How to veto textfield inputChanged()?

2012-10-11 Thread l yeung

How do I veto textfield inputChanged()?
I need to prevent this from happening inside

protected void onUpdate(AjaxRequestTarget target) {
String name = getModelObject().getName();
if (query(name) == null) {
// veto value change for this field.
} else {
// refresh form

I would like to prevent any value change propagated to my domain object
while inside ajax onchange.

Thanks in advance.


Re: is down

2010-04-14 Thread l yeung
I wasn't able to access the wiki pages since sunday. I had to look at google
cached pages instead

On Apr 15, 2010 8:27 AM, "Carl Sziebert"  wrote:

Any updates on when the reference site will be available again?

On Sat, Apr 10, 2010 at 11:02 AM, Brian Topping 
wrote: > Yes, I saw that to...

How to pass object as parameter to popup window

2010-04-11 Thread l yeung
Hi All,

I'm fairly new to Wicket, so forgive me if my question sound silly.

I've implemented a preview window by using bookmarkable page link and  popup
settings, very similar to "Linkomatic" from wicket examples:

PopupSettings popupSettings = new
add(new BookmarkablePageLink("popupLink",

However, the issue that I face is that I need to pass an object as parameter
to MyPage, as this object is a class containing validated input values from
UI but not been persisted
 to db.

What would be the best way to implement this?



Best way to test clickLink on a bookmarkable page link in ListView

2010-04-03 Thread l yeung

What would be the best way to test clickLink on a bookmarkabel page link
added into ListView? How should I construct URL for assertPageLink,
clickLink and assertLabel methods?

Test code:
tester.assertComponent("userLinks", ListView.class);
tester.assertListView("userLinks", new
// tester.assertPageLink(???, UserMainPage.class);
// tester.clickLink(???)
// tester.assertLabel(???, "name1");

Page source:
Collection users = userService.findAllUsers();
ListView listView = new ListView("userLinks", new
ArrayList(users)) {
protected void populateItem(ListItem listItem) {
User user = listItem.getModelObject();
String username = user.getUserName();
String name = user.getName();
PageParameters pageParameters = new PageParameters();
listItem.add(new BookmarkablePageLink("link",
UserMainPage.class, pageParameters).add(
new Label("nameLabel", name)));

Thanks in advance.
