Re: Excluding path from Wicket filter (to let 404 pass as-is)?

2012-09-22 Thread Christoph Leiter
There's a parameter "ignorePaths" which you can configure in web.xml. 
See WicketFilter source.


On 22.09.2012 10:07, Ondřej Žižka wrote:


I have Wicket filter at /*
and RESTEasy in AS 7, which is a servlet at /rest/*

Wicket processes 404 because of



Now when I send 404 from a REST pojo, it's goes to Wicket as well. Which
I don't want to - it's rest, So I'd like to keep it simple and minimal.

What's the best way to solve this? web.xml doesn't offer much, so I
guess it would be similar to this?

if( ... path.contains("/rest/")
 requestCycle.getResponse().write(" ... ");

Or is there some way to exclude some requests from being processed by
Wicket from within?


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Re: Wicket 1.5 migration questions

2012-09-12 Thread Christoph Leiter

On 12.09.2012 22:50, Alec Swan wrote:

I tested your implementation and was able to pull
global/css/styles.css from the browser.

However, the following code threw an exception:
MyPackageResourceReference(MyResources.class, "css/styles.css"),

Maybe you could simply use
getRequest().getContextPath() + "/global/css/styles.css");
or is there a problem with it?


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Re: Wicket 1.5 migration questions

2012-09-12 Thread Christoph Leiter

On 12.09.2012 21:38, Alec Swan wrote:

PackageResourceReference IS-A ResourceReference and neither has a no-arg 

My point exactly. That's why I can't just do mountResource("/global",
new MyRR()) as Martin suggested.

My quick try:

public class MyPackageResourceReference extends PackageResourceReference {

private final String prefix;

public MyPackageResourceReference(Class scope, String prefix) {
super(scope, "dummy");
this.prefix = prefix;

public String getName() {
Request request = RequestCycle.get().getRequest();
String url = request.getUrl().toString();
if (!url.startsWith(prefix)) {
throw new IllegalStateException();
return url.substring(prefix.length());


Use it like:
mountResource("/global", new 
MyPackageResourceReference(MyResources.class, "global/"));

It needs to know where it is mounted so it can remove the prefix. Maybe 
there's a more elegant way around this but it works.


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Re: How to prevent duplicates when using HeaderContributor

2012-05-03 Thread Christoph Leiter


the Javadoc of IHeaderResponse#renderString says:
"Renders an arbitrary string to the header. The string is only rendered 
if the same string hasn't been rendered before."
So if you call it with two different titles the expected behavior is to 
get the title tag twice.

I wouldn't use a IHeaderResponse for that. My suggestion is to use a 
normal title tag in your base page markup. Provide a method which 
returns the current title and let specific pages override that method as 


heikki (2012-05-03 15:10):


I'd like to be able to use a fixed title for my pages, that gets overridden
for some of the pages.

To do that, I have a fixed title element in my base HTML page:

Then in the pages that should have a different title, I override
renderHead() like this:

 public void renderHead(final IHeaderResponse response) {
 String title = "" + getTheDynamicTitle() +"";

The result is that my rendered page has 2  elements in its header,
the fixed one and the dynamic one.

I would have thought that Wicket would be smart enough to replace an
existing header element; the IHeaderResponse javadoc says "Implementation of
this interface is responsible for filtering duplicate contributions (so that
for example the same javascript is not loaded twice) during the same
request". Well.

Do I need to write my own implementation of IHeaderResponse for this ?

It would seem like a pretty common use case to me, did anyone already solve
it ?

Kind regards
Heikki Doeleman

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Re: force model update on a wicket form

2012-04-28 Thread Christoph Leiter
That's because Component#setDefaultModelObject is called internally. It 
uses an IModelComparator to check whether the model object needs to be 
changed. The default implementation uses an Object#equals() check. So if 
the new value is equal to the old value it ignores the call.

If you want another behavior (e.g. reference equality or to change it 
every time) then override Component#getModelComparator in your component 
to provide an appropriate IModelComparator.


albgentius (2012-04-28 15:41):

I've noticed that only when one of the component has changed value in the UI
of a form, then wicket calls updateFormComponentModels.

I was wondering if there is any way to force an update to the model of the
components even if none of the form components has changed value.

Thank you,

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Re: reloading of HTML and classes

2012-04-22 Thread Christoph Leiter

You are right, I was able to reproduce it:


On 20.04.2012 18:24, Andrew Geery wrote:

An issue I ran into with having Wicket reload the html files in development
mode is that it doesn't seem to work if the path to the html files has
spaces in it.  For example, running under Eclipse with the workspace in
c:\Documents and Settings\... html reloading did not work.  Taking the
exact same configuration but putting the workspace directly on the c:\
drive (e.g., c:\workspace), the htm reloading works perfectly.

Hope that helps.

On Tue, Apr 10, 2012 at 2:45 AM, Martin Grigorovwrote:

On Sun, Apr 8, 2012 at 5:38 AM, Bernard  wrote:


The HTML part is covered if your IDE copies HTML files to the
deployment directory when you save them. Wicket will then pick up this
change and reload the corresponding pages. This works for existing
markup but not for new markup that was missing.
provides an extension of Wicket's default
ModificationWatcher that uses JDK7 NIO2 WatchService. This should help
for this problem.

The Java classes part can only be handled with debugging, JRebel or a
complete re-deployment. There is no hot-deployment of individual
classes in GlassFish (I don't know whether any other server supports
this). However GlassFish has session preservation so the re-deploy
process is seamless. To further speed up the deployment, one can copy
most libraries (including Wicket) into the GlassFish domain's lib dir
instead of copying them on every deployment.

The "Deploy on Save" feature is only useful for mini applications - it
is too slow.


On Fri, 06 Apr 2012 16:48:11 +0200, you wrote:

I've been fighting this for the past two days, but I'm not succeeding.

I'm using Wicket 1.5.5 on GlassFish 3.1.2 and that runs without a problem.
I have configured


to reload the classes, but that is not working. The only way to reload

the class file is by using JRebel.

Also Wicket reports that it runs in DEVELOPMENT mode, but it is not

reloading the HTML files. In an attempting to resolve that I explicitely


but that does not make a difference. The only way I can get it to work

somewhat, is to add my own ResourceFinder directly on the src folder:

 getResourceSettings().setResourceFinder(new IResourceFinder()
 public IResourceStream find(Class  clazz, String pathname)
 File f = new File("C:/Documents and Settings/User/My

Documents/s2m/sources/components/service/src/main/java/" + pathname);

 if (f.exists())
 return new FileResourceStream( f );
 return null;

But still the source are not reloaded reliably. I figure if the cache

expires, a new call to the resource finder should be done, correct?

Is there any debugging of these autoreload features, so I can see what

Wicket is doing?


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Martin Grigorov
Training, Consulting, Development

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Re: reload model each time

2012-04-15 Thread Christoph Leiter

On 14.04.2012 16:38, Emmanouil Batsis (Manos) wrote:

On 04/14/2012 03:03 PM, Christoph Leiter wrote:

Here's a good article about EntityModel, which does what you want:

Sorry for jumping in but wanted to make sure I get this right. In the
example given above, does it make sense to conditionally set the entity
to null within detach() based on whether the object has been persisted
(i.e. id != null in my case) or not?

Sure, that's what happens in the last listing. :)

My intention is to serialize the model object when that not yet
persisted to handle multistep "create" forms etc., making this a generic
model implementation for al my CRUD operations.

Good idea. Just keep in mind that you can't use an EntityModel if the 
entity has already been persisted and if you want to change it with 
multiple ajax requests/multistep forms. It will lose any changes on 
every request. Simply serialize the entity again for that use case.


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Re: reload model each time

2012-04-14 Thread Christoph Leiter

Here's a good article about EntityModel, which does what you want:


Tom Eugelink (2012-04-14 13:38):

Another newbie question; it is now the case that each model is
serialized between requests and (I presume) stored in the session. I
would really prefer if a identifier (primary key + lazy locking
versionnr) could be remembered and that each time when Wicket needs the
model, it is loaded from the database.

Is this possible? Is there something like a ReloadingModel?


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Re: Wicket with ServletContainerInitializer

2012-04-04 Thread Christoph Leiter


I'll reply to my own message. :) Martin Grigorov figured out that Jetty 
doesn't install the DefaultServlet in this configuration. Without a 
servlet the WicketFilter cannot work.

There's now new working sample code at


Christoph Leiter (2012-04-03 12:55):


I'm trying to use ServletContainerInitializer to start my wicket
application. There's already work done to support this in WICKET-4350.
It's not working for me, however. The filter is registered in jetty but
I get a 404 response for every request.

What I've done so far (starting from a quickstart):
1) Add dependency:
2) Delete web.xml
3) Create file
META-INF/services/javax.servlet.ServletContainerInitializer with the
content com.mycompany.Initializer
4) Add AnnotationConfiguration to the jetty configuration:
bb.setConfigurations(new Configuration[] { new AnnotationConfiguration()
5) Add Initializer:

| public class Initializer implements ServletContainerInitializer {
| @Override
| public void onStartup(Set> c, ServletContext servletContext)
throws ServletException {
| WicketApplication app = new WicketApplication();
| app.setConfigurationType(RuntimeConfigurationType.DEVELOPMENT);
| WicketFilter wicketFilter = new WicketFilter(app);
| wicketFilter.setFilterPath("");
| Dynamic filter = servletContext.addFilter("wicket", wicketFilter);
| filter.addMappingForUrlPatterns(EnumSet.allOf(DispatcherType.class),
true, "/*");
| }
| }

That's the relevant part of the jetty debug log for the filter

| DEBUG - Container - Container
org.eclipse.jetty.servlet.ServletHandler@78334ba0 + wicket as filter
| DEBUG - Container - Container
org.eclipse.jetty.servlet.ServletHandler@78334ba0 + [/*]/[]==31=>wicket
as filterMapping
| DEBUG - ServletHandler - filterNameMap={wicket=wicket}
| DEBUG - ServletHandler - pathFilters=[[/*]/[]==31=>wicket]
| DEBUG - ServletHandler - servletFilterMap={}
| DEBUG - ServletHandler - servletPathMap=null
| DEBUG - ServletHandler - servletNameMap={}
| DEBUG - AbstractLifeCycle - starting wicket
| DEBUG - WebAppClassLoader - loaded class org.apache.wicket.Initializer
from sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader@7981c4eb
| INFO - Application - [wicket] init: Wicket core library initializer

The log for a request to /:

| DEBUG - Server - REQUEST / on

| DEBUG - ContextHandler - scope null||/ @
| DEBUG - ContextHandler - context=||/ @
| DEBUG - session -
| DEBUG - session - session=null
| DEBUG - ServletHandler - servlet ||/ -> null
| DEBUG - ServletHandler - chain=null
| DEBUG - ServletHandler - Not Found /
| DEBUG - Server - RESPONSE / 404

Environment is Wicket 1.5.5, jetty 8.1.2. I tried with Tomcat 7 as well
but no luck either.

Any help is appreciated


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Wicket with ServletContainerInitializer

2012-04-03 Thread Christoph Leiter


I'm trying to use ServletContainerInitializer to start my wicket 
application. There's already work done to support this in WICKET-4350. 
It's not working for me, however. The filter is registered in jetty but 
I get a 404 response for every request.

What I've done so far (starting from a quickstart):
1) Add dependency: 

2) Delete web.xml
3) Create file 
META-INF/services/javax.servlet.ServletContainerInitializer with the 
content com.mycompany.Initializer

4) Add AnnotationConfiguration to the jetty configuration:
bb.setConfigurations(new Configuration[] { new AnnotationConfiguration() });
5) Add Initializer:

| public class Initializer implements ServletContainerInitializer {
| public void onStartup(Set> c, ServletContext 
servletContext) throws ServletException {

| WicketApplication app = new WicketApplication();
| app.setConfigurationType(RuntimeConfigurationType.DEVELOPMENT);
| WicketFilter wicketFilter = new WicketFilter(app);
| wicketFilter.setFilterPath("");
| Dynamic filter = servletContext.addFilter("wicket", wicketFilter);
true, "/*");

| }
| }

That's the relevant part of the jetty debug log for the filter registration:

| DEBUG - Container  - Container 
org.eclipse.jetty.servlet.ServletHandler@78334ba0 + wicket as filter
| DEBUG - Container  - Container 
org.eclipse.jetty.servlet.ServletHandler@78334ba0 + [/*]/[]==31=>wicket 
as filterMapping

| DEBUG - ServletHandler - filterNameMap={wicket=wicket}
| DEBUG - ServletHandler - pathFilters=[[/*]/[]==31=>wicket]
| DEBUG - ServletHandler - servletFilterMap={}
| DEBUG - ServletHandler - servletPathMap=null
| DEBUG - ServletHandler - servletNameMap={}
| DEBUG - AbstractLifeCycle  - starting wicket
| DEBUG - WebAppClassLoader  - loaded class 
org.apache.wicket.Initializer from sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader@7981c4eb
| INFO  - Application- [wicket] init: Wicket core 
library initializer

The log for a request to /:

| DEBUG - Server - REQUEST / on 
| DEBUG - ContextHandler - scope null||/ @ 
| DEBUG - ContextHandler - context=||/ @ 
| DEBUG - session- 

| DEBUG - session- session=null
| DEBUG - ServletHandler - servlet ||/ -> null
| DEBUG - ServletHandler - chain=null
| DEBUG - ServletHandler - Not Found /
| DEBUG - Server - RESPONSE /  404

Environment is Wicket 1.5.5, jetty 8.1.2. I tried with Tomcat 7 as well 
but no luck either.

Any help is appreciated


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Re: Eclipse, Wicket 1.5 and Jrebel

2012-03-04 Thread Christoph Leiter


do you use 1.5.4 with package resources? There's a bug that causes 
locked resources:

Until 1.5.5 is released you can use 1.5.3, which is not affected by this 


On 04.03.2012 10:29, Jürgen Lind wrote:


I was just wondering if anybody is using the above combination. Since
upgrading to 1.5. I have massive problems in reloading changed HTML
templates as Eclipse sometimes tries to do a full build because of a
locked resource. I am also in contact with the Jrebel guys, I just wanted
to know if somebody else has a similar problem.


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Re: Component specific JavaScript

2012-02-19 Thread Christoph Leiter


$(document).ready(function() {
Wicket.Event.subscribe('/dom/node/added', function(element) {
$(element).css('border', '1px solid red');

On 19.02.2012 13:39, Jürgen Lind wrote:

I'm not sure if I get you right on this one: the first argument of which
handler is the added element? Could you probably add some code to
illustrate this?


On 19.02.2012 13:28, Christoph Leiter wrote:

Hi Juergen,

there's actually no need to scan the full DOM with this method. :) The
first argument of the event handler is the added element. You can simply
use it as is or pass it to $() to do jQuery magic just for the relevant


On 19.02.2012 13:18, Jürgen Lind wrote:


I have use yout approach (jQuery + css-class) for some time now as well.
However, I
have found that if the DOM tree grows rather large, a full scan puts
significant load
on the browser. That's why I want to be more specific and limit the
scanning + updating
to the relevant parts of the page.


On 19.02.2012 13:02, Christoph Leiter wrote:

On 18.02.2012 17:46, Jürgen Lind wrote:

thank you for your reply, I did not know that such a method exists
it for 1.4
or is this already Wicket 1.5). An secondly: are these handlers
fired on
a ajax
update of an existing DOM Element or only when it is added?

This is also available in 1.4. The events are fired when you add
something to the ajax request via target.add(Component)

And where would I put the Javascript that registers the handler? In
Markup-Page of
the Component? How do I make sure, the handler is added only once?

I use jQuery and register the handler globally in my main.js for every
page within $(document).ready().

This approach works very well if you don't want to create subclasses of
components but rather execute some specific JS if e.g. a css class is
present. I use it to add a hint image to every autocomplete textfield
via jQuery.

If it's more component specific then the renderHead() solution seems


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Mit freundlichen Grüßen,

Jürgen Lind

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Re: Component specific JavaScript

2012-02-19 Thread Christoph Leiter

Hi Juergen,

there's actually no need to scan the full DOM with this method. :) The 
first argument of the event handler is the added element. You can simply 
use it as is or pass it to $() to do jQuery magic just for the relevant 


On 19.02.2012 13:18, Jürgen Lind wrote:


I have use yout approach (jQuery + css-class) for some time now as well.
However, I
have found that if the DOM tree grows rather large, a full scan puts
significant load
on the browser. That's why I want to be more specific and limit the
scanning + updating
to the relevant parts of the page.


On 19.02.2012 13:02, Christoph Leiter wrote:

On 18.02.2012 17:46, Jürgen Lind wrote:

thank you for your reply, I did not know that such a method exists (does
it for 1.4
or is this already Wicket 1.5). An secondly: are these handlers fired on
a ajax
update of an existing DOM Element or only when it is added?

This is also available in 1.4. The events are fired when you add
something to the ajax request via target.add(Component)

And where would I put the Javascript that registers the handler? In the
Markup-Page of
the Component? How do I make sure, the handler is added only once?

I use jQuery and register the handler globally in my main.js for every
page within $(document).ready().

This approach works very well if you don't want to create subclasses of
components but rather execute some specific JS if e.g. a css class is
present. I use it to add a hint image to every autocomplete textfield
via jQuery.

If it's more component specific then the renderHead() solution seems


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Re: Component specific JavaScript

2012-02-19 Thread Christoph Leiter

On 18.02.2012 17:46, Jürgen Lind wrote:

thank you for your reply, I did not know that such a method exists (does
it for 1.4
or is this already Wicket 1.5). An secondly: are these handlers fired on
a ajax
update of an existing DOM Element or only when it is added?

This is also available in 1.4. The events are fired when you add 
something to the ajax request via target.add(Component)

And where would I put the Javascript that registers the handler? In the
Markup-Page of
the Component? How do I make sure, the handler is added only once?

I use jQuery and register the handler globally in my main.js for every 
page within $(document).ready().

This approach works very well if you don't want to create subclasses of 
components but rather execute some specific JS if e.g. a css class is 
present. I use it to add a hint image to every autocomplete textfield 
via jQuery.

If it's more component specific then the renderHead() solution seems better.


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Re: Component specific JavaScript

2012-02-18 Thread Christoph Leiter

Hello Juergen,

you can register a function that gets called when wicket creates a new 
element in the DOM:

Wicket.Event.subscribe('/dom/node/added', function(element) {
// do stuff

You can also use the '/dom/node/removing' channel.

Hope this helps.


Jürgen Lind (2012-02-18 16:55):


I was wondering if there is any kind of best practice to add specific
to a component. I often have the case, where a piece of javascript needs
to run
when the component is rendered as part of full-page request, and then
as part of a self-triggered Ajax-Request or as part of an Ajax-Request
by another component.

I would like to have one place where I can put the Javascript and be
shure, it is
run every time...



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