Re: Follow-up: Possible false-postive with JreMemoryLeakPreventionListener and Tomcat's JDBC Pool and OracleTimeoutPollingThread

2013-06-05 Thread Christopher Schultz
Hash: SHA256


On 5/17/13 5:36 AM, Mark Thomas wrote:
> On 17/05/2013 09:28, Michael-O wrote:
>> Hi folks,
>> there's now a follow-up on the issue [1]. Recap:
>> JreMemoryLeakPreventionListener reported that my webapp has
>> spawned OracleTimeoutPollingThread because I have set a
>> QueryTimeout in the JDBC Pool. Mark Thomas noted that this is
>> likely a bug in the driver. I have taken action and created a
>> service request with Oracle.
>> My personal analysis with VisualVM: The thread is spawned when
>> the first query is run. The thread keeps running when the webapp
>> is shut down or undeployed. Classes remain in memory. The JDBC
>> Pool does a simple Class.forName to load the driver, it neither
>> uses the DriverManager loading nor does it actively unload the
>> driver.
>> Oracle answer: They were able to reproduce the issue. The
>> technical analysis says:
>>> Hi Michael,
>>> I confirmned internally that this message from Tomcat can be
>>> ignored as there is no risk of any real leak from"
>>> OracleTimeoutPollingThread" thread. This thread is related to
>>> the JDBC driver which may be used by many apps simultaneously.
>>> Unloading the app does not unload the driver and should not and
>>> does not stop the thread.
>>> It seems to be the design behaviour.
>> So my questions would be: 1. Is that still not a false positive?
> No, that is not a false positive. The response from Oracle is
> wrong.
> There is nothing wrong with the driver creating the thread or the
> thread continuing after the web application has stopped. The
> problem is as follows:
> 1. When the JDBC driver creates the Thread, the Thread's context
> class loader (as returned by Thread.getContextClassLoader()) is set
> to the web application's class loader.
> 2. The correct behaviour at this point would be for the Driver to
> set the Thread's context class loader to the class loader that
> loaded the Driver class when the Thread is created.

I have recently observed with MySQL Connector/J that setting the
context ClassLoader to something else (in their case, null) is not

The problem is that the Thread's inherited, cached ProtectionDomain
chain is still linked-up with the WebappClassLoader and so switching
the contextClassLoader after thread-creation is not effective.

I think the only way to do it is by having the code that creates the
Thread make a contextClassLoader switch first, then create the Thread,
then switch back.

- -chris
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RE: Follow-up: Possible false-postive with JreMemoryLeakPreventionListener and Tomcat's JDBC Pool and OracleTimeoutPollingThread

2013-05-23 Thread Caldarale, Charles R
> From: Christopher Schultz [] 
> Subject: Re: Follow-up: Possible false-postive with 
> JreMemoryLeakPreventionListener
> and Tomcat's JDBC Pool and OracleTimeoutPollingThread

> While I haven't exactly implemented my own JVM or anything like that,

I have...

> I have often heard the boot class loader referred to as the primordial
> class loader.

Both the JVM and Java Language specs refer to it as the bootstrap class loader:

The word "primordial" does not appear anywhere in the JVM spec, and only as a 
descriptive term for the Object class in the language spec.

> So, at least in Oracle's JVM:

Also in any JVM serious about running Java programs.

> java.endorsed.dirs -> boot class loader (null)

The boot[strap] class loader, as noted.

> java.ext.dirs  -> another class loader  (ExtClassLoader)

The extensions class loader, rarely used.

> java.class.path-> a third class loader  (AppClassLoader)

The system class loader, officially 

Interestingly enough, the above hierarchy does not appear in any spec I can 
find, although you'd be hard pressed to find a JVM that doesn't implement it 
that way.

Using AppClassLoader as the internal name for the system class loader is 
unfortunate, since it creates confusion with common usage and an actual 
Application Class Loader, as described in this link:

That one does seem like a bit of overkill...

 - Chuck

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Re: Follow-up: Possible false-postive with JreMemoryLeakPreventionListener and Tomcat's JDBC Pool and OracleTimeoutPollingThread

2013-05-23 Thread Christopher Schultz
Hash: SHA256


On 5/23/13 12:01 PM, Caldarale, Charles R wrote:
>> From: Christopher Schultz [] 
>> Subject: Re: Follow-up: Possible false-postive with
>> JreMemoryLeakPreventionListener and Tomcat's JDBC Pool and
>> OracleTimeoutPollingThread
>> Thanks for the pedantry: I was in fact ignoring the difference
>> between the system and boot ClassLoaders. However, the primordial
>> ClassLoader does in fact exist, and does in fact load classes,
>> and is not called the "boot" ClassLoader.
> What you're calling the primordial class loader _is_ the boot
> class loader, identified by a null reference.  (The use of
> "primordial" in the page you referred to is unusual; it's known as
> the boot or bootstrap class loader in almost all other
> documentation.)  It's responsible for more than just the java.*
> packages, since it also loads all the com.sun.*, sun.*, and other
> JVM-vendor supplied classes.  I ignored the extensions class
> loader, since it's rarely used and was not pertinent to the topic.

While I haven't exactly implemented my own JVM or anything like that,
I have often heard the boot class loader referred to as the primordial
class loader. Either way, we're talking about the same thing.

>> the system class loader is represented by an "ExtClassLoader".
>> On top of that is an AppClassLoader.
> What you're looking at is JVM-internal classes (hence the $ in the 
> names), that just happen to be the ones chosen in current versions
> of the JVM.  The name is an implementation detail; the internal
> class mechanism is used to handle privilege issues.  The internal
> names should not be construed as descriptive of the class loader 
> hierarchy.

I wasn't inferring anything from the names of the ClassLoader objects:
just showing what the hierarchy was given the code I wrote.

>> On top of that is an AppClassLoader.
> Only for programs that supply their own, such as Tomcat. My
> comments concerned the JVM itself, not Tomcat.

Er, I meant that the "AppClassLoader" (an Oracle-specific thing) was
in the hierarchy.

The hierarchy I was showing was what actually happens when I run that
example class from the command-line, so Tomcat isn't involved.
Oracle's JVM has 2 ClassLoader objects between my class and the boot
class loader. Presumably one of them is for loading extensions
(ExtClassLoader) and then the other (Oracle's AppClassLoader) loads
stuff from the CLASSPATH (or -classpath or java.class.path).

When placing a JAR file into one of the paths found in java.ext.dirs,
the parent ClassLoader for those classes ends up being Oracle's
ExtClassLoader -- just "underneath" the ClassLoader that manages the
items on the java.class.path.

When I modified java.endorsed.dirs, the classes loaded from those
directories were loaded by the primordial/boot class loader.
Interesting. I would have expected a layer between them, but I guess
it makes sense as you have to be able to override things like
org.xml.*, etc.

So, at least in Oracle's JVM:

java.endorsed.dirs -> boot class loader (null)
java.ext.dirs  -> another class loader  (ExtClassLoader)
java.class.path-> a third class loader  (AppClassLoader)

(In that order: most user classes will start at the bottom and search

- From within Tomcat, of course, there will be a longer chain from
webapp-loaded classes up to the top.

>> DriverManager's ClassLoader is in fact null, the primordial class
>> loader.
> Unless one configures a replacement DriverManager (I think there's
> a system property for that, but I'm not sure).


...but who uses DriverManager anymore, anyway?

- -chris

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Re: Follow-up: Possible false-postive with JreMemoryLeakPreventionListener and Tomcat's JDBC Pool and OracleTimeoutPollingThread

2013-05-23 Thread Michael-O

Am 2013-05-21 20:38, schrieb Mark Thomas:

On 21/05/2013 19:01, Michael-O wrote:


I did receive an answer to the issue, citing your findings.
See verbatim copy below:

Hi Michael,

I received the following update from our developer:

The theoretical problem is that the thread is holding the app class
loader so it remains reachable and the app is never unloaded. So if the
user loads and unloads the app, the app classes remain in memory.
Subsequent loading and unloading of the app will not get pinned in
memory as the thread is already running so the subsequent loading and
unloading will not cause additional class loaders to be pinned. It is a
fixed size memory leak. It does not grow.

The thread suggests setting the context class loader to be the parent of
the default context class loader. This may work in Tomcat but it's
pretty random. I am researching the problem to determine what if
anything the driver should do to work across all containers. A Tomcat
specific fix is not acceptable.

Almost but not quite. The correct fix is to set the context class loader
of the Thread to the class loader that loaded the Driver or,
alternatively, the class loader that loaded the thread class.

As Mark Thomas pointed out it is critical that the driver is loaded in
the boot or system or container class loader, not the app class loader.
If the driver is in the app class loader then when the app is unloaded
the driver also should be unloaded. Unfortunately this doesn't work. The
driver itself remains reachable so the app class loader is reachable so
the app is never unloaded. At present there is no general way to solve
this problem. The necessary hooks are added in JDK 8.

I'd agree to this point.

Most users put the
driver in the container, not the app, so this is rarely a problem.

I don't agree with this. I often see this with JDBC drivers which is why
Tomcat has a pile of code specifically to unpick the mess this creates.


I will certainly have to fill out a bug to have it investigated officially.

That is good news.

Seems like they understood the problem. But I do doubt that this is a
fixed size moemory leak.

I think the point they are trying to make is that it is only the first
instance of the web application to be unloaded that will be pinned in
memory. Subsequent reloads won't trigger a leak. That is correct.


here's the next update from Oracle on the issue:

1. For those with Oracle Support access, here's the bug id: 16841748
2. Quote: "I don't think any system property is needed. We have a 
solution for the timeout thread that should work for all app containers."

So Oracle is working on a fix, my SR remains open until I receive an 
updated ojdbc.jar.


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RE: Follow-up: Possible false-postive with JreMemoryLeakPreventionListener and Tomcat's JDBC Pool and OracleTimeoutPollingThread

2013-05-23 Thread Caldarale, Charles R
> From: Christopher Schultz [] 
> Subject: Re: Follow-up: Possible false-postive with 
> JreMemoryLeakPreventionListener 
> and Tomcat's JDBC Pool and OracleTimeoutPollingThread

> Thanks for the pedantry: I was in fact ignoring the difference between
> the system and boot ClassLoaders. However, the primordial ClassLoader
> does in fact exist, and does in fact load classes, and is not called
> the "boot" ClassLoader.

What you're calling the primordial class loader _is_ the boot class loader, 
identified by a null reference.  (The use of "primordial" in the page you 
referred to is unusual; it's known as the boot or bootstrap class loader in 
almost all other documentation.)  It's responsible for more than just the 
java.* packages, since it also loads all the com.sun.*, sun.*, and other 
JVM-vendor supplied classes.  I ignored the extensions class loader, since it's 
rarely used and was not pertinent to the topic.

> the system class loader is represented by an "ExtClassLoader".  On top 
> of that is an AppClassLoader.

What you're looking at is JVM-internal classes (hence the $ in the names), that 
just happen to be the ones chosen in current versions of the JVM.  The name is 
an implementation detail; the internal class mechanism is used to handle 
privilege issues.  The internal names should not be construed as descriptive of 
the class loader hierarchy.

> On top of that is an AppClassLoader.

Only for programs that supply their own, such as Tomcat.  My comments concerned 
the JVM itself, not Tomcat.

> DriverManager's ClassLoader is in fact null, the primordial class loader.

Unless one configures a replacement DriverManager (I think there's a system 
property for that, but I'm not sure).

 - Chuck

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Re: Follow-up: Possible false-postive with JreMemoryLeakPreventionListener and Tomcat's JDBC Pool and OracleTimeoutPollingThread

2013-05-23 Thread Christopher Schultz
Hash: SHA256


On 5/23/13 10:40 AM, Christopher Schultz wrote:
> Chuck,
> On 5/22/13 1:42 PM, Caldarale, Charles R wrote:
>>> From: Christopher Schultz []
>>>  Subject: Re: Follow-up: Possible false-postive with 
>>> JreMemoryLeakPreventionListener and Tomcat's JDBC Pool and 
>>> OracleTimeoutPollingThread
>>> I suspect that the DriverManager will always be loaded by the 
>>> boot ClassLoader, since the default-dispatch for ClassLoaders
>>> is to chekc the parent first, then check "yourself". The 
>>> DriverManager is at the top-level (well, there is primordial,
>>> but that doesn't really count) ClassLoader so you'll always
>>> get that.
>> Terminology alert: you're confusing the boot class loader with
>> the system class loader, and have erroneously labeled the actual
>> boot class loader as "primordial".  Generally speaking, the boot
>> class loader is responsible for extracting JRE classes from
>> rt.jar (and others that come with the JRE), while the system
>> class loader deals with those specified by the java.class.path
>> setting (CLASSPATH for those still stuck on environment
>> variables).
> Thanks for the pedantry: I was in fact ignoring the difference
> between the system and boot ClassLoaders. However, the primordial
> ClassLoader does in fact exist, and does in fact load classes, and
> is not called the "boot" ClassLoader.
> Oracle describes the primordial ClassLoader as that which loads
> pretty much everything in the java.* package space. Oracle also
> describes the "system" ClassLoader as the "delegation root ancestor
> of all class loaders".[1]
> In practice, the primordial class loader is identified by a "null" 
> reference (and is this difficult to inspect) and the system class 
> loader is represented by an "ExtClassLoader". On top of that is an 
> AppClassLoader. I'll have to play around with some classes loaded
> via endorsed directories to see if I can nail-down how to get a
> Class with the "ExtClassLoader" as its class loader instead of
> AppClassLoader.
> DriverManager's ClassLoader is in fact null, the primordial class
> loader.
> You can test it yourself, and discover the ClassLoader hierarchy
> in play with a simple program:
> public class ClassLoaderTest { public static void main(String[]
> args) { printClassLoaders(ClassLoaderTest.class); 
> printClassLoaders(Thread.class); printClassLoaders(Object.class); 
> printClassLoaders(java.sql.DriverManager.class); } public static
> void printClassLoaders(Class cls) { ClassLoader cl =
> cls.getClassLoader();
> System.out.println("*** ClassLoaders for " + cls.getName() + "
> ***"); while(null != cl) { System.out.println("ClassLoader[" +
> cls.getName() + "]: " + cl); cl = cl.getParent(); } 
> System.out.println("ClassLoader[" + cls.getName() + "]: " + cl); } 
> }
> Run under two different JVMs on my laptop, I get:
> $ java -showversion ClassLoaderTest java version "1.7.0_17" 
> Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.7.0_17-b02) Java
> HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 23.7-b01, mixed mode)
> *** ClassLoaders for ClassLoaderTest *** 
> ClassLoader[ClassLoaderTest]:
> sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader@63644028 
> ClassLoader[ClassLoaderTest]:
> sun.misc.Launcher$ExtClassLoader@4ab03512 
> ClassLoader[ClassLoaderTest]: null *** ClassLoaders for
> java.lang.Thread *** ClassLoader[java.lang.Thread]: null ***
> ClassLoaders for java.lang.Object *** 
> ClassLoader[java.lang.Object]: null *** ClassLoaders for
> java.sql.DriverManager *** ClassLoader[java.sql.DriverManager]:
> null
> $ java ClassLoaderTest java version "1.6.0_45" Java(TM) SE Runtime
> Environment (build 1.6.0_45-b06-451-11M4406) Java HotSpot(TM)
> 64-Bit Server VM (build 20.45-b01-451, mixed mode)
> *** ClassLoaders for ClassLoaderTest *** 
> ClassLoader[ClassLoaderTest]:
> sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader@a6eb38a 
> ClassLoader[ClassLoaderTest]:
> sun.misc.Launcher$ExtClassLoader@69cd2e5f 
> ClassLoader[ClassLoaderTest]: null *** ClassLoaders for
> java.lang.Thread *** ClassLoader[java.lang.Thread]: null ***
> ClassLoaders for java.lang.Object *** 
> ClassLoader[java.lang.Object]: null *** ClassLoaders for
> java.sql.DriverManager *** ClassLoader[java.sql.DriverManager]:
> null
> $ java -showversion ClassLoaderTest java version "1.6.0_45" 
> Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_

Re: Follow-up: Possible false-postive with JreMemoryLeakPreventionListener and Tomcat's JDBC Pool and OracleTimeoutPollingThread

2013-05-23 Thread Christopher Schultz
Hash: SHA256


On 5/22/13 1:42 PM, Caldarale, Charles R wrote:
>> From: Christopher Schultz [] 
>> Subject: Re: Follow-up: Possible false-postive with
>> JreMemoryLeakPreventionListener and Tomcat's JDBC Pool and
>> OracleTimeoutPollingThread
>> I suspect that the DriverManager will always be loaded by the
>> boot ClassLoader, since the default-dispatch for ClassLoaders is
>> to chekc the parent first, then check "yourself". The
>> DriverManager is at the top-level (well, there is primordial, but
>> that doesn't really count) ClassLoader so you'll always get
>> that.
> Terminology alert: you're confusing the boot class loader with the 
> system class loader, and have erroneously labeled the actual boot 
> class loader as "primordial".  Generally speaking, the boot class 
> loader is responsible for extracting JRE classes from rt.jar (and 
> others that come with the JRE), while the system class loader
> deals with those specified by the java.class.path setting
> (CLASSPATH for those still stuck on environment variables).

Thanks for the pedantry: I was in fact ignoring the difference between
the system and boot ClassLoaders. However, the primordial ClassLoader
does in fact exist, and does in fact load classes, and is not called
the "boot" ClassLoader.

Oracle describes the primordial ClassLoader as that which loads pretty
much everything in the java.* package space. Oracle also describes the
"system" ClassLoader as the "delegation root ancestor of all class

In practice, the primordial class loader is identified by a "null"
reference (and is this difficult to inspect) and the system class
loader is represented by an "ExtClassLoader". On top of that is an
AppClassLoader. I'll have to play around with some classes loaded via
endorsed directories to see if I can nail-down how to get a Class with
the "ExtClassLoader" as its class loader instead of AppClassLoader.

DriverManager's ClassLoader is in fact null, the primordial class loader.

You can test it yourself, and discover the ClassLoader hierarchy in
play with a simple program:

public class ClassLoaderTest
public static void main(String[] args)
public static void printClassLoaders(Class cls)
ClassLoader cl = cls.getClassLoader();

System.out.println("*** ClassLoaders for "
   + cls.getName() + " ***");
while(null != cl)
   + cls.getName() + "]: " + cl);
cl = cl.getParent();
   + cls.getName() + "]: " + cl);

Run under two different JVMs on my laptop, I get:

$ java -showversion ClassLoaderTest
java version "1.7.0_17"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.7.0_17-b02)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 23.7-b01, mixed mode)

*** ClassLoaders for ClassLoaderTest ***
ClassLoader[ClassLoaderTest]: sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader@63644028
ClassLoader[ClassLoaderTest]: sun.misc.Launcher$ExtClassLoader@4ab03512
ClassLoader[ClassLoaderTest]: null
*** ClassLoaders for java.lang.Thread ***
ClassLoader[java.lang.Thread]: null
*** ClassLoaders for java.lang.Object ***
ClassLoader[java.lang.Object]: null
*** ClassLoaders for java.sql.DriverManager ***
ClassLoader[java.sql.DriverManager]: null

$ java ClassLoaderTest
java version "1.6.0_45"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_45-b06-451-11M4406)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 20.45-b01-451, mixed mode)

*** ClassLoaders for ClassLoaderTest ***
ClassLoader[ClassLoaderTest]: sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader@a6eb38a
ClassLoader[ClassLoaderTest]: sun.misc.Launcher$ExtClassLoader@69cd2e5f
ClassLoader[ClassLoaderTest]: null
*** ClassLoaders for java.lang.Thread ***
ClassLoader[java.lang.Thread]: null
*** ClassLoaders for java.lang.Object ***
ClassLoader[java.lang.Object]: null
*** ClassLoaders for java.sql.DriverManager ***
ClassLoader[java.sql.DriverManager]: null

$ java -showversion ClassLoaderTest
java version "1.6.0_45"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_45-b06-451-11M4406)
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 20.45-b01-451, mixed mode)

*** ClassLoaders for ClassLoaderTest ***
ClassLoader[ClassLoaderTest]: sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader@cf2c80
ClassLoader[ClassLoaderTest]: sun.misc.Launcher$ExtClassLoader@1729854
ClassLoader[ClassLoaderTest]: null
*** ClassLoaders for 

RE: Follow-up: Possible false-postive with JreMemoryLeakPreventionListener and Tomcat's JDBC Pool and OracleTimeoutPollingThread

2013-05-22 Thread Caldarale, Charles R
> From: Christopher Schultz [] 
> Subject: Re: Follow-up: Possible false-postive with 
> JreMemoryLeakPreventionListener 
> and Tomcat's JDBC Pool and OracleTimeoutPollingThread

> I suspect that the DriverManager will always be loaded by the boot
> ClassLoader, since the default-dispatch for ClassLoaders is to chekc
> the parent first, then check "yourself". The DriverManager is at the
> top-level (well, there is primordial, but that doesn't really count)
> ClassLoader so you'll always get that.

Terminology alert: you're confusing the boot class loader with the system class 
loader, and have erroneously labeled the actual boot class loader as 
"primordial".  Generally speaking, the boot class loader is responsible for 
extracting JRE classes from rt.jar (and others that come with the JRE), while 
the system class loader deals with those specified by the java.class.path 
setting (CLASSPATH for those still stuck on environment variables).

 - Chuck

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Re: Follow-up: Possible false-postive with JreMemoryLeakPreventionListener and Tomcat's JDBC Pool and OracleTimeoutPollingThread

2013-05-22 Thread Nick Williams

On May 22, 2013, at 11:35 AM, Christopher Schultz wrote:

> Hash: SHA256
> Nick,
> On 5/22/13 10:18 AM, Nick Williams wrote:
>> On May 22, 2013, at 9:09 AM, Christopher Schultz wrote:
>>> Mark,
>>> On 5/21/13 2:38 PM, Mark Thomas wrote:
 On 21/05/2013 19:01, Michael-O wrote:
> Mark,
> I did receive an answer to the issue, citing your findings.
> See verbatim copy below:
> Hi Michael,
> I received the following update from our developer:
> **
> The theoretical problem is that the thread is holding the app
> class loader so it remains reachable and the app is never
> unloaded. So if the user loads and unloads the app, the app
> classes remain in memory. Subsequent loading and unloading of
> the app will not get pinned in memory as the thread is
> already running so the subsequent loading and unloading will
> not cause additional class loaders to be pinned. It is a
> fixed size memory leak. It does not grow.
> The thread suggests setting the context class loader to be
> the parent of the default context class loader. This may work
> in Tomcat but it's pretty random. I am researching the
> problem to determine what if anything the driver should do to
> work across all containers. A Tomcat specific fix is not
> acceptable.
 Almost but not quite. The correct fix is to set the context
 class loader of the Thread to the class loader that loaded the
>>> +1
 or, alternatively, the class loader that loaded the thread
>>> Do you mean java.lang.Thread (primordial)? Or whatever subclass
>>> they are using? Maybe it would be more accurate to say "the
>>> ClassLoader of the runnable being run" which covers
>>> thread-subclasses or standard Runnables being run by a standard
>>> Thread.
>> Or why not just java.sql.DriverManager.class.getClassLoader()?
>> Since drivers are always stored in the DriverManager regardless of
>> what class loader they're loaded in (hence why you shouldn't put
>> the driver in WEB-INF/lib), isn't the alway-correct solution to use
>> the class loader that loaded the DriverManager for this thread?
> I suspect that the DriverManager will always be loaded by the boot
> ClassLoader, since the default-dispatch for ClassLoaders is to chekc
> the parent first, then check "yourself". The DriverManager is at the
> top-level (well, there is primordial, but that doesn't really count)
> ClassLoader so you'll always get that.
> I don't think that will work because the boot ClassLoader won't be
> able to load the JDBC driver's classes, since they are in the
> container's ClassLoader. (boot ClassLoader should be set to
> CATLAINA_BASE/bin/*.jar while the container's ClassLoader will be set
> to CATALINA_BASE/lib/*.jar).
> Also remember that not all JDBC drivers are "registering" drivers:
> some were explicitly-written *not* to register themselves because of
> foolishness like this. When you are using a connection-pool, there's
> no reason to register the driver with the DriverManager because the
> pool itself acts kind of as the driver manager.
> For example MySQL's Connector/J com.mysql.jdbc.Driver class extends
> "NonRegisteringDriver" and adds only a static initializer that
> basically does this:
> static {
>DriverManager.register(new Driver());
> }
> So if I wanted to (and I probably should!), I could change my "driver"
> configuration from com.mysql.jdbc.Driver to
> com.mysql.jdbc.NonRegisteringDriver and avoid the DriverManager
> entirely. (And your suggestion above would not really be valid
> anymore, since the DriverManager is not involved).
> - -chris

Ahh. That makes sense.

And I will be changing my context.xml resource definitions now... :-)


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Re: Follow-up: Possible false-postive with JreMemoryLeakPreventionListener and Tomcat's JDBC Pool and OracleTimeoutPollingThread

2013-05-22 Thread Christopher Schultz
Hash: SHA256


On 5/22/13 10:18 AM, Nick Williams wrote:
> On May 22, 2013, at 9:09 AM, Christopher Schultz wrote:
>> Mark,
>> On 5/21/13 2:38 PM, Mark Thomas wrote:
>>> On 21/05/2013 19:01, Michael-O wrote:
 I did receive an answer to the issue, citing your findings.
 See verbatim copy below:
 Hi Michael,
 I received the following update from our developer:
 The theoretical problem is that the thread is holding the app
 class loader so it remains reachable and the app is never
 unloaded. So if the user loads and unloads the app, the app
 classes remain in memory. Subsequent loading and unloading of
 the app will not get pinned in memory as the thread is
 already running so the subsequent loading and unloading will
 not cause additional class loaders to be pinned. It is a
 fixed size memory leak. It does not grow.
 The thread suggests setting the context class loader to be
 the parent of the default context class loader. This may work
 in Tomcat but it's pretty random. I am researching the
 problem to determine what if anything the driver should do to
 work across all containers. A Tomcat specific fix is not
>>> Almost but not quite. The correct fix is to set the context
>>> class loader of the Thread to the class loader that loaded the
>>> Driver
>> +1
>>> or, alternatively, the class loader that loaded the thread
>>> class.
>> Do you mean java.lang.Thread (primordial)? Or whatever subclass
>> they are using? Maybe it would be more accurate to say "the
>> ClassLoader of the runnable being run" which covers
>> thread-subclasses or standard Runnables being run by a standard
>> Thread.
> Or why not just java.sql.DriverManager.class.getClassLoader()?
> Since drivers are always stored in the DriverManager regardless of
> what class loader they're loaded in (hence why you shouldn't put
> the driver in WEB-INF/lib), isn't the alway-correct solution to use
> the class loader that loaded the DriverManager for this thread?

I suspect that the DriverManager will always be loaded by the boot
ClassLoader, since the default-dispatch for ClassLoaders is to chekc
the parent first, then check "yourself". The DriverManager is at the
top-level (well, there is primordial, but that doesn't really count)
ClassLoader so you'll always get that.

I don't think that will work because the boot ClassLoader won't be
able to load the JDBC driver's classes, since they are in the
container's ClassLoader. (boot ClassLoader should be set to
CATLAINA_BASE/bin/*.jar while the container's ClassLoader will be set
to CATALINA_BASE/lib/*.jar).

Also remember that not all JDBC drivers are "registering" drivers:
some were explicitly-written *not* to register themselves because of
foolishness like this. When you are using a connection-pool, there's
no reason to register the driver with the DriverManager because the
pool itself acts kind of as the driver manager.

For example MySQL's Connector/J com.mysql.jdbc.Driver class extends
"NonRegisteringDriver" and adds only a static initializer that
basically does this:

 static {
DriverManager.register(new Driver());

So if I wanted to (and I probably should!), I could change my "driver"
configuration from com.mysql.jdbc.Driver to
com.mysql.jdbc.NonRegisteringDriver and avoid the DriverManager
entirely. (And your suggestion above would not really be valid
anymore, since the DriverManager is not involved).

- -chris
Version: GnuPG/MacGPG2 v2.0.17 (Darwin)
Comment: GPGTools -
Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird -


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Re: Follow-up: Possible false-postive with JreMemoryLeakPreventionListener and Tomcat's JDBC Pool and OracleTimeoutPollingThread

2013-05-22 Thread Nick Williams

On May 22, 2013, at 9:09 AM, Christopher Schultz wrote:

> Hash: SHA256
> Mark,
> On 5/21/13 2:38 PM, Mark Thomas wrote:
>> On 21/05/2013 19:01, Michael-O wrote:
>>> Mark,
>>> I did receive an answer to the issue, citing your findings. See
>>> verbatim copy below:
>>> Hi Michael,
>>> I received the following update from our developer:
>>> ** The
>>> theoretical problem is that the thread is holding the app class 
>>> loader so it remains reachable and the app is never unloaded. So
>>> if the user loads and unloads the app, the app classes remain in
>>> memory. Subsequent loading and unloading of the app will not get
>>> pinned in memory as the thread is already running so the
>>> subsequent loading and unloading will not cause additional class
>>> loaders to be pinned. It is a fixed size memory leak. It does not
>>> grow.
>>> The thread suggests setting the context class loader to be the
>>> parent of the default context class loader. This may work in
>>> Tomcat but it's pretty random. I am researching the problem to
>>> determine what if anything the driver should do to work across
>>> all containers. A Tomcat specific fix is not acceptable.
>> Almost but not quite. The correct fix is to set the context class
>> loader of the Thread to the class loader that loaded the Driver
> +1
>> or, alternatively, the class loader that loaded the thread class.
> Do you mean java.lang.Thread (primordial)? Or whatever subclass they
> are using? Maybe it would be more accurate to say "the ClassLoader of
> the runnable being run" which covers thread-subclasses or standard
> Runnables being run by a standard Thread.

Or why not just java.sql.DriverManager.class.getClassLoader()? Since drivers 
are always stored in the DriverManager regardless of what class loader they're 
loaded in (hence why you shouldn't put the driver in WEB-INF/lib), isn't the 
alway-correct solution to use the class loader that loaded the DriverManager 
for this thread?

>>> As Mark Thomas pointed out it is critical that the driver is
>>> loaded in the boot or system or container class loader, not the
>>> app class loader. If the driver is in the app class loader then
>>> when the app is unloaded the driver also should be unloaded.
>>> Unfortunately this doesn't work. The driver itself remains
>>> reachable so the app class loader is reachable so the app is
>>> never unloaded. At present there is no general way to solve this
>>> problem. The necessary hooks are added in JDK 8.
>> I'd agree to this point.
>>> Most users put the driver in the container, not the app, so this
>>> is rarely a problem.
>> I don't agree with this. I often see this with JDBC drivers which
>> is why Tomcat has a pile of code specifically to unpick the mess
>> this creates.
> They are missing the point: the leak cannot be avoided, even if the
> driver is (correctly) placed in the container-level ClassLoader and
> not the application. It's frustrating when driver authors take so long
> so understand what is going on and how easy (and reasonable) it is to
> fix the problem.
>>> **
>>> I will certainly have to fill out a bug to have it investigated
>>> officially.
>> That is good news.
>>> Seems like they understood the problem. But I do doubt that this
>>> is a fixed size moemory leak.
>> I think the point they are trying to make is that it is only the
>> first instance of the web application to be unloaded that will be
>> pinned in memory. Subsequent reloads won't trigger a leak. That is
>> correct.
> That is little solace to folks who have more Class objects than just
> about anything else. With a huge number of support libraries being
> used to operate a fairly lean transaction-processing system, a single
> reload could bust the heap and/or PermGen.
> Just because it's a fixed-size memory leak doesn't mean it isn't worth
> fixing. :(


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Re: Follow-up: Possible false-postive with JreMemoryLeakPreventionListener and Tomcat's JDBC Pool and OracleTimeoutPollingThread

2013-05-22 Thread Christopher Schultz
Hash: SHA256


On 5/21/13 2:38 PM, Mark Thomas wrote:
> On 21/05/2013 19:01, Michael-O wrote:
>> Mark,
>> I did receive an answer to the issue, citing your findings. See
>> verbatim copy below:
>> Hi Michael,
>> I received the following update from our developer:
>> ** The
>> theoretical problem is that the thread is holding the app class 
>> loader so it remains reachable and the app is never unloaded. So
>> if the user loads and unloads the app, the app classes remain in
>> memory. Subsequent loading and unloading of the app will not get
>> pinned in memory as the thread is already running so the
>> subsequent loading and unloading will not cause additional class
>> loaders to be pinned. It is a fixed size memory leak. It does not
>> grow.
>> The thread suggests setting the context class loader to be the
>> parent of the default context class loader. This may work in
>> Tomcat but it's pretty random. I am researching the problem to
>> determine what if anything the driver should do to work across
>> all containers. A Tomcat specific fix is not acceptable.
> Almost but not quite. The correct fix is to set the context class
> loader of the Thread to the class loader that loaded the Driver


> or, alternatively, the class loader that loaded the thread class.

Do you mean java.lang.Thread (primordial)? Or whatever subclass they
are using? Maybe it would be more accurate to say "the ClassLoader of
the runnable being run" which covers thread-subclasses or standard
Runnables being run by a standard Thread.

>> As Mark Thomas pointed out it is critical that the driver is
>> loaded in the boot or system or container class loader, not the
>> app class loader. If the driver is in the app class loader then
>> when the app is unloaded the driver also should be unloaded.
>> Unfortunately this doesn't work. The driver itself remains
>> reachable so the app class loader is reachable so the app is
>> never unloaded. At present there is no general way to solve this
>> problem. The necessary hooks are added in JDK 8.
> I'd agree to this point.
>> Most users put the driver in the container, not the app, so this
>> is rarely a problem.
> I don't agree with this. I often see this with JDBC drivers which
> is why Tomcat has a pile of code specifically to unpick the mess
> this creates.

They are missing the point: the leak cannot be avoided, even if the
driver is (correctly) placed in the container-level ClassLoader and
not the application. It's frustrating when driver authors take so long
so understand what is going on and how easy (and reasonable) it is to
fix the problem.

>> **
>> I will certainly have to fill out a bug to have it investigated
>> officially.
> That is good news.
>> Seems like they understood the problem. But I do doubt that this
>> is a fixed size moemory leak.
> I think the point they are trying to make is that it is only the
> first instance of the web application to be unloaded that will be
> pinned in memory. Subsequent reloads won't trigger a leak. That is
> correct.

That is little solace to folks who have more Class objects than just
about anything else. With a huge number of support libraries being
used to operate a fairly lean transaction-processing system, a single
reload could bust the heap and/or PermGen.

Just because it's a fixed-size memory leak doesn't mean it isn't worth
fixing. :(

- -chris
Version: GnuPG/MacGPG2 v2.0.17 (Darwin)
Comment: GPGTools -
Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird -


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Re: Follow-up: Possible false-postive with JreMemoryLeakPreventionListener and Tomcat's JDBC Pool and OracleTimeoutPollingThread

2013-05-21 Thread Mark Thomas
On 21/05/2013 19:47, Michael-O wrote:
> Am 2013-05-21 20:38, schrieb Mark Thomas:
>>> Seems like they understood the problem. But I do doubt that this is a
>>> fixed size moemory leak.
>> I think the point they are trying to make is that it is only the first
>> instance of the web application to be unloaded that will be pinned in
>> memory. Subsequent reloads won't trigger a leak. That is correct.
> Does this mean that only one WebAppClassLoader stays in memory because
> the thread is launched once and attached to that class loader?



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Re: Follow-up: Possible false-postive with JreMemoryLeakPreventionListener and Tomcat's JDBC Pool and OracleTimeoutPollingThread

2013-05-21 Thread Michael-O

Am 2013-05-21 20:38, schrieb Mark Thomas:

Seems like they understood the problem. But I do doubt that this is a
fixed size moemory leak.

I think the point they are trying to make is that it is only the first
instance of the web application to be unloaded that will be pinned in
memory. Subsequent reloads won't trigger a leak. That is correct.

Does this mean that only one WebAppClassLoader stays in memory because 
the thread is launched once and attached to that class loader?


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Re: Follow-up: Possible false-postive with JreMemoryLeakPreventionListener and Tomcat's JDBC Pool and OracleTimeoutPollingThread

2013-05-21 Thread Mark Thomas
On 21/05/2013 19:01, Michael-O wrote:
> Mark,
> I did receive an answer to the issue, citing your findings.
> See verbatim copy below:
> Hi Michael,
> I received the following update from our developer:
> **
> The theoretical problem is that the thread is holding the app class
> loader so it remains reachable and the app is never unloaded. So if the
> user loads and unloads the app, the app classes remain in memory.
> Subsequent loading and unloading of the app will not get pinned in
> memory as the thread is already running so the subsequent loading and
> unloading will not cause additional class loaders to be pinned. It is a
> fixed size memory leak. It does not grow.
> The thread suggests setting the context class loader to be the parent of
> the default context class loader. This may work in Tomcat but it's
> pretty random. I am researching the problem to determine what if
> anything the driver should do to work across all containers. A Tomcat
> specific fix is not acceptable.

Almost but not quite. The correct fix is to set the context class loader
of the Thread to the class loader that loaded the Driver or,
alternatively, the class loader that loaded the thread class.

> As Mark Thomas pointed out it is critical that the driver is loaded in
> the boot or system or container class loader, not the app class loader.
> If the driver is in the app class loader then when the app is unloaded
> the driver also should be unloaded. Unfortunately this doesn't work. The
> driver itself remains reachable so the app class loader is reachable so
> the app is never unloaded. At present there is no general way to solve
> this problem. The necessary hooks are added in JDK 8.

I'd agree to this point.

> Most users put the
> driver in the container, not the app, so this is rarely a problem.

I don't agree with this. I often see this with JDBC drivers which is why
Tomcat has a pile of code specifically to unpick the mess this creates.

> **
> I will certainly have to fill out a bug to have it investigated officially.

That is good news.

> Seems like they understood the problem. But I do doubt that this is a
> fixed size moemory leak.

I think the point they are trying to make is that it is only the first
instance of the web application to be unloaded that will be pinned in
memory. Subsequent reloads won't trigger a leak. That is correct.


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Re: Follow-up: Possible false-postive with JreMemoryLeakPreventionListener and Tomcat's JDBC Pool and OracleTimeoutPollingThread

2013-05-21 Thread Michael-O

Am 2013-05-17 14:26, schrieb Mark Thomas:

On 17/05/2013 12:31, Michael-O wrote:

Hi Mark,

thanks again for the detailed answer, details inline.

Gesendet: Freitag, 17. Mai 2013 um 11:36 Uhr
Von: "Mark Thomas" 
An: "Tomcat Users List" 
Betreff: Re: Follow-up: Possible false-postive with 
JreMemoryLeakPreventionListener and Tomcat's JDBC Pool and 

On 17/05/2013 09:28, Michael-O wrote:

Hi folks,

there's now a follow-up on the issue [1].
Recap: JreMemoryLeakPreventionListener reported that my webapp has spawned 
OracleTimeoutPollingThread because I have set a QueryTimeout in the JDBC Pool.
Mark Thomas noted that this is likely a bug in the driver. I have taken action 
and created a service request with Oracle.

My personal analysis with VisualVM:
The thread is spawned when the first query is run. The thread keeps running 
when the webapp is shut down or undeployed. Classes remain in memory.
The JDBC Pool does a simple Class.forName to load the driver, it neither uses 
the DriverManager loading nor does it actively unload the driver.

Oracle answer:
They were able to reproduce the issue. The technical analysis says:

Hi Michael,

I confirmned internally that this message from Tomcat can be ignored as there is no risk 
of any real leak from" OracleTimeoutPollingThread" thread.
This thread is related to the JDBC driver which may be used by many apps 
simultaneously. Unloading the app does not unload the driver and should not and 
does not stop the thread.

It seems to be the design behaviour.

So my questions would be:
1. Is that still not a false positive?

No, that is not a false positive. The response from Oracle is wrong.

There is nothing wrong with the driver creating the thread or the thread
continuing after the web application has stopped. The problem is as follows:

1. When the JDBC driver creates the Thread, the Thread's context class
loader (as returned by Thread.getContextClassLoader()) is set to the web
application's class loader.

2. The correct behaviour at this point would be for the Driver to set
the Thread's context class loader to the class loader that loaded the
Driver class when the Thread is created.

3. The memory leak occurs as follows:
- the web application is stopped
- Tomcat clears all references to the web application and its classes
- The web application should be eligible for garbage collection
- The JDBC driver is still loaded (as it should be)
- The JDBC driver retains a reference to the Thread (as it should)
- The thread retains a reference to the web application class loader
(this is the memory leak).

The reference chain is:
a) JDBC driver
   b) Thread
 c) Web application class loader
   d) Every class loaded by the web app

Everything from c) onwards should be eligible for garbage collection but
isn't because of the leak in the Thread that is retaining a reference to
the web application class loader.

This is what I would assume as correct behavior. If the thread is still 
attached ot the WebAppClassLoader, does that mean that the WebAppClassLoader 
cannot be garbage collected?

The correct behaviour is that there is no reference to c) held by b) and
therefore c) onwards would be eligible for GC (assuming the web app has
been stopped). The problem here is that because b) has a reference to
c), c) can't be GC'd and that is a memory leak.

2. Why does the JDBC Pool not unload the driver? That my cause the thread to 
stop after the last app has been stopped/undeployed.

1. Because the driver is in CATALINA_HOME/lib it is available to other

So first app, loads driver and keeps it in memory. Even if all apps are 
undeployed, driver remains cached and GCed when Tomcat is shut down?

The JDBC driver will be loaded though the services API as soon as any
code references the DriverManager.

2. JDBC drivers are never automatically unloaded. You have to do so
explicitly (not doing so is an other source of memory leaks when the
driver is packaged in WEB-INF/lib).

OK, this won't be the case. Driver is always shared here.

You need to go back to Oracle.

Yes, I will. We're paying probably a lot of money for he company-wide license.

I'd expect so.

From my own experience with Oracle commercial support for things Java

related, you'll have to go through the "This is a bug. No it isn't. Yes
it is..." cycle several times before you manage to get the issue in
front of someone with the necessary knowledge and skills to correctly
identify this is a bug in Oracle's JDBC driver. I'd recommend escalating
it through your account manager sooner rather than later.

Feel free to point Oracle support to this thread and/or my presentation
on memory leaks. If Oracle support require further help understanding
this issue they are, of course, free to join this mailing list.


I did receive an answer to the iss

Re: Follow-up: Possible false-postive with JreMemoryLeakPreventionListener and Tomcat's JDBC Pool and OracleTimeoutPollingThread

2013-05-17 Thread Mark Thomas
On 17/05/2013 15:34, Jeffrey Janner wrote:

> Michael and Mark - I happened to be reviewing how Oracle handles
> QueryTimeout yesterday on an unrelated issue and came across a
> passage in the JDBC Developers Guide (11g) that covered this
> Monitoring Thread (page E-3). My reading of it was that Oracle
> creates a single monitoring thread per JVM, so if there are multiple
> apps utilizing the Oracle driver, you certainly don't want one app
> shutting down and taking the monitor thread with it. I'm sure this
> one of the reasons that Mark says that the monitor thread should use
> the parent class loader.  Oracle should probably consider this. My
> question though is how is all this affected when the jdbc library is
> loaded on a per-app basis, i.e., it's not shared but loaded from each
> app's WEB-INF/lib folder?  Should the app then unload the driver when
> it shuts down to avoid memory leaks?  Or is there a special process
> that needs to be followed? Jeff

If the driver is in WEB-INF/lib things get really messy, very quickly.
You can make it work if only that application is using the driver (you
have to make sure you manually deregister the driver in a
ServletContextListener). If multiple apps try and use it, or if multiple
apps ship the same Driver, bad things happen.

There are multiple problems:

1. Using a driver automatically adds it to the DriverManager.
DriverManager is a JVM singleton. It maintains a list of loaded drivers
but does not key this list by class loader so there can only ever be one
instance of a Driver loaded even if different web applications ship
different versions of the same Driver.

2. If web app A loads the Driver and web app B tries to use it the
chances of a CNFE or similar are fairly high. You might get away with
it. You probably won't.

3. If webapp A loads the driver, webapp B manages to use it and then
webapp A is undeployed, assuming webapp A does the right thing and
deregisaters it,  webapp A will pull the driver out from underneath
webapp B.

Generally, putting it in CATALINA_HOME/lib is better. That also means
Tomcat can provide database connection pooling.

DriverManager is just one of the many JRE classes that make no
allowances for running in the class loader environments you get in J2EE
containers. LogManager is another.


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Aw: RE: Follow-up: Possible false-postive with JreMemoryLeakPreventionListener and Tomcat's JDBC Pool and OracleTimeoutPollingThread

2013-05-17 Thread Michael-O
> > -Original Message-
> > From: Mark Thomas []
> > Sent: Friday, May 17, 2013 7:26 AM
> > To: Tomcat Users List
> > Subject: Re: Follow-up: Possible false-postive with
> > JreMemoryLeakPreventionListener and Tomcat's JDBC Pool and
> > OracleTimeoutPollingThread
> > 
> > On 17/05/2013 12:31, Michael-O wrote:
> > > Hi Mark,
> > >
> > > thanks again for the detailed answer, details inline.
> > >
> > >> Gesendet: Freitag, 17. Mai 2013 um 11:36 Uhr
> > >> Von: "Mark Thomas" 
> > >> An: "Tomcat Users List" 
> > >> Betreff: Re: Follow-up: Possible false-postive with
> > >> JreMemoryLeakPreventionListener and Tomcat's JDBC Pool and
> > >> OracleTimeoutPollingThread
> > >>
> > >> On 17/05/2013 09:28, Michael-O wrote:
> > >>> Hi folks,
> > >>>
> > >>> there's now a follow-up on the issue [1].
> > >>> Recap: JreMemoryLeakPreventionListener reported that my webapp has
> > spawned OracleTimeoutPollingThread because I have set a QueryTimeout in
> > the JDBC Pool.
> > >>> Mark Thomas noted that this is likely a bug in the driver. I have
> > taken action and created a service request with Oracle.
> > >>>
> > >>> My personal analysis with VisualVM:
> > >>> The thread is spawned when the first query is run. The thread keeps
> > running when the webapp is shut down or undeployed. Classes remain in
> > memory.
> > >>> The JDBC Pool does a simple Class.forName to load the driver, it
> > neither uses the DriverManager loading nor does it actively unload the
> > driver.
> > >>>
> > >>> Oracle answer:
> > >>> They were able to reproduce the issue. The technical analysis says:
> > >>>
> > >>>> Hi Michael,
> > >>>>
> > >>>> I confirmned internally that this message from Tomcat can be
> > ignored as there is no risk of any real leak from"
> > OracleTimeoutPollingThread" thread.
> > >>>> This thread is related to the JDBC driver which may be used by
> > many apps simultaneously. Unloading the app does not unload the driver
> > and should not and does not stop the thread.
> > >>>>
> > >>>> It seems to be the design behaviour.
> > >>>
> > >>> So my questions would be:
> > >>> 1. Is that still not a false positive?
> > >>
> > >> No, that is not a false positive. The response from Oracle is wrong.
> > >>
> > >> There is nothing wrong with the driver creating the thread or the
> > >> thread continuing after the web application has stopped. The problem
> > is as follows:
> > >>
> > >> 1. When the JDBC driver creates the Thread, the Thread's context
> > >> class loader (as returned by Thread.getContextClassLoader()) is set
> > >> to the web application's class loader.
> > >>
> > >> 2. The correct behaviour at this point would be for the Driver to
> > set
> > >> the Thread's context class loader to the class loader that loaded
> > the
> > >> Driver class when the Thread is created.
> > >>
> > >> 3. The memory leak occurs as follows:
> > >> - the web application is stopped
> > >> - Tomcat clears all references to the web application and its
> > classes
> > >> - The web application should be eligible for garbage collection
> > >> - The JDBC driver is still loaded (as it should be)
> > >> - The JDBC driver retains a reference to the Thread (as it should)
> > >> - The thread retains a reference to the web application class loader
> > >> (this is the memory leak).
> > >>
> > >> The reference chain is:
> > >> a) JDBC driver
> > >>   b) Thread
> > >> c) Web application class loader
> > >>   d) Every class loaded by the web app
> > >>
> > >> Everything from c) onwards should be eligible for garbage collection
> > >> but isn't because of the leak in the Thread that is retaining a
> > >> reference to the web application class loader.
> > >
> > > This is what I would assume as correct behavior. If the thread is
> > still attached ot the WebAppClassLoader, does that mean that the
> > WebAppClassLoader cannot be garb

RE: Follow-up: Possible false-postive with JreMemoryLeakPreventionListener and Tomcat's JDBC Pool and OracleTimeoutPollingThread

2013-05-17 Thread Jeffrey Janner
> -Original Message-
> From: Mark Thomas []
> Sent: Friday, May 17, 2013 7:26 AM
> To: Tomcat Users List
> Subject: Re: Follow-up: Possible false-postive with
> JreMemoryLeakPreventionListener and Tomcat's JDBC Pool and
> OracleTimeoutPollingThread
> On 17/05/2013 12:31, Michael-O wrote:
> > Hi Mark,
> >
> > thanks again for the detailed answer, details inline.
> >
> >> Gesendet: Freitag, 17. Mai 2013 um 11:36 Uhr
> >> Von: "Mark Thomas" 
> >> An: "Tomcat Users List" 
> >> Betreff: Re: Follow-up: Possible false-postive with
> >> JreMemoryLeakPreventionListener and Tomcat's JDBC Pool and
> >> OracleTimeoutPollingThread
> >>
> >> On 17/05/2013 09:28, Michael-O wrote:
> >>> Hi folks,
> >>>
> >>> there's now a follow-up on the issue [1].
> >>> Recap: JreMemoryLeakPreventionListener reported that my webapp has
> spawned OracleTimeoutPollingThread because I have set a QueryTimeout in
> the JDBC Pool.
> >>> Mark Thomas noted that this is likely a bug in the driver. I have
> taken action and created a service request with Oracle.
> >>>
> >>> My personal analysis with VisualVM:
> >>> The thread is spawned when the first query is run. The thread keeps
> running when the webapp is shut down or undeployed. Classes remain in
> memory.
> >>> The JDBC Pool does a simple Class.forName to load the driver, it
> neither uses the DriverManager loading nor does it actively unload the
> driver.
> >>>
> >>> Oracle answer:
> >>> They were able to reproduce the issue. The technical analysis says:
> >>>
> >>>> Hi Michael,
> >>>>
> >>>> I confirmned internally that this message from Tomcat can be
> ignored as there is no risk of any real leak from"
> OracleTimeoutPollingThread" thread.
> >>>> This thread is related to the JDBC driver which may be used by
> many apps simultaneously. Unloading the app does not unload the driver
> and should not and does not stop the thread.
> >>>>
> >>>> It seems to be the design behaviour.
> >>>
> >>> So my questions would be:
> >>> 1. Is that still not a false positive?
> >>
> >> No, that is not a false positive. The response from Oracle is wrong.
> >>
> >> There is nothing wrong with the driver creating the thread or the
> >> thread continuing after the web application has stopped. The problem
> is as follows:
> >>
> >> 1. When the JDBC driver creates the Thread, the Thread's context
> >> class loader (as returned by Thread.getContextClassLoader()) is set
> >> to the web application's class loader.
> >>
> >> 2. The correct behaviour at this point would be for the Driver to
> set
> >> the Thread's context class loader to the class loader that loaded
> the
> >> Driver class when the Thread is created.
> >>
> >> 3. The memory leak occurs as follows:
> >> - the web application is stopped
> >> - Tomcat clears all references to the web application and its
> classes
> >> - The web application should be eligible for garbage collection
> >> - The JDBC driver is still loaded (as it should be)
> >> - The JDBC driver retains a reference to the Thread (as it should)
> >> - The thread retains a reference to the web application class loader
> >> (this is the memory leak).
> >>
> >> The reference chain is:
> >> a) JDBC driver
> >>   b) Thread
> >> c) Web application class loader
> >>   d) Every class loaded by the web app
> >>
> >> Everything from c) onwards should be eligible for garbage collection
> >> but isn't because of the leak in the Thread that is retaining a
> >> reference to the web application class loader.
> >
> > This is what I would assume as correct behavior. If the thread is
> still attached ot the WebAppClassLoader, does that mean that the
> WebAppClassLoader cannot be garbage collected?
> The correct behaviour is that there is no reference to c) held by b)
> and therefore c) onwards would be eligible for GC (assuming the web app
> has been stopped). The problem here is that because b) has a reference
> to c), c) can't be GC'd and that is a memory leak.
> >>> 2. Why does the JDBC Pool not unload the driver? That my cause the
> thread to stop after the last app has been stopped/undeployed.
> &g

Aw: Re: Follow-up: Possible false-postive with JreMemoryLeakPreventionListener and Tomcat's JDBC Pool and OracleTimeoutPollingThread

2013-05-17 Thread Michael-O

> Gesendet: Freitag, 17. Mai 2013 um 14:26 Uhr
> Von: "Mark Thomas" 
> On 17/05/2013 12:31, Michael-O wrote:
> > Hi Mark,
> > 
> > thanks again for the detailed answer, details inline.
> > 
> >> Gesendet: Freitag, 17. Mai 2013 um 11:36 Uhr
> >> Von: "Mark Thomas" 
> >> An: "Tomcat Users List" 
> >> Betreff: Re: Follow-up: Possible false-postive with 
> >> JreMemoryLeakPreventionListener and Tomcat's JDBC Pool and 
> >> OracleTimeoutPollingThread
> >>
> >> On 17/05/2013 09:28, Michael-O wrote:
> >>> Hi folks,
> >>>
> >>> there's now a follow-up on the issue [1].
> >>> Recap: JreMemoryLeakPreventionListener reported that my webapp has 
> >>> spawned OracleTimeoutPollingThread because I have set a QueryTimeout in 
> >>> the JDBC Pool.
> >>> Mark Thomas noted that this is likely a bug in the driver. I have taken 
> >>> action and created a service request with Oracle.
> >>>
> >>> My personal analysis with VisualVM:
> >>> The thread is spawned when the first query is run. The thread keeps 
> >>> running when the webapp is shut down or undeployed. Classes remain in 
> >>> memory.
> >>> The JDBC Pool does a simple Class.forName to load the driver, it neither 
> >>> uses the DriverManager loading nor does it actively unload the driver.
> >>>
> >>> Oracle answer:
> >>> They were able to reproduce the issue. The technical analysis says:
> >>>
> >>>> Hi Michael,
> >>>>
> >>>> I confirmned internally that this message from Tomcat can be ignored as 
> >>>> there is no risk of any real leak from" OracleTimeoutPollingThread" 
> >>>> thread.
> >>>> This thread is related to the JDBC driver which may be used by many apps 
> >>>> simultaneously. Unloading the app does not unload the driver and should 
> >>>> not and does not stop the thread.
> >>>>
> >>>> It seems to be the design behaviour.
> >>>
> >>> So my questions would be:
> >>> 1. Is that still not a false positive?
> >>
> >> No, that is not a false positive. The response from Oracle is wrong.
> >>
> >> There is nothing wrong with the driver creating the thread or the thread
> >> continuing after the web application has stopped. The problem is as 
> >> follows:
> >>
> >> 1. When the JDBC driver creates the Thread, the Thread's context class
> >> loader (as returned by Thread.getContextClassLoader()) is set to the web
> >> application's class loader.
> >>
> >> 2. The correct behaviour at this point would be for the Driver to set
> >> the Thread's context class loader to the class loader that loaded the
> >> Driver class when the Thread is created.
> >>
> >> 3. The memory leak occurs as follows:
> >> - the web application is stopped
> >> - Tomcat clears all references to the web application and its classes
> >> - The web application should be eligible for garbage collection
> >> - The JDBC driver is still loaded (as it should be)
> >> - The JDBC driver retains a reference to the Thread (as it should)
> >> - The thread retains a reference to the web application class loader
> >> (this is the memory leak).
> >>
> >> The reference chain is:
> >> a) JDBC driver
> >>   b) Thread
> >> c) Web application class loader
> >>   d) Every class loaded by the web app
> >>
> >> Everything from c) onwards should be eligible for garbage collection but
> >> isn't because of the leak in the Thread that is retaining a reference to
> >> the web application class loader.
> > 
> > This is what I would assume as correct behavior. If the thread is still 
> > attached ot the WebAppClassLoader, does that mean that the 
> > WebAppClassLoader cannot be garbage collected?
> The correct behaviour is that there is no reference to c) held by b) and
> therefore c) onwards would be eligible for GC (assuming the web app has
> been stopped). The problem here is that because b) has a reference to
> c), c) can't be GC'd and that is a memory leak.

Exactly, WebAppClassLoader keeps in a stale status.

> >>> 2. Why does the JDBC Pool not unload the driver? That my cause the thread 
> >>> to stop after the last app has been stopped/undeployed.

Re: Follow-up: Possible false-postive with JreMemoryLeakPreventionListener and Tomcat's JDBC Pool and OracleTimeoutPollingThread

2013-05-17 Thread Mark Thomas
On 17/05/2013 12:31, Michael-O wrote:
> Hi Mark,
> thanks again for the detailed answer, details inline.
>> Gesendet: Freitag, 17. Mai 2013 um 11:36 Uhr
>> Von: "Mark Thomas" 
>> An: "Tomcat Users List" 
>> Betreff: Re: Follow-up: Possible false-postive with 
>> JreMemoryLeakPreventionListener and Tomcat's JDBC Pool and 
>> OracleTimeoutPollingThread
>> On 17/05/2013 09:28, Michael-O wrote:
>>> Hi folks,
>>> there's now a follow-up on the issue [1].
>>> Recap: JreMemoryLeakPreventionListener reported that my webapp has spawned 
>>> OracleTimeoutPollingThread because I have set a QueryTimeout in the JDBC 
>>> Pool.
>>> Mark Thomas noted that this is likely a bug in the driver. I have taken 
>>> action and created a service request with Oracle.
>>> My personal analysis with VisualVM:
>>> The thread is spawned when the first query is run. The thread keeps running 
>>> when the webapp is shut down or undeployed. Classes remain in memory.
>>> The JDBC Pool does a simple Class.forName to load the driver, it neither 
>>> uses the DriverManager loading nor does it actively unload the driver.
>>> Oracle answer:
>>> They were able to reproduce the issue. The technical analysis says:
>>>> Hi Michael,
>>>> I confirmned internally that this message from Tomcat can be ignored as 
>>>> there is no risk of any real leak from" OracleTimeoutPollingThread" thread.
>>>> This thread is related to the JDBC driver which may be used by many apps 
>>>> simultaneously. Unloading the app does not unload the driver and should 
>>>> not and does not stop the thread.
>>>> It seems to be the design behaviour.
>>> So my questions would be:
>>> 1. Is that still not a false positive?
>> No, that is not a false positive. The response from Oracle is wrong.
>> There is nothing wrong with the driver creating the thread or the thread
>> continuing after the web application has stopped. The problem is as follows:
>> 1. When the JDBC driver creates the Thread, the Thread's context class
>> loader (as returned by Thread.getContextClassLoader()) is set to the web
>> application's class loader.
>> 2. The correct behaviour at this point would be for the Driver to set
>> the Thread's context class loader to the class loader that loaded the
>> Driver class when the Thread is created.
>> 3. The memory leak occurs as follows:
>> - the web application is stopped
>> - Tomcat clears all references to the web application and its classes
>> - The web application should be eligible for garbage collection
>> - The JDBC driver is still loaded (as it should be)
>> - The JDBC driver retains a reference to the Thread (as it should)
>> - The thread retains a reference to the web application class loader
>> (this is the memory leak).
>> The reference chain is:
>> a) JDBC driver
>>   b) Thread
>> c) Web application class loader
>>   d) Every class loaded by the web app
>> Everything from c) onwards should be eligible for garbage collection but
>> isn't because of the leak in the Thread that is retaining a reference to
>> the web application class loader.
> This is what I would assume as correct behavior. If the thread is still 
> attached ot the WebAppClassLoader, does that mean that the WebAppClassLoader 
> cannot be garbage collected?

The correct behaviour is that there is no reference to c) held by b) and
therefore c) onwards would be eligible for GC (assuming the web app has
been stopped). The problem here is that because b) has a reference to
c), c) can't be GC'd and that is a memory leak.

>>> 2. Why does the JDBC Pool not unload the driver? That my cause the thread 
>>> to stop after the last app has been stopped/undeployed.
>> 1. Because the driver is in CATALINA_HOME/lib it is available to other
>> applications.
> So first app, loads driver and keeps it in memory. Even if all apps are 
> undeployed, driver remains cached and GCed when Tomcat is shut down?

The JDBC driver will be loaded though the services API as soon as any
code references the DriverManager.

>> 2. JDBC drivers are never automatically unloaded. You have to do so
>> explicitly (not doing so is an other source of memory leaks when the
>> driver is packaged in WEB-INF/lib).
> OK, this won't be the case. Driver is always s

Re: Re: Follow-up: Possible false-postive with JreMemoryLeakPreventionListener and Tomcat's JDBC Pool and OracleTimeoutPollingThread

2013-05-17 Thread Michael-O
Hi Mark,

thanks again for the detailed answer, details inline.

> Gesendet: Freitag, 17. Mai 2013 um 11:36 Uhr
> Von: "Mark Thomas" 
> An: "Tomcat Users List" 
> Betreff: Re: Follow-up: Possible false-postive with 
> JreMemoryLeakPreventionListener and Tomcat's JDBC Pool and 
> OracleTimeoutPollingThread
> On 17/05/2013 09:28, Michael-O wrote:
> > Hi folks,
> > 
> > there's now a follow-up on the issue [1].
> > Recap: JreMemoryLeakPreventionListener reported that my webapp has spawned 
> > OracleTimeoutPollingThread because I have set a QueryTimeout in the JDBC 
> > Pool.
> > Mark Thomas noted that this is likely a bug in the driver. I have taken 
> > action and created a service request with Oracle.
> > 
> > My personal analysis with VisualVM:
> > The thread is spawned when the first query is run. The thread keeps running 
> > when the webapp is shut down or undeployed. Classes remain in memory.
> > The JDBC Pool does a simple Class.forName to load the driver, it neither 
> > uses the DriverManager loading nor does it actively unload the driver.
> > 
> > Oracle answer:
> > They were able to reproduce the issue. The technical analysis says:
> > 
> >> Hi Michael,
> >>
> >> I confirmned internally that this message from Tomcat can be ignored as 
> >> there is no risk of any real leak from" OracleTimeoutPollingThread" thread.
> >> This thread is related to the JDBC driver which may be used by many apps 
> >> simultaneously. Unloading the app does not unload the driver and should 
> >> not and does not stop the thread.
> >>
> >> It seems to be the design behaviour.
> > 
> > So my questions would be:
> > 1. Is that still not a false positive?
> No, that is not a false positive. The response from Oracle is wrong.
> There is nothing wrong with the driver creating the thread or the thread
> continuing after the web application has stopped. The problem is as follows:
> 1. When the JDBC driver creates the Thread, the Thread's context class
> loader (as returned by Thread.getContextClassLoader()) is set to the web
> application's class loader.
> 2. The correct behaviour at this point would be for the Driver to set
> the Thread's context class loader to the class loader that loaded the
> Driver class when the Thread is created.
> 3. The memory leak occurs as follows:
> - the web application is stopped
> - Tomcat clears all references to the web application and its classes
> - The web application should be eligible for garbage collection
> - The JDBC driver is still loaded (as it should be)
> - The JDBC driver retains a reference to the Thread (as it should)
> - The thread retains a reference to the web application class loader
> (this is the memory leak).
> The reference chain is:
> a) JDBC driver
>   b) Thread
> c) Web application class loader
>   d) Every class loaded by the web app
> Everything from c) onwards should be eligible for garbage collection but
> isn't because of the leak in the Thread that is retaining a reference to
> the web application class loader.

This is what I would assume as correct behavior. If the thread is still 
attached ot the WebAppClassLoader, does that mean that the WebAppClassLoader 
cannot be garbage collected?
> > 2. Why does the JDBC Pool not unload the driver? That my cause the thread 
> > to stop after the last app has been stopped/undeployed.
> 1. Because the driver is in CATALINA_HOME/lib it is available to other
> applications.

So first app, loads driver and keeps it in memory. Even if all apps are 
undeployed, driver remains cached and GCed when Tomcat is shut down?
> 2. JDBC drivers are never automatically unloaded. You have to do so
> explicitly (not doing so is an other source of memory leaks when the
> driver is packaged in WEB-INF/lib).

OK, this won't be the case. Driver is always shared here.
> You need to go back to Oracle.

Yes, I will. We're paying probably a lot of money for he company-wide license.

Thanks again,


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Re: Follow-up: Possible false-postive with JreMemoryLeakPreventionListener and Tomcat's JDBC Pool and OracleTimeoutPollingThread

2013-05-17 Thread Mark Thomas
On 17/05/2013 09:28, Michael-O wrote:
> Hi folks,
> there's now a follow-up on the issue [1].
> Recap: JreMemoryLeakPreventionListener reported that my webapp has spawned 
> OracleTimeoutPollingThread because I have set a QueryTimeout in the JDBC Pool.
> Mark Thomas noted that this is likely a bug in the driver. I have taken 
> action and created a service request with Oracle.
> My personal analysis with VisualVM:
> The thread is spawned when the first query is run. The thread keeps running 
> when the webapp is shut down or undeployed. Classes remain in memory.
> The JDBC Pool does a simple Class.forName to load the driver, it neither uses 
> the DriverManager loading nor does it actively unload the driver.
> Oracle answer:
> They were able to reproduce the issue. The technical analysis says:
>> Hi Michael,
>> I confirmned internally that this message from Tomcat can be ignored as 
>> there is no risk of any real leak from" OracleTimeoutPollingThread" thread.
>> This thread is related to the JDBC driver which may be used by many apps 
>> simultaneously. Unloading the app does not unload the driver and should not 
>> and does not stop the thread.
>> It seems to be the design behaviour.
> So my questions would be:
> 1. Is that still not a false positive?

No, that is not a false positive. The response from Oracle is wrong.

There is nothing wrong with the driver creating the thread or the thread
continuing after the web application has stopped. The problem is as follows:

1. When the JDBC driver creates the Thread, the Thread's context class
loader (as returned by Thread.getContextClassLoader()) is set to the web
application's class loader.

2. The correct behaviour at this point would be for the Driver to set
the Thread's context class loader to the class loader that loaded the
Driver class when the Thread is created.

3. The memory leak occurs as follows:
- the web application is stopped
- Tomcat clears all references to the web application and its classes
- The web application should be eligible for garbage collection
- The JDBC driver is still loaded (as it should be)
- The JDBC driver retains a reference to the Thread (as it should)
- The thread retains a reference to the web application class loader
(this is the memory leak).

The reference chain is:
a) JDBC driver
  b) Thread
c) Web application class loader
  d) Every class loaded by the web app

Everything from c) onwards should be eligible for garbage collection but
isn't because of the leak in the Thread that is retaining a reference to
the web application class loader.

> 2. Why does the JDBC Pool not unload the driver? That my cause the thread to 
> stop after the last app has been stopped/undeployed.

1. Because the driver is in CATALINA_HOME/lib it is available to other

2. JDBC drivers are never automatically unloaded. You have to do so
explicitly (not doing so is an other source of memory leaks when the
driver is packaged in WEB-INF/lib).

You need to go back to Oracle.


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Follow-up: Possible false-postive with JreMemoryLeakPreventionListener and Tomcat's JDBC Pool and OracleTimeoutPollingThread

2013-05-17 Thread Michael-O
Hi folks,

there's now a follow-up on the issue [1].
Recap: JreMemoryLeakPreventionListener reported that my webapp has spawned 
OracleTimeoutPollingThread because I have set a QueryTimeout in the JDBC Pool.
Mark Thomas noted that this is likely a bug in the driver. I have taken action 
and created a service request with Oracle.

My personal analysis with VisualVM:
The thread is spawned when the first query is run. The thread keeps running 
when the webapp is shut down or undeployed. Classes remain in memory.
The JDBC Pool does a simple Class.forName to load the driver, it neither uses 
the DriverManager loading nor does it actively unload the driver.

Oracle answer:
They were able to reproduce the issue. The technical analysis says:

> Hi Michael,
> I confirmned internally that this message from Tomcat can be ignored as there 
> is no risk of any real leak from" OracleTimeoutPollingThread" thread.
> This thread is related to the JDBC driver which may be used by many apps 
> simultaneously. Unloading the app does not unload the driver and should not 
> and does not stop the thread.
> It seems to be the design behaviour.

So my questions would be:
1. Is that still not a false positive?
2. Why does the JDBC Pool not unload the driver? That my cause the thread to 
stop after the last app has been stopped/undeployed.




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