Re: wicket-event.js 404

2010-05-17 Thread Lorenzo Bolzani
2010/5/14 Jeremy Thomerson
 Also - what version of Wicket are you using?

I was using version 1.4.3. It seems to be fixed in 1.4.8.

Was something related to an AjaxFormSubmitBehavior binded to the onblur event.

Thanks, bye


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wicket-event.js 404

2010-05-14 Thread Lorenzo Bolzani
Hi all,
I have a quite simple composition of panels with the innermost panel
containing a form.
In the form there is an AjaxSubmitLink. In the onSubmit of the link
there is this line


When I click the link using Firebug in Firefox I can see that a POST
is sent to this URL


the content is a standard multi-part submit, I can post it if useful.

The server responds with this ajax-response

?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?ajax-responsecomponent
id=newItemDetailse ![CDATA[div wicket:id=newItemDetails
   span wicket:id=viewwicket:panel

encoding=wicket1 ![CDATA[head
xmlns:wicket=;script type=text/javascript
script type=text/javascript
script type=text/javascript
script type=text/javascript

Then firefox tries to download the file wicket-event.js from this URL


and gets a 404 error. purchase is the mount name of the starting
page (mounted using a MixedParamHybridUrlCodingStrategy). The webapp
does not have a context, it's mounted on the root of the webserver.

Instead the file is actually available on this URL


For comparison, In the headers of the very first page, the one
containing the link, there is this line

script type=text/javascript

and this works correctly.

I found in the dubugger where the headers for the ajax-response are
built and I arrived at WebRequestCodingStrategy.encode, line 830. Here
the path is always built as fixed path, dots are never prepended.

Now I'm a little confused.

Firefox ask first asks for this URL http://localhost:9090/. The
response contains relative URLs so I would expect for Firefox to
consider these as relatives to the requested URL. So the next request
should be the correct one. Instead FF adds a purchase fragment in
the URL. Why? Is this the expected behaviour for an ajax-request?

Any suggestion to fix this problem? At this time I can easily debug
this problem so I can provide any extra info.


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Re: Accessing the rowItem from the populateItem of a column

2009-07-16 Thread Lorenzo Bolzani
2009/7/15 Iain Reddick
 cellItem.getParent().getParent() will get the row component, but it's not a
 very clean solution.

Hi, thanks for the replies.

I'm using wicket 1.3.3 and this method was not yet present. I'm not
upgrading due to some problems with ajax tests and WicketTester.

Anyway I cannot see many other options, other than using a ListView
instead of a table or the one described above.



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Accessing the rowItem from the populateItem of a column

2009-07-15 Thread Lorenzo Bolzani
Hi all,
I need to do an ajax refresh of a whole line of a table.

On the left of the table there is a dropdown and when the selection is
changed the other fields of the table should be refreshed accordingly.

So I have a column where the dropdown is defined and here I add an
onchange behaviour where I should add the entire row to the ajax

But in the populateItem of ICellPopulator I have no access to the rowItem.

With this hack

 Object repeatingView =
ReflectionUtil.getPrivateField(cellItem, parent);
 return (Item) ReflectionUtil.getPrivateField(repeatingView, parent);

I can reach the rowItem and everything works perfectly.

Now I was looking for a cleaner way to do this.

The item I need is the one that is received from the
populateItem(Item) of AbstractDataGridView so I could override this
call super and add the tracking of the current rowItem making it
available, as a field, in subsequent ICellPopulator.populateItem
calls. Not very nice anyway.

Do you have any suggestion? Could a getParent method added to cellItem
to access to the rowItem it belongs to?

Thanks, bye

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How to keep fields between pages

2009-05-22 Thread Lorenzo Bolzani
Hi, I'm trying to keep a page state between requests.

I know this should be a very simple thing, but it's puzzling me.

I have a field, a List, in my page where some data from the user is
accumulated. This data is generated from a monitoring system.

The user starts the monitoring and the events are added to the list.
Then he need to be able to move to other pages, do some other stuff,
than come back to this page and find the previous content (for example
the last 100 events).

I use a ListView to display the data.

So I think the Page should be instantiated only once, but the populate
item should be called on every page display. Even browser refresh
should not create a new Page.

Then the page should auto refresh with an ajaxSelfUpdate behaviour,
html refresh or something like that.

At this time I'm fighting with mounts, PageLinks and populateItems but
I'm not finding the right combo.

Is this approach correct? Should I use something else instead of a
field to keep the data?

Thanks, bye


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Re: How to keep fields between pages

2009-05-22 Thread Lorenzo Bolzani
2009/5/22 Dipu
 can't you store the List in the session when you move to other page's
 and get it from session when you get back.

Yes, I can, but it doesn't look very wicket style, so I suspect I'm
missing something about Wicket (PageMaps, RequestTarget, ecc.) and
that there is a very clean and easy solution waiting out there.

If it's not so, using session attributes could be a good option.



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Form values lost on converter error when inside table

2008-09-12 Thread Lorenzo Bolzani
I'need to display some editable values inside an HTML table.
The form contains both string and numeric values. If I submit an
invalid numeric value an error is reporter but all other values are

Using a simple form this does not happens, it happens only when we had
the table part. I think we have done something wrong with the
dataview and the dataProvider but we cannot see what's wrong.

Following this article (we skipped the detachable part)

I defined a very simple DataProvider

protected List readAll() {
  return Arrays.asList(new Bean(a, 1), new Bean(b, 2));

a simple dataView

protected void populateItem(Item item) {
   Bean bean = (Bean) item.getModelObject();
   item.setModel(new CompoundPropertyModel(bean));
   item.add(new TextField(rock));
   item.add(new TextField(number));

and added this to a form

 final DataView personDataView = new PersonDataView(beanList,

This is the markup

 table width=100% border=0 
   tr wicket:id=beanList
   input wicket:id=rock type=text size=20
   input wicket:id=number type=text size=20

When I type an invalid value for the number field the rock field
is reset to the default value and the input from the user is lost.

What are we doing wrong?

Thanks, bye


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Re: Form values lost on converter error when inside table

2008-09-12 Thread Lorenzo Bolzani
2008/9/12 Serkan Camurcuoglu [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 if you were using a listview, you should have called setReuseItems(true) on
 it.. Maybe there exists something similar for DataView.. ListView javadoc

 If you nest a ListView in a Form, ALLWAYS set this property to true, as
 otherwise validation will not work properly. 

Hi Serkan,
think you very much for the reply, we looked for something similar but
we completely missed that.
I think could be useful to report the same warning in the DataView and
DataTable javadoc (or maybe just Form).

Anyway in our example we are using a DataView and that method is not present.
We found a setReuseStrategy both on DataView and on DataTable but none
of the provided strategies (default and reuseIfEquals) worked.

What is the ReuseStrategy providing a behavior equivalent to

I suspect is ReuseIfModelsEqualStrategy and we have to define a custom
model with the correct equals but I'm not sure and I'm looking for a

Thanks again.



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Re: Multiple instances of pages and spring integration

2008-08-11 Thread Lorenzo Bolzani
Hi Igor, I tried your suggestion and it works but looks like a
workaround more than a solution.

I have many pages that need some configuration. This is server side
configuration, for example how often a page should refresh itself.
I tryed to pass in these parameters as PageParameters but in this way
I have to convert this from String to Integer to use it and in every
call to the page I have to provide these parameters. At the same time
I do not have an easy place to put this page configuration params. I
think I can define a PageParameters bean for each page inside spring
but looks like a bad hack and this won't solve all the problems.

I expect page configuration to be a very common problem so I think
there should be a simple/standard approach for this or just some best
practices about this.

Thanks, bye


2008/8/6 Igor Vaynberg [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 well normally you would just do

 class monitorpage extends webpage {
  public monitorpage(string deviceid) {
 .. do whatever with deviceid

 if you need your pages to be bookmarkable then just use

 class monitorpage extends webpage {
  public monitorpage(pageparameters params) {
string deviceid=params.get(0);

 and mount the page with mount(/device,new
 then the urls are /device/deviceid


 On Wed, Aug 6, 2008 at 10:48 AM, Lorenzo Bolzani [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi all, I have a page to monitor the status of a remote device.
 The page just stay there and refresh automatically to display the actual 

 The problem is that I need to have to distinct pages to monitor two
 distinct devices.

 My ideal approach would be to define two pages in spring, something like this

 bean class=DeviceMonitorPage name=monitor1
property name=device ref=device1/
property name=mountUrl value=deviceMonitor1/

 bean class=DeviceMonitorPage name=monitor2
property name=device ref=device2/
property name=mountUrl value=deviceMonitor2/

 but I know that Wicket is not going to look for this pages in my
 spring-config file.

 In other words I need two instances of the same page configured in two
 different ways.
 Is this possibile? How can I pass in the parameters (with or without
 spring)? I found nothing about this in the docs.
 In this way I could pass in the ref name (device1 or device2) and make
 it work with an explicit spring context lookup (no injection).

 The @SpringBean annotation works but in this specific case it is not
 usable because of the two different parameters.

 Thanks for any suggestions.



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Re: Multiple instances of pages and spring integration

2008-08-11 Thread Lorenzo Bolzani
Hi Michael, the point is that this is not a user provided parameter
but a server-side page configuration parameter.

In this specific case I need to tell the page how often it should
auto-refresh. So it is not something that should be passed in from the
client over the url but something defined at the application startup.
If my page requires three config parameters I do not want to have to
provide these on every link to this page.

Am I missing something?



2008/8/11 Michael Sparer [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 I'd say Igor's suggestion is a solution rather than workaround. There's just
 no point in configuring pages by means of XML or - worse - even a spring
 config. Passing in page specific parameters is exactly the way to go.

 I tryed to pass in these parameters as PageParameters but in this way
 I have to convert this from String to Integer to use it and in every
 call to the page I have to provide these parameters.

 I don't get it. Parsing a String with Integer.parse shouldn't be considered
 as a bad hack or a problem - as far as i know you can even use
 params.getInt(foobar). and you're also free to do your custom stuff if a
 param isn't provided. or am i misunderstanding something?


 Lorenzo Bolzani wrote:

 Hi Igor, I tried your suggestion and it works but looks like a
 workaround more than a solution.

 I have many pages that need some configuration. This is server side
 configuration, for example how often a page should refresh itself.
 I tryed to pass in these parameters as PageParameters but in this way
 I have to convert this from String to Integer to use it and in every
 call to the page I have to provide these parameters. At the same time
 I do not have an easy place to put this page configuration params. I
 think I can define a PageParameters bean for each page inside spring
 but looks like a bad hack and this won't solve all the problems.

 I expect page configuration to be a very common problem so I think
 there should be a simple/standard approach for this or just some best
 practices about this.

 Thanks, bye


 2008/8/6 Igor Vaynberg [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 well normally you would just do

 class monitorpage extends webpage {
  public monitorpage(string deviceid) {
 .. do whatever with deviceid

 if you need your pages to be bookmarkable then just use

 class monitorpage extends webpage {
  public monitorpage(pageparameters params) {
string deviceid=params.get(0);

 and mount the page with mount(/device,new
 then the urls are /device/deviceid


 On Wed, Aug 6, 2008 at 10:48 AM, Lorenzo Bolzani [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Hi all, I have a page to monitor the status of a remote device.
 The page just stay there and refresh automatically to display the actual

 The problem is that I need to have to distinct pages to monitor two
 distinct devices.

 My ideal approach would be to define two pages in spring, something like

 bean class=DeviceMonitorPage name=monitor1
property name=device ref=device1/
property name=mountUrl value=deviceMonitor1/

 bean class=DeviceMonitorPage name=monitor2
property name=device ref=device2/
property name=mountUrl value=deviceMonitor2/

 but I know that Wicket is not going to look for this pages in my
 spring-config file.

 In other words I need two instances of the same page configured in two
 different ways.
 Is this possibile? How can I pass in the parameters (with or without
 spring)? I found nothing about this in the docs.
 In this way I could pass in the ref name (device1 or device2) and make
 it work with an explicit spring context lookup (no injection).

 The @SpringBean annotation works but in this specific case it is not
 usable because of the two different parameters.

 Thanks for any suggestions.



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 Michael Sparer
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It has to start somewhere, It has to start

Re: Multiple instances of pages and spring integration

2008-08-11 Thread Lorenzo Bolzani
2008/8/11 Igor Vaynberg [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 then have your page look it up itself from the spring context using
 some registry

 class mypage extends webpage {
  @SpringBean private PageConfigRegistry registry;

  public mypage() {
mydata data=(mydata)registry.getdatafor(getclass());
// do whatever with data

// ^ or put that lookup into your base page so page just has to
 call getConfigData()

So you are saying that wicket does not provide a standard way for page
So I'll develop a custom solution based on spring or on property files.

 there is no need for a framework to provide anything special for such
 a usecase, it is just java...

Even I18N is just java, you could write the wicket code yourself if
you should. But I chose to use wicket just not to have to.
I think configurability is a very common requirement for any web
framework (even servlets had this). Even a simple solution based on
property files or, for example, a complete integration with Spring
would be useful.

Thanks, bye


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Multiple instances of pages and spring integration

2008-08-06 Thread Lorenzo Bolzani
Hi all, I have a page to monitor the status of a remote device.
The page just stay there and refresh automatically to display the actual state.

The problem is that I need to have to distinct pages to monitor two
distinct devices.

My ideal approach would be to define two pages in spring, something like this

bean class=DeviceMonitorPage name=monitor1
property name=device ref=device1/
property name=mountUrl value=deviceMonitor1/

bean class=DeviceMonitorPage name=monitor2
property name=device ref=device2/
property name=mountUrl value=deviceMonitor2/

but I know that Wicket is not going to look for this pages in my
spring-config file.

In other words I need two instances of the same page configured in two
different ways.
Is this possibile? How can I pass in the parameters (with or without
spring)? I found nothing about this in the docs.
In this way I could pass in the ref name (device1 or device2) and make
it work with an explicit spring context lookup (no injection).

The @SpringBean annotation works but in this specific case it is not
usable because of the two different parameters.

Thanks for any suggestions.



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Adding custom resource properties files

2008-06-30 Thread Lorenzo Bolzani
we have two pages sharing the same set of user messages so we would
like to be able to share the same file.
The two pages are different and cannot subclass a same parent.
We cannot extract a common component because we have two different
views on the same data.

Maybe we could define an empty panel and share that only for the user
massages but I do not like this idea.

Is there a way to add/override a new resource file at the page level?
So that key are looked up in this way:

custom page file- this is new

and at the class level too. In other words I just want to insert e new file.

We looked at IResourceLoader and this looks like an option
(registering a custom Loader in the application init()). We tried and
this works.

The problem is how to integrate this new Loader with the standard
ComponentStringResourceLoader so that the key is looked up also in the
standard way.

We had a look at PropertiesFactory trying to register a new file, but
the list of resources is determined by a ResourceNameIterator in the
method loadStringResources and is not easy to modify the behaviour of
this method.
So the only options seems to be to extend
ComponentStringResourceLoader overriding loadStringResource(Class,
String, Locale, String) with a big cut and paste.

Is there any other option?

Thanks, bye


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