Re: Tools for Managing a Wicket Project

2009-04-29 Thread Conrad Hesse
Hi Dane,

> At my previous job, we used CVS for managing code contribution and Ant for
> deployment. Is that still a good solution, or should I be looking at other
> tools? Also, how do you coordinate the designer's work with the
> programmers'
> work?
Although I would choose SVN you probably won't notice much of a difference
to CVS. Many of it's advantages (like keeping logs of renamed files, fast
compare to base revision, ...) are neglectable when using it in combination
e.g. eclipse.

I would stick to Ant. I don't like Mavens configurative approach. Also, I
find it harder to get decent documentation/help on the web. If Ant works for
you there is no need to switch. If you want dependency management look at
Ivy for ant.

We currently use Hudson for continuous integration. I love it. It it easy to
set up and configure. Nice interface. Just works.

About the coordination with designers: From my experience it works easy if
the designer has some basic knowledge about how wicket works. In my current
project the design was done pretty late (imo too late) and the first html
pages were coded by the developers. Later the designers kicked in and worked
on their own branch while developers continued on the main trunk. I would
try to avoid scenario.

Feedback message on AJAX submit & setResponsePage()

2009-02-26 Thread Conrad Hesse

I have the following use case:
A form contains an AJAX submit button. The onSubmit() looks like this:

public void onSubmit(AjaxRequestTarget target, Form inviteForm) {
if (..some case...) {
info("This does not show up");
} else {
info("This shows up");

The problem is that the feedback message in the first case does not show up
because I am not updating a single component but refreshing the whole page
(using setResponsePage()).
In this case all component messages are cleaned before the page is redered
again. This happens in WebSession.cleanupFeedbackMessages().

One solution would be to use session messages (e.g. using
getSession().info()). Session messages are not cleaned up the same way and
the message shows up.
The problem with this approach is that on my page I have multiple
FeedbackPanels for different components. Therefore the message apears
everywhere. There is no way to
distinguish Session messages and set an IFeedbackMessageFilter on the
different FeedbackPanels.

So my question is: Is there a way to associate a feedback message to a
specific FeedbackPanel when doing an AJAX submit and using setRespnsePage()?
