Socket programming in Wicket app

2010-06-10 Thread Ján Raska
I have a webapp that acts as an accounting and billing application, developed 
in Wicket. Now customer wants me to add a feature, that he can use it as a 
selling software in a store, so that when somebody buys something, amount will 
be subtracted from the main stock (webapp is enough for that part) and a bill 
is printed through local POS printer. But the problem is, that according to our 
law, POS is not just a regular printer that prints out bills. It has a special 
memory where track of all operations is saved, as well as an amount of VAT tax, 
that should be payed (so that tax officers can check if the shop owner is 
cheating on taxes). In order to do that, I have to send certain data to the 
printer, either by calling driver functions, or sending data directly to USB or 

So I thought about a solution, that a small client app will be running on a 
client machine. It will authenticate to the server using the certificate (same 
one, that is used to log into the webapp, so that I can pair http session with 
the client connection) and establish a connection on certain port. When the 
shopping is over and a shop employee needs to print a bill I'll send necessary 
data through the connection to the local client and since client is running on 
a machine that has a POS connected to it, it has the means to forward data to 
the POS and print a bill.

The question is: am I able to develop it as part of a Wicket webapp. Having 
something (eg. a servlet or so), that will basically act as a server, listening 
on a certain port, able to accept many connections (using threads) as there 
will be more then one POS terminals, able to maintain those connections until 
the client disconnects and send required data through those connections? I 
certainly can do that as a separate server application, but I'd prefer to have 
it as part of the webapp, so that I can directly call methods to send data to 
printer, instead of establishing another connection (a local one) from webapp 
to the other server app. I also thought about using Comet, and establishing an 
Http connection from the client apps, but I'm not sure, if that is reliable 
enough for such functionality (I must be able to handle possible connection 
errors and while connected, I must be sure, that the data will arrive to the 
client app).

I'll greatly appreciate any thought or hint on this

Thanks a lot

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Multiple apps on single server

2010-05-08 Thread Ján Raska

I'm thinking about making small business by selling/renting e-shop and CMS 
applications written in Wicket. Now I'm trying to figure out, how many such 
applications can be hosted on a single server (let's assume 2x Dual Core Xeon 
2.66 GHz, 4GB RAM). Except wicket, I'll use Spring and Hibernate or 
EclipseLink, libs in total shouldn't have more then 20-30MB, an average 
application can be assumed to have maximum of 200 active users at one time.

Is there any way to figure it out? I'm basically trying to minimize a running 
cost per application and I love Java and Wicket too much to go back and do PHP 
stuff, though I guess it's impossible to beat PHP in terms of running cost. Can 
anybody help with this?


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