Tomcat's JSP precompiler does not seem to be able to handle tag files containing Java 5 syntax -- it acts as if it were in "-source 1.4" [or "-source 1.3", we don't use asserts much] mode.

Is this a known issue?  Is there something to be done about this?

I'm doing:

   <jasper2 uriroot="${docBase}" outputDir="${jspcJavaOutputDir}"
   compilerSourceVM="${sourceVer}" compilerTargetVM="${targetVer}"
   validateXml="false" listErrors="true"
   verbose="${jspcVerbosityLevel}" jspFiles="${jspFileList}" />

where jasper2 is taskdef'ed to org.apache.jasper.JspC. sourceVer and targetVer are both 1.5.

And, yes, of course, my <javac> specifies target and source versions as well ala:

   <javac destdir="${classesOutputDir}" optimize="off" fork="yes"
   memoryMaximumSize="${maxMem}" source="${sourceVer}"
   target="${targetVer}" debug="on" failonerror="yes" encoding="UTF-8"
   srcdir="${jspcJavaOutputDir}" excludes="**/*.smap"

   [Note the Tomcat docs should be updated to state that
   encoding="UTF-8" should be used as that's the default output of JspC
   and /not/ the default input of <javac>...]

Am I missing something here?

Note that the tag files in question work fine at runtime -- they just won't precompile.

Jess Holle

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