Re: How do auth-method BASIC and DIGEST play together with some credential helper?

2022-11-16 Thread Christopher Schultz


On 11/16/22 02:36, Thorsten Schöning wrote:

Guten Tag Christopher Schultz,
am Mittwoch, 16. November 2022 um 04:17 schrieben Sie:

You should double-check the definition of "compliant to CIS
benchmark spec" because there is no way in hell that HTTP DIGEST is

The spec doesn't tell me exactly to use auth-method DIGEST, but their
example configs and stuff use exactly that.

$ grep -i [.\n]*DIGEST[.\n]*

And here it comes:

If a Realm exists without a digest attribute or without a value for
the digest attribute, this is a fail.

I see. This is a *super* old document, then. Because that suggests you 
can use MD5 which is not acceptable as a hashing algorithm in 2022.

That sentence is for Tomcat 9, in which that attribute has been removed
as well already, didn't it? They don't even mention any credential
handler possible in Tomcat at all, even those are superior than using
the digest attribute.

Agreed. Tomcat 9 should still support "digest" simply due to Tomcat 9's 
long history. I believe "digest" was only removed in Tomcat 10 a later.

So this whole abstract seems broken in the CIS spec to me and I just
needed to collect input how to deal with that. OTOH, thinking about
it again, the customer says to run automatic CIS checks using some app
and that didn't complain about auth-method BASIC yet. So using that
with PBKDF2WithHmacSHA512 seems to be fine even more.

I should hope that, with an explanation, you will be able to get an 
exemption for that rather outdated rule.


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Re: How do auth-method BASIC and DIGEST play together with some credential helper?

2022-11-15 Thread Thorsten Schöning
Guten Tag Christopher Schultz,
am Mittwoch, 16. November 2022 um 04:17 schrieben Sie:

> You should double-check the definition of "compliant to CIS
> benchmark spec" because there is no way in hell that HTTP DIGEST is
> required.[...]

The spec doesn't tell me exactly to use auth-method DIGEST, but their
example configs and stuff use exactly that.

> $ grep -i 
> [.\n]*DIGEST[.\n]*
> UserDatabase[.\n]*
> $CATALINA_HOME/webapps/manager/WEB-INF/web.xml

And here it comes:

> If a Realm exists without a digest attribute or without a value for
> the digest attribute, this is a fail.

That sentence is for Tomcat 9, in which that attribute has been removed
as well already, didn't it? They don't even mention any credential
handler possible in Tomcat at all, even those are superior than using
the digest attribute.

So this whole abstract seems broken in the CIS spec to me and I just
needed to collect input how to deal with that. OTOH, thinking about
it again, the customer says to run automatic CIS checks using some app
and that didn't complain about auth-method BASIC yet. So using that
with PBKDF2WithHmacSHA512 seems to be fine even more.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Thorsten Schöning

AM-SoFT IT-Service - Bitstore Hameln GmbH
Mitglied der Bitstore Gruppe - Ihr Full-Service-Dienstleister für IT und TK


Tel:   +49 5151-  9468- 0
Tel:   +49 5151-  9468-55
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AM-SoFT IT-Service - Bitstore Hameln GmbH, Brandenburger Str. 7c, 31789 Hameln
AG Hannover HRB 221853 - Geschäftsführer: Janine Galonska

Für Rückfragen stehe ich Ihnen jederzeit zur Verfügung. 

Mit freundlichen Grüßen, 

Thorsten Schöning

Telefon: +49 5151 9468-55

AM-Soft IT-Service - Bitstore Hameln GmbH
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Re: How do auth-method BASIC and DIGEST play together with some credential helper?

2022-11-15 Thread Christopher Schultz


On 11/15/22 15:29, Thorsten Schöning wrote:

Guten Tag Mark Thomas,
am Dienstag, 15. November 2022 um 20:44 schrieben Sie:

Assuming digesting passwords with one round of MD5 and no salt
isn't acceptable (I'd be surprised if it was) then you are probably
looking at HTTPS + BASIC + PBKDF2WithHmacSHA512.

Thanks for that clarification, it's exactly what I expected. My major
problem is that I have IT sec of some customer requiring me that the
Tomcat is configured compliant to CIS benchmark spec.

You should double-check the definition of "compliant to CIS benchmark 
spec" because there is no way in hell that HTTP DIGEST is required. It's 
a 100% broken standard that has been fixed by RFC 7616 but, as Mark 
says, that RFC has been completely ignored by the world because TLS+HTTP 
BASIC does just fine.

The reason it's broken is because it essentially requires that the 
server store passwords in plaintext, or at least have access to them in 
that form some way or another. Industry standards have progressed since 
1993 and now everybody knows that storing recoverable passwords on the 
server-side is completely forbidden.

This it's not possible to implement HTTP DIGEST in a way that is 
compliant with any current standard.

One requirement is to not have cleartext passwords in
tomcat-users.xml, which is possible with your suggestion. But at the
same time config examples of that spec use auth-method DIGEST and as
we both seem to agree, that doesn't make too much sense. Other parts
of the spec don't make sense in this special aspect as well and simply
seem outdated and copied over from VERY old Tomcats.

So, my approach will be to use HTTPS + BASIC + PBKDF2WithHmacSHA512
most likely and simply tell IT sec that CIS benchmark stuff doesn't
work in that aspect and PBKDF2WithHmacSHA512 is superior. The used app
doesn plain-text auth on it's own as well and they need to trust HTTPS
as well, so no real problem, besided that vood spec.

I think it's perfectly reasonable for you to challenge the (implied? 
requested? required?) use of HTTP DIGEST.


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Re: How do auth-method BASIC and DIGEST play together with some credential helper?

2022-11-15 Thread Thorsten Schöning
Guten Tag Mark Thomas,
am Dienstag, 15. November 2022 um 20:44 schrieben Sie:

> Assuming digesting passwords with one round of MD5 and no salt
> isn't acceptable (I'd be surprised if it was) then you are probably
> looking at HTTPS + BASIC + PBKDF2WithHmacSHA512.

Thanks for that clarification, it's exactly what I expected. My major
problem is that I have IT sec of some customer requiring me that the
Tomcat is configured compliant to CIS benchmark spec.

One requirement is to not have cleartext passwords in
tomcat-users.xml, which is possible with your suggestion. But at the
same time config examples of that spec use auth-method DIGEST and as
we both seem to agree, that doesn't make too much sense. Other parts
of the spec don't make sense in this special aspect as well and simply
seem outdated and copied over from VERY old Tomcats.

So, my approach will be to use HTTPS + BASIC + PBKDF2WithHmacSHA512
most likely and simply tell IT sec that CIS benchmark stuff doesn't
work in that aspect and PBKDF2WithHmacSHA512 is superior. The used app
doesn plain-text auth on it's own as well and they need to trust HTTPS
as well, so no real problem, besided that vood spec.

Thanks for input!

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Thorsten Schöning

AM-SoFT IT-Service - Bitstore Hameln GmbH
Mitglied der Bitstore Gruppe - Ihr Full-Service-Dienstleister für IT und TK


Tel:   +49 5151-  9468- 0
Tel:   +49 5151-  9468-55
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AG Hannover HRB 221853 - Geschäftsführer: Janine Galonska

Für Rückfragen stehe ich Ihnen jederzeit zur Verfügung. 

Mit freundlichen Grüßen, 

Thorsten Schöning

Telefon: +49 5151 9468-55

AM-Soft IT-Service - Bitstore Hameln GmbH
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Re: How do auth-method BASIC and DIGEST play together with some credential helper?

2022-11-15 Thread Mark Thomas
Sorry, you are correct. There is no way to use PBKDF2WithHmacSHA512 in a 
Realm along with HTTP DIGEST auth.

If you want to use HTTP DIGEST auth and digested passwords on the server 
you have to use, quoting the Tomcat docs, "one iteration of the MD5 
algorithm with no salt".

RFC 7616 has added SHA2-256 and SHA2-512/256 to DIGEST auth. That is an 
improvement but still not great. Tomcat has not been updated to support 
those. Neither has any major browser. I suspect they never will.

Assuming digesting passwords with one round of MD5 and no salt isn't 
acceptable (I'd be surprised if it was) then you are probably looking at 

There are a few other options but they come with significant caveats:

- If all the users are Windows domain users then SPNEGO is an

- HTTPS + CLIENT_CERT is also an option but the management overhead of
  issuing clients with certificates is significant.

- It is possible to integrate OAuth2 via JASPIC. There is a library to
  do that for Google. There may be libraries for other providers.

Beyond that you would need to start looking at a 3rd party security library.


On 15/11/2022 18:23, Thorsten Schöning wrote:

Guten Tag Mark Thomas,
am Dienstag, 15. November 2022 um 18:36 schrieben Sie:

Please go and read my email - and the links I provided - again.

I did, so feel free to tell me how I tell my browser to use my
plain-text password as PBKDF2WithHmacSHA512 digest with 10
iterations, a key length of 256 bits and a salt of 16 bytes. Because
my browser's dialog asking for username and password doesn't allow me
to put any of these options in.

Are you sure to have understood that I already know how to store a
digest with those settings in tomcat-users.xml? That wasn't the
question. The question was this aspect from your own link:

When the authenticate() method of the Realm is called, the
(cleartext) password specified by the user is itself digested by the
same algorithm[...]

There is no cleartext password from the user from the browser if
"DIGEST" is used. The cleartext password
needs to be available in tomcat-users.xml, but isn't when using

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Thorsten Schöning

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Re: How do auth-method BASIC and DIGEST play together with some credential helper?

2022-11-15 Thread Thorsten Schöning
Guten Tag Mark Thomas,
am Dienstag, 15. November 2022 um 18:36 schrieben Sie:

> Please go and read my email - and the links I provided - again.

I did, so feel free to tell me how I tell my browser to use my
plain-text password as PBKDF2WithHmacSHA512 digest with 10
iterations, a key length of 256 bits and a salt of 16 bytes. Because
my browser's dialog asking for username and password doesn't allow me
to put any of these options in.

Are you sure to have understood that I already know how to store a
digest with those settings in tomcat-users.xml? That wasn't the
question. The question was this aspect from your own link:

> When the authenticate() method of the Realm is called, the
> (cleartext) password specified by the user is itself digested by the
> same algorithm[...]

There is no cleartext password from the user from the browser if
"DIGEST" is used. The cleartext password
needs to be available in tomcat-users.xml, but isn't when using

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Thorsten Schöning

AM-SoFT IT-Service - Bitstore Hameln GmbH
Mitglied der Bitstore Gruppe - Ihr Full-Service-Dienstleister für IT und TK


Tel:   +49 5151-  9468- 0
Tel:   +49 5151-  9468-55
Mobil: +49  178-8 9468-04

AM-SoFT IT-Service - Bitstore Hameln GmbH, Brandenburger Str. 7c, 31789 Hameln
AG Hannover HRB 221853 - Geschäftsführer: Janine Galonska

Für Rückfragen stehe ich Ihnen jederzeit zur Verfügung. 

Mit freundlichen Grüßen, 

Thorsten Schöning

Telefon: +49 5151 9468-55

AM-Soft IT-Service - Bitstore Hameln GmbH
Brandenburger Straße 7c
31789 Hameln

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Re: How do auth-method BASIC and DIGEST play together with some credential helper?

2022-11-15 Thread Mark Thomas

On 15/11/2022 17:07, Thorsten Schöning wrote:

Guten Tag Mark Thomas,
am Dienstag, 15. November 2022 um 12:51 schrieben Sie:

In short, the digested value you save as the user credential is one
of the inputs the client uses when calculating the value to use in
the authorization header.[...]

My client is a browser and that asks me for plain-text passwords.
There's no way I could provide a digest generated using
PBKDF2WithHmacSHA512 with the settings mentioned in my former mail.
And even if there was, that digest would be a plain-text password

This works.

Please go and read my email - and the links I provided - again.

If there are things you don't understand, ask specific questions.

You may also find reading RFC 7616 useful.


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Re: How do auth-method BASIC and DIGEST play together with some credential helper?

2022-11-15 Thread Thorsten Schöning
Guten Tag Mark Thomas,
am Dienstag, 15. November 2022 um 12:51 schrieben Sie:

> In short, the digested value you save as the user credential is one
> of the inputs the client uses when calculating the value to use in
> the authorization header.[...]

My client is a browser and that asks me for plain-text passwords.
There's no way I could provide a digest generated using
PBKDF2WithHmacSHA512 with the settings mentioned in my former mail.
And even if there was, that digest would be a plain-text password

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Thorsten Schöning

AM-SoFT IT-Service - Bitstore Hameln GmbH
Mitglied der Bitstore Gruppe - Ihr Full-Service-Dienstleister für IT und TK


Tel:   +49 5151-  9468- 0
Tel:   +49 5151-  9468-55
Mobil: +49  178-8 9468-04

AM-SoFT IT-Service - Bitstore Hameln GmbH, Brandenburger Str. 7c, 31789 Hameln
AG Hannover HRB 221853 - Geschäftsführer: Janine Galonska

Für Rückfragen stehe ich Ihnen jederzeit zur Verfügung. 

Mit freundlichen Grüßen, 

Thorsten Schöning

Telefon: +49 5151 9468-55

AM-Soft IT-Service - Bitstore Hameln GmbH
Brandenburger Straße 7c
31789 Hameln

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Re: How do auth-method BASIC and DIGEST play together with some credential helper?

2022-11-15 Thread Mark Thomas

On 15/11/2022 10:20, Thorsten Schöning wrote:

So, is it even possible to use SecretKeyCredentialHandler and
auth-method DIGEST together or am I required to use BASIC? If DIGEST
is supported, how does that and credential helper work together
without plain-text password available at the server at all?

Yes. Completely possible. You just have to create the digests in the 
right format.

In short, the digested value you save as the user credential is one of 
the inputs the client uses when calculating the value to use in the 
authorization header. The other values are parts of the request and/or 
provided by the server. Hence both the client and server are able to 
calculate the same digest.



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How do auth-method BASIC and DIGEST play together with some credential helper?

2022-11-15 Thread Thorsten Schöning
Hi everyone,

I have some webapp hosted by Tomcat and need to restrict user access
to some part of that. One additional requirement is that this app
needs to be CIS benchmark compliant and that requires to not store
plain-text passwords. So consider the following user database and
credential helper being used to stored hashed passwords in

>  className="org.apache.catalina.realm.SecretKeyCredentialHandler"
> algorithm="PBKDF2WithHmacSHA512"
> iterations="10"
> keyLength="256"
> saltLength="16"
> />

And here's where things become interesting, because the docs of the
CIS benchmark PDF are using a DIGEST auth-method instead of my used
BASIC one.

>interner Bereich

From my understanding, the BASIC auth-method results in the browser
sending plain-text passwords to the server, which can than be
processed by some credential helper to compare the results to what is
stored in tomcat-users.xml. OTOH, when using DIGEST, the browser won't
ever send plain-text passwords and hashes already which needs to be
compared by Tomcat. To be able to calculate the same hash, AFAIK
Tomcat needs to plain-text password itself as well. But because of
DIGEST auth-method and the already hashed password in
tomcat-users.xml, it can't have access ot the plain-text password.
That's the overall goal of using the credential helper in this case.

Additionally, from my understanding DIGEST auth-method has nothing to
do with any digest config of any realm or credential helper. It's
really distinguishing on HTTP level how browser and Tomcat share

So, is it even possible to use SecretKeyCredentialHandler and
auth-method DIGEST together or am I required to use BASIC? If DIGEST
is supported, how does that and credential helper work together
without plain-text password available at the server at all?

Of course there's TLS in place, it's really about to follow the CIS
benchmark as much as possible for some customer requirements. But some
parts of that CIS benchmark don't make too much sense to me.

Thanks for your help!

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Thorsten Schöning

AM-SoFT IT-Service - Bitstore Hameln GmbH
Mitglied der Bitstore Gruppe - Ihr Full-Service-Dienstleister für IT und TK


Tel:   +49 5151-  9468- 0
Tel:   +49 5151-  9468-55
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AM-SoFT IT-Service - Bitstore Hameln GmbH, Brandenburger Str. 7c, 31789 Hameln
AG Hannover HRB 221853 - Geschäftsführer: Janine Galonska

Für Rückfragen stehe ich Ihnen jederzeit zur Verfügung. 

Mit freundlichen Grüßen, 

Thorsten Schöning

Telefon: +49 5151 9468-55

AM-Soft IT-Service - Bitstore Hameln GmbH
Brandenburger Straße 7c
31789 Hameln

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