Hi all Wicket users,

I've ran into a "feature" where I can't stop validation without a crash, or I 
have to remove my converter.
I have some kind of wizard, and with option that where ever you click, data 
will be tried to save. This means: all links are submitlinks, and if possible, 
save the new value in the form model before navigation. If you choose to go 
back a step, validation is not needed. (of course one step further I need 
This works nice, except if the form contains errors. You can stop this by 
calling "Session.get().cleanupFeedbackMessages();". Now the feedback is gone 
and navigation will continue.
But when I have a number field type Integer, and fill in 12314567890123456789 
(too big, I know), I get a crash because of the ConversionException, created by 
the IntegerConverter on setObject of my number field. I'd like to have this 
field left un-updated, but whatever I try (e.g. catch the exception on 
setObject(..))... ór I get a crash on going back in the wizard, ór in some way 
my validation is not going well when wanting to continue the wizard.

I'd like to achieve: when you go back some steps: save what we can save, no 
blocking validation or uncaught exception; and when continuing the wizard: 
normal Wicket behavior.

Do you know these issues, which you said '2 hours work', and after a day still 
it's no good? ;(

Use: Wicket 1.5.6

Best regards,
Jeroen v. Dijk

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