I was writing an original reply, using "I think I have something
conceptually wrong", when it hit my mind:

One of the components (the login/logout box) has this:

        final EsscAuthSession sess = (EsscAuthSession)getSession();

and the onClick() was like

            add( new Link("logoutLink") {
                    @Override public void onClick() {

I.e. using the old request's session in onClick()'s request.
It's a bit leaky abstraction, as I got used not to think much about
requests, but in this case I had to realize.
So now it's

            add( new Link("logoutLink") {
                    @Override public void onClick() {

Maybe it should be stressed in the wicket examples to call getSession()
to warn beginners.

Thanks for replies.

On Thu, 2012-09-27 at 10:34 +0300, Martin Grigorov wrote:

> Hi,
> You need to use Session#invalidate() actually.
> #invalidate() schedules a call to #invalidateNow() at the end of the
> request cycle.
> By using #invalidateNow() you invalidate the current http session and
> right after this your app creates a new Session because it needs to
> finish the request cycle and the new one is what you see later. You
> can print the hashcodes to see whether I'm right.
> On Thu, Sep 27, 2012 at 9:04 AM, Ondrej Zizka <> wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > i am trying to implement a simple authentization.
> >
> > I've basically copied what's in the auth example #2 in wicket examples,
> > and have a Logout button:
> >
> >             add( new Link("logoutLink") {
> >                     @Override public void onClick() {
> >                         sess.invalidateNow();
> >                         setResponsePage( HomePage.class );
> >                     }
> >                 }
> >                 .add( new Label("label", "Logout " +
> > sess.getUser().getName()) )
> >
> > Which, when clicked, is performed, but in the second request, the User
> > object, which set to null in my overriden signOut(), is back in my
> > session object. Not sure if the same obj, but the same values.
> >
> > What could be wrong?
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Ondra

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