Re: [SECURITY] CVE-2010-4172: Apache Tomcat Manager application XSS vulnerability

2010-11-23 Thread Mark Thomas
The processing of applying the digital signature to the original e-mail
made the patches hard to read. E-mail clients that can process digital
signatures should undo this formatting.

For those folks with an e-mail client that can't process OpenGPG signed
e-mail, the patches have been placed on the download mirrors as part of
the 6.0.29 and 7.0.4 distributions. To obtain the patches:

For Tomcat 6
- Open
- Select 'Browse' from the Quick Navigation section
- Select the patches directory

For Tomcat 7
- Open
- Select 'Browse' from the Quick Navigation section
- Select the patches directory

The Apache Tomcat Security Team

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[SECURITY] CVE-2010-4172: Apache Tomcat Manager application XSS vulnerability

2010-11-22 Thread Mark Thomas
Hash: SHA1

CVE-2010-4172: Apache Tomcat Manager application XSS vulnerability

Severity: Tomcat 7.0.x - Low, Tomcat 6.0.x - Moderate

Vendor: The Apache Software Foundation

Versions Affected:
- - Tomcat 7.0.0 to 7.0.4
  - Not affected in default configuration.
  - Affected if CSRF protection is disabled
  - Additional XSS issues if web applications are untrusted
- - Tomcat 6.0.12 to 6.0.29
  - Affected in default configuration
  - Additional XSS issues if web applications are untrusted
- - Tomcat 5.5.x
  - Not affected

The session list screen (provided by sessionList.jsp) in affected
versions uses the orderBy and sort request parameters without applying
filtering and therefore is vulnerable to a cross-site scripting attack.
Users should be aware that Tomcat 6 does not use httpOnly for session
cookies by default so this vulnerability could expose session cookies
from the manager application to an attacker.
A review of the Manager application by the Apache Tomcat security team
identified additional XSS vulnerabilities if the web applications
deployed were not trusted.


Users of affected versions should apply one of the following mitigations
- - Tomcat 7.0.0 to 7.0.4
  - Remove the Manager application
  - Remove the sessionList.jsp and sessionDetail.jsp files
  - Ensure the CSRF protection is enabled
  - Apply the patch 7.0.4 patch (see below)
  - Update to 7.0.5 when released
- - Tomcat 6.0.12 to 6.0.29
  - Remove the Manager application
  - Remove the sessionList.jsp and sessionDetail.jsp files
  - Apply the patch for 6.0.29 (see below)
  - Update to 6.0.30 when released

No release date has been set for the next Tomcat 7.0.x and Tomcat 6.0.x

The original issue was discovered by Adam Muntner of Gotham Digital Science.
Additional issues were identified by the Tomcat security team as a
result of reviewing the original issue.


Note: The patches The Apache Tomcat Security Team

Patch for 6.0.29

Index: webapps/manager/WEB-INF/jsp/sessionDetail.jsp
- --- webapps/manager/WEB-INF/jsp/sessionDetail.jsp (revision 1037769)
+++ webapps/manager/WEB-INF/jsp/sessionDetail.jsp   (working copy)
@@ -30,8 +30,10 @@
 % String path = (String) request.getAttribute(path);
Session currentSession =
HttpSession currentHttpSession = currentSession.getSession();
- -   String currentSessionId = currentSession.getId();
- -   String submitUrl =
+   String currentSessionId = JspHelper.escapeXml(currentSession.getId());
+   String submitUrl = JspHelper.escapeXml(
+   ((HttpServletRequest)
pageContext.getRequest()).getRequestURI() +
+   ?path= + path);
 meta http-equiv=content-type content=text/html;
@@ -45,7 +47,7 @@
titleSessions Administration: details for %= currentSessionId
- -h1Details for Session %= JspHelper.escapeXml(currentSessionId) %/h1
+h1Details for Session %= currentSessionId %/h1
  table style=text-align: left; border=0
@@ -54,7 +56,7 @@
 thGuessed Locale/th
- -td%= JspHelper.guessDisplayLocaleFromSession(currentSession)
 thGuessed User/th
@@ -120,7 +122,7 @@
String attributeName = (String)
- - td align=centerform action=%= submitUrl 
type=hidden name=path value=%= path % /input type=hidden
name=action value=removeSessionAttribute /input type=hidden
name=sessionId value=%= currentSessionId % /input type=hidden
name=attributeName value=%= attributeName % /input type=submit
value=Remove //div/form/td
+   td align=centerform action=%= submitUrl 
type=hidden name=action value=removeSessionAttribute /input
type=hidden name=sessionId value=%= currentSessionId % /input
type=hidden name=attributeName value=%=
JspHelper.escapeXml(attributeName) % /input type=submit
value=Remove //div/form/td
td%= JspHelper.escapeXml(attributeName) %/td
td% Object attributeValue =
currentHttpSession.getAttribute(attributeName); %span title=%=
attributeValue == null ?  : attributeValue.getClass().toString()
%%= JspHelper.escapeXml(attributeValue) %/span/td
Index: webapps/manager/WEB-INF/jsp/sessionsList.jsp