Re: A safer way to build PropertyModels, version 1.2

2011-07-28 Thread Matt Brictson
On Jul 28, 2011, at 3:12 AM, Carl-Eric Menzel wrote:

 IModelUser userModel = model(fromService(userEJB.loadUser(42)));

Not sure if this is a typo in your example, but wouldn't this mean that (the 
real, non-proxied) userEJB.loadUser is invoked when the model is constructed? 
Perhaps this syntax is correct:


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Re: A safer way to build PropertyModels

2011-07-21 Thread Matt Brictson
This looks fantastic. Can you think of an elegant way to use similar syntactic 
sugar to create LoadableDetachableModels as well?

For example:

// This would return a PropertyModel

// This a LoadableDetachableModel

// Which is more concise than
new LoadableDetachableModelListUser {
  protected ListUser load() {

On Jul 21, 2011, at 11:45 AM, Carl-Eric Menzel wrote:

 After seeing the LambdaJ-based model idea at
 I thought I'd try and implement something like that in a ready-to-use
 fashion, and simplify it a little.
 The result is here:
 This is a way to refactor-safely and type-safely build models, without
 relying on brittle string literals:
  SomeBean myBean = ...
  IModelString childNameModel =
 No cast, no string literal, only getters. It works with regular
 JavaBeans, Lists, and with Maps (string keys only though).
 Instead of requiring a compile-time step this does some proxying in the
 background to construct a property expression.
 Anybody interested please give it a try and let me know of any issues.
 Note: If you feel comfortable with configuring an annotation
 processor in your Maven build as well as your IDE build, go ahead and
 try Igor's metagen []. That way you
 don't have any runtime magic.
 Use SafeModel if you don't want an additional compile step and do want
 (very slightly) less keyboard typing.
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Re: Resource auto-reload with the Quickstart project

2011-07-14 Thread Matt Brictson
Hmm. I would expect that your LoginPage would see changes reflected when you 
hit the browser refresh button. Sounds like a bug to me.

Is it related to this one?

On Jul 13, 2011, at 12:10 PM, Andrew Todd wrote:

 On Wed, Jul 13, 2011 at 2:40 PM, Matt Brictson wrote:
 FWIW I tried 1.5-SNAPSHOT and the HTML resource reloading seems to work fine.
 I'm seeing reloading working as expected on the basic HomePage.
 However, on a LoginPage that I'm working on, a I do not see changes
 reflected until I go to the URL bar, go to the home page URL, then go
 back to the URL and manually enter the Login Page URL (which I've set
 up with mountPage).
 Is this related to the way that Wicket handles sessions -- I've seen
 the word version passed around -- or is this a bug?
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Re: Resource auto-reload with the Quickstart project

2011-07-13 Thread Matt Brictson
The way I've always done it (and this works just fine outside of Eclipse as 
well), is to enable resource polling in Wicket for the directory that contains 
the HTML files.

In the init() method of your WebApplication subclass (in the quickstart this is 
called do something like this:

String htmlDir = getServletContext().getRealPath(/);
if(htmlDir != null  !htmlDir.endsWith(/))
htmlDir += /;
getResourceSettings().addResourceFolder(htmlDir + ../java);
getResourceSettings().addResourceFolder(htmlDir + ../resources);

You can find this code and some other best practices in my company's source 
repo here:


On Jul 13, 2011, at 8:32 AM, Andrew Todd wrote:

 I'm investigating writing a new project in Wicket and am playing
 around with a project created from the 1.5-RC5.1 quickstart maven
 Using 'mvn jetty:run' from the command-line, none of the changes I
 make to source files, either Java or HTML, are picked up unless I
 restart the server.
 Using the instructions here:
 I can attach to the Jetty instance from Eclipse, and changes to Java
 files, but not HTML files, are picked up on the server.
 However, development mode promises automatic reloading of source
 files. I need this to work without having to attach to an IDE in debug
 mode, and for HTML as well as Java. What am I missing?
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Re: Resource auto-reload with the Quickstart project

2011-07-13 Thread Matt Brictson
Just to clarify, the resource polling should allow you to see HTML changes (but 
note Martin's comment about this potentially being broken in 1.5RC1). It does 
not affect Java reloading.

For Java changes I believe this is not possible without an IDE or perhaps a 
commercial product like JRebel[1]. For Eclipse, the way I've seen it done is to 
create a class like the that comes with the quickstart, right click 
on that class, and choose Debug. This will launch a Jetty container inside 
Eclipse's debugger, which gives you auto-reloading of Java files.



On Jul 13, 2011, at 10:37 AM, Andrew Todd wrote:

 On Wed, Jul 13, 2011 at 1:04 PM, Matt Brictson wrote:
 The way I've always done it (and this works just fine outside of Eclipse as 
 well), is to enable resource polling in Wicket for the directory that 
 contains the HTML files.
 In the init() method of your WebApplication subclass (in the quickstart this 
 is called do something like this:
 String htmlDir = getServletContext().getRealPath(/);
 if(htmlDir != null  !htmlDir.endsWith(/))
htmlDir += /;
 getResourceSettings().addResourceFolder(htmlDir + ../java);
 getResourceSettings().addResourceFolder(htmlDir + ../resources);
 Thanks for the link. I added this code to init() and confirmed that
 the paths being added are the correct ones for my Maven project.
 However, I'm still not seeing HTML changes being updated when I do a
 'mvn jetty:run.' (Or Java changes, for that matter). Resources in the
 htmlDir that was already set, like CSS, are also not updating.
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Re: Resource auto-reload with the Quickstart project

2011-07-13 Thread Matt Brictson
Yes, it is possible configure the jetty plugin to completely redeploy the 
webapp when it detects a class file has changed, but this isn't quite the same 
as what the Eclipse IDE and JRebel do. JRebel's site says: instantly see any 
code change made to an app *without* redeploying.

In my experience jetty's redeploy leads to memory being exhausted after the 4th 
or 5th redeploy. This is not jetty's fault, but simply because it is 
notoriously difficult to completely eliminate classloader leaks when building 



On Jul 13, 2011, at 11:03 AM, Martin Grigorov wrote:

 It is possible but you have to extend maven-jetty-plugin's configuration.
 There was something about Scanner. Ask Google for more info

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Re: Resource auto-reload with the Quickstart project

2011-07-13 Thread Matt Brictson
FWIW I tried 1.5-SNAPSHOT and the HTML resource reloading seems to work fine. 
Here's what I did:

1. Generated a quickstart[1] using 1.5-SNAPSHOT using the -U maven option to 
ensure the very latest snapshot was downloaded.
2. Pasted in the resource polling code into WicketApplication#init[2].
3. Ran mvn jetty:run.
4. While jetty was running, I edited Home.html: I changed Congratulations to 
5. Hit refresh in my browser and the change showed up.



On Jul 13, 2011, at 11:27 AM, Andrew Todd wrote:

 With the latest snapshot, I still wasn't seeing changes propagate. Until --
 On Wed, Jul 13, 2011 at 2:03 PM, Martin Grigorov wrote:
 It is possible but you have to extend maven-jetty-plugin's configuration.
 There was something about Scanner. Ask Google for more info
 Adding the scanIntervalSeconds configuration parameter to the Jetty
 plugin, as per
 suddenly changes in Java and HTML were picked up. Eclipse is set to
 auto-build, so I don't have to explicitly run 'mvn compile' for it to
 redeploy. However Matt's reply, which just came in, is correct that
 JRebel is doing something different.
 The answer seems to be that
 1) HTML reload may still be broken in SNAPSHOT
 2) For making changes to Java code, run in Debug mode and connect with
 an IDE, or use JRebel
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For additional commands, e-mail: is down - trying to get wicketstuff-merged-resources

2011-07-03 Thread Matt Brictson
Hello list,

I am trying to download wicketstuff-merged-resources-3.0.jar, which until 
recently was available in the maven repository here:

Is this a temporary glitch, or has this repository been shut down?

I've also tried maven central and, and while these 
repositories do have other wicketstuff artifacts, they do not have 

Is there a reliable maven repo for wicketstuff-merged-resources?



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Re: Fate of CompressedResourceReference in Wicket 1.5?

2011-03-11 Thread Matt Brictson


On Mar 9, 2011, at 11:02 PM, Martin Grigorov wrote:

 File a ticket please.
 On Thu, Mar 10, 2011 at 3:01 AM, Matt Brictson wrote:
 CompressedResourceReference in trunk is basically empty and has the comment
 TODO NG. A quick search through the source leads me to believe that
 IResourceSettings#getDisableGZipCompression() is also unused.
 In other words, gzipping of resources is not implemented in Wicket 1.5.
 Are there plans to do so? Part of me thinks that maybe this feature should
 be dropped, as compression makes more sense to handle at the servlet
 container or web server layer (e.g. mod_deflate).
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 Martin Grigorov
 Training, Consulting, Development

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Fate of CompressedResourceReference in Wicket 1.5?

2011-03-09 Thread Matt Brictson

CompressedResourceReference in trunk is basically empty and has the comment 
TODO NG. A quick search through the source leads me to believe that 
IResourceSettings#getDisableGZipCompression() is also unused.

In other words, gzipping of resources is not implemented in Wicket 1.5.

Are there plans to do so? Part of me thinks that maybe this feature should be 
dropped, as compression makes more sense to handle at the servlet container or 
web server layer (e.g. mod_deflate).



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Re: body tag contributions with wicket 1.5 (Dojo needs it)

2011-03-03 Thread Matt Brictson
On Mar 3, 2011, at 2:15 AM, Gonzalo Aguilar Delgado wrote:

 It does not work as I cannot override add method from webmarkupcontainer.

Are you sure? In Wicket 1.5-rc2 and well as in trunk, 
MarkupContainer#add(Component...) is not final. To clarify: in order to mimic 
the transparent resolver feature, you need to override add(Component...) on 
BasePage, not on the body WebMarkupContainer.

 Even if it works I will have to add something to the htlm. Right?

Right. You will need this in your HTML:

body wicket:id=body

If you decide to take Martin's IMarkupFilter approach can you post your share 
your solution with the list? I am curious to try this as well, as overriding 
add(Component...) is a bit of hack.


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Re: body tag contributions with wicket 1.5 (Dojo needs it)

2011-03-02 Thread Matt Brictson
Since isTransparentResolver() is going away in 1.5, the trick that I found is 
to create a normal WebMarkupContainer for the body element, then override 
add(Component...) of the page to mimic the transparent resolver feature.

Your pages can then contribute to the body element by adding 
AttributeModifier, etc. to the WebMarkupContainer.


Here's an example:

public abstract class BasePage extends WebPage
private WebMarkupContainer _body;

public BasePage(PageParameters params)

// Allow subclasses to register CSS classes on the body tag
WebMarkupContainer body = new WebMarkupContainer(body);

// From now on add() will add to _body instead of page
this._body = body;

 * Return a component that represents the {@code body} of the page.
 * Use this to add CSS classes or set the markup ID for styling purposes.
public WebMarkupContainer getBody()
return _body;

 * When subclasses of BasePage add components to the page, in reality
 * they need to be added as children of the {@code body} container.
 * This implementation ensures the page hierarchy is correctly enforced.
 * @return {@code this} to allow chaining
public BasePage add(Component... childs)
for(Component c : childs)
// Wicket automatically translates head into an
// HtmlHeaderContainer and adds it to the page. Make sure this
// is registered as a direct child of the page itself, not the
// body.
if(null == _body || c instanceof HtmlHeaderContainer)
// Everything else goes into the body.
return this;


On Mar 2, 2011, at 11:35 AM, Gonzalo Aguilar Delgado wrote:

 I'm building a wiJQuery equivalent for Dojo. And it seems to work nice
 with new wicket 1.5. HeaderContributions are really nice... Great work!
 But I ran into problems when trying to setup the themes. 
 I have to put something like this in the body:
 body class=claro
 But I rode a lot and discovered that wicket no longer supports
 contributing to body because onLoad handler as well others.
 Reading in forums I found the BodyTagAttributeModifier but you need a
 panel that I wont have.
 And the:
 body wicket:id=body 
add(new WebMarkupContainer(body){
public boolean isTransparentResolver() {
return true;
protected void onComponentTag(ComponentTag tag) {
tag.put(class,  somestyle);
 It will not work because wicket:id attribute removed from body in version 1.5.
 So... What's they way to go?
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How to compile a component for both Wicket 1.3 and 1.4?

2009-11-18 Thread Matt Brictson

I am writing a Wicket component that I would like to use in two different 
Wicket applications. One application is using Wicket 1.4.3, and the other is a 
legacy application using Wicket 1.3.6. Unfortunately upgrading this legacy app 
to 1.4 is not an option.

I'm using maven for my build process. Right now I am considering the following 

1. Set up a multi-module maven project.

2. Create a common module that contains all the code that will safely execute 
in both Wicket 1.3 and Wicket 1.4.

3. Create a wicket13 module that contains the 1.3-specific code.

4. Create a wicket14 module that contains the 1.4-specific code.

That sounds like a lot of trouble. Can anyone think of a simpler solution, 
perhaps using maven build profiles? Or am I approaching this completely wrong?


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