Re: Just 1 hour to introduce Wicket (Friday)

2007-10-31 Thread Eelco Hillenius
I like these points.

 1. All code is Java, which enables end-to-end refactoring and gives
 you clean html.

And static typing gives you also good means to navigate your code. Use your
IDE to find the uses, overrides, etc. Make unsupported (due to API breaks)
methods final so that your clients break hard. Users of your components can
use code completion and javadoc hoovers. All the good Java stuff.

 2. Composition enables reuse.  When I took a panel and moved it from a
 tab on a page to a modalwindow on the page by changing a couple of
 lines of code it made a big impact.

Another thing that is good about composition is that it makes it easier to
divide work. You don't have to work from page to page, but rather can pick
an course to very fine components.

 3. Components have session state.  Hence the content of the session is
 determined by what components are on the page -- and further the
 session is cleaned out as components leave scope.  (And if state is
 kept in url parameters then session is not used, in case anyone
 complains about session size.  State must be somewhere, no?)

In the new version of Wicket In Action's chapter one, I state this:

Wicket bridges the impedance mismatch between the stateless Hypertext
Protocol (HTTP) and stateful Java programming. I added this after Dhanji
Prasanna asked me what I planned to say about that, which finally got that
light-bulb fired: 'that's indeed the core-core problem that Wicket tries to

Unfortunately, the new chapter wasn't included in the last MEAP download,
but I'm sending it to Cemal directly. I hope I do a better job than before
explaining the key points of Wicket.

Another (potential) interesting point is that Wicket is secure by default.
Here is an excerpt of chapter 12 (authentication and authorization):

With Wicket, if you don't code using bookmarkable pages, you use session
relative pages - Wicket's default way of coding web applications. Page
instances are kept on the server and you ask Wicket (through your browser)
for a certain page by providing the page number, version and the component
that is the target of the request. This works in the opposite way of the
REST architectural pattern, which states that servers should not keep state,
but clients provide servers with the relevant state when they issue
requests. As we saw in the first chapter, REST is great for scalability, but
lousy for the programming model. And now we get to another problem with
REST: the pattern is inherently unsafe, whereas Wicket's server state
pattern is safe by default.

For instance, if you implement the functionality of removing an object using
a link like this:

  final MyObject myObject = …
  new Link(remove) {

you never need to be worried about pimple faced fourteen year olds trying to
'hack' your web application. They would have to hijack the session, guess
the - session relative - page ids and version numbers, and the relevant
component paths. Very unlikely anyone ever will pull that off. And you can
even make your Wicket application more secure by encrypting requests with
for instance CryptedUrlWebRequestCodingStrategy. It simply doesn't get any

The REST variant of building your application would use bookmarkable pages
like this:

  public DeleteMyObjectPage(PageParameters p) {
Long id = p.getLong(id);
myDao.remove(MyObject.class, id);

The latter example, which is similar to how you would use actions or
commands with model 2 frameworks, is unsafe in two distinct ways. The
location of DeleteMyObjectPage can be guessed, thus exposing that
functionality to misuse. And even if users are authorized to access that
page and access itself is not a problem, they might only be authorized to
delete certain instances of MyObject. Without explicit protection, they
could guess ids or even write a script to delete whole parts of the
database. That means extra coding and potential security holes that can be
overlooked, whereas the 'session relative way' doesn't require you to do
anything extra in this respect.

Personally, I think this is a great feature. Though in all fairness, session
relative pages also makes testing harder.


SV: Setting up Wicket with Tomcat

2007-10-31 Thread Alexander Landsnes Keül
I looked at that one, and for some reason my exact copy of the web.xml file 
wasn't exact enough. We're implementing wickets in another project, so setting 
up a new project wasn't practical. However good old copy-paste worked wonders.

Thanks :)

-Opprinnelig melding-
Fra: Igor Vaynberg [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sendt: 30. oktober 2007 17:16
Emne: Re: Setting up Wicket with Tomcat

or just use the damn archetype to create a properly configured project
in the first place, thats why we have it... :)


On 10/30/07, Frank Bille [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 10/30/07, Alexander Landsnes Keül [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  ?xml version=1.0?
  web-app xmlns=;


 Is this what you mean?
 Don't you mean something like:


 I'm not entirely sure what you are asking about, but have Kent Tong has a
 free tutorial on setting up an environment with wicket, eclipse and tomcat:


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RE: Just 1 hour to introduce Wicket (Friday)

2007-10-31 Thread Maeder Thomas
One thing I always think is totally awesome is this: you develop your
demo application, introduce some AJAX, etc. Just be sure to use stuff
that has non-AJAX fallbacks. Then, at the end you can just turn off
javascript and everything still just works. Dropped my jaw for sure;-)


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Re: Wicket Session Management?

2007-10-31 Thread Johan Compagner

 - Also it looks like wicket  requires code changes when more pages are
 and each page needs to have separate handler and it can not be done in
 configuration file. This may become an issue when number of pages increase
 in future.

what do you mean with this? You want to have the flow between pages in a xml
Please explain to me how you want to do that exactly, i am always very
curious why
the web frameworks all really want this.

How do you see that you can just drop in a new page. And then configure an
xml file
and that page is suddenly the response page of 5 other pages (actions) ?
But what state does that new page get? Are all the pages that you show
completely stateless
they can construct themself from something and know what they must show and
what there context is?

So how do all the previous pages know exactly what context to set somewhere
that the new page wants?

Please if anybody could tell me how they can build an application with flow
where all the pages
don't really know anything of the next page of even what the next page
really is.

Is there 1 person on this list that made a struts or webflow application
like this that they can randomly
define flow and add pages without touching the existing code base?



2007-10-31 Thread Juha Alatalo


could it be possible to fix old DatePicker in 1.2 and 1.X? At least 
Scandinavian letters like ä and ö is replaced with rubbish like ö or ?. 
I can sen fixed Finnish and Swedish versions but I also need languages 
like Polish. This problem was fixed year ago but now it occurs again.

- Juha

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Tabbed panels

2007-10-31 Thread Alexander Landsnes Keül

I have two questions regarding tabbed panels. I've read the example, so I've 
been able to create a navigation with it but it's a bit limited.

First thing, is it possible to nest tabbed panels? I tried to do so, but then 
all the wickets in the panels stopped working. Way I set it up was create a 
TabbedPanel where the different tabs referred to new TabbedPanels. Not really 
sure if this is doable, but if so how would I go about it, and is it possible 
to change the CSS style for the two tab panels?

Second thing, I tried to make a helper class for adding tabs to a Tabbed Panel. 
It works fine, except for the getPanel() overloading. I tried to do it as 

public void addTab( final String label, final Panel tabPanel ) {
tabs.add( new AbstractTab( new Model( label )) 
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
public Panel getPanel( String panelID )
return tabpanel;

Simply changing it to return new PersondataPanel( panelID ); works, but this 
would mean creating one addTab(..) for each possible panel. Is there an elegant 
way of solving this?

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Re: Non-serializable objects and efficiency

2007-10-31 Thread WicketKeeper

For anyone who is interested (new users) the appropriate resource is here:

WicketKeeper wrote:
 Thanks for prompt reply.
 Yes, I was thinking having 1 DataConn for every new request. So what i
 envision is:
 1. User goes to home page (active window being the browser window)
 2. On connection, a new DataConn object should be initialised.
 3. User does data enquiry stuff from that page (lots of tabs, form inputs
 etc.) - components on the page are populated by making requests to
 Otherwise I could have just 1 DataConn for the entire application but it
 might get a bit loaded if there are lots and lots of people connecting -
 plus it does user authentication via the contructor so there has to be 1
 DataConn per user.
 Thanks for your help so far!
 Johan Compagner wrote:
 opening a DataConn everytime for every request isn't really what you want
 (else you could have a custom request cycle that does this)
 But what you could do is hold an transient field in your custom Wicket
 Session object
 and maybe besides that a id or description so that you can restore that
 transient field.
 And keep in in the session as long as possible. But it could be that the
 field (the dataconn)
 is sometimes null if the wicket sessions was serialized by the container.
 What do you mean active window? What is the active window?
 Do you want an datacon object per browser window?
 You could look if you can have 1 per pagemap then
 On 10/25/07, WicketKeeper [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Then how do I get that object by it's id? (did you mean component id?)

 I guess what i'm asking is how to best structure things in Wicket when
 is a resource that isn't serializable and is used by multiple

 So in my case I have a number of tabs, each with its own panel. Within
 panel there's a bunch of fillable components, e.g. tables, which are
 populated by using DataConn. However for every person that visits the
 there can only ever be one instance of DataConn (so there would be
 instances in the application if more then one person is hitting the home

 Another question: DataConn should also be wrapped up so that GB can
 with it once a user closes the active window. Is there a way to do this?

 I keep coming back to the idea of Sessions here but I have a gap in my
 understanding of how wicket is deploying objects here. Any help, much


 Johan Compagner wrote:
  you can't keep hard (must be transient) references to those resources
  so you always should be able to look it up again. by, for example,
  that isn't transient
  On 10/24/07, WicketKeeper [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I'm new to Wicket to this might be an ultra-dum question :)
  I'm creating a wicket application that gets its data from an online
  resource. The connection logic to that resource is in an external jar
  most of those classes don't implement Serializable. Fore ease of
  explanation, let's call the entry class for the connection
  whenever I want to get specific data to, say, fill in an
  AutoCompleteTextField all i do is list=dataconn.getStuff().
  Moreover, whenever someone comes to the application's homepage they
  only ever have ONE instance of DataConn, i.e. 1 instance for each
  So my question is - what's the best way to go about doing this in
  am aware of Session and Models in wicket (though my understanding is
  could anyone direct me to the appropriate examples or suggestions
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Re: Dynamically changing CSS

2007-10-31 Thread Cristi Manole
works perfectly.

tks a mill.

On 10/31/07, Timo Rantalaiho [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Wed, 31 Oct 2007, Cristi Manole wrote:
  Tks a lot for your reply, but how do I do get wicket to change the
  color of that speciffic row, exactly? that part I don't know... :(

 Something like

 final Component row = ...
 row.add(new AttribubuteModifier(class, true, new
 AbstractReadOnlyModel() {
 public Object getObjext() {
 if (isSelected(row)) {
 return trhighlight;
 return trdefault;

 or if you don't want to change the style attribute by default,
 you can only enable the attributemodifier as needed

 row.add(new AttribubuteModifier(class, true, new
 AbstractReadOnlyModel() {
 public Object getObjext() {
 return trhighlight;

 public boolean isEnabled() {
 return isSelected(row);

 Best wishes,


 Timo Rantalaiho
 Reaktor Innovations OyURL: 

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Re: Security message when using popup dialog

2007-10-31 Thread hillj2

Martijn Dashorst wrote:
 look in the source of the page, and possibly try to capture the
 headers. This will help us in discovering what goes wrong.

Haven't been able to find anything in the source referencing this bizarre
address.  Of course 'View Source' doesn't keep up with dynamic changes made
to the HTML document.

Here is the request header that I think is causing the problem:

GET /dch-apps/mcir/wicket/://0 HTTP/1.1
Accept: */*
Accept-Language: en-us
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0; .NET CLR
Host: localhost:7000
Connection: Keep-Alive
Cookie: PD-S-SESSION-ID=2_3Up0h124Sdjoiwp2xtcs6noIRVFNPvCGgyexh+nKYigzh-Xr;
PD_STATEFUL_e7b6e27e-0ebe-11dc-b6c7-cc17401eaa77=%2Fsom; IV_JCT=%2Fdch-apps;

And here is the corresponding response:

HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
content-type: text/html
date: Wed, 31 Oct 2007 12:53:18 GMT
server: Oracle Containers for J2EE
x-old-content-length: 148
transfer-encoding: chunked

Found/H1Resource /dch-apps/mcir/wicket/:/0 not found on this

Don't let the localhost:7000 throw you.  That's just because I'm routing
the request through a program which allows me to capture to request/response
headers.  It doesn't appear that this same request is being made in FF

Martijn Dashorst wrote:
 And please check if you have images without a src attribute or an
 empty src attribute. That seems to cause problems too (though possibly
 not this one).

No image tags to check in this case.  Aside from the images used by the
wicket popup, there's only one image on the page at all and it's added via
css.  We're not really allowed to use graphics in this app (boring).

Thanks for the help.


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Re: YUI vs Wicket AutoComplete

2007-10-31 Thread Ryan Sonnek
don't forget about the scriptaculous autocomplete component as well.  It
allows for ajax/dynamic autocomplete, or using a static list of results.

On 10/30/07, Eelco Hillenius [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I want to use an auto complete component on stateless pages and in
  theory there should not be a problem with this.  Currently the wicket
  implementation uses the AJAX behaviour functionality which


 waiting for the next episode :-)


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Problem with scriptaculous in wicket 1.3 beta3

2007-10-31 Thread SantiagoA

i try to use the Effect class of the scriptaculous jar in a testApp.

My Code:
import org.wicketstuff.scriptaculous.effect.Effect;
final StaticImage stimg = new StaticImage(fehler);
AjaxLink al = new AjaxLink(clickImg) {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 0L;

public void onClick(AjaxRequestTarget target) {
target.appendJavascript(new Effect.Fade(this).toJavascript());


The Wicket Ajax Debug Window shows:
INFO: Response parsed. Now invoking steps...
ERROR: Exception evaluating javascript: ReferenceError: Effect is not
INFO: Response processed successfully.

i´m using apache-wicket-1.3.0-beta3 and
i tried also with wicket-contrib-scriptaculous-0.1.1.jar and 

What am i doing wrong.
Can anyone help?
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ModalWindow windowClosedCallback and WicketTester

2007-10-31 Thread Federico Fanton
Hi everyone!
I have a ModalWindow with a close button in it, the button's onclick calls 
modalWindow.close() via AJAX. My problem is that when I call the onclick via
wicketTester.executeAjaxEvent(button, onclick)
the modalWindow's windowClosedCallback doesn't fire.. Am I missing something? 
Or am I supposed to call it from the testcase?

Many thanks for your time!

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Re: Problem with scriptaculous in wicket 1.3 beta3

2007-10-31 Thread Ernesto Reinaldo Barreiro
Probably your are missing a HeaderContributor adding the actual 
effects.js and prototype.js  to your page? Just guessing...

SantiagoA wrote:

i try to use the Effect class of the scriptaculous jar in a testApp.

My Code:
import org.wicketstuff.scriptaculous.effect.Effect;
final StaticImage stimg = new StaticImage(fehler);
AjaxLink al = new AjaxLink(clickImg) {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 0L;

public void onClick(AjaxRequestTarget target) {
target.appendJavascript(new Effect.Fade(this).toJavascript());


The Wicket Ajax Debug Window shows:
INFO: Response parsed. Now invoking steps...
ERROR: Exception evaluating javascript: ReferenceError: Effect is not
INFO: Response processed successfully.

i´m using apache-wicket-1.3.0-beta3 and
i tried also with wicket-contrib-scriptaculous-0.1.1.jar and 

What am i doing wrong.
Can anyone help?

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Re: Problem with scriptaculous in wicket 1.3 beta3

2007-10-31 Thread Ryan Sonnek
you need to also do:

On 10/31/07, Ernesto Reinaldo Barreiro [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Probably your are missing a HeaderContributor adding the actual
 effects.js and prototype.js  to your page? Just guessing...

 SantiagoA wrote:
  i try to use the Effect class of the scriptaculous jar in a testApp.
  My Code:
  import org.wicketstuff.scriptaculous.effect.Effect;
  final StaticImage stimg = new StaticImage(fehler);
  AjaxLink al = new AjaxLink(clickImg) {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 0L;
public void onClick(AjaxRequestTarget target) {
target.appendJavascript(new Effect.Fade(this).toJavascript());
  The Wicket Ajax Debug Window shows:
  INFO: Response parsed. Now invoking steps...
  ERROR: Exception evaluating javascript: ReferenceError: Effect is not
  INFO: Response processed successfully.
  i´m using apache-wicket-1.3.0-beta3 and
  i tried also with wicket-contrib-scriptaculous-0.1.1.jar and
  What am i doing wrong.
  Can anyone help?

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Re: Problem with scriptaculous in wicket 1.3 beta3

2007-10-31 Thread SantiagoA

Excuse me the HTML should look like:
lt;a href=# wicket:id=clickImggt; 
lt;img wicket:id=fehler src=/pics/fehler_404_gross.jpeg 

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Re: BUG: Ajax Panel Replacement Issue on Fireforx only (Kind of Complex Scenario)

2007-10-31 Thread Francisco Diaz Trepat - gmail
Hi Matej. Have you read the the forwarded part of the last message?

Because that is where I explained the behavior. Basically in Firefox if I
replace a panel with two subpanels the second subpanel doesn't get replaced.
Please check out the message bellow, the one I forwarded.

If you see the org/apache/wicket/ajax/wicket-ajax.js in
wicket-1.3.0-beta4.jar. You will see the code for the *

In there, I understand that there are two main things going on:

1) There is some code that it is not used and so, in our version we
commented it.

2) And most important, we fixed a the issue for us by moving the nodes in
the tree herarchy that appears wrongly in the get *
range.createContextualFragment*() function from the Gecko (firefox) engine.
If there are many subpanels, the range uncorrectly parses the content,
resulting in a fragment that contains many childs instead of one.

The HTML is explained bellow, if that explanation fails I'll try to send you
a file. ok?

Our function basically call the *Wicket.replaceOuterHtml=function(){ blah,
blah* to replace the one in the framework with the fixed one. And we call
the replacement on a window.setTimeOut() on the specific page in which we
have the panel with subpanels.



On 10/30/07, Matej Knopp [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Sorry, I'm not sure I follow.

 there is some code in replaceOuterHtml that seems redundant so it could
 be like this:

 Wicket.replaceOuterHtml = function(element, text) {

 if (Wicket.Browser.isIE()) {
Wicket.replaceOuterHtmlIE(element, text);
 } else if (Wicket.Browser.isSafari() || Wicket.Browser.isOpera()) {
Wicket.replaceOuterHtmlSafari(element, text);
 } else /* GECKO */ {
// create range and fragment
 var range = element.ownerDocument.createRange();
var fragment = range.createContextualFragment(text);

 element.parentNode.replaceChild(fragment, element);

 Still I'm not sure what the problem is that your code solves. Can you
 please provide me a html file where the replaceOuterHtml call fails?


 Francisco Diaz Trepat - gmail  wrote / napísal(a):
  Hi a cowerker here might have found something here. We have fix the
 issue by
  replacing the *Wicket.replaceOuterHtml* function.
  Could this be a BUG?
  I have forwarded the initial message that explains the behavior.
  Here is the code that fixed our problem:
  // Hack that demonstrates a possible fix for a problem with Gecko based
  // The problem happens in this line:
  //var fragment = range.createContextualFragment(text);
  // If there are many subpanels, the range uncorrectly parses the
  // in a fragment that contains many childs instead of one.
  // The first child is the first subpanel, and the rest are the other
  // which are incorrectly hang at the same level as the main panel,
  of being
  // childs of it.
  function replaceWicketReplaceOuterHtml() {
Wicket.replaceOuterHtml = function(element, text) {
  if (Wicket.Browser.isIE()) {
Wicket.replaceOuterHtmlIE(element, text);
  } else if (Wicket.Browser.isSafari() || Wicket.Browser.isOpera()) {
Wicket.replaceOuterHtmlSafari(element, text);
  } else /* GECKO */ {
// create range and fragment
var range = element.ownerDocument.createRange();
var fragment = range.createContextualFragment(text);
// The following code seems useless, and then is commented out
  // get the elements to be added
  //var elements = new Array();
  //for (var i = 0; i  fragment.childNodes.length; ++i)
// move additional subnodes to the correct place in the dom
if (fragment.childNodes.length  1) {
  // the for clause intentionally starts from 1,
  // to fix only the wrongly hanging subnodes.
  for (var i = 1; i  fragment.childNodes.length; ++i) {
var otherNode = fragment.childNodes[i];
element.parentNode.replaceChild(fragment, element);
  window.setTimeout(replaceWicketReplaceOuterHtml, 1000);
  -- Forwarded message --
  From: Francisco Diaz Trepat - gmail [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Date: Oct 23, 2007 10:27 PM
  Subject: Re: Ajax Panel Replacement Issue on Fireforx only (Kind of
  Thanks Matej, I will but further ahead. I'll try to see what is going on
  with more detail by using FIREBUG toolbar or something of the sort.
  If everything 

Re: Problem with scriptaculous in wicket 1.3 beta3

2007-10-31 Thread SantiagoA

Thanks a lot,
that was the solution!
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Re: Tabbed panels

2007-10-31 Thread Igor Vaynberg
On 10/31/07, Alexander Landsnes Keül [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have two questions regarding tabbed panels. I've read the example, so I've 
 been able to create a navigation with it but it's a bit limited.

 First thing, is it possible to nest tabbed panels? I tried to do so, but then 
 all the wickets in the panels stopped working. Way I set it up was create a 
 TabbedPanel where the different tabs referred to new TabbedPanels. Not really 
 sure if this is doable, but if so how would I go about it, and is it possible 
 to change the CSS style for the two tab panels?

yes it is possible, but i dont think it will help much returning a
tabbedpanel as the tab directly. instead return a panel that contains
a tabbedpanel inside. this is also how you would style the inner panel
differently, by wrapping it in a div tag with a class eg

div class=tab1div wicket:id=tabs//div

and style your panel like:

tab1 ul.first-tab {...} 

 Second thing, I tried to make a helper class for adding tabs to a Tabbed 
 Panel. It works fine, except for the getPanel() overloading. I tried to do it 
 as follows:

 public void addTab( final String label, final Panel tabPanel ) {
 tabs.add( new AbstractTab( new Model( label ))
 private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
 public Panel getPanel( String panelID )
 return tabpanel;

 Simply changing it to return new PersondataPanel( panelID ); works, but 
 this would mean creating one addTab(..) for each possible panel. Is there an 
 elegant way of solving this?

what you are doing is creating panels for tabs eagerly during
construction time, which isnt the best way to go about it. the whole
idea of having getpanel abstract in abstracttab is that it gives you
the hint that panels should be created lazily inside the callback.


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Re: how to use LinkTree in frame

2007-10-31 Thread aldous

I've given this approach a try and it didn't work for me.  I just did an
override on my derived LinkTree's newLink method and returned a bookmarkable
link regardless of link type:

public MarkupContainer newLink(String id, final ILinkCallback callback)
return new BookmarkablePageLink(id, Pro_Nav.class);

Changing the link type prevents the tree from working:  expanding no longer
works, probably because I've subverted the handlers that handle the tree
expand icon.

I really need simple links like this:
# tree node link text 

I'm fairly new to Wicket, and I'm trying a number of approaches suggested in
the archives, but have yet to find a solution that doesn't involve rewriting
much of the LinkTree.  How do I get there from here?


igor.vaynberg wrote:
 you have to override the method that generates the link and replace it
 a BookmarkablePageLink
 On 10/15/07, Kevin Liu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 The question may be how ajaxLink be bookmarkable:
   the code below absolutely does not work fine:

   pageLink = new AjaxLink(id){
 private static final long serialVersionUID =
   public void onClick(AjaxRequestTarget target){


  pageLink.add(new AttributeModifier(target,true,new

 Kevin Liu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Could someone tell me how to use LinkTree in the left frame and the
 target of the links in the tree is the right frame??
 Thanks a lot~

 -Kevin Liu

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Re: how to remove 'choose one' from dropdownlist?

2007-10-31 Thread ChuckDeal

If it is just a matter of not wanting to see the phrase Choose One but that
you are ok with a empty value, you could use the null property value to
change the default text.  There is also a null.valid property that you can
define for the case where a null value is valid (used in conjuntion with
setNullValid(true) method).  

To use those properties, make a file can {you panel/page name}.properties
and add lines to it like:
null=Some default text
null.valid=Some other text


raybristol wrote:
 Thanks everyone!
 igor.vaynberg wrote:
 put an option into your model, that way it will be selected... or
 override getdefaultchoice() and return 
 On 10/30/07, raybristol [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 how to remove 'choose one' from dropdownlist? I can use the dropdownlist
 alright, populate data etc. but wicket always put a 'choose one' option
 the top, I wonder if I can get rid of it?

 Many thanks!
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Browser back button and Wizard

2007-10-31 Thread Daniel Kröger

it's me again, and I'm still struggling with the Wizard component. :)

When pressing the browser's back button on the let's say third WizardStep of
a Wizard, the browser returns to the first WizardStep instead of the
previous (the second) one. This is a very unintuitive behavior, especially
for unexperienced users.

Is there a way to enable browser back button support for a Wizard?

I'm using Wicket 1.3.0-beta4.

Thanks again for your help!


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Re: BUG: Ajax Panel Replacement Issue on Fireforx only (Kind of Complex Scenario)

2007-10-31 Thread Matej Knopp

I got your point. But I need a complete html file to be able to
reproduce it with as little effort as possible :) My time is quite
limited lately :(

I don't mind fixing this in wicket, but I need to make sure that this
is the right fix and has no side-effect.


On 10/31/07, Francisco Diaz Trepat - gmail
 Hi Matej. Have you read the the forwarded part of the last message?

 Because that is where I explained the behavior. Basically in Firefox if I
 replace a panel with two subpanels the second subpanel doesn't get replaced.
 Please check out the message bellow, the one I forwarded.

 If you see the org/apache/wicket/ajax/wicket-ajax.js in
 wicket-1.3.0-beta4.jar. You will see the code for the *

 In there, I understand that there are two main things going on:

 1) There is some code that it is not used and so, in our version we
 commented it.

 2) And most important, we fixed a the issue for us by moving the nodes in
 the tree herarchy that appears wrongly in the get *
 range.createContextualFragment*() function from the Gecko (firefox) engine.
 If there are many subpanels, the range uncorrectly parses the content,
 resulting in a fragment that contains many childs instead of one.

 The HTML is explained bellow, if that explanation fails I'll try to send you
 a file. ok?

 Our function basically call the *Wicket.replaceOuterHtml=function(){ blah,
 blah* to replace the one in the framework with the fixed one. And we call
 the replacement on a window.setTimeOut() on the specific page in which we
 have the panel with subpanels.



 On 10/30/07, Matej Knopp [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Sorry, I'm not sure I follow.
  there is some code in replaceOuterHtml that seems redundant so it could
  be like this:
  Wicket.replaceOuterHtml = function(element, text) {
  if (Wicket.Browser.isIE()) {
 Wicket.replaceOuterHtmlIE(element, text);
  } else if (Wicket.Browser.isSafari() || Wicket.Browser.isOpera()) {
 Wicket.replaceOuterHtmlSafari(element, text);
  } else /* GECKO */ {
 // create range and fragment
  var range = element.ownerDocument.createRange();
 var fragment = range.createContextualFragment(text);
  element.parentNode.replaceChild(fragment, element);
  Still I'm not sure what the problem is that your code solves. Can you
  please provide me a html file where the replaceOuterHtml call fails?
  Francisco Diaz Trepat - gmail  wrote / napísal(a):
   Hi a cowerker here might have found something here. We have fix the
  issue by
   replacing the *Wicket.replaceOuterHtml* function.
   Could this be a BUG?
   I have forwarded the initial message that explains the behavior.
   Here is the code that fixed our problem:
   // Hack that demonstrates a possible fix for a problem with Gecko based
   // The problem happens in this line:
   //var fragment = range.createContextualFragment(text);
   // If there are many subpanels, the range uncorrectly parses the
   // in a fragment that contains many childs instead of one.
   // The first child is the first subpanel, and the rest are the other
   // which are incorrectly hang at the same level as the main panel,
   of being
   // childs of it.
   function replaceWicketReplaceOuterHtml() {
 Wicket.replaceOuterHtml = function(element, text) {
   if (Wicket.Browser.isIE()) {
 Wicket.replaceOuterHtmlIE(element, text);
   } else if (Wicket.Browser.isSafari() || Wicket.Browser.isOpera()) {
 Wicket.replaceOuterHtmlSafari(element, text);
   } else /* GECKO */ {
 // create range and fragment
 var range = element.ownerDocument.createRange();
 var fragment = range.createContextualFragment(text);
 // The following code seems useless, and then is commented out
   // get the elements to be added
   //var elements = new Array();
   //for (var i = 0; i  fragment.childNodes.length; ++i)
 // move additional subnodes to the correct place in the dom
 if (fragment.childNodes.length  1) {
   // the for clause intentionally starts from 1,
   // to fix only the wrongly hanging subnodes.
   for (var i = 1; i  fragment.childNodes.length; ++i) {
 var otherNode = fragment.childNodes[i];
 element.parentNode.replaceChild(fragment, element);
   window.setTimeout(replaceWicketReplaceOuterHtml, 1000);

Re: Dynamically Change css style of body tag

2007-10-31 Thread Jurjan

Tnx! Igor, it works!


igor.vaynberg wrote:
 hava you tried this?
 body wicket:id=foo...
 add(new webmarkupcontainer(body) { boolean istransparentresolver() {
 return true; } oncomponenttag(tag) { tag.put(class,green); });
 On 10/31/07, Jurjan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 I'm trying to dynamically change the CSS class of the body tag depending
 the context.

   body class=detailpage theme01

 In my page class I'm using the BodyTagAttributeModifier to implement this
 behavior, but this is not currect. Obviously I'm mising something, but

final Theme theme = outing.getMainTheme();

add(new BodyTagAttributeModifier(class, true, new

public Object getObject() {
return theme.getDisplaystyle();
}, this));

 Thanks in advance, Jurjan
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Re: Stateless page and Pragma no-cache

2007-10-31 Thread Matej Knopp
Override Page.configureResponse() and add the flags you want there.


On 10/31/07, John Patterson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I notice that Pragma no-cache is set for every WebPage and I cannot
 see how I can turn it off for my bookmarkable stateless pages could
 would benefit from being cached.



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Re: BUG: Ajax Panel Replacement Issue on Fireforx only (Kind of Complex Scenario)

2007-10-31 Thread Francisco Diaz Trepat - gmail
Ok I wanted to leave the QuickStart the last resort.

I'll get right on it. Jira + QuickStart.

We must all contribute.



On 10/31/07, Matej Knopp [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 So even better than html page would be a quickstart attched to jira
 issue that you create about this problem :-)


 On 10/31/07, Matej Knopp [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I got your point. But I need a complete html file to be able to
  reproduce it with as little effort as possible :) My time is quite
  limited lately :(
  I don't mind fixing this in wicket, but I need to make sure that this
  is the right fix and has no side-effect.
  On 10/31/07, Francisco Diaz Trepat - gmail
   Hi Matej. Have you read the the forwarded part of the last message?
   Because that is where I explained the behavior. Basically in Firefox
 if I
   replace a panel with two subpanels the second subpanel doesn't get
   Please check out the message bellow, the one I forwarded.
   If you see the org/apache/wicket/ajax/wicket-ajax.js in
   wicket-1.3.0-beta4.jar. You will see the code for the *
   In there, I understand that there are two main things going on:
   1) There is some code that it is not used and so, in our version we
   commented it.
   2) And most important, we fixed a the issue for us by moving the nodes
   the tree herarchy that appears wrongly in the get *
   range.createContextualFragment*() function from the Gecko (firefox)
   If there are many subpanels, the range uncorrectly parses the content,
   resulting in a fragment that contains many childs instead of one.
   The HTML is explained bellow, if that explanation fails I'll try to
 send you
   a file. ok?
   Our function basically call the *Wicket.replaceOuterHtml=function(){
   blah* to replace the one in the framework with the fixed one. And we
   the replacement on a window.setTimeOut() on the specific page in which
   have the panel with subpanels.
   On 10/30/07, Matej Knopp [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Sorry, I'm not sure I follow.
there is some code in replaceOuterHtml that seems redundant so it
be like this:
Wicket.replaceOuterHtml = function(element, text) {
if (Wicket.Browser.isIE()) {
   Wicket.replaceOuterHtmlIE(element, text);
} else if (Wicket.Browser.isSafari() || Wicket.Browser.isOpera())
   Wicket.replaceOuterHtmlSafari(element, text);
} else /* GECKO */ {
   // create range and fragment
var range = element.ownerDocument.createRange();
   var fragment = range.createContextualFragment(text);
element.parentNode.replaceChild(fragment, element);
Still I'm not sure what the problem is that your code solves. Can
please provide me a html file where the replaceOuterHtml call fails?
Francisco Diaz Trepat - gmail  wrote / napísal(a):
 Hi a cowerker here might have found something here. We have fix
issue by
 replacing the *Wicket.replaceOuterHtml* function.

 Could this be a BUG?

 I have forwarded the initial message that explains the behavior.

 Here is the code that fixed our problem:



 // Hack that demonstrates a possible fix for a problem with Gecko
 // The problem happens in this line:
 //var fragment = range.createContextualFragment(text);
 // If there are many subpanels, the range uncorrectly parses the
 // in a fragment that contains many childs instead of one.
 // The first child is the first subpanel, and the rest are the
 // which are incorrectly hang at the same level as the main panel,
 of being
 // childs of it.

 function replaceWicketReplaceOuterHtml() {
   Wicket.replaceOuterHtml = function(element, text) {
 if (Wicket.Browser.isIE()) {
   Wicket.replaceOuterHtmlIE(element, text);
 } else if (Wicket.Browser.isSafari() || Wicket.Browser.isOpera())
   Wicket.replaceOuterHtmlSafari(element, text);
 } else /* GECKO */ {
   // create range and fragment
   var range = element.ownerDocument.createRange();
   var fragment = range.createContextualFragment(text);

   // The following code seems useless, and then is commented
 // get the elements to be added
 //var elements = new Array();
 //for (var i = 0; i  fragment.childNodes.length; ++i)

Re: Just 1 hour to introduce Wicket (Friday)

2007-10-31 Thread jweekend

As always on this forum we have managed to come up with some really helpful
information and ideas in double quick time! Thanks for all the input ... I
will now merge everything in with my original thoughts and see what I can
realistically expect to cover in 1 hour. I also hope this bag of ideas will
be useful to others who want to see Wicket get the support it deserves
and/or those who are trying to convince their PMs/teams that there really is
a better way to develop web apps and how much sense it makes (in terms of
$s, quality and job satisfaction, on top of all the technical stuff brought
up in this thread).

Any more thoughts are obviously more than welcome, but either way, I hope to
post about how it goes soon (probably not until next week as Al and I are
running the weekend Wicket course  on
Saturday and Sunday and then we have to prepare for the our London Wicket Users Group  event on
Tuesday evening where I hope to talk about Trees in Wicket).

Thanks again for all the high quality feedback.

Regards - Cemal 

Jan Kriesten wrote:
 hi cemal,
 Not bad for an hour, but there are probably even more essentials that
 to be mentioned at least. What have we missed?
 i find a key selling point to customers that you can easily run unit-tests
 your projects - especially if the customers are in banking business. also,
 wicket's secure by default, so that might count, too. :-)
 when i did my presentation, it came out that presenting a more complex
 showed the 'big picture' with wicket. so you might not want to implement a
 ajax-component but show an integrated one and show how it's implemented
 (re)used in the application, same for behaviours (e.g.
 JavascriptEventConfirmation in onclick). This saves you presentation time
 you get a bigger 'ah!'.
 best regards, --- jan.
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mvn netbeans:netbeans command for QuickStart Project

2007-10-31 Thread Francisco Diaz Trepat - gmail
Hi I just downloaded the maven 2.0.7 and ran the *mvn archetype:create

then ran the *mvn netbeans:netbeans* inside the project to get a Netbeans
project. And got an error.

I am very new to maven and I was wondering if some one could help me out.

I know there is a thing going on with the netbeans plugin but how may I
solve it.

When googled I got 3 result.


*mvn netbeans:netbeans CONSOLE OUTPUT*

$ mvn -e netbeans:netbeans
+ Error stacktraces are turned on.
[INFO] Scanning for projects...
[INFO] Searching repository for plugin with prefix: 'netbeans'.


[INFO] The plugin 'org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-netbeans-plugin' does not
exist or no valid version could be found

[INFO] Trace
org.apache.maven.lifecycle.LifecycleExecutionException: The plugin '
org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-netbeans-plugin' does
 not exist or no valid version could be found
at org.apache.maven.lifecycle.DefaultLifecycleExecutor.verifyPlugin(
at org.apache.maven.lifecycle.DefaultLifecycleExecutor.execute(
at org.apache.maven.DefaultMaven.doExecute(
at org.apache.maven.DefaultMaven.execute(
at org.apache.maven.cli.MavenCli.main(
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
at org.codehaus.classworlds.Launcher.launchEnhanced(
at org.codehaus.classworlds.Launcher.launch(
at org.codehaus.classworlds.Launcher.mainWithExitCode(
at org.codehaus.classworlds.Launcher.main(
Caused by: org.apache.maven.plugin.version.PluginVersionNotFoundException:
The plugin 'org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-ne
tbeans-plugin' does not exist or no valid version could be found
at org.apache.maven.plugin.DefaultPluginManager.verifyPlugin(
at org.apache.maven.lifecycle.DefaultLifecycleExecutor.verifyPlugin(
... 14 more

[INFO] Total time:  1 second
[INFO] Finished at: Wed Oct 31 16:37:20 GMT-03:00 2007
[INFO] Final Memory: 1M/4M

*mvn archetype:create -DarchetypeGroupId=org.apache.wicket CONSOLE

$ mvn archetype:create
[INFO] Scanning for projects...
[INFO] Searching repository for plugin with prefix: 'archetype'.

[INFO] Building Maven Default Project
[INFO]task-segment: [archetype:create] (aggregator-style)

[INFO] Setting property: classpath.resource.loader.class = '
[INFO] Setting property: velocimacro.messages.on = 'false'.
[INFO] Setting property: resource.loader = 'classpath'.
[INFO] Setting property: resource.manager.logwhenfound = 'false'.
[INFO] **
[INFO] Starting Jakarta Velocity v1.4
[INFO] RuntimeInstance initializing.
[INFO] Default Properties File:
[INFO] Default ResourceManager initializing. (class
[INFO] Resource Loader Instantiated:
[INFO] ClasspathResourceLoader : initialization starting.
[INFO] ClasspathResourceLoader : initialization complete.
[INFO] ResourceCache : initialized. (class

Re: BUG: Ajax Panel Replacement Issue on Fireforx only (Kind of Complex Scenario)

2007-10-31 Thread Matej Knopp
Well, it's the last resort for you, but first resort for me :)
Issues that are easily reproduce (quickstart) can expect to be
resolved sooner, that's how it works.


On 10/31/07, Francisco Diaz Trepat - gmail
 Ok I wanted to leave the QuickStart the last resort.

 I'll get right on it. Jira + QuickStart.

 We must all contribute.



 On 10/31/07, Matej Knopp [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  So even better than html page would be a quickstart attched to jira
  issue that you create about this problem :-)
  On 10/31/07, Matej Knopp [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I got your point. But I need a complete html file to be able to
   reproduce it with as little effort as possible :) My time is quite
   limited lately :(
   I don't mind fixing this in wicket, but I need to make sure that this
   is the right fix and has no side-effect.
   On 10/31/07, Francisco Diaz Trepat - gmail
Hi Matej. Have you read the the forwarded part of the last message?
Because that is where I explained the behavior. Basically in Firefox
  if I
replace a panel with two subpanels the second subpanel doesn't get
Please check out the message bellow, the one I forwarded.
If you see the org/apache/wicket/ajax/wicket-ajax.js in
wicket-1.3.0-beta4.jar. You will see the code for the *
In there, I understand that there are two main things going on:
1) There is some code that it is not used and so, in our version we
commented it.
2) And most important, we fixed a the issue for us by moving the nodes
the tree herarchy that appears wrongly in the get *
range.createContextualFragment*() function from the Gecko (firefox)
If there are many subpanels, the range uncorrectly parses the content,
resulting in a fragment that contains many childs instead of one.
The HTML is explained bellow, if that explanation fails I'll try to
  send you
a file. ok?
Our function basically call the *Wicket.replaceOuterHtml=function(){
blah* to replace the one in the framework with the fixed one. And we
the replacement on a window.setTimeOut() on the specific page in which
have the panel with subpanels.
On 10/30/07, Matej Knopp [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Sorry, I'm not sure I follow.

 there is some code in replaceOuterHtml that seems redundant so it
 be like this:

 Wicket.replaceOuterHtml = function(element, text) {

 if (Wicket.Browser.isIE()) {
Wicket.replaceOuterHtmlIE(element, text);
 } else if (Wicket.Browser.isSafari() || Wicket.Browser.isOpera())
Wicket.replaceOuterHtmlSafari(element, text);
 } else /* GECKO */ {
// create range and fragment
 var range = element.ownerDocument.createRange();
var fragment = range.createContextualFragment(text);

 element.parentNode.replaceChild(fragment, element);

 Still I'm not sure what the problem is that your code solves. Can
 please provide me a html file where the replaceOuterHtml call fails?


 Francisco Diaz Trepat - gmail  wrote / napísal(a):
  Hi a cowerker here might have found something here. We have fix
 issue by
  replacing the *Wicket.replaceOuterHtml* function.
  Could this be a BUG?
  I have forwarded the initial message that explains the behavior.
  Here is the code that fixed our problem:

  // Hack that demonstrates a possible fix for a problem with Gecko
  // The problem happens in this line:
  //var fragment = range.createContextualFragment(text);
  // If there are many subpanels, the range uncorrectly parses the
  // in a fragment that contains many childs instead of one.
  // The first child is the first subpanel, and the rest are the
  // which are incorrectly hang at the same level as the main panel,
  of being
  // childs of it.
  function replaceWicketReplaceOuterHtml() {
Wicket.replaceOuterHtml = function(element, text) {
  if (Wicket.Browser.isIE()) {
Wicket.replaceOuterHtmlIE(element, text);
  } else if (Wicket.Browser.isSafari() || 
Wicket.replaceOuterHtmlSafari(element, text);
  } else /* GECKO */ {
// create range and fragment
var range = element.ownerDocument.createRange();

Re: enclosure and repeater

2007-10-31 Thread Dmitry Kandalov
On Monday 29 October 2007 22:30:57 skatz wrote:
 Is there a way to get an enclosure to work with a repeater.  Perhaps I am
 missing something, but I can't get:

 ul class=someclass
 wicket:enclosure child=item
li wicket:id=repeater  /li

 to work.  What I get is an exception telling me there is no component
 matching item.

Enclosure can switch visibility depending only on one component, but repeater 
can create a lot of items. It won't work this way.

You can make enclosure use specific child component using something like 
wicket:enclosure child=repeater:markupContainer:item.


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Re: mvn netbeans:netbeans command for QuickStart Project

2007-10-31 Thread Martijn Dashorst
Netbeans has a module for direct maven support. I think you can
download it in the plugin manager (I tried it once and that worked
great, but I still didn't like netbeans).


On 10/31/07, Francisco Diaz Trepat - gmail
 Hi I just downloaded the maven 2.0.7 and ran the *mvn archetype:create

 then ran the *mvn netbeans:netbeans* inside the project to get a Netbeans
 project. And got an error.

 I am very new to maven and I was wondering if some one could help me out.

 I know there is a thing going on with the netbeans plugin but how may I
 solve it.

 When googled I got 3 result.


 *mvn netbeans:netbeans CONSOLE OUTPUT*

 $ mvn -e netbeans:netbeans
 + Error stacktraces are turned on.
 [INFO] Scanning for projects...
 [INFO] Searching repository for plugin with prefix: 'netbeans'.
 [INFO] The plugin 'org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-netbeans-plugin' does not
 exist or no valid version could be found
 [INFO] Trace
 org.apache.maven.lifecycle.LifecycleExecutionException: The plugin '
 org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-netbeans-plugin' does
  not exist or no valid version could be found
 at org.apache.maven.lifecycle.DefaultLifecycleExecutor.verifyPlugin(
 at org.apache.maven.lifecycle.DefaultLifecycleExecutor.execute(
 at org.apache.maven.DefaultMaven.doExecute(
 at org.apache.maven.DefaultMaven.execute(
 at org.apache.maven.cli.MavenCli.main(
 at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
 at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
 at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
 at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
 at org.codehaus.classworlds.Launcher.launchEnhanced(
 at org.codehaus.classworlds.Launcher.launch(
 at org.codehaus.classworlds.Launcher.mainWithExitCode(
 at org.codehaus.classworlds.Launcher.main(
 Caused by: org.apache.maven.plugin.version.PluginVersionNotFoundException:
 The plugin 'org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-ne
 tbeans-plugin' does not exist or no valid version could be found
 at org.apache.maven.plugin.DefaultPluginManager.verifyPlugin(
 at org.apache.maven.lifecycle.DefaultLifecycleExecutor.verifyPlugin(
 ... 14 more
 [INFO] Total time:  1 second
 [INFO] Finished at: Wed Oct 31 16:37:20 GMT-03:00 2007
 [INFO] Final Memory: 1M/4M

 *mvn archetype:create -DarchetypeGroupId=org.apache.wicket CONSOLE

 $ mvn archetype:create
 [INFO] Scanning for projects...
 [INFO] Searching repository for plugin with prefix: 'archetype'.
 [INFO] Building Maven Default Project
 [INFO]task-segment: [archetype:create] (aggregator-style)
 [INFO] Setting property: classpath.resource.loader.class = '
 [INFO] Setting property: velocimacro.messages.on = 'false'.
 [INFO] Setting property: resource.loader = 'classpath'.
 [INFO] Setting property: resource.manager.logwhenfound = 'false'.
 [INFO] **
 [INFO] Starting Jakarta Velocity v1.4
 [INFO] RuntimeInstance initializing.
 [INFO] Default Properties File:

wicket:enclosure and authorization

2007-10-31 Thread Sebastiaan van Erk


I have a main menu with an admin link which only renders when the user 
has the ADMIN role (

  final BookmarkablePageLink adminLink = new 
BookmarkablePageLink(adminLink, AdminHomePage.class);

  MetaDataRoleAuthorizationStrategy.authorize(adminLink, RENDER, ADMIN);

In my MainMenu.html I have:

wicket:enclosure id=adminLink
a wicket:id=adminLinkAdministratie/a

I was hoping that when the admin link is not rendered due to the user 
not having the proper role, that the li/li would also not be 
rendered, however, it does not seem to work this way...

Is this not the way I'm supposed to do this? Or should this work? 
Otherwise, what is the right way to go about this?

Thanks in advance,

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: wicket:enclosure and authorization

2007-10-31 Thread Igor Vaynberg
enclosures work on the visibility level, not render level. since your
adminlink is visible, but its rendering is aborted the enclosure still
shows the content.

to do this you have to put the link into a webmarkupcontainer, and
authorize that container instead of a link.


On 10/31/07, Sebastiaan van Erk [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have a main menu with an admin link which only renders when the user
 has the ADMIN role (

final BookmarkablePageLink adminLink = new
 BookmarkablePageLink(adminLink, AdminHomePage.class);
MetaDataRoleAuthorizationStrategy.authorize(adminLink, RENDER, ADMIN);

 In my MainMenu.html I have:

 wicket:enclosure id=adminLink
  a wicket:id=adminLinkAdministratie/a

 I was hoping that when the admin link is not rendered due to the user
 not having the proper role, that the li/li would also not be
 rendered, however, it does not seem to work this way...

 Is this not the way I'm supposed to do this? Or should this work?
 Otherwise, what is the right way to go about this?

 Thanks in advance,

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Re: mvn netbeans:netbeans command for QuickStart Project

2007-10-31 Thread Al Maw

Francisco Diaz Trepat - gmail wrote:

Hi I just downloaded the maven 2.0.7 and ran the *mvn archetype:create

then ran the *mvn netbeans:netbeans* inside the project to get a Netbeans
project. And got an error.

That's because there is no such plug-in.

RTFM here:



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Re: wicket:enclosure and authorization

2007-10-31 Thread Sebastiaan van Erk


OK, figured it might be something like this!
Thanks for the fast reply. :-)


Igor Vaynberg wrote:

enclosures work on the visibility level, not render level. since your
adminlink is visible, but its rendering is aborted the enclosure still
shows the content.

to do this you have to put the link into a webmarkupcontainer, and
authorize that container instead of a link.


On 10/31/07, Sebastiaan van Erk [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


I have a main menu with an admin link which only renders when the user
has the ADMIN role (

   final BookmarkablePageLink adminLink = new
BookmarkablePageLink(adminLink, AdminHomePage.class);
   MetaDataRoleAuthorizationStrategy.authorize(adminLink, RENDER, ADMIN);

In my MainMenu.html I have:

wicket:enclosure id=adminLink
 a wicket:id=adminLinkAdministratie/a

I was hoping that when the admin link is not rendered due to the user
not having the proper role, that the li/li would also not be
rendered, however, it does not seem to work this way...

Is this not the way I'm supposed to do this? Or should this work?
Otherwise, what is the right way to go about this?

Thanks in advance,

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Re: wicket:enclosure and authorization

2007-10-31 Thread Igor Vaynberg
there seems to be a bit of a disconnect between render in auth and
our general component visibility concept. perhaps it might be an
improvement to aligh auth strategy with visibility rather then
render...what do others think?


On 10/31/07, Sebastiaan van Erk [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 OK, figured it might be something like this!
 Thanks for the fast reply. :-)


 Igor Vaynberg wrote:
  enclosures work on the visibility level, not render level. since your
  adminlink is visible, but its rendering is aborted the enclosure still
  shows the content.
  to do this you have to put the link into a webmarkupcontainer, and
  authorize that container instead of a link.
  On 10/31/07, Sebastiaan van Erk [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I have a main menu with an admin link which only renders when the user
  has the ADMIN role (
 final BookmarkablePageLink adminLink = new
  BookmarkablePageLink(adminLink, AdminHomePage.class);
 MetaDataRoleAuthorizationStrategy.authorize(adminLink, RENDER, ADMIN);
  In my MainMenu.html I have:
  wicket:enclosure id=adminLink
   a wicket:id=adminLinkAdministratie/a
  I was hoping that when the admin link is not rendered due to the user
  not having the proper role, that the li/li would also not be
  rendered, however, it does not seem to work this way...
  Is this not the way I'm supposed to do this? Or should this work?
  Otherwise, what is the right way to go about this?
  Thanks in advance,
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Re: wicket:enclosure and authorization

2007-10-31 Thread Eelco Hillenius
On 10/31/07, Igor Vaynberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 there seems to be a bit of a disconnect between render in auth and
 our general component visibility concept. perhaps it might be an
 improvement to aligh auth strategy with visibility rather then
 render...what do others think?



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Re: Stateless page and Pragma no-cache

2007-10-31 Thread John Patterson
That is already overridden by WebPage which adds the headers.  It  
also calls super which looks necessary.  So how can I override this  
but still have the Page.configureResponse() called?

On 31 Oct 2007, at 13:20, Matej Knopp wrote:

Override Page.configureResponse() and add the flags you want there.


On 10/31/07, John Patterson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


I notice that Pragma no-cache is set for every WebPage and I cannot
see how I can turn it off for my bookmarkable stateless pages could
would benefit from being cached.



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Disabling Wicket Ajax Debug in browser

2007-10-31 Thread boyinamadhavi


I am new to wicket.
I using Ajax autocomplete text field.
It is working well.
But i want to disable Wicket Ajax Debug.
where i have to set wicketajaxdebug = false
i am not having wicket-ajax-debug.js file
can any one help me

Thanks in Advance
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