wicket doesn't show its debugging?

2007-09-14 Thread Potje rode kool
I want to use xhtml files instead of html files
so I overwrite the method WebPage#getMarkupType
to return "xhtml" to make it work.
But got an MarkupNotFoundException which sugested to turn on debugging
for org.apache.wicket.util.resource but didn't got any debugging about the
filenames that were tried.

I used the log config files from the wicket example that comes with wicket
(apache-wicket-1.3.0-beta3) and set it to debug.
I created logger for a class in the package that I had to set on debug like

Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(

and then called the debug method on it and I saw my own debug info and
logger.isDebugEnabled() returned true.

Any idea what I am missing to see the debugging of Wicket for the
org.apache.wicket.util.resource package?


replace a Form by another Form with Ajax?

2007-09-20 Thread Potje rode kool
How do I replace a Form by another From by using Ajax?
I understand I have to call setOutputMarkupId(true), but what is more I have
to do?
Is there an example about this?
