Can WICKET-2150 please be fixed in 1.5-SNAPSHOT

2010-01-15 Thread Dave Schoorl

Hi guys,

Can someone of the committers please implement the fix to Wicket-2150 in 
the trunk. It was postponed from 1.4 to 1.5 and I really need this, but 
it is not yet in the 1.5 codebase (as far as I can see). The code that 
needs to be changed is the delegateSubmit-method in the Form and it 
should read something like this:

   protected void delegateSubmit(IFormSubmittingComponent 

   /* WICKET-2150: execute the onSubmit's from most general to most 
specific */

   // when the given submitting component is not null, it means 
that it was the

   // submitting component
   Form? formToProcess = this;
   if (submittingComponent != null)
   // use the form which the submittingComponent has submitted 
for further processing

   formToProcess = submittingComponent.getForm();

   // Model was successfully updated with valid data

   // call onSubmit on nested forms
   formToProcess.visitChildren(Form.class, new IVisitorForm?()
   public Object component(Form? component)
   Form? form = component;
   if (form.isEnabledInHierarchy()  

   return IVisitor.CONTINUE_TRAVERSAL;

   // most specific
   if (submittingComponent != null)

Thanks very much,


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Re: Can WICKET-2150 please be fixed in 1.5-SNAPSHOT

2010-01-15 Thread Dave Schoorl
I don't know about the tests, but in the snapshot repository there are 
1.5-SNAPSHOT binaries. My application is not yet in production, so I 
(think I) can manage the rough edges of working with a development 
release. On top of that, I want to make sure it is in 1.5.

What would be a reason not to put it in the trunk yet?

Martin Grigorov wrote:

How the fix in 1.5-SNAPSHOT will help you ?
Currently 1.5-SNAPSHOT is not even buildable (at least the tests), so it
is not quite ready for use.

On Fri, 2010-01-15 at 09:07 +0100, Dave Schoorl wrote:

Hi guys,

Can someone of the committers please implement the fix to Wicket-2150 in 
the trunk. It was postponed from 1.4 to 1.5 and I really need this, but 
it is not yet in the 1.5 codebase (as far as I can see). The code that 
needs to be changed is the delegateSubmit-method in the Form and it 
should read something like this:

protected void delegateSubmit(IFormSubmittingComponent 

/* WICKET-2150: execute the onSubmit's from most general to most 
specific */

// when the given submitting component is not null, it means 
that it was the

// submitting component
Form? formToProcess = this;
if (submittingComponent != null)
// use the form which the submittingComponent has submitted 
for further processing

formToProcess = submittingComponent.getForm();

// Model was successfully updated with valid data

// call onSubmit on nested forms
formToProcess.visitChildren(Form.class, new IVisitorForm?()
public Object component(Form? component)
Form? form = component;
if (form.isEnabledInHierarchy()  


// most specific
if (submittingComponent != null)

Thanks very much,


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Re: Localizing thru database lookup

2009-07-24 Thread Dave Schoorl
Damn, you're right (thanks). An oversight on my part. I guess I have to 
do some work on the Localizer as well, so that localizations pulled from 
the database are not cached by the Localizer as well.


Uwe Schäfer wrote:

Dave Schoorl schrieb:

updates the cached value. Of course, when you use an ORM-tool, you 
can alternatively use it's second level cache.

i recently look in that corner, and iirc you don´t have to cache them 
at all, because wicket does in a layer above (when running in prod).

cu uwe

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Re: Localizing thru database lookup

2009-07-23 Thread Dave Schoorl
I get my localized data from the database. I do that by creating a class 
that subclasses 
org.apache.wicket.resource.loader.ComponentStringResourceLoader. My 
subclass interacts with the database through a dao.

Then in the init-method of my Application, I register my implementation 
through a call to:



Mathias Nilsson wrote:

I  have used .properties and .xml files in all of my Wicket projects and it
has worked great.

However, quite often someone in the translation team wants to changes some
text, image or something else that is localized in the properties files. Has
anyone moved propeties to database with success? Something like

component // The wicket component
language // the language
country // the country
variant // the variant
key // the key
value // the actual value

This could allow text to be changed thrue a web form. If the text was
changed a callback to the resource loader to refresh the value.
Can anyone lead me to the right path of implementing this. What classes
should I look at? Has someone used something like this and is the
.properties, .xml preferred over the database?

It would be nice to not have to redeploy the whole application if just a
text should be altered.

// Mathias


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Re: Nested forms not working in wizard.

2009-07-07 Thread Dave Schoorl

Could this be related to this issue: ?

Ned Collyer wrote:

The nesting is -

The outer form is inside the wizard, then I have an inner form inside
one of the steps.

Sorry, I cant show you the output of the html - I scrapped the impl I
had am implementing a less wizardy wizard.

On Mon, Jul 6, 2009 at 8:36 PM, nino martinez wrote:

Is the form nested in the other form in html. I remember vaguely
something about it needs to be nested, wicket then rewrites it or
something like that.. How does the resulting html look like?

2009/7/6 Ned Collyer

I am currently running wicket 1.4-rc2

I have nested forms setup in the wizard.  One of my steps is as follows.

public class MyStep1 extends WizardStep {
   public MyStep1(final CompoundPropertyModelCampaign campaignModel) {
   super(Step 1, Wow bananas);

   add(new Form(form) {
   protected void onSubmit() {
   super.onSubmit();  --- never fired

The wizard successfully navigates between steps, and validation occurs
against any fields in the nested forms.

The onSubmit of the inner form is never fired - this is ... pretty annoying :)

Any ideas?

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Component lifecycle question

2009-04-05 Thread Dave Schoorl

Hi list,

I want to create the UI of a MarkupContainer after it has been added to 
the component hierarchy, because I need to get to the Page for 
information needed in constructing the UI.

MarkupContainer.onBeforeRender() just doesn't smell right and passing 
the Page as an argument in the construction of the MarkupContainer is 
too bloated. What is the suggested best way to accomplish what I want?

Thanks in advance,

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Re: OT: How to connect Wicket layer to underlying service layer

2009-03-24 Thread Dave Schoorl

Maybe Eric Evans Book 'Domain-Driven Design'?

Kaspar Fischer wrote:

James, Eduardo, Jeremy, thank you very much for your input!

I follow your discussions with great interest.

Can you recommend a book on this sort of questions? I have read books 
on Spring and Hibernate but not from this high-level point of view.


On 24.03.2009, at 17:38, Eduardo Nunes wrote:

Ok I got it. One question, consider that you have this model:

Person 1xN Address

You have a screen that list a detailed view of a person, including a
list of addresses. What approach do you use to implement it?
- A service method that returns a Person entity with eager load of the
list of Addresses? (if you don't need always the addresses this
doesn't make sense)
- A service method that returns a Person entity with lazy load of the
list of Addresses? (it could be a problem in a JEE environment)
- Two service methods, one to return the Person entity and another one
to return the of addresses?

Eduardo S. Nunes

On Tue, Mar 24, 2009 at 1:11 PM, Jeremy Thomerson wrote:

Agree again.

Jeremy Thomerson

On Tue, Mar 24, 2009 at 11:11 AM, James Carman


On Tue, Mar 24, 2009 at 12:08 PM, Eduardo Nunes 

Yes, I understand you too. What do you do when you have to send a set
of entities and a calculation for each entity? you encapsulate it
inside another class?

A domain-driven design advocate would say that the entity knows how to
calculate what you need and you can ask it for the calculated value.

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Re: how to build lastest 1.3.x jar

2009-03-07 Thread Dave Schoorl

On the wicket site they mention a SNAPSHOT repository at

   nameWicket Stuff Repository/name

When you look with your webbrowser, you can see that at this moment the latest 
snapshot is from March 3: wicket-1.3-20090303.231013-289.jar.


NHSoft.YHW wrote:

I can not found where to get lastest 1.3.x jar file, so I build from source,
but there always has error.

check out lastest code from;, then build
with mvn installl, but build failure because some test case run error. so
I build with mvn -Dmaven.test.skip=true install as wicket site said, but
there has some error, detail information

INFO] [bundle:manifest {execution: bundle-manifest}]
[WARNING] Warning in manifest for
APSHOT : Superfluous export-package instructions: [org, org.apache,
icket, org.apache.wicket.extensions.ajax,
up, org.apache.wicket.extensions.ajax.markup.html.form,
ions.ajax.markup.html.repeater,, org.apache.wicket.extensions.markup,
arkup.html, org.apache.wicket.extensions.markup.html.image,
.data, org.apache.wicket.extensions.util,
[INFO] [resources:testResources]
[INFO] Using default encoding to copy filtered resources.


[INFO] Failed to resolve artifact.

1) org.apache.wicket:wicket:jar:tests:1.3-SNAPSHOT

  Try downloading the file manually from the project website.

  Then, install it using the command:
  mvn install:install-file -DgroupId=org.apache.wicket
-DartifactId=wicket -
Dversion=1.3-SNAPSHOT -Dclassifier=tests -Dpackaging=jar

  Alternatively, if you host your own repository you can deploy the file

  mvn deploy:deploy-file -DgroupId=org.apache.wicket -DartifactId=wicket
ersion=1.3-SNAPSHOT -Dclassifier=tests -Dpackaging=jar -Dfile=/path/to/file
l=[url] -DrepositoryId=[id]

  Path to dependency:
1) org.apache.wicket:wicket-extensions:jar:1.3-SNAPSHOT
2) org.apache.wicket:wicket:jar:tests:1.3-SNAPSHOT

1 required artifact is missing.

for artifact:

from the specified remote repositories:
  central (

anyone could help me how to build, or where to get lastest build jar files,


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Re: Wizard and onSubmit of nested form

2009-03-07 Thread Dave Schoorl
I created the following Jira issue for this:

Dave Schoorl wrote:
Thanks. But I've dug a little deeper and it turns out that the panel 
switching is done in the onSubmit() of the Wizard's NextButton. The 
Form's onSubmit() is executed after that, so that will execute the 
onSubmit() of the replaced (read: next) nested Form.

I don't think that is correct, so I will be preparing a Jira issue 
later today.

But I am still looking for a work around (or maybe a permanent 
solution that can be submitted as a patch).


rmattler wrote:

Show us your code and I'll see if I can help.

Dave Schoorl wrote:

Hi Robert, thanks for your quick reply.

I am not sure if I understand what you mean. How is form validation 
helping with the trigger of onSubmit() on the correct form?
But I gave it a try and the problem remains: the onSubmit of the 
next step is called instead of the current step. I think that first 
the panel of the current step is replaced with the panel of the next 
step and then the onSubmit is executed.

Hope someone can help me.


rmattler wrote:

Use public void validate(Form form)

See example below. Hope it helps.

private final class Step2 extends WizardStep {
public Step2() {
setTitleModel(new Model(Add pictures));

add(new AbstractFormValidator() {
public FormComponent[] getDependentFormComponents() {
return null;

public void validate(Form form) {

String dir = Constants.ADD_PROJECT_FILE_PIC_PATH +

File filesDir = new File(dir);
if (filesDir.canRead() || filesDir.isDirectory()) {
String[] fileNames = filesDir.list();
if (fileNames.length  0) {
} else {
form.error(Please upload some photos);
} else {
form.error(Please upload some photos);



Dave Schoorl wrote:

Hi all,

I am building my first Wizard with the wizard from 
wicket-extensions version 1.3.5. Every step contains a panel with 
it's own form, so I have a nested form in the wizards form. I was 
expecting that when I click next, the onSubmit of my current form 
is called, but it's not. Instead the onSubmit of the form in the 
next step is called.

This seems to be related:

Am I doing something wrong?


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Wizard and onSubmit of nested form

2009-03-06 Thread Dave Schoorl

Hi all,

I am building my first Wizard with the wizard from wicket-extensions 
version 1.3.5. Every step contains a panel with it's own form, so I have 
a nested form in the wizards form. I was expecting that when I click 
next, the onSubmit of my current form is called, but it's not. Instead 
the onSubmit of the form in the next step is called.

This seems to be related:

Am I doing something wrong?


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Re: Wizard and onSubmit of nested form

2009-03-06 Thread Dave Schoorl

Hi Robert, thanks for your quick reply.

I am not sure if I understand what you mean. How is form validation 
helping with the trigger of onSubmit() on the correct form?
But I gave it a try and the problem remains: the onSubmit of the next 
step is called instead of the current step. I think that first the panel 
of the current step is replaced with the panel of the next step and then 
the onSubmit is executed.

Hope someone can help me.


rmattler wrote:

Use public void validate(Form form)

See example below.  Hope it helps.

private final class Step2 extends WizardStep {
public Step2() {
setTitleModel(new Model(Add pictures));

add(new AbstractFormValidator() {
public FormComponent[] 
getDependentFormComponents() {
return null;

public void validate(Form form) {

String dir = 

File filesDir = new File(dir);
if (filesDir.canRead() || 
filesDir.isDirectory()) {
String[] fileNames = 
if (fileNames.length  0) {

} else {
form.error(Please upload 
some photos);
} else {
form.error(Please upload some 



Dave Schoorl wrote:

Hi all,

I am building my first Wizard with the wizard from wicket-extensions 
version 1.3.5. Every step contains a panel with it's own form, so I have 
a nested form in the wizards form. I was expecting that when I click 
next, the onSubmit of my current form is called, but it's not. Instead 
the onSubmit of the form in the next step is called.

This seems to be related:

Am I doing something wrong?


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Re: Uppercasing inputs

2009-03-05 Thread Dave Schoorl

LOL! That sounds scalable!

Martijn Dashorst wrote:

I suggest setting up an ESB with a UppercaseService that is available
through EJB/SOAP/JAX-RS and JSON. UppercaseModel could then access
that UppercaseService to make the value uppercase.


On Thu, Mar 5, 2009 at 12:50 AM, Igor Vaynberg wrote:

you can create a convertermodel that takes an instance of iconverter
and uses that to convert the values, then you can subclass textfield,
override initmodel() and wrap any model the textfield had with this

that way everyone is happy!


On Wed, Mar 4, 2009 at 3:29 PM, Jeremy Thomerson wrote:

LOL!  Nah - I would just change all the setters on every domain object to

public void setFoo(String foo) { = foo == null ? null : foo.toUpperCase();

Or, maybe I'd use AOP and build an aspect that could automatically intercept
calls to com.mydomain setters that take a single string argument and do the
upper-casing there!

It's makes me smile to think of how many ways a single thing can be done.

Leszek - you should now definitely have plenty of choices.  Pick which feels
best / most comfortable for you!

On Wed, Mar 4, 2009 at 5:22 PM, jWeekend jweekend_for...@cabouge.comwrote:



Nope, not for me (this time).
Here's the Javadoc for updateModel:
* Updates this components model from the request, it expects that
object is already
* converted through the convertInput() call that is called by the
validate() method when a form
* is being processed.

Regards - Cemal jWeekend

igor.vaynberg wrote:

pft, you guys!

i would go with the simplest!

class uppercasetextfield extends textfieldstring {
public void updatemodel()
  final String str=getconvertedinput();



On Wed, Mar 4, 2009 at 3:07 PM, jWeekend


I sensed you were uncomfortable with my most Wicket-way suggestion


previous post on this thread  stating that the model doing the
transformation work was on the right track; it is not unusual that


than one design can satisfy a given requirement.

Do you like the idea of a model being responsible for conversion of
textual input?

Your article illustrates the use of nested models nicely but on this
occasion I would probably go with Adriano's
for a client side, instant gratification, solution, and a custom text
with a converter if the conversion can happen later, on the server.

Regards - Cemal jWeekend

Jeremy Thomerson-5 wrote:

  I think I have to respectfully disagree with you here.  I describe
feel is a better solution, and a little bit of why in this blog post
few months ago:

  Basically, doing it the way you suggested isn't reusable across many
components - you have to create overridden variants of each type of
Also, a converter (or more specifically, an implementation of
supposed to be for transforming a type of object to a string usable in
browser / form post / etc, as it's javadoc mentions.

  Anyway, as the saying goes there are many ways to skin a cat -
the saying isn't that great, I think it applies - there are multiple
accomplishing the same thing.

Jeremy Thomerson

On Wed, Mar 4, 2009 at 12:04 PM, jWeekend



... or, probably the most Wicket-way of doing this is to make a
subclass that overrides getConverter to return your special IConverter
implementation which performs the capitalisation in its

Regards - Cemal jWeekend

Leszek Gawron-2 wrote:


one of my customers has this weird requirement that all data should


input/shown uppercase. I can easily add

input {
   text-transform: uppercase;

to my css rules, but this does not change the fact that data written
into database will still be case sensitive.

How can I create a behavior for TextField so that the dat is


before being written to the model?

my regards

Leszek Gawron



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Re: a bit of topic but i couldnt resist ....

2009-03-05 Thread Dave Schoorl
If I change every MyObject in a String, everything is fine. Perhaps the 
MyObject is not obeying the necessary contracts?

See adjusted code below:

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.TreeSet;

public class TestWithStrings
   public static void main(String[] args)
   TreeSetString set1 = getCleanSet();

   HashSetString set2 = new HashSetString();


   System.err.println(this works:  + set1.size() +  == 1, and 
remaining object is  + set1.iterator().next() +  == rob);

   // add removed back in
   set1 = getCleanSet();

   // increase the size of set2 with some other random others

   // now size is bigger then set1, call removeall again:

   System.err.println(this doesnt work:  + set1.size() +  != 1, 
so now both objects stil remain! This is because  +
   removeAll isnt overwritten by TreeSet and AbstractSet 
walks over the smallest set but then compare fails);

   // same for retainAll that also compares wrong.
   set1 = getCleanSet();

   System.err.println(set1 is now completely empty, but it should 
have 1 left:  + set1);

   // so both methods should always iterator through the colleciton 
they get and do the compare on its self

   set1 = getCleanFixedSet();

   System.err.println(now this works:  + set1.size() +  == 1, 
and remainng object is  + set1.iterator().next() +  == rob);

   // add removed back in
   set1 = getCleanFixedSet();


   System.err.println(set1 is now correct, it has 1 left:  + set1);

   public static TreeSetString getCleanSet() {

   TreeSetString set1 = new TreeSetString(new ComparatorString(){

   public int compare(String o1, String o2)
   return o1.compareToIgnoreCase(o2);

   return set1;

   public static TreeSetString getCleanFixedSet() {
   TreeSetString set1 = new MyFixedTreeSetString(new 

   public int compare(String o1, String o2)
   return o1.compareToIgnoreCase(o2);

   return set1;

   public static class MyFixedTreeSetE extends TreeSetE
   public MyFixedTreeSet(Comparator? super E comparator)

   public boolean retainAll(Collection? c)
   ArrayListE list = new ArrayListE();
   Iterator? e = c.iterator();
   while (e.hasNext()) {
   Object next =;
   if (contains(next)) {
   boolean modified = list.size()  size();
   if (modified)
   for (E item : list)
   return modified;

   public boolean removeAll(Collection? c)
   boolean modified = false;
   for (Iterator? i = c.iterator(); i.hasNext(); )
modified |= remove(;
   return modified;

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Re: a bit of topic but i couldnt resist ....

2009-03-05 Thread Dave Schoorl
I think it is a bug in the Eclipse plugin. Thankfully, it's Eclipse and 
not Sun, so this bug can be solved very fast ;)

Dave Schoorl wrote:
I do understand your point. However you are dealing with multiple 
contracts and not all of them are satisfied. And sometimes contracts 
are conflicting and it is impossible to meet all contracts, but I 
believe this is not the case in your scenario.

A TreeSet is an implementation of a Set and must obey the Set 
contract. Adding order to the Set should not break the Set contract, 
because if I have a Set, I should not be concerned with the 
implementation details (is it a TreeSet or a HashSet or whatever). I 
believe the Set contract takes precedence over the Comparator 
contract, but in your case, by providing an equals method to MyObject 
that is in line with the Comparator, there still is no problem. See 
the code below, where MyObject implements the equals method with by 
comparing case insensitive:

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.TreeSet;

public class CorrectedMyObjectTest {
 public static class MyObject {
   private final String aString;

   MyObject(String str) {
   aString = str;

   public String toString() {
   return aString;

   public int hashCode() {
   final int prime = 31;
   int result = 1;
   result = prime * result + ((aString == null) ? 0 : 

   return result;

   public boolean equals(Object obj) {
   if (this == obj)
   return true;
   if (obj == null)
   return false;
   if (!(obj instanceof MyObject))
   return false;
   MyObject other = (MyObject) obj;
   if (aString == null) {
   if (other.aString != null) {
   return false;
   } else if (other.aString == null) {
   return false;
   return aString.compareToIgnoreCase(other.aString) == 0;


   public static void main(String[] args) {
   TreeSetMyObject set1 = getCleanSet();

   HashSetMyObject set2 = new HashSetMyObject();
   set2.add(new MyObject(johan));


   System.err.println(this works:  + set1.size() +  == 1, and 
remaining object is  + set1.iterator().next() +  == rob);

   // add removed back in
   set1 = getCleanSet();

   // increase the size of set2 with some other random others
   set2.add(new MyObject(random1));
   set2.add(new MyObject(random2));

   // now size is bigger then set1, call removeall again:

   System.err.println(this doesnt work:  + set1.size() +  != 1, 
so now both objects stil remain! This is because 
   + removeAll isnt overwritten by TreeSet and 
AbstractSet walks over the smallest set but then compare fails);

   // same for retainAll that also compares wrong.
   set1 = getCleanSet();

   System.err.println(set1 is now completely empty, but it should 
have 1 left:  + set1);

   // so both methods should always iterator through the 
colleciton they get and do the compare on its self

   set1 = getCleanFixedSet();

   .println(now this works:  + set1.size() +  == 1, and 
remainng object is  + set1.iterator().next() +  == rob);

   // add removed back in
   set1 = getCleanFixedSet();


   System.err.println(set1 is now correct, it has 1 left:  + set1);


   public static TreeSetMyObject getCleanSet() {
   TreeSetMyObject set1 = new TreeSetMyObject(new 
ComparatorMyObject() {

   public int compare(MyObject o1, MyObject o2) {
   return o1.aString.compareToIgnoreCase(o2.aString);

   set1.add(new MyObject(johan));
   set1.add(new MyObject(rob));
   return set1;

   public static TreeSetMyObject getCleanFixedSet() {
   TreeSetMyObject set1 = new MyFixedTreeSetMyObject(new 
ComparatorMyObject() {

   public int compare(MyObject o1, MyObject o2) {
   return o1.aString.compareToIgnoreCase(o2.aString);

   set1.add(new MyObject(johan));
   set1.add(new MyObject(rob));
   return set1;

   public static class MyFixedTreeSetE extends TreeSetE {
   public MyFixedTreeSet(Comparator? super E comparator) {

   public boolean retainAll(Collection? c) {
   ArrayListE list = new ArrayListE();
   Iterator? e = c.iterator();
   while (e.hasNext()) {
   Object next =

Re: a bit of topic but i couldnt resist ....

2009-03-05 Thread Dave Schoorl
Sorry Pointbreak, I did not change the Comparators. They are identical 
to Johan's example. All I did was to add the equals() and hascode() 
methods, aligning the equals with the Comparator, as described by the specs.

Indeed, maybe I am missing Johan's point. But early in this thread Johan 
described his point as we have to know the implementations and 
illustrated that with the Set-example. My point is that you don't have 
to know the implementations when all contracts are fulfilled correctly. 
And I tried to point out in his example, that the contracts are not 
fulfilled correctly.

But now I think Johan tries to make the point that the TreeSet is 
useless given the contracts, because the Comparator and equals() method 
must be compatible. Or he tries to make the point that the TreeSet 
implementation is broken and the specification must be changed. I'm not 
sure. I can sympathize with both. But I am glad he pointed out the 
problems with TreeSet, because I wasn't aware of them.

Pointbreak wrote:

Dave, you are missing the point completely. The issue raised by Johan is
that if you call TreeSet.removeAll(otherSet), then in some cases the
comperator/equals contract of otherSet is used, in other cases the
comperator/equals contract of the treeset. Which is a bit strange, and
even by Sun considered a bug (although low priority). You are just
making both comperators the same, which of course will not demonstrate
this problem. Make the comperator of the TreeSet use str.compareTo
instead of compareToIgnoreCase, while keeping your implementation of
MyObject the same, and you will have the same problem that Johan

On Thu, 05 Mar 2009 16:51 +0100, Dave Schoorl
I do understand your point. However you are dealing with multiple 
contracts and not all of them are satisfied. And sometimes contracts are 
conflicting and it is impossible to meet all contracts, but I believe 
this is not the case in your scenario.

A TreeSet is an implementation of a Set and must obey the Set contract. 
Adding order to the Set should not break the Set contract, because if I 
have a Set, I should not be concerned with the implementation details 
(is it a TreeSet or a HashSet or whatever). I believe the Set contract 
takes precedence over the Comparator contract, but in your case, by 
providing an equals method to MyObject that is in line with the 
Comparator, there still is no problem. See the code below, where 
MyObject implements the equals method with by comparing case insensitive:

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Re: a bit of topic but i couldnt resist ....

2009-03-05 Thread Dave Schoorl
Yes, I understand your point. It is also eloquently formulated in

Maybe try to submit a patch via ?


Johan Compagner wrote:

But now you are completely breaking My contact

My object is an database object


MyObject is only equals if the id is the same

But now i want a TreeSet that orders by name (sometimes case is
important,sometimes not)

Those things are not the same!

I cant make my object equals on name.. That would break everything else!
And that is just not true

I know TreeSet is a special case, but thats the whole point it should always
just use the comparator with everything.
Then it is jus always clear.

if we revert it


now suddenly the comparator of the TreeSet is used to remove things from the
That is just plain weird and stupid.


On Thu, Mar 5, 2009 at 18:41, Dave Schoorl wrote:


Sorry Pointbreak, I did not change the Comparators. They are identical to
Johan's example. All I did was to add the equals() and hascode() methods,
aligning the equals with the Comparator, as described by the specs.

Indeed, maybe I am missing Johan's point. But early in this thread Johan
described his point as we have to know the implementations and illustrated
that with the Set-example. My point is that you don't have to know the
implementations when all contracts are fulfilled correctly. And I tried to
point out in his example, that the contracts are not fulfilled correctly.

But now I think Johan tries to make the point that the TreeSet is useless
given the contracts, because the Comparator and equals() method must be
compatible. Or he tries to make the point that the TreeSet implementation is
broken and the specification must be changed. I'm not sure. I can sympathize
with both. But I am glad he pointed out the problems with TreeSet, because I
wasn't aware of them.

Pointbreak wrote:

Dave, you are missing the point completely. The issue raised by Johan is
that if you call TreeSet.removeAll(otherSet), then in some cases the
comperator/equals contract of otherSet is used, in other cases the
comperator/equals contract of the treeset. Which is a bit strange, and
even by Sun considered a bug (although low priority). You are just
making both comperators the same, which of course will not demonstrate
this problem. Make the comperator of the TreeSet use str.compareTo
instead of compareToIgnoreCase, while keeping your implementation of
MyObject the same, and you will have the same problem that Johan

On Thu, 05 Mar 2009 16:51 +0100, Dave Schoorl


I do understand your point. However you are dealing with multiple
contracts and not all of them are satisfied. And sometimes contracts are
conflicting and it is impossible to meet all contracts, but I believe this
is not the case in your scenario.

A TreeSet is an implementation of a Set and must obey the Set contract.
Adding order to the Set should not break the Set contract, because if I have
a Set, I should not be concerned with the implementation details (is it a
TreeSet or a HashSet or whatever). I believe the Set contract takes
precedence over the Comparator contract, but in your case, by providing an
equals method to MyObject that is in line with the Comparator, there still
is no problem. See the code below, where MyObject implements the equals
method with by comparing case insensitive:

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Re: a bit of topic but i couldnt resist ....

2009-03-04 Thread Dave Schoorl
If col1 and col2 both have the (equally) same 5 objects in common with 
set 1 and 2, I would expect set1.equals(set2) to return true, otherwise, 
I would expect them only to be of the same size.

I think it is not so much about interfaces, but more about contracts. 
Not everything about a contract can always be expressed in interfaces.

Johan Compagner wrote:

they are not the same (and yes talking about java)

And yes removeAll() and remove() are just working and implemented

More stranger thing is

Set set1 = aSetWithSize10;
Set set1 = aSetWithSize10; // different instance, same kind of set same
Collection col1 = aCollectionWithSize5;
Collection col2 = aCollectionWithSize15;

col1 and col2 both have 5 objects that are also in the set1,2, and the rest
is just random other stuff




now is set1.equals(set2) ?? (or are the sizes the same)


On Wed, Mar 4, 2009 at 02:41, jWeekend wrote:



The question is phrased in such an ambiguous way that it's not even clear
you're using Java!

If your col1 and set1 refer to the same object then your foreach is not
going to get very far (concurrent modification) so I'll assume thatcol1
!= set1  .

From a non-functional perspective (acceptable performance, for instance), a
smart implementation of removeAll may loop around the smaller of the two
collections, unlike your foreach. Now that may seem irrelevant, but if
col1 is a hashed (and well hashed) the removeAll may finish in an
timeframe if it is an optimised implementation whereas your for loop code
could go on for longer (potentially, unacceptably long).

Functionally,  the first problem you face is that both remove and removeAll
are optional, so either one, or even both of your snippets may just throw
an exception at you. If they both throw the same  exception, I suppose you
may even argue that your 2 snippets are functionally the same for those
implementations of the two collections! If only one throws an
UnsupportedOperationException then they are not equivalent.

The question of the Set being sorted or not is also interesting, but may be
a red herring if remove and removeAll are implemented consistently (but
may not be). If the elements of your collections are Comparables, then it
is recommended but not strictly required that (x.compareTo(y)==0) ==
(x.equals(y)). Comparator's compare method contract is similarly loose.
Put this in your test case:
   public void testComparingEquals(){
   BigDecimal onePointOh = new BigDecimal(1.0);
   BigDecimal onePointOhOh = new BigDecimal(1.00);
   assertEquals(0, onePointOh.compareTo(onePointOhOh));
... yes, it passes!
That means that you could have elements of the same type in both your
collections and still get a different result from each of your two snippets
depending on the Comparator passed in to a sorted collection referred to by

I think there may be more stuff that can go wrong here, but let's see where
this thread heads off to!

Regards - Cemal jWeekend

Johan Compagner wrote:

Is this the same?

Set set1 = xxx
Collection col1 = xxx;

foreach (col in col1)





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Re: What does Page Expired mean?

2009-03-04 Thread Dave Schoorl
This normally happens when your HttpSession expires. I'm not sure what 
could be the reason in your case.

Edwin Ansicodd wrote:

I see in the Page maps documentation:

that Page Exoured will be shown if the id and version for a page doesn't
exist.  But I can't see how the id and version of the page would not exist

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Re: bad practice in sharing models between wicket form and hibernate?

2009-03-04 Thread Dave Schoorl
In my current project I do just that and it works fine. I must add that 
it is a highly interactive application, so I work with long 
conversations (managed hibernate sessions), where the transaction is 
committed only after a number of request/response cycles after the user 
clicks on 'save'. During the conversation my business objects are in 
persistent state (never detached), and I wrap every business object in a 
LDM, except I do not load from database, but from EhCache.

The only thing that I had to do, is move all validation, even simple 
syntax checking, like field lengths, required fields etc., out of the 
business objects, because I create a domain object with a default 
(no-arg) constructor and add it to the Hibernate session. At that 
moment, the object has invalid state (required fields have no data etc.) 
So I have to trust on form validation and/or guide each object through a 
validator before it is saved to the database or actually used in the 
domain layer. Maintaining the objects validity combined with the 
separation of layers is, I think, the only 'pitfall' I encountered that 
I have not yet found a completely satisfactory answer for.

Hope this helps.

Stephen Swinsburg wrote:

Hi all,

I'm after your thoughts on the following method.

Suppose there is a wicket form with some fields that can map directly 
to a simple Hibernate object, and hence a db table. Is it safe to 
simply wrap this object in a CompoundPropertyModel and use it as the 
backing model for the form?
Then in the onSubmit method, calling a method to get the object from 
the form's model and saving it via Hibernate.

This does work fine, I'm just after any pitfalls that might happen 
down the track. Very simple form here.


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Re: Uppercasing inputs

2009-03-04 Thread Dave Schoorl
A slightly different approach: I would talk with the customer again, 
because this is a really stupid (excusez le mot) requirement. I hope you 
understand their motivation, possibly some legacy system that depends on 
uppercase information? Maybe the problem can be shifted to that legacy 
system that uppercases all data read from the database?


Leszek Gawron wrote:


one of my customers has this weird requirement that all data should be 
input/shown uppercase. I can easily add

input {
  text-transform: uppercase;

to my css rules, but this does not change the fact that data written 
into database will still be case sensitive.

How can I create a behavior for TextField so that the dat is 
uppercased before being written to the model?

my regards   

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Re: HTML creation tool

2009-02-20 Thread Dave Schoorl
I have never used DreamWeaver or extensively used any other wysiwyg 
html/css tool, but I have looked at Amaya ( 
once, and in that whole hour I tried it, it looked interesting. So far I 
have managed to let other people do the dirty (read: design) work.

Edwin Ansicodd wrote:

Thank you for your post!

Yes, I would imagine a WYSIWYG editor would be best.  Are there any open
source or freeware tools you like?  

christian.helmbold wrote:

Any css based HTML creation tool recommended by Wicket users?

Are you looking for a so called WYSIWYG editor? Adobe Dreamweaver is my


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Re: Wicket at ApacheCon EU'09 in Amsterdam

2009-02-13 Thread Dave Schoorl
I am not sure what you would like to standardize. Given your JPA 
example, I would guess that you want to push a JSR for a web framework 
or something. But there is already something like that: JSF. Just let 
Wicket be Wicket and instead of changing Wicket (and it's community) in 
the wrong way, let's try to change the views of corporate managers in 
the right way. As Thomas said earlier What we need is less talks titled 
'why wicket is cool' and more 'cut your development costs in two with 
Wicket' .

And I do not think that the lack of support for pushing a JSR has 
anything to do with a lack of open-mindedness...

Hoover, William wrote:

I hear the arguments and I completely agree with the notion that innovation usually 
happens elsewhere and a JSR/JCP would slow that process down. I just want to 
objectively view the other side of the spectrum :o)

From a developers point-of-view standardization can often be a thorn in our 
side, but for management it can offer a 
vendor-independent/implementation-independent solution. Maintaining/upgrading 
infrastructure is difficult, expensive and time consuming. From the 
point-of-view of management a standard can often minimize the risk of vender 

Another thing to consider is that a broader multi-community involvement could 
also bread innovation. There may be other innovators from other communities 
that may have valuable input that could improve Wicket in ways that may have 
not been previously considered. IMHO, the biggest argument for JSR/JCP is that 
there is often a broader involvement in the process. Hibernate, for instance, 
was in a similar position a few years back when they introduced a new 
persistence concept. They have since become heavily involved in the JPA 
specification process. When I first worked with Hibernate, like many, I was 
very impressed (similar to the first time I worked with Wicket :o), but looking 
back at how Hiberante initially did things to how they do them now there are 
some huge improvements due to the JPA specification.

My hope is that the Wicket community can be as open-minded to this notion as 
they are to the open source code they represent :o)


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Re: Wicket at ApacheCon EU'09 in Amsterdam

2009-02-13 Thread Dave Schoorl
I do think that pushing a JSR for Wicket will have a negative influence 
on the spirit of Wicket and it's community due to the politics involved 
with a JSR. Politics are so not the Wicket way. This is what I mean with 
the wrong way and yes, that is mighty subjective.

I also expect there will not be enough support from other parties to 
participate in a JSR (again, highly subjective), because there is 
nothing for them to gain. Which I believe is one of your main arguments: 
there will not be a broader input base. But I think Wicket receives 
enough input since the Wicket developers see what is happening in other 
projects around them and they take that with them.

And without enough support, the JSR will be dropped and I think that in 
the corporate eye, Wicket will turn into 'that project that didn't make 
the JSR', and wide adoption will be even further away.

But again, without a concrete proposal, I have no idea what the 
specification request would describe and what the scope of such a JSR 
would be. Could you elaborate on that? Maybe that clears things up for me.

BTW, I think not that Hibernate has grown as a result of the 
JPA-standard, but that the Java EE standard has grown a a result of the 
emerging of ORM-tools (like Hibernate, Toplink etc.) and other popular 
application stacks, like Spring etc. The quality of Hibernate would have 
increased without the JPA-spec anyway (and ofcourse, there was - and 
there still is - enough opportunity to improve).

Hoover, William wrote:

I agree that we need to change the views of corporate managers in the
right way by illustrating the cost savings achieved though a reduction
in development time. At the same time, I don't believe that this will
change the Wicket community in the wrong way (which is a highly
subjective statement). I'm only presenting the alternative viewpoint. It
is possible that a standard could potentially inhibit progression due to
contrasting viewpoints within the community, but it is also equally
possible that it could lead to a value-added aspect by introducing a
broader input base to the Wicket community that could speed progression
(Hibernate/JPA is an example of this). There is always a possibility
that progress can be slowed as the number of members increase because
there are more viewpoints to be examined/debated. I think that there is
a higher probability that the community will grow if such a standard
were to be adopted.

Just because there is already a specification for a web framework
(JSF) that does not constitute abandoning a standard approach. Look at
JAX-WS vs JAX-RS. They accomplish many of the same objectives, but they
both are part of the proposed profile stack
. A Wicket implementation could orchestrate a refreshing alternative
approach to JSF in the same manner that it does today.

When I referred to open-mindedness I was referring to being open-minded
to the ideas behind the push... I didn't necessary intended to imply
that anyone would not be open-minded if they did not support a JSR :o)

-Original Message-
From: Dave Schoorl [] 
Sent: Friday, February 13, 2009 9:21 AM

Subject: Re: Wicket at ApacheCon EU'09 in Amsterdam

I am not sure what you would like to standardize. Given your JPA
example, I would guess that you want to push a JSR for a web framework
or something. But there is already something like that: JSF. Just let
Wicket be Wicket and instead of changing Wicket (and it's community) in
the wrong way, let's try to change the views of corporate managers in
the right way. As Thomas said earlier What we need is less talks titled
'why wicket is cool' and more 'cut your development costs in two with
Wicket' .

And I do not think that the lack of support for pushing a JSR has
anything to do with a lack of open-mindedness...

Hoover, William wrote:
I hear the arguments and I completely agree with the notion that 
innovation usually happens elsewhere and a JSR/JCP would slow that 
process down. I just want to objectively view the other side of the 
spectrum :o)

From a developers point-of-view standardization can often be a thorn

in our side, but for management it can offer a
vendor-independent/implementation-independent solution.
Maintaining/upgrading infrastructure is difficult, expensive and time
consuming. From the point-of-view of management a standard can often
minimize the risk of vender lock-in.

Another thing to consider is that a broader multi-community

involvement could also bread innovation. There may be other innovators
from other communities that may have valuable input that could improve
Wicket in ways that may have not been previously considered. IMHO, the
biggest argument for JSR/JCP is that there is often a broader
involvement in the process. Hibernate, for instance, was in a similar
position a few years back when they introduced a new