Re: Wicket Application Design Question

2013-03-21 Thread xe0nre
Thanks for your answers .At this point we are using wicket 1.5.9 but plan a
switch to wicket 6.Maybe we well use resource bundling to improve

Thanks again

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Wicket Application Design Question

2013-03-20 Thread xe0nre

At my current place of employment we are using wicket for quite some time
and I believe that we are comfortable with it..but this days I had a
discussion with a colleague about the javascript files that we write for our
components.We could not agree and I think that we can find the answer on
wicket forum.So here it goes:
 I believe that because wicket is a component-based web framework the
javascript code that only applies to one component should be only loaded
when that component is being used.We have a global js file where I believe
that  we can keep javascript code that can be applied in multiple places
like validation behavior for textfields.This way we also support component
 My colleague believes that we should only use the global js file and place
all our javascript code there.One argument witch i believe is true is that
one js file loads faster that multiple js files - but i think that this is
true  only when you load all the js code in that multiple files.I think that
if you only load what you need it cannot impact the page load time.
 To give you a example of our problem: We have a component that handles file
upload witch is only used in one place in the entire application. I think
that the js code that handles validation for this component should only be
used when the component is used.I see no reason the load the js code it the
entire applications if it is only used on one page.
 Any opinions are appreciated.

TL;DR: Should javascript code that is only used on one component/panel be
placed on a js file that is loaded only when component/panel is used or on a
global js file that in loaded on every page.

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Select2 - Wicket 1.4.18

2012-12-26 Thread xe0nre

I have a quick question about the Select2 component created by Igor.I tried
to integrated it in my project (witch uses wicket 1.4.18) and could not do
it...just received errors. When i tried it with wicket 1.5 i had no problem.

So my question is: Can the select2 component be integrated in wicket 1.4.18?


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Re: Select2 - Wicket 1.4.18

2012-12-26 Thread xe0nre at this point only wicket 1.5 and 6 are supported ?

Oh...and that Igor for this component :) Nice work

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TextField custom inmplementation of fieldError

2012-08-23 Thread xe0nre

I am currently using some textFields that have some sort of validation ,
witch works just fineThe moment one field is not valid the border of the
text field turns red (default behaviour.) . Now i want to create a custom
component that extends textField that will implement a custom behaviour for
this situation (ex: show an error sign next to the field).

Can you please give me some hints how can this be done?

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Re: Wicket checkbox problem

2012-06-18 Thread xe0nre
Thanks for your reply.I used AjaxCheckBox witch does the job very well.

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Wicket checkbox problem

2012-06-17 Thread xe0nre
Hi ,

I have problem getting the value from a check box.
I have something like this:

check = new CheckBox(check, Model.of(Boolean.TRUE));

AjaxLink link = new AjaxLink(link)
public void onClick(AjaxRequestTarget target)
 Boolean x = check.getModelObject();

The problem is that the check.getModelObject() returns true even if the
checkbox is unchecked.
I have tried adding check.modelChanged() method. Nothing changed.

Any suggestions ?Thx

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Re: Add or removed FileUploadFields dynamically

2012-05-19 Thread xe0nre
Tried to use the code from the example.All looked great but now i am facing a
new problem.When i try to get the file from the FileUploadField it returns
null .I made sure that there is a file.I even tried with TextField...still
null. I think that. Is there a action that i need to call on the
RepeatingView to be able to get the new data from its children?

I am open to any new ideas.


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Add or removed FileUploadFields dynamically

2012-05-15 Thread xe0nre

I have a really big problem with FileUploadFields. I am trying to create a
panel that  uses a ListView . Each row contains a  Label, a FileUploadField
and two AjaxSubmitLinks styled as plus and minus buttons.
The purpose of this panel is very simple:
*Initialise the panel with a certain number of rows.(constructor)
*Use the plus and minus buttons to add or remove rows.

The ListView is added to a MarkupContainer so it could be refreshed .

My problem is that whenever I try to add or remove a row i have to add the
MarkupContainer to the target.This means every row will be refreshed.Every
FileUploadField is regenerated but looses the model.

Is there any solution to this problem?


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