Re: Tomcat CORS Filter: Why is the default list of headers in Access-Control-Allow-Headers so arbitrarily limited?

2015-02-09 Thread Christopher Schultz
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On 2/7/15 12:21 PM, Brian wrote:
 Tomcat brings a special filter that implements the CORS
 specification. In this filter, the default list of allowed headers
 is the following:
 Origin Accept X-Requested-With Content-Type 
 Access-Control-Request-Method Access-Control-Request-Headers
 I know that I can replace that list by using the filter parameter 
 cors.allowed.headers and specify my own list of headers. I know
 that. But I have the following questions:
 - When this filter was created, why was the list filled with this 
 -abritrarily- short list of headers? Why these headers and not
 others? Why, for example, isn't the cache-control header in the
 list? How was this list chosen?

The W3C CORS standard recommendation
does not specify which headers should be included by default in this
list. So, it's probably up to the implementer to determine that list.

The author probably wanted to cover the smallest number of low-risk
headers for a default configuration. As you've said, the default can
be overridden. This is a fairly new Filter in Tomcat, so there may
have been some oversights.

The spec mentions simple headers of which Cache-Control is one. I
haven't read the spec well enough -- nor the code at all -- to know if
those simple headers are included by default but not mentioned.

The specifically mentions them but
cors.allowed.headers does not. I suspect this is accurate, and that
no simple headers are included by default. If you want to add
Cache-Control then you should probably add it yourself.

 - If I want to define a more complete list, which headers should I
 include? There are some many headers to think about!

Now you see why the original author might have had a hard time
determining the default list.

 - Can I use a * instead of specifying a list? Is that something
 that the CORS specs allows?

This kind of defeats the purpose of the tool in the first place,
doesn't it?

 - I know that the CORS specs defined this kind of list, but. Why is
 that necessary? Why can't we just accept any header in the
 pre-flight OPTIONS step, instead of returning a 403 (Forbiden) if
 at least one of the headers requested by the client is not in the
 list of allowed headers?

You certainly /can/ do that, but then you remove a layer of security
that the tool is supposed to provide.

 - Why isn't there an option in the filter to do something like

This would accept anything the client sent (which, of course, is what
you're asking about). Custom headers are a potential attack vector
and part of the reason that header white-listing is a part of the CORS

 I'm puzzled. One of the users of my API sent the cache-control
 header in the in the Access-Control-Request-Headers list during
 the pre-flight step, and received an HTTP 403 error status. I can
 add this header to the list (using the cors.allowed.headers
 filter parameter). But what about next time some client sends
 another header that is not in the list?

It sounds like you need to listen to to the needs of your customers
and adapt to them. You can either say sure, we'll white-list that
header or sorry, you'll have to remove that header from your request
because we see it as a security issue.

- -chris
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Tomcat CORS Filter: Why is the default list of headers in Access-Control-Allow-Headers so arbitrarily limited?

2015-02-07 Thread Brian


Tomcat brings a special filter that implements the CORS specification. In
this filter, the default list of allowed headers is the following: 









I know that I can replace that list by using the filter parameter
cors.allowed.headers and specify my own list of headers. I know that. But
I have the following questions:


- When this filter was created, why was the list filled with this
-abritrarily- short list of headers? Why these headers and not others? Why,
for example, isn't the cache-control header in the list? How was this list

- If I want to define a more complete list, which headers should I include?
There are some many headers to think about!

- Can I use a * instead of specifying a list? Is that something that the
CORS specs allows?

- I know that the CORS specs defined this kind of list, but. Why is that
necessary? Why can't we just accept any header in the pre-flight OPTIONS
step, instead of returning a 403 (Forbiden) if at least one of the headers
requested by the client is not in the list of allowed headers?

- Why isn't there an option in the filter to do something like this: 

request.getHeader(Access-Control-Request-Headers)  ?


I'm puzzled. One of the users of my API sent the cache-control header in
the  in the Access-Control-Request-Headers list during the pre-flight
step, and received an HTTP 403 error status. I can add this header to the
list (using the cors.allowed.headers filter parameter). But what about
next time some client sends another header that is not in the list? 

