Re: Wicket request processing
Hi Martin, Am not using maven.But using eclipse,placed necessary jar files and run it via tomcat. Kindly tell what needs to do for this. Thanks, Kumar -- View this message in context: Sent from the Users forum mailing list archive at - To unsubscribe, e-mail: For additional commands, e-mail:
Wicket request processing
Hi friends ,Am trying to learn how a request is getting processed in wicket . gone through cwiki and apache wicket guide . got some idea , still exactly am not able to get the concepts like A. How our inputs are passed to server ... Like server where we have req.get parameters workingB. Where are our do get and so post method getting the inputs C. Where our servlet request generated D. Basic idea with simple hello world example like thatI need your help Please help me on this.ThanksKumar -- View this message in context: Sent from the Users forum mailing list archive at - To unsubscribe, e-mail: For additional commands, e-mail:
HTML headings
Hi Friends , Am using the dataview to show my output in table format dep upon by input search.For the headings am using the below HTML codes. If we have output for the inputs i like to display the headings else i want to hide the can we achieve this. Kindly share your thoughts. -- View this message in context: Sent from the Users forum mailing list archive at - To unsubscribe, e-mail: For additional commands, e-mail:
Re: how to handle null pointer exception while submit button
Thanks for reviewing the issue.I have actually fixed my problem.I have used setconvertemptyinputstrngtonull method. TextField memberIdField = new TextField("memberId",memberIdModel); *memberIdField.setConvertEmptyInputStringToNull(false);* TextField lossIdField = new TextField("lossId",lossIdModel); lossIdField.setConvertEmptyInputStringToNull(false); -- View this message in context: Sent from the Users forum mailing list archive at - To unsubscribe, e-mail: For additional commands, e-mail:
Re: how to handle null pointer exception while submit button
PropertyModel memberIdModel=new PropertyModel(this,"memberNumber"); PropertyModel lossIdModel=new PropertyModel(this,"lossNumber"); TextField memberIdField = new TextField("memberId",memberIdModel); TextField lossIdField = new TextField("lossId",lossIdModel); Form form=new Form("form1"){ public void onSubmit(){ flag=0; assignments.clear(); estimates.clear(); assignments.add(new AssignmentDB("MemberId","LossId","AssignemntId","DOL")); assignments.add(new AssignmentDB("1234","001","1357","10/12/1067")); assignments.add(new AssignmentDB("1234","001","1358","10/12/1067")); assignments.add(new AssignmentDB("1234","003","1357","10/12/1067")); for(int i=1;i Sent from the Users forum mailing list archive at - To unsubscribe, e-mail: For additional commands, e-mail:
how to handle null pointer exception while submit button
Hi Friends, I have a text box and a submit button , If i pressed submit button without entering anything in textbox , am getting null pointer exception . Can you please help us on it ? Thanks, Kumar -- View this message in context: Sent from the Users forum mailing list archive at - To unsubscribe, e-mail: For additional commands, e-mail:
Re: how to disable the table while it is empty in wicket
Hi Martin, My Issue got resolved. I have used the empty list . Thanks, Kumar -- View this message in context: Sent from the Users forum mailing list archive at - To unsubscribe, e-mail: For additional commands, e-mail:
Re: how to disable the table while it is empty in wicket
Martin, I understand we use the empty list.Kindly give me some example code to achieve this. Am trying this for a long time , still struggling. Please share some simple example on this. Thanks, Kumar -- View this message in context: Sent from the Users forum mailing list archive at - To unsubscribe, e-mail: For additional commands, e-mail:
Re: how to disable the table while it is empty in wicket
Hi Martin, I have added that code in the dataview as below. dataView = new DataView>("AssignmentList", new ListDataProvider(assignments)) { public void onConfigure() { *super.onConfigure();* *//am getting error here* setVisible(getDataProvider().size() > 1); } public void populateItem(Item> item) { . } }; Also in the above code in the thread above , i have add a assignmentdb object with empty values before form submit code, so it is loaded a table with empty row. while onsubmit i have removed the list values and populate the table with new values. I believe I should not add the empty values first.How to correct this ,i have done this because wicket says labels,dataview Ids are not defined,dataview should not be null am not aware of how to handle the null values. please advice and help me. code snap: assignments.add(new AssignmentDB()); dataView = new DataView>("AssignmentList", new ListDataProvider(assignments)) { public void populateItem(Item> item) { final AssignmentDB assign = (AssignmentDB) item.getModelObject(); item.add(new Label("AOmemberId", assign.getMemberId())); item.add(new Label("AOlossId", assign.getLossId())); }}; -- View this message in context: Sent from the Users forum mailing list archive at - To unsubscribe, e-mail: For additional commands, e-mail:
how to disable the table while it is empty in wicket
Hi Friends, Finally i have created a program to display table with links with guidance of you all.I have the below program which displays the data in a table format.While the page loads initially an empty table will be shown , once the submit button is pressed the data is populated in the table.I would like to disable the empty table while the page loads initially. I am not aware of ajax, also i have tried dataview.setenabled(false), it did not work.Please help me. Code: public class HomePage extends WebPage { ArrayList assignments = new ArrayList(); DataView> dataView ; private String memberNumber,lossNumber; public HomePage(){ PropertyModel memberIdModel=new PropertyModel(this,"memberNumber"); PropertyModel lossIdModel=new PropertyModel(this,"lossNumber"); TextField memberIdField = new TextField("memberId",memberIdModel); TextField lossIdField = new TextField("lossId",lossIdModel); assignments.add(new AssignmentDB()); dataView = new DataView>("AssignmentList", new ListDataProvider(assignments)) { public void populateItem(Item> item) { final AssignmentDB assign = (AssignmentDB) item.getModelObject(); item.add(new Label("AOmemberId", assign.getMemberId())); item.add(new Label("AOlossId", assign.getLossId())); Link link1 = new Link("AssignmentIdLink"){ public void onClick() { System.out.println("Linkclicked"+ assign.getMemberId() + " " + assign.getLossId() ); //this.setResponsePage(new Output() ); //System.out.println("Linkclicked" ); }//populateitem };//dataview item.add(link1); link1.add(new Label("AOassignmentId", assign.getAssignmentId())); item.add(new Label("AOdol", assign.getDOL())); } }; dataView.setEnabled(true); Form form=new Form("form1"){ public void onSubmit(){ assignments.clear(); assignments.add(new AssignmentDB("1234","001","1357","10/12/1067")); assignments.add(new AssignmentDB("1234","003","1357","10/12/1067")); dataView.setEnabled(true); dataView = new DataView>("AssignmentList", new ListDataProvider(assignments)) { public void populateItem(Item> item) { final AssignmentDB assign = (AssignmentDB) item.getModelObject(); item.add(new Label("AOmemberId", assign.getMemberId())); item.add(new Label("AOlossId", assign.getLossId())); Link link1 = new Link("AssignmentIdLink"){ public void onClick(){ System.out.println("Linkclicked"+ assign.getMemberId() + " " + assign.getLossId() ); } }; item.add(link1); link1.add(new Label("AOassignmentId", assign.getAssignmentId()); item.add(new Label("AOdol", assign.getDOL())); } }; }//form submit };//form form.add(dataView); dataView.setEnabled(false); form.add(memberIdField); form.add(lossIdField); add(form); }//constructor public void setMemberNumber(String x){ this.memberNumber=x; } public void setLossNumber(String x){ this.lossNumber=x; } public String getMemberNumber(){ return this.memberNumber; } public String getLossNumber(){ return this.lossNumber; } }//class HTML FILE:";> EstimateSearcher Member Number Loss Number MemberNo LossNo AssignmentNo dol <#> [Address] -- View this message in context: Sent from the Users forum mailing list archive at - To unsubscribe, e-mail: For additional commands, e-mail:
Re: Dataview help
Hi Martin,I have used the link code as you have suggested as below and getting the error at setBody(Model.of(person.getId()))* The method setBody(Model) is undefined for the type new Link(){} *.Code used:repeatingView.add(new Link(repeatingView.newChildId()) { public void onClick() { setResponsePage(new Output()); } }.setBody(Model.of(person.getId(;item.add(repeatingView);So i have altered the code as below ,removed the .setbody part. But inoutput am unable to get the link in Id column ofoutput.code altered:repeatingView.add(new Link(repeatingView.newChildId()) { public void onClick() { setResponsePage(new Output()); } });item.add(repeatingView);O/p Got:Name IdSamRamNo values displayed in id column as above. Please help me. -- View this message in context: Sent from the Users forum mailing list archive at - To unsubscribe, e-mail: For additional commands, e-mail:
Link in repeaters
Hi Friends , I have successfully generated the view using repeaters using the following code. HTML: NameId public HelloWorld(){ List list = new ArrayList(); list.add(new Persons("sam","one")); list.add(new Persons("ram","two")); ListDataProvider listDataProvider = new ListDataProvider(list); DataView dataView = new DataView("rows", listDataProvider) { @Override protected void populateItem(Item item) { Persons person = item.getModelObject(); RepeatingView repeatingView = new RepeatingView("dataRow"); repeatingView.add(new Label(repeatingView.newChildId(), person.getName())); repeatingView.add(new Label( repeatingView.newChildId(),person.getId())); item.add(repeatingView); } }; add(dataView); } Ouput I got : Name Id sam one(not link) ram two(not link) Now I have tried to display the above ouput as below with link Name Id sam one(link) ram two(link) For this ouput i have altered the code in as below DataView dataView = new DataView("rows", listDataProvider){ protected void populateItem(Item item){ Persons person = item.getModelObject(); RepeatingView repeatingView = new RepeatingView("dataRow"); repeatingView.add(new Label(repeatingView.newChildId(), person.getName())); repeatingView.add(new Link(person.getId()){ public void onClick(){ setResponsePage(Output.class); } }); item.add(repeatingView); } }; add(dataView);}} Output I got for the above code change is Name Id sam ram No Id value is displayed. I need your help on making code changes to display the id as link. Kindly help me what are the things i need to update. Thanks, Kumar -- View this message in context: Sent from the Users forum mailing list archive at - To unsubscribe, e-mail: For additional commands, e-mail:
Re: Dataview help
Hi Paul, Thanks So much i have succesfully displayed the data in table using repeating view.The code is shown below. package; import org.apache.wicket.Page; import org.apache.wicket.protocol.http.WebApplication; import; public class HelloWorldApplication extends WebApplication { @Override public Class getHomePage() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return HelloWorld.class; } } package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.WebPage; import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.basic.Label; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.basic.Label; import; import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.navigation.paging.PagingNavigator; import org.apache.wicket.markup.repeater.Item; import org.apache.wicket.markup.repeater.RepeatingView; import; import; import org.apache.wicket.model.IModel; import org.apache.wicket.model.Model; public class HelloWorld extends WebPage { public HelloWorld(){ List list = new ArrayList(); list.add(new Persons("sam","one")); list.add(new Persons("ram","two")); ListDataProvider listDataProvider = new ListDataProvider(list); DataView dataView = new DataView("rows", listDataProvider){ protected void populateItem(Item item){ Persons person = item.getModelObject(); RepeatingView repeatingView = new RepeatingView("dataRow"); repeatingView.add(new Label(repeatingView.newChildId(), person.getName())); repeatingView.add(new Label( repeatingView.newChildId(),person.getId())); item.add(repeatingView); } }; add(dataView);}} HelloWorld.html"; xmlns:wicket="";> NameId package; import; public class Persons implements Serializable{ String name; String id; public Persons(String name,String id){;; } public void setId(String id){; } public String getId(){ return; } public void setName(String name){; } public String getName(){ return; } } O/P: Name Id sam one ram two In the above i have displayed the id a s lable. I want ot show it as link using the following change in the code of public class HelloWorld extends WebPage { public HelloWorld(){ List list = new ArrayList(); list.add(new Persons("sam","one")); list.add(new Persons("ram","two")); ListDataProvider listDataProvider = new ListDataProvider(list); DataView dataView = new DataView("rows", listDataProvider){ protected void populateItem(Item item){ Persons person = item.getModelObject(); RepeatingView repeatingView = new RepeatingView("dataRow"); repeatingView.add(new Label(repeatingView.newChildId(), person.getName())); repeatingView.add(new Label( repeatingView.newChildId(),person.getId()){ public void onClick(){ setResponsePage(Output.class); } }); item.add(repeatingView); } }; add(dataView);}} no link/data in the Id column displayed. Please help.How toget the link over there. O/P: Name Id Sam Ram Thanks, Kumar On 6/9/14, Paul Bors [via Apache Wicket] wrote: > > > Have you tried one of the Repeaters from: > > > Direct link: > > > They are also explained in the Wicket Free Guide at: > > > Let us know if you have a more specific question. > > > On Fri, Jun 6, 2014 at 9:29 AM, kumar ramanathan > wrote: > >> Hi Friends, >> I am new beginner of wicket and trying to implement the table as below >> using >> data view. >> >> name id >> sam 21(link) >> ram 16(link) >> >> once i click the id it show the sam/ram details in next page. I have >> tried >> many ways to implement it using simple data view , but not able to do. >> Hoping you for help on this. >> I have tried cwiki examples, wicket library examples but those are very >> long >> to understand.Can you please share a simple project similar to my >>
Dataview help
Hi Friends, I am new beginner of wicket and trying to implement the table as below using data view. name id sam 21(link) ram 16(link) once i click the id it show the sam/ram details in next page. I have tried many ways to implement it using simple data view , but not able to do. Hoping you for help on this. I have tried cwiki examples, wicket library examples but those are very long to understand.Can you please share a simple project similar to my requirement above. Please help me, am struggling for nearly three months on this. Thanks, Kumar -- View this message in context: Sent from the Users forum mailing list archive at - To unsubscribe, e-mail: For additional commands, e-mail:
Re: Errors in data view , req for help to fix the error in code
Hi Friends, Please any help on how we can separate the data view code and populate the Provider value on submit the form . public class DemoHomePage extends WebPage { public ListDataProvider listDataProvider; List list = new ArrayList(); public DemoHomePage () { Form form=new Form("homePageForm"){ public void submit(){ list.add(new DemoBean("1","ram")); list.add(new DemoBean("2","sam")); listDataProvider = new ListDataProvider(list); DataView dataView = new DataView("row",listDataProvider){ private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; protected void populateItem(Item item){ DemoBean bean=item.getModelObject(); RepeatingView repeatingView = new RepeatingView("dataRow"); repeatingView.add(new Label(repeatingView.newChildId(), bean.getId())); repeatingView.add(new Label(repeatingView.newChildId(), bean.getName())); item.add(repeatingView); } }; add(dataView); } }; // add(form); } * the error am getting is "unable to find wicket Id : row " * Thanks, Kumar Ramanathan -- View this message in context: Sent from the Users forum mailing list archive at - To unsubscribe, e-mail: For additional commands, e-mail:
Re: Errors in data view , req for help to fix the error in code
Martin, I tried in the same way as before , again wicket id not referred error comes.Please help me to correct my code below. public class DemoHomePage extends WebPage { public ListDataProvider listDataProvider; List list = new ArrayList(); public DemoHomePage () { Form form=new Form("homePageForm"){ public void submit(){ list.add(new DemoBean("1","ram")); list.add(new DemoBean("2","sam")); listDataProvider = new ListDataProvider(list); DataView dataView = new DataView("row",listDataProvider){ private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; protected void populateItem(Item item){ DemoBean bean=item.getModelObject(); RepeatingView repeatingView = new RepeatingView("dataRow"); repeatingView.add(new Label(repeatingView.newChildId(), bean.getId())); repeatingView.add(new Label(repeatingView.newChildId(), bean.getName())); item.add(repeatingView); } }; add(dataView); } }; // add(form); } -- View this message in context: Sent from the Users forum mailing list archive at - To unsubscribe, e-mail: For additional commands, e-mail:
Re: Errors in data view , req for help to fix the error in code
Martin,I have tried to put the data view code out side the submit method ,it throwed the below argument [dataProvider] cannot be null at at you please tell how to put the data view code in the form while constructing itself . If possible please give some example. -- View this message in context: Sent from the Users forum mailing list archive at - To unsubscribe, e-mail: For additional commands, e-mail:
Re: Errors in data view , req for help to fix the error in code
Apologize Martin.Please tell how to fix my problem. Code snap is below for your reference,kindly help on what needs to modified in that. public DemoHomePage () { Form form=new Form("homePageForm"){ public void submit(){ List list = new ArrayList(); list.add(new DemoBean("1","ram")); list.add(new DemoBean("2","sam")); ListDataProvider listDataProvider = new ListDataProvider(list); DataView dataView = new DataView("row",listDataProvider){ /** * */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; protected void populateItem(Item item){ DemoBean bean=item.getModelObject(); RepeatingView repeatingView = new RepeatingView("dataRow"); repeatingView.add(new Label(repeatingView.newChildId(), bean.getId())); repeatingView.add(new Label(repeatingView.newChildId(), bean.getName())); item.add(repeatingView); } }; add(dataView); } }; add(form); } Html page: Id Name -- View this message in context: Sent from the Users forum mailing list archive at - To unsubscribe, e-mail: For additional commands, e-mail:
Re: Errors in data view , req for help to fix the error in code
Yes Martin,I Understand the problem is the row (wicket:id) is not properly referred in the java. but I have referred inside the submit method in dataview component . The data view scope is not accessible. It throwed the error. While using inside submit method , how we could make the scope accessible and resolve this problem. -- View this message in context: Sent from the Users forum mailing list archive at - To unsubscribe, e-mail: For additional commands, e-mail:
Re: Errors in data view , req for help to fix the error in code
Thanks Martin.I did not import the label . Now that issue resolved. Now am facing issue in the run time. package com.demo.pages; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.WebPage; import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.form.*; import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.list.*; import org.apache.wicket.markup.repeater.Item; import org.apache.wicket.markup.repeater.RepeatingView; import; import; import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.basic.Label; public class DemoHomePage extends WebPage { public DemoHomePage () { Form form=new Form("homePageForm"){ public void submit(){ List list = new ArrayList(); list.add(new DemoBean("1","ram")); list.add(new DemoBean("2","sam")); ListDataProvider listDataProvider = new ListDataProvider(list); final DataView dataView = new DataView("row",listDataProvider){ /** * */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; protected void populateItem(Item item){ DemoBean bean=item.getModelObject(); RepeatingView repeatingView = new RepeatingView("dataRow"); repeatingView.add(new Label(repeatingView.newChildId(), bean.getId())); repeatingView.add(new Label(repeatingView.newChildId(), bean.getName())); item.add(repeatingView); } }; add(dataView); } }; add(form); } } *Html:* Id Name Run time error is below: WicketMessage: Unable to find component with id 'row' in [Page class = com.demo.pages.DemoHomePage, id = 4, version = 0]. This means that you declared wicket:id=row in your markup, but that you either did not add the component to your page at all, or that the hierarchy does not match. [markup = file:/home/kumar/Documents/javaapplications/Eclipse_Workspace/.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.wst.server.core/tmp0/wtpwebapps/demo/WEB-INF/classes/com/demo/pages/DemoHomePage.html Id Name , index = 8, current = ' ' (line 11, column 1)] Root cause: org.apache.wicket.markup.MarkupException: Unable to find component with id 'row' in [Page class = com.demo.pages.DemoHomePage, id = 4, version = 0]. This means that you declared wicket:id=row in your markup, but that you either did not add the component to your page at all, or that the hierarchy does not match. [markup = file:/home/kumar/Documents/javaapplications/Eclipse_Workspace/.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.wst.server.core/tmp0/wtpwebapps/demo/WEB-INF/classes/com/demo/pages/DemoHomePage.html I have used row in the submit method , but the wicket is not able to find since Dataview scope is not exist outside submit method. How could we resolve this problem, please help me. -- View this message in context: Sent from the Users forum mailing list archive at - To unsubscribe, e-mail: For additional commands, e-mail:
Re: Errors in data view , req for help to fix the error in code
a. The method add(Component...) in the type MarkupContainer is not applicable for the arguments (Label) b. The constructor Label(String, String) is undefined these are the two errors.please help. -- View this message in context: Sent from the Users forum mailing list archive at - To unsubscribe, e-mail: For additional commands, e-mail:
Re: Errors in data view , req for help to fix the error in code
Thanks, The serializable error resolved once it has been implemented. I have the error in the below add component still(which is in bold font).Please help me on this. repeatingView*.add(n*ew Label(repeatingView.newChildId(), bean.getId())); repeatingView.add(new Label(repeatingView.newChildId(),* bean.getName()));* -- View this message in context: Sent from the Users forum mailing list archive at - To unsubscribe, e-mail: For additional commands, e-mail:
Errors in data view , req for help to fix the error in code
Hi Friends , Am trying to execute a wicket program to accomplish the below task, a. a submit button is in place in a form b. when I click that i have to show the ouput in data view of the same page My codes are below and need your help to fix the erros and get the ouput ** package com.demo.application; import org.apache.wicket.Page; import org.apache.wicket.protocol.http.WebApplication; import com.demo.pages.*; public class DemoApplication extends WebApplication { @Override public Class getHomePage() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return DemoHomePage.class; } } DemoHomePage.html: Id Name package com.demo.pages; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.WebPage; import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.form.*; import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.list.*; import org.apache.wicket.markup.repeater.Item; import org.apache.wicket.markup.repeater.RepeatingView; import; import; import; public class DemoHomePage extends WebPage { public DemoHomePage () { Form form=new Form("homePageForm"){ public void submit(){ List list = new ArrayList(); list.add(new DemoBean("1","ram")); list.add(new DemoBean("2","sam")); ListDataProvider listDataProvider = new ListDataProvider(list); DataView dataView = new DataView("row",listDataProvider){ protected void populateItem(Item item){ DemoBean bean=item.getModelObject(); RepeatingView repeatingView = new RepeatingView("dataRow"); repeatingView.add(new Label(repeatingView.newChildId().bean.getId())); repeatingView.add(new Label(repeatingView.newChildId().bean.getName())); item.add(repeatingView); } }; add(dataView); } }; } } Am getting the below error in the highlighted red area ListDataProvider and repeatingView.add.(.) Error: Bound mismatch: The type DemoBean is not a valid substitute for the bounded parameter of the type ListDataProvider The method add(Component...) in the type MarkupContainer is not applicable for the arguments (Label) package com.demo.pages; public class DemoBean { public String id; public String name; public DemoBean(String id,String name) {;; } public String getId(){ return; } public void setId(String id){; } public String getName(){ return; } public void setName(String name){; } } -- View this message in context: Sent from the Users forum mailing list archive at - To unsubscribe, e-mail: For additional commands, e-mail:
Re: Hard time with repeaters
Thanks Lucio. I have tried the example repeaters in wicket library site. In that if we try to open a source code for simple data view , many classes and files are coming , i am not able to try it in my desktop. Can you please tell how we can do it. Also am in need of examples which explains the wicket concept very basically , in books wicket in action and all am not able to get the codes to try it in my machine. please help me. Regards, Kumar -- View this message in context: Sent from the Users forum mailing list archive at - To unsubscribe, e-mail: For additional commands, e-mail:
Hard time with repeaters
Hi Friends, Am a very basic beginner of programming and wicket frame work.I have the below requirement to study a simple flow of wicket. a. A home page will have the two text boxes and a submit button b.Once i Submit the values , the output has to shown in table below Name Age Country Id Sam 21India 12 Ram 22USA 15 I have tried many different ways like list view , data view on submit method , but no +ve output. Also am trying to study the wicket in action book , cook book, online wicket guide , but not able to find a simple example for a beginner to learn how the flow works. Also I would like to know where to get the complete codes of examples discussed in the above books to practically try it in home. Please any one help me on the above requirement and also advice the how we can understand the wicket concepts easily. Thanks, Kumar Ramanathan -- View this message in context: Sent from the Users forum mailing list archive at - To unsubscribe, e-mail: For additional commands, e-mail:
Issue while running wicket from tomcat
Hi Friends, Am facing issues in running wicket from Tomcat.Please find the information below. a. I have created three files , ,HelloWorld.html with in the package HelloWorld. b. I am using Tomcat server to run my first wicket. c.As usual I have placed class files inside the classes folder (/WEB-INF/Classes/HelloWorld/) (HelloWorld.class ,HelloWorldApplication.class) d.Then copied the html file in ROOT directory. e.Started the tomcat server f.If i launch https://localhost:8080/HelloWorld.html nothing comes up. Then tried https://localhost:8080/HelloWorld/ the system says 404 error. I need your help how to run our application from tomcat . Please help to run my first wicket application. Thanks, Kumar Ramanathan -- View this message in context: Sent from the Users forum mailing list archive at - To unsubscribe, e-mail: For additional commands, e-mail: