Hi, I am moving an application from glassfish to tomcat and have run into a 
problem with a dataTable component, where I have placed a group panel which 
contains a Calendar component.  This arrangement worked fine with glassfish but 
with tomcat the component acts as a single component rather than a collection.  

When I run the application in glassfish the calendar control is render 
completely in each table row (i.e., both the textfield and the calendar icon) 
however in tomcat the calendar component is rendered completely in the first 
row of the table (textfield and icon) but only the textfield appears in 
subsequent rows.   Also when a date is entered with tomcat the same date 
appears in all textfields in all table rows.   With glassfish the date only 
appears in the row it is entered.

So what I want is what glassfish does - is there away to get the same behavior 
in tomcat?

Is this a bug?

Your assistance is greatly appreciated.


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