Thanks to McIlwee, Craig.
My english is poor.
Sorry,my name is Jack he.I got a mistake in my first question.
I regret that wicket-list refused my account and I just want
to ask questions about wicket.

2009/11/13 McIlwee, Craig <>
Allow me to translate:
He tries auto complete example locally (under tomcat in windows) but isn't
presented with any auto complete suggestions.

 The example works for him online.
(I think... took a few reads)

  2009/11/11 hxysun <>
  > hi,
  > I have a question:I run wicket-examples-1.4.3 in tomcat 6.0.20 windows
  > sys,findig Auto-Complete TestField Example not enable,no down-list
  > automaticly.but
  > is ok.I downloaded exampes of
  > version running on my pc,it is same.So,I think maybe it lost datas in my
  > pc.Who can help me?
  > Thinks!
  > Java He.
  > 11-11 2009

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