how to inject arbitrary javascript code to a component markup?

2009-10-10 Thread Paul Huang
Suppose I write my own wicket component called XYZ that have the following

div wicket:id=id_xxx


How can I inject some js code into this markup so when it's rendered in a
page, I got something like

div wicket:id=id_xxx
 script type=text/javascript
 var data=[abc, efg];

You may ask why I dont simply keep the js code into the component markup
XYZ.html, this is because the value of data variable will be provided by
the user and is not fixed.

Client-side treeView

2009-10-06 Thread Paul Huang

I would like show a treeview like the following,

 ||leave 1.1
 ||leave 1.2
 |-leave 0. 1
 |-leave 0.2

This view should also allow a user to select multiple leave nodes (think of
selecting multiple catagories to charaterized a product).

I checked the TreeView/TreeTable components in Wicket-Ext and found that
they need to communicate with the sever-side every time a node is expanded
or collapsed. This is a waste of bandwidth in my case, as my tree model
never changes. Any suggestion on how I should implement a fixed treeview
on the client side, and only pass data to the server after the user clicks a
submit button?

ProgressBar demo doesn't work for firefox 3.5.3

2009-10-02 Thread Paul Huang
I copy and paste the single file upload demo at; to my
local machine and found the the ajax progressbar doesn't work on my
firefox 3.5.3 on winxp. But It works on my ie 8 though. Any idea what
might be the cause? ( I did not change a single a line of code, I am
using wicket 1.4.1)

BTW: the file upload demo on does not work. I got a
internal error message every time when trying to upload a file.

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Re: User name validation - how to check database to find if a name has already been taken?

2009-09-30 Thread Paul Huang

igor.vaynberg wrote:
 form {
   onsubmit() {
try {
} catch (usernamealreadyexistsexception e) {

Thanks, it works like a charm. I did not  know I could show an error message
by calling Component.error and then use a filter to catch all error
messages targeting a specific FormComponent.

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Re: User name validation - how to check database to find if a name has already been taken?

2009-09-30 Thread Paul Huang

The AbstractValidator approach is fine, or you can do it the shorter
way the Igor showed.

Either way, when the page that has the username is submitted, you're
going to have to write that record to the database, even if you don't
have all the info.  The way you wrote the question, I presume you are
collecting info on multiple pages.  First page gets username et al, then
next  as in a wizard page.

When you check the username and it's not in use, write the record.
The table should have audit columns that include record_status and
last_mod_datetime.  Initially write the record with status I (in process)
and when the user is finished registering, update it with A (active).

If the user fills out page 1 and then closes the browser you'll have a
record there with status I.  You'll need a job that fires off periodically
(I do it once a day at 2 or 3am) that finds those records that are more
than, say, 24 hours old, and purges them.

Then, to quote a sith, there is no conflict.


Thanks for your suggestion. Currently, I  only have a single user input
page. But as the application evolves, I may eventually need to have a wizard
and implement the record_status check process as you suggested  to  make
sure that the database is always consistent.
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User name validation - how to check database to find if a name has already been taken?

2009-09-25 Thread Paul Huang

I would like to get your suggestion about how to validate a user name input
by checking if the name has already been taken (exists in the back-end
database); and how to show feedback messages right next to the input field
if it has.

Typically, when a user registers to a website, he needs to choose a user
name, a password, etc. To make sure that the chosen name is unique, one
needs to access the back-end database to check if it already exists.

My solution right now is to extend AbstractValidatorString, and override
onValidate(IValidatableString validatable) to put the database-checking
logic in it. But the more I think about it, the more I felt it might be a
wrong solution. The problem (I think, not 100% sure) is that
onValidate(IValidatableString validatable) will be called during the
form validation process, even if this process goes through, I may still find
out later that the user chosen name has been taken when trying to save all
the user inputs (name, password, etc) to the database. This happens when
another user registers with the same name between the time the validation
process finished and the time I start persisting all inputs from the first
user to the database,

So now I am trying to figure out another solution. Here is the idea: Instead
of putting the database-checking logic into the validation process, I simply
try to save all the user inputs into the database after receiving them. If
an unique key exception happens, I know that the user chosen name has been
taken. Now my questions are:
1. where should I put this save-catch-exception logic? Is Form.onSubmit()
the right place to put it?
2. After I catch an unique key exception. How can I show a feedback message
like This name has already been taken RIGHT NEXT to the user name input
field? (Just like what a typical Wicket Validator does though

I am new to Wicket and your inputs and suggestions are greatly appreciated.


Re: User name validation - how to check database to find if a name has already been taken?

2009-09-25 Thread Paul Huang

Ryan Gravener-3 wrote:
 I think you are overcomplicating things.  Validate the users input, if
 two users want the same name within 1 second of each request you
 probably have bigger problems to deal with.  

So you think my current solution (extending AbstractValidator) is OK?
But I still need to catch nonunique exceptions when saving all user inputs. 

 Anyhow,  when submit is
 called, if you get a nonunique exception.  Catch in dao/service and
 throw an exception wicket can handle and present.
 Ryan Gravener
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Can you be a little bit more specific? After I catch a nonuqniue exception,
how should I change the page markup to present an error message? Any 
examples/references  will be helpful.

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