Re: 1.5 Printing Markup

2011-12-05 Thread Martin Grigorov
Use org.apache.wicket.util.tester.BaseWicketTester.getLastResponseAsString()

The difference is in #getLastResponse() vs. getResponse() (for the
next request/response)

On Mon, Dec 5, 2011 at 6:11 PM, Ben Tilford  wrote:
> Has something changed where WicketTester.getResponse().getDocument() no
> longer contains the generated markup? I'm getting empty strings for any
> component started through the tester. Stepping through with the debugger it
> does resolve the associated markup correctly it just never gets added to
> the response/document.

Martin Grigorov
Training, Consulting, Development

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1.5 Printing Markup

2011-12-05 Thread Ben Tilford
Has something changed where WicketTester.getResponse().getDocument() no
longer contains the generated markup? I'm getting empty strings for any
component started through the tester. Stepping through with the debugger it
does resolve the associated markup correctly it just never gets added to
the response/document.