Re: regarding wicketstuff push

2011-06-24 Thread vineet semwal
Hey seb ,

thanks for the quick fix !

On Fri, Jun 24, 2011 at 5:01 AM, Sebastian  wrote:
> hi vineet,
> you are right. this is probably a left over from the refactoring we did. I
> just fixed it on github.
> regards,
> seb
> On 23.06.2011 22:58, vineet semwal wrote:
>> hellos !
>> i was just looking at wicketstuff push and i saw a lot of changes in
>> api and other improvements are done ,thanks for all that ! :)
>> as very new to the new push, could not understand the below channel
>> creation call..
>>  public  IPushChannel  createChannel(final
>> EventType event,        final String label)
>> why does a new channel creation needs event ?
>> i have also looked at the code i noticed "event" is just not used in
>> the channel creation method in AbstractPushService :|
>> i think method declaration can be improved or may be i am missing
>> something ??
> -
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thank you,

Vineet Semwal

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Re: regarding wicketstuff push

2011-06-23 Thread Sebastian

hi vineet,

you are right. this is probably a left over from the refactoring we did. 
I just fixed it on github.



On 23.06.2011 22:58, vineet semwal wrote:

hellos !

i was just looking at wicketstuff push and i saw a lot of changes in
api and other improvements are done ,thanks for all that ! :)
as very new to the new push, could not understand the below channel
creation call..

  public  IPushChannel  createChannel(final
EventType event,final String label)

why does a new channel creation needs event ?

i have also looked at the code i noticed "event" is just not used in
the channel creation method in AbstractPushService :|

i think method declaration can be improved or may be i am missing something ??

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regarding wicketstuff push

2011-06-23 Thread vineet semwal
hellos !

i was just looking at wicketstuff push and i saw a lot of changes in
api and other improvements are done ,thanks for all that ! :)
as very new to the new push, could not understand the below channel
creation call..

 public  IPushChannel createChannel(final
EventType event,final String label)

why does a new channel creation needs event ?

i have also looked at the code i noticed "event" is just not used in
the channel creation method in AbstractPushService :|

i think method declaration can be improved or may be i am missing something ??

thank you,

Vineet Semwal

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