c, 31789 Hameln
AG Hannover HRB 221853 - Geschäftsführer: Janine Galonska

Für Rückfragen stehe ich Ihnen jederzeit zur Verfügung. 

Mit freundlichen Grüßen, 

Thorsten Schöning

Telefon: +49 5151 9468-55

AM-Soft IT-Service - Bitstore Hameln GmbH
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Re: Experiences with Tomcat in some IoT-project?

2019-10-17 Thread Thorsten Schöning
Guten Tag Christopher Schultz,
am Donnerstag, 17. Oktober 2019 um 18:48 schrieben Sie:

> When you say that your desired 1GiB board doesn't "fit into
> battery-operated mode", what do you mean?[...]

Thanks for your valuable input, it's pretty in line with what I saw in
my tests already. Regarding the battery-mode, customers want to
operate the whole device only powered by some rechargeable battery in
some use cases and a colleague calculated that power consumption of
the AV96 is simply too high for that purpose. The CPU itself,
refreshing RAM even with hibernate and stuff like that. Some different
discussed board/CPU with far less power consumption only provides 128
MiB of RAM, hence the tests.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen,

Thorsten Schöning

Thorsten Schöning   E-Mail:
AM-SoFT IT-Systeme

Telefon...05151-  9468- 55
Fax...05151-  9468- 88
Mobil..0178-8 9468- 04

AM-SoFT GmbH IT-Systeme, Brandenburger Str. 7c, 31789 Hameln
AG Hannover HRB 207 694 - Geschäftsführer: Andreas Muchow

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Experiences with Tomcat in some IoT-project?

2019-10-17 Thread Thorsten Schöning
Hi all,


Is someone hosting web interfaces, web services etc. in IoT-related
projects using Tomcat? If so, under which hardware requirements,
especially CPU and RAM and using which frameworks/... for the
interface etc.? Did you do so in the past and might have failed
terribly, for what reasons?

The background:

I'm working on some IoT-project creating some device(s) with currently
only very few and vague requirements. Some of those requirements are
providing a web interface and web services, but another one is that
some variant of the device should be used in some battery-powered
context as well. If that should provide a web interface/web services
as well and how complex etc. still needs to be discussed.

Additionally, there's some cloud-based software with its own frontend
interacting with the predecessor of the newly created device. That
whole stack is implemented using Apache Tomcat, Wicket and Axis 2 and
because we are a pretty small company and stuff I would like to reuse
as much of that stack as possible and somewhat reasonable.

What we currently test is some Avenger96-Board with 1 GiB of RAM
running some Yocto-Linux, but it already seems that this doesn't fit
to a battery-powered mode. So some far less powerful hardware with
e.g. only 128 MiB of RAM gets considered as well.

The AV96 with 1 GiB of RAM runs my tested server-software pretty fine,
but fails with 128 MiB. With some easy steps the image could be
changed to make ~60 MiB of RAM free for my usage, but that simply
wasn't enough to start my web-app at all. Tomcat itself ran fine even
with only 15 MiB of RAM free, though, unless used with my app. :-)

What I would like to get a feeling for is if that approach is even
worth following or not. So thanks for everything you share!

Mit freundlichen Grüßen,

Thorsten Schöning

Thorsten Schöning   E-Mail:
AM-SoFT IT-Systeme

Telefon...05151-  9468- 55
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AM-SoFT GmbH IT-Systeme, Brandenburger Str. 7c, 31789 Hameln
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Re: Character encoding problems using jsp:include with jsp:param in Tomcat 8.5 only.

2018-11-27 Thread Thorsten Schöning
Guten Tag Christopher Schultz,
am Montag, 26. November 2018 um 16:07 schrieben Sie:

> web.xml
> - ---
>   UTF-8

Tested that with Tomcat 9 and this setting fixed my problem the same
as using SetCharacterEncodingFilter. It doesn't work in Tomcat 8.5, I
guess because that simply doesn't implement Servlet 4.0?

Because I still need to support Tomcat 7 and 8.0 for some time, I'll
keep SetCharacterEncodingFilter for now and just document the better
solution. Thanks!


I've send you a private mail some days ago, unrelated to Tomcat. Did
you get that? Just want to make sure that I'm not spam filtered.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen,

Thorsten Schöning

Thorsten Schöning   E-Mail:
AM-SoFT IT-Systeme

Telefon...05151-  9468- 55
Fax...05151-  9468- 88
Mobil..0178-8 9468- 04

AM-SoFT GmbH IT-Systeme, Brandenburger Str. 7c, 31789 Hameln
AG Hannover HRB 207 694 - Geschäftsführer: Andreas Muchow

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Character encoding problems using jsp:include with jsp:param in Tomcat 8.5 only.

2018-11-26 Thread Thorsten Schöning
Hi all,

I'm currently testing migration of a legacy web app from Tomcat 7 to 8
to 8.5 and ran into problems regarding character encoding in 8.5 only.
That app uses JSP pages and declares all of those to be stored in
UTF-8, does really do so :-), and declares a HTTP-Content type of
"text/html; charset=UTF-8" as well. Textual content at HTML-level is
properly encoded using UTF-8 and looks properly in the browser etc.

In Tomcat 8.5 the following is introducing encoding problems, though:

>  value="Benutzer wählen"
>   />

"search.jsp" simply outputs the value of the param as the "title"
attribute of some HTML-link and the character "ä" is replaced
somewhere with the Unicode character REPLACEMENT CHARACTER 0xFFFD. But
really only in Tomcat 8.5, not in 8 and not in 7.

I can fix that problem using either "SetCharacterEncodingFilter" or
the following line, which simply results in the same I guess:

> <% request.setCharacterEncoding("UTF-8"); %>

Looking at the generated Java code for the JSP I get the following:

> org.apache.jasper.runtime.JspRuntimeLibrary.include(request, response, 
> "/WEB-INF/jsp/includes/search.jsp" + "?" + 
> org.apache.jasper.runtime.JspRuntimeLibrary.URLEncode("chooseSearchInputTitle",
>  request.getCharacterEncoding())+ "=" + 
> org.apache.jasper.runtime.JspRuntimeLibrary.URLEncode("Benutzer wählen", 
> request.getCharacterEncoding()), out, false);

The "ä" is properly encoded using UTF-8 in all versions of Tomcat and
the generated code seems to be the same in all versions as well,
especially regarding "request.getCharacterEncoding()".

"getCharacterEncoding" in Tomcat 8.8 has changed, the former
implementation didn't take the context into account:

>public String getCharacterEncoding() {
>String characterEncoding = coyoteRequest.getCharacterEncoding();
>if (characterEncoding != null) {
>return characterEncoding;
>Context context = getContext();
>if (context != null) {
>return context.getRequestCharacterEncoding();
>return null;

My connector in server.xml is configured to use "URIEncoding" as UTF-8
in all versions of Tomcat, but that doesn't make a difference to 8.5.
So I understand that using "setCharacterEncoding", I set the value
actually used in the generated Java now, even though the following is
documented for character encoding filter:

> Note that the encoding for GET requests is not set here, but on a Connector

Now I'm wondering about multiple things...

1. Doesn't "getCharacterEncoding" provide the encoding of the
   HTTP-body? My JSP is called using GET and the Java quoted above
   seems to build a query string as well. So why does it depend on
   some body encoding instead of e.g. URIEncoding of the connector?

2. Is my former approach wrong or did changes in Tomcat 8.5 introduce
   some regression? There is some conversion somewhere which was not
   present in the past.

3. What is the correct fix I need now? The character encoding filter,
   even though it only applies to bodies per documentation?


Mit freundlichen Grüßen,

Thorsten Schöning

Thorsten Schöning   E-Mail:
AM-SoFT IT-Systeme

Telefon...05151-  9468- 55
Fax...05151-  9468- 88
Mobil..0178-8 9468- 04

AM-SoFT GmbH IT-Systeme, Brandenburger Str. 7c, 31789 Hameln
AG Hannover HRB 207 694 - Geschäftsführer: Andreas Muchow

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Re: What is the correct place to specifiy SPI service files for Java?

2018-11-23 Thread Thorsten Schöning
Guten Tag Mark Thomas,
am Mittwoch, 1. August 2018 um 21:12 schrieben Sie:

> Service files are loaded by class loaders from the META-INF/services
> directory.

> *.jar!/META-INF/services
> and
> *.war/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services
> are visible to class loaders

> *.war!/META-INF/services
> is not.

I just came across another issue with using service files in my
environment: "Something" works in Ubuntu 16.04 with Tomcat 7 and Java
8, while it doesn't in Windows 10 with the same version of Tomcat and

The important thing to note is that I'm using Axis 2 in this scenario
and the service file is part of a service I'm hosting within Axis 2.
This results in the following directory in both environments:

> [...]\webapps\axis2\WEB-INF\services\de.am_soft.sm_mtg.backend\META-INF\services\SOME_FILE

Using Process Monitor I can see that only the following directories
are queried on Windows:

> [...]\webapps\axis2\WEB-INF\classes\META-INF\services\SOME_FILE
> [...]\lib\META-INF\services\SOME_FILE

Querying the above two dirs looks like what you have written before
and that explains why it fails on Windows. But it doesn't on Ubuntu,
while it does fail if I remove the "services"-dir where it is
currently. So querying this dir seems non-standard.

But who is querying it most likely, Tomcat or Axis 2? I came across
different classloaders in Axis 2 for different OS in the past already,
so I guess it has to do with Axis 2. What do you think?

I'm using ServiceLoader the following way:

> ClassLoadercl = MdRecOmsEnc.class.getClassLoader();
> ServiceLoader sl = ServiceLoader.load(MdRecOmsEnc.class, cl);
> Iterator  it = sl.iterator();

Providing the classloader is needed for other issues in very specific
environments, but in my opinion shouldn't be the root cause, as that
is provided with Ubuntu as well.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen,

Thorsten Schöning

Thorsten Schöning   E-Mail:
AM-SoFT IT-Systeme

Telefon...05151-  9468- 55
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AM-SoFT GmbH IT-Systeme, Brandenburger Str. 7c, 31789 Hameln
AG Hannover HRB 207 694 - Geschäftsführer: Andreas Muchow

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Re: What is the correct place to specifiy SPI service files for Java?

2018-08-02 Thread Thorsten Schöning
Guten Tag Mark Thomas,
am Mittwoch, 1. August 2018 um 21:12 schrieben Sie:

> The servlet expert group recently discussed WAR vs JAR[...]

Thanks for the explanation, make things more clear tor me. I've added
your answer to the SO-question, because it provides the missing
background I wanted to read about, but if you want the credits, feel
free to add it yourself and I will delete mine.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen,

Thorsten Schöning

Thorsten Schöning   E-Mail:
AM-SoFT IT-Systeme

Telefon...05151-  9468- 55
Fax...05151-  9468- 88
Mobil..0178-8 9468- 04

AM-SoFT GmbH IT-Systeme, Brandenburger Str. 7c, 31789 Hameln
AG Hannover HRB 207 694 - Geschäftsführer: Andreas Muchow

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Re: What is the correct place to specifiy SPI service files for Java?

2018-08-01 Thread Thorsten Schöning
Guten Tag Mark Thomas,
am Mittwoch, 1. August 2018 um 17:34 schrieben Sie:

> Nor should it. foo.war!/META-INF/services is not a valid location for an
> SPI file.
> The correct locations are:
> foo.war!/WEB-INF/lib/*.jar!/META-INF/services

So your argument is that a WAR is not a JAR and only JARs can contain
META-INF/services? Is there a reason for such decision, is it
something Java demands? Regarding the SO-question, JBoss seems to work

> What I do find odd however is that JBoss does seem to work with my
> setup and can discover services inside the Services folder even if
> you don't have them wrapped in a Jar file...

Which makes sense to me, reusing META-INF of the WAR is the first
thing one most likely considers. The docs for ServiceLoader seem to at
least not forbid this as well:

> Service providers can be installed in an implementation of the Java
> platform in the form of extensions, that is, jar files placed into
> any of the usual extension directories. Providers can also be made
> available by adding them to the application's class path or by some
> other platform-specific means.

So, Tomcat prefers Jars because only those are explicitly mentioned or
what is the reason?

Mit freundlichen Grüßen,

Thorsten Schöning

Thorsten Schöning   E-Mail:
AM-SoFT IT-Systeme

Telefon...05151-  9468- 55
Fax...05151-  9468- 88
Mobil..0178-8 9468- 04

AM-SoFT GmbH IT-Systeme, Brandenburger Str. 7c, 31789 Hameln
AG Hannover HRB 207 694 - Geschäftsführer: Andreas Muchow

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Re: What is the correct place to specifiy SPI service files for Java?

2018-08-01 Thread Thorsten Schöning
Guten Tag Mark Thomas,
am Dienstag, 31. Juli 2018 um 19:30 schrieben Sie:

> Correct.[...]

But as could have been read in the following paragraph of my mail and
the SO-link, it doesn't work that way at least in Tomcat 7.0.90 even
without absolute ordering in web.xml.

> Enumeration resources;
> if (loader == null) {
> resources = ClassLoader.getSystemResources(configFile);
> } else {
>resources = loader.getResources(configFile);
> }

That code is NOT using "META-INF/services" at the top level of the web
project, but "WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services" instead. That can be
clearly seen e.g. using Process Monitor.

So is this a bug or needs some configuration or has changed in newer
versions of Tomcat or whatever?

Mit freundlichen Grüßen,

Thorsten Schöning

Thorsten Schöning   E-Mail:
AM-SoFT IT-Systeme

Telefon...05151-  9468- 55
Fax...05151-  9468- 88
Mobil..0178-8 9468- 04

AM-SoFT GmbH IT-Systeme, Brandenburger Str. 7c, 31789 Hameln
AG Hannover HRB 207 694 - Geschäftsführer: Andreas Muchow

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What is the correct place to specifiy SPI service files for Java?

2018-07-31 Thread Thorsten Schöning
Hi all,

I would like to get some attention on some older SO-question[1] about
where to place SPI-service files of Java.

Following the docs, those should be placed in META-INF at the top
level of some JAR and webapps designed to be used with Tomcat provide
such a folder. But it seems to be ignored during search for
SPI-service files, instead those seem to be assumed in
WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services. The can easily be seen e.g. using
Process Monitor in Windows.

As the SO-question lacks some official Tomcat-documentation or such, I
am asking here: What is the correct place for such service files? Can
this be configured somehow? Why is META-INF at the top level ignored?
Is it used at all for anything or only WEB-INF/classes/META-INF for
anything which is normally assumed to be in META-INF itself?



Mit freundlichen Grüßen,

Thorsten Schöning

Thorsten Schöning   E-Mail:
AM-SoFT IT-Systeme

Telefon...05151-  9468- 55
Fax...05151-  9468- 88
Mobil..0178-8 9468- 04

AM-SoFT GmbH IT-Systeme, Brandenburger Str. 7c, 31789 Hameln
AG Hannover HRB 207 694 - Geschäftsführer: Andreas Muchow

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How to make Tomcat 7.0.52 and newer ones compatible regarding filter HttpHeaderSecurity?

2018-01-30 Thread Thorsten Schöning
Hi all,

in production I'm still running Ubuntu 14.04 LTS Server which provides
Tomcat 7.0.52, which doesn't contain the filter for HttpHeaderSecurity
yet[1]. Some of my customers on the other hand use Windows and run
newer versions of Tomcat which already support that filter. To not
force customers to change global Tomcat settings and to document that
my app is compatible, I would like to add HttpHeaderSecurity to the
web.xml of my own app with the correct settings. That breaks in my own
Ubuntus of course.

So, is there some way to get old and new Tomcats together if my app's
web.xml uses that filter?

Frist thing I tried was simply providing the implementation in the
classpath of my own app, which didn't work. Should that work in theory
and I most likely did something wrong or are those filters only
expected to be in the classpath of Tomcat itself? I'm using
"UrlRewriteFilter"[2] bundled with my app, configured in my web.xml
and that works.

Else, is there some condition for filters to only apply those
depending on e.g. the version of Tomcat or such? The only similar
question I found were pretty old and maybe things have changed since

Thanks for your input!


Mit freundlichen Grüßen,

Thorsten Schöning

Thorsten Schöning   E-Mail:
AM-SoFT IT-Systeme

Telefon...05151-  9468- 55
Fax...05151-  9468- 88
Mobil..0178-8 9468- 04

AM-SoFT GmbH IT-Systeme, Brandenburger Str. 7c, 31789 Hameln
AG Hannover HRB 207 694 - Geschäftsführer: Andreas Muchow

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