Re: Wicket YUI - Integration (Slider Question)

2009-11-28 Thread Joshua Lim
Hi J.D.

the tick marks on the background does not generate automatically
unfortunately, because it's a css background image. In order to make it
strechable I used a repeating background image for that. you can however,
try overriding the Yui*Settings to provide your own background image that
correspond to your Tick settings. That might work.

Regarding the getOnChangeJSFunc() {...} for the YuiSlider, please note that
this is the JavaScript running on the client and does not make wicket ajax
callbacks to the components.


2009/11/21 Corbin, James

 In regards to ajaxy question below, the reason I needed this was to
 update a label when the slider value was changed.  I looked at the
 example and noticed that this could be done by overriding the following
 method on the slider:

 Protected String getOnChangeJSFunc() {...}

 I still have the question on rendering the tick marks, but will continue
 looking at that one as well.


 -Original Message-
 From: Corbin, James []
 Sent: Friday, November 20, 2009 8:48 AM
 Subject: Wicket YUI - Integration (Slider Question)


 I am using the framework off the wicket-stuff trunk that wraps yui to
 work with wicket.  I must say it works pretty well.

 I did have a few questions on the slider that I hoped someone had
 experience with at solving,

 1. I cannot seem to get the tick marks to show up on the control?  Is
 this not supported in the current implementation of the framework

 2. Does the slider component support attaching ajax behaviors?  I am
 looking to bind an ajax behavior (onchange) that updates a label with a
 current value of the slider.  I assume this is possible and will try it
 this morning but wanted to check the forum to see if its wasted effort.


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Re: Wicket YUI integration

2009-09-01 Thread Joshua Lim
Hi Frank

there's Yui (2) integration in wicketstuff-core/yui great if you could add
to it


2009/8/31 Frank van Lankvelt

 we've been developing a wicket application for some time now, where
 the client keeps pushing for more and more fancy UI components.
 We've been building some of them by hand, including browser version
 checks, and have some code to enable YUI widgets.
 This is a costly business where we are severely hampered by
 compatibility requirements. (IE6!)

 Are there widget libraries out there, in particular that integrate
 with YUI, that I've been missing?

 Related to this, about a year ago there was a discussion about Wicket
 Ajax Next Generation.
 Does anyone know if that is still scheduled for Wicket 1.5?

 thanks, Frank

 PS: I don't think it would be a problem to donate the code we have
 developed so far (it's APL already),
 though it would need to be decoupled from the rest of our code first.

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Re: Looking for Pop-up menu...

2009-07-23 Thread Joshua Lim
I Think menu2 can do what you want as Ryan said. You can override the
getCssClass() to return your own class name, because the default is
yui-skin-sam which will span the width of yui-menu to the whole of the
containing box.

final YuiMenuBar mb = new YuiMenuBar(menuBar)
protected String getCssClass()
return mymenuskin;



.mymenuskin .yuimenubar {
width: 100px;
background-color: #DDD;
border: 1px solid #000;
float: left;
and then customise the menu to what ever look and feel you want. the link
below can be a guide, but also firebug can help you see the css class

BTW... whether the menu pop-up on mouse click or mouse over is due the the
css class yuimenubarnav - - unforunately at this
moment, this is not overriddable.

hth josh

2009/7/23 Petr Fejfar

 On Thu, Jul 23, 2009 at 2:01 AM, Ryan wrote:

  why not just a YUI menu?  (not a context menu)

 Do you mean to use menu (not menu2) with permanently visible single
 menubar's item and pull down associated menu on click and resign on
 mouse over functinality?

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Bypassing required form validation for search submit link

2009-07-23 Thread Joshua Lim

I have a Form with fields marked with various validators.
F1 = required
F2 = length 4
F3 = required
F4 .

And I also have 2 submit links, save and search. When I click on save,
the normal default form processing happens. But when I click on search I
want to bypass all required validators.

I saw a suggestion to modify each FormComponent's isRequired which seems
reasonable :

TextField txt = new TextField(txtfield, model) {
 public boolean isRequired() {
   return findParent(Form.class).getRootForm().findSubmittingButton()
instanceof IRequireFields;

but is there any other alternative for this scenario ?


Re: How to show/hide, enable/disable items in menu based on YUI menu2

2009-07-18 Thread Joshua Lim
updated menubar with menuitems check/disable/selected options it should work
on FF at least.


2009/7/17 Petr Fejfar

 On Thu, Jul 16, 2009 at 11:43 PM, Petr

  tries to be compatible with. Please find out attached table - maybe it
  could be usefull for someone else as well.

 Errata: in the Menu test on Google Chrome, there should be (it seems
 the value does *not* toggle)


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Re: How to show/hide, enable/disable items in menu based on YUI menu2

2009-07-16 Thread Joshua Lim
2009/7/16 Petr Fejfar

 thank for your effort. I tried your improvements, but it stil does not
 work for me. It is possible that I'm missing something, but some
 problems can be seen in your yui-example as well: After you click
 M2:L3 item to remove 1st item from menu:
 - all marks indicating an item has a submenu disappears
 - the menubar losts its dynamic behaveour i.e. mouse over does nothing

Did you check out yui as well? This marks disappears should be redrawn
in the new code. What browser are you using though I 've only tested on FF.

 - a click into any menubar's item returns it into regular behaveour

 This is probably the major problem. More, I've tried extend your example:

 - by adding Enable/Disable toggle with behaveour same as in the removing

subMenu2.addMenuItem(new AjaxLinkAction(M2 : L6 (Ajax) -
 disables 2nd item)
public void onClick(AjaxRequestTarget target)

 - by adding Checked toggle - it toggles value, but it seems there is
 no checked mark

m2L7 = subMenu2.addMenuItem(new AjaxLinkAction(M2 : L7
 (Ajax) -
 toggles itself)
public void onClick(AjaxRequestTarget target)
System.out.println(Check togle:

 Please, if you would have some time, could you try to fix it?

not sure about the setChecked yet, as its not something I am working on.
btw, I am not the original author for the menu bar, so I have still to
figure out that bits.

 Thanks, Petr

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Re: How to show/hide, enable/disable items in menu based on YUI menu2

2009-07-16 Thread Joshua Lim
Hi Petr, The table would be interesting, could you email it to me ? thanks
I'll take a look at the rest of the yuimenu when I reach that point. :)


2009/7/17 Petr Fejfar

 On Thu, Jul 16, 2009 at 4:25 PM, Joshua wrote:

  Did you check out yui as well? This marks disappears should be redrawn
  in the new code.

 Yes. I tested it on revision 4808 from July 15.

  What browser are you using though I 've only tested on FF.

 I see. While learning Wicket I use Google Chrome (because it shows
 source code using small fonts and offers live hrefs there). I've spent
 some time and retest all wicketstuff Yui examples with 4 browsers we
 tries to be compatible with. Please find out attached table - maybe it
 could be usefull for someone else as well.

  btw, I am not the original author for the menu bar, so I have still to
 figure out that bits.

 Anyway, if you would be able to fix it, it would be great (at least
 for me), because even if I'm SW engineer with 30+ years experience,
 I'm a beginner in the Java, EE and Ajax field.


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Re: How to show/hide, enable/disable items in menu based on YUI menu2

2009-07-15 Thread Joshua Lim

I've made some changes on the trunk to allow AjaxLinkAction, and remove the
setRenderBodyOnly so that you can basically modify the menu 'ajaxically'.

Also I've applied the yui-sam-skin by default for YuiMenuBar and YuiMenu.
and it is now using YuiLoader and 2.7.0

check out the yui-examples


2009/7/13 Petr Fejfar

 Hi all,

 I'm still trying to build menubar based on YUI menu2 from wicketstuff
 and still have a problems: currently I'd like to hide/show ev. to
 some menu items (YuiMenuBarItem) in dependence of actions taken
 by commands related to this menu bar.

 If I tried to add those menu items into AjaxRequestTarget to be refreshed,
 I get run-time java.lang.IllegalStateException: Ajax render cannot be
 on component that has setRenderBodyOnly enabled.

 If I tried switch rendering of full markup on, there is some kind of
 but the menu does not work correctly e.g. from refreshed menu submenus
 have disappeared

 Please, could somebody help me to refresh status/visibility of menu

 Thanks, Petr

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Re: Drag Drop

2009-07-11 Thread Joshua Lim
Hi Pierre,

I think I need to explain a little the state of Yui Integration with wicket.

If you're using the sortable package, with it's Droppable and
SortableList. Then don't use the YuiDDTarget.

If you want to use YuiDDTarget, then work with the YuiDDList / YuiDDListView
/ YuiDDListViewPanel.

The reason being I wrote the YuiDD* not knowing that Janne had already a
sortable package, it turned out to be interestingly similar in some way
(since we had taken the same example form yui), but I adapted some of her
stuff into mine as I needed for the DynamicAjaxTabbedPanel to be nested
within itself.

So. If you're using the YuiDD*...

Add YuiDDList behaviour to make your List (li's) reorderable

YuiDDTarget is really needed for an empty list to allow it to accept a drop
when there's nothing to start with. Just don't add this behaviour if you
dont want to accept a drop.

Is that what you want? or you can try the examples


2009/6/22 Pierre Goupil


 I'm currently playing with AJAX in Wicket using WicketStuff YUI

 Is there any way to refuse a drop ? There's a behavior called Droppable
 which includes an accept() method but I can't figure out how to add it to
 component tree / call it.

 Here's a working code snippet :

 final WebMarkupContainer list1;

final ListString list1items = new ArrayListString();

add(list1 = new WebMarkupContainer(list1));

 list1.add(new YuiDDTarget(LIST) {
private static final long serialVersionUID =

public void onDrop(AjaxRequestTarget target, Component
 component) {
String newItem = ((ListItemString)



 But then, I'm trying to add a new Droppable() to my list1 component but
 neither onDrop() nor accept() are called :

 Droppable d = new Droppable() {

   private static final long serialVersionUID = -3647700662771836452L;
protected boolean accept(Draggable draggable) {
return super.accept(draggable);

public void onDrop(AjaxRequestTarget target, Component
 component, int index) {


 A clue, anyone ?



 Sans amis était le grand maître des mondes,
 Eprouvait manque, ce pour quoi il créa les esprits,
 Miroirs bienveillants de sa béatitude.
 Mais au vrai, il ne trouva aucun égal,
 Du calice du royaume total des âmes
 Ecume jusqu'à lui l'infinité.

 (Schiller, l'amitié)

Re: YUI drag and drop problem in Wicket 1.4 rc4

2009-07-11 Thread Joshua Lim
Hi Johan

have you tried the yui-examples, Reordering List ? the list2 and list3 are
using YuiDDListView, and works for me.

What is your browser though?


2009/6/5 Johan Haleby


 I'm using the latest snapshot of the YUI drag and drop component (a
 YuiDDListView) for Wicket 1.4 rc4. The problem is that there seems to be a
 bug in the code and the position parameter is lost. This means that where
 ever you drop a component it will always end up at the first position in
 list view (since position is lost the integer position value is set to 0).
 Have anyone else experienced this problem? Is it a bug or am I doing
 something wrong?


Re: yui slider component does not work

2009-05-08 Thread Joshua Lim
Hi Christoph

This was due to YuiHeaderContributor being moved to another package. I was
doing some house keeping :p

it should be fixed in /yui/ trunk now (no change in yui-examples).

can you try again?


2009/5/5 Christoph Grün


 I have downloaded the yui-examples-1.4-20090427.160726-141.war file.

 The sliders cannot be moved with the mouse and rather behave static.
 Moreover, the javascript error “yahoo.widget.slider is null” is reported.

 It seems that some js files are missing.

 Is there a workaround/update?

 Best regards,


Re: what is the state of wicket-contrib?

2009-03-30 Thread Joshua Lim

I had made a copy for wicket 1.3.5 some time back if it helps ... it is here

2009/3/26 Vladimir K

 Thanks Jeremy. I will have a look at snaphot.

 But what I'm concerned about ... I would like to include just stable
 versions of components into my project. Is it possible to find a stable
 version of yui integration for wicket 1.3.5?

 Jeremy Thomerson-5 wrote:
  There is no wicket-contrib project.  There is a project that was
  wicket-contrib-yui.  If that's what you need, the source is here:
  Run these three commands and you'll have it:
  svn co
  cd wicketstuff-core
  mvn clean install
  Or you can find snapshots here:
  Or the 1.4-RC2 release in this repo:
  Jeremy Thomerson
  On Wed, Mar 25, 2009 at 12:07 PM, Vladimir K wrote:
  Is wicket-contrib a dead project?
  Vladimir K wrote:
   I'm concerned about where I can get wicket-contrib-yui?
   Sourceforge download page privide several outdated projects and does
   provide wicket-contrib-yui at all.
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Re: WicketStuff yui-parent yui examples war not deploying correctly

2009-03-23 Thread Joshua Lim

I was updating yui examples but I run the examples using Jetty in eclipse.
It was working for me. there was a missing dependency for slf4j in
yui-example but I am not sure if had caused any problem for you in tomcat.


2009/3/22 Flavius

 I just started looking at some of the JS framework integration a few days
 ago on WicketStuff.
 I am looking to do some drag  drop stuff and possibly looking for split
 pane functionality.  I
 am looking at YUI because a couple of people in here said the dnd stuff
 worked better than
 the scriptaculous dnd.

 I pulled the source from trunk this afternoon and ran the maven build under
 mvn install.  It says it built the project plus the two sub projects.

 [INFO] Wicket YUI Integration - Parent ... SUCCESS
 [INFO] Wicket YUI Integration  SUCCESS
 [INFO] Wicket YUI Integration - Examples . SUCCESS

 However, when I drop the yui-examples-1.4-SNAPSHOT.war into tomcat
 I get an error on deployment.  It looks like some changes were checked in
 the last day or so.  I went
 and pulled the 1.3.x version and built that and it starts up correctly.  Is
 anybody else
 getting this?

 This is my tomcat console output:

 INFO: Initializing Coyote HTTP/1.1 on http-80
 Mar 21, 2009 7:24:37 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina load
 INFO: Initialization processed in 675 ms
 Mar 21, 2009 7:24:37 PM org.apache.catalina.core.StandardService start
 INFO: Starting service Catalina
 Mar 21, 2009 7:24:37 PM org.apache.catalina.core.StandardEngine start
 INFO: Starting Servlet Engine: Apache Tomcat/6.0.14
 Mar 21, 2009 7:24:37 PM org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext start
 SEVERE: Error filterStart
 Mar 21, 2009 7:24:37 PM org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext start
 SEVERE: Context [/yui-examples-1.4-SNAPSHOT] startup failed due to previous
 Mar 21, 2009 7:24:38 PM org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Protocol start
 INFO: Starting Coyote HTTP/1.1 on http-80
 Mar 21, 2009 7:24:38 PM org.apache.jk.common.ChannelSocket init
 INFO: JK: ajp13 listening on /
 Mar 21, 2009 7:24:38 PM org.apache.jk.server.JkMain start
 INFO: Jk running ID=0 time=0/62  config=null
 Mar 21, 2009 7:24:38 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina start
 INFO: Server startup in 1164 ms

 Thanks very much.
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Re: How to use Menu component in wicket-yui stuff?

2008-11-14 Thread Joshua Lim
you can check out wicket-contrib-yui-examples

2008/10/23 张伟 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I want to konw how to use Menu component in wicket-yui stuff? Can anyone
 give me a demo or example? I could ont find any javadoc or sourcecode.

Re: Did someone a YUI splitbutton contribution?

2008-10-16 Thread Joshua Lim
there's yui menu in wicket-stuff - I am using it :) wicket-contrib-yui /

2008/10/9 Newgro [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Hi *,

 i would like to integrate the yui splitbutton into my application. I tried
 to integrate it myself, but it's a hopeless with my small experience in
 building components.

 Has someone already contributed the YUI splitbutton and can share the
 solution? YUI
 Splitbutton Homepage

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Re: Did someone a YUI splitbutton contribution?

2008-10-16 Thread Joshua Lim
I use the menu2 only though :(  I am using trunk version and it should work
with wicket  1.3+

2008/10/17 Per Newgro [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Sure i know the contribution. But i didn't found the split button. Do you
 the splitbutton? Can you please tell me the lib-version and the package
 related to?

 many thanks

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