NM, looks like I had a bad tag in the html.


On Jul 25, 2008, at 2:42 PM, David Nedrow wrote:

I have the following setup...


In the form, I've defined...

final FeedbackPanel feedback = new FeedbackPanel("createuserfeedback");

This feedback panel is to be used to provide corrective guidance to users for field entry via a custom Validator.

The HTML for the Panel containing the form is pretty simple...

                <span wicket:id="createuserfeedback"/>

However, when I run the app, I received the following error...

WicketMessage: Unable to find component with id 'createuserfeedback' in [MarkupContainer [Component id = content, page = com.vzbi.ncs.argfrp.webapp.FilterRequest.web.pages.TabbedPanelPage, path = 2:tabs:panel:modalwindow:content.UserCreateModalWindow$1, isVisible = true, isVersioned = false]]. This means that you declared wicket:id=createuserfeedback in your markup, but that you either did not add the component to your page at all, or that the hierarchy does not match. [markup = file:/Users/dnedrow/Developer/NetBeansProjects/ArgfrpEE/ dist/gfdeploy/FilterRequest_war/WEB-INF/classes/com/vzbi/ncs/argfrp/ webapp/FilterRequest/web/panels/UserCreatePanel.html
<form name="form">
<span wicket:id="createuserfeedback"></span>
, index = 2, current = '<div wicket:id="createuserfeedback">' (line 3, column 9)]

The target in the HTML matches the component id in the java file, so I'm guessing there is a hierarchy problem?

Any ideas?


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