Re: 回复:RE: 配置RBD作为主存储时,迁移出现 若干问题

2013-10-24 文章 Gavin Lee
4.2上支持的比较好,可以看下这部分相关的Release Notes:

Snaphotting, Backups, Cloning and System VMs for RBD Primary Storage

These new RBD features require at least librbd 0.61.7 (Cuttlefish) and
libvirt 0.9.14 on the KVM hypervisors.
This release of CloudStack will leverage the features of RBD format 2. This
allows snapshotting and backing up those snapshots.
Backups of snapshots to Secondary Storage are full copies of the RBD
snapshot, they are not RBD diffs. This because when restoring a backup of a
snapshot it is not mandatory that this backup is deployed on RBD again, it
could also be a NFS Primary Storage.
Another key feature of RBD format 2 is cloning. With this release templates
will be copied to Primary Storage once and by using the cloning mechanism
new disks will be cloned from this parent template. This saves space and
decreases deployment time for instances dramatically.
Before this release, a NFS Primary Storage was still required for running
the System VMs from. The reason was a so called 'patch disk' that was
generated by the hypervisor which contained metadata for the System VM. The
scripts generating this disk didn't support RBD and thus System VMs had to
be deployed from NFS. With 4.2 instead of the patch disk a VirtIO serial
console is used to pass meta information to System VMs. This enabled the
deployment of System VMs on RBD Primary Storage.

2013/10/23 WXR <>

> 支持的吧,在4.1和4.2上都配置能运行虚拟机的。
> 原来我在4.1上测试的有问题,现在改用4.2,ceph也比原来版本新一点,现在这个问题好像已经不出现了。
> -- 原始邮件 --
> 发件人: "王耀锋";;
> 发送时间: 2013年10月22日(星期二) 下午4:15
> 收件人: "";
> 主题: RE: 配置RBD作为主存储时,迁移出现 若干问题
> cloudstack4.1 主存储还像不支持ceph?
> > From:
> > To:
> > Subject: 配置RBD作为主存储时,迁移出现若干问题
> > Date: Wed, 16 Oct 2013 10:19:45 +0800
> >
> > 环境如下:
> > cloudstack4.1.0
> > hypervisor是kvm,qemu-kvm版本1,2.0(手动编译),libvirt版本1.1.2(手动编译)
> > ceph版本0.67.3(yum安装)
> >
> > 遇到的问题如下:
> > 1.运行在rbd主存储上的windows 2003虚拟机关闭后,迁移到另外一个rbd主存储,有时候能成功,有时候虚拟机引导不了;
> > 2003虚拟机关闭后,从nfs主存储迁移到rbd主存储或者从rbd 主存储迁移到nfs主存储,都出现找不到引导设备的情况;
> > 3.linux虚拟机在nfs和rbd之间迁移或者两个rbd存储之间迁移都会出现找不到引导设备的情况;
> > 4.linux虚拟机在主机之间迁移后,内核会崩溃,重启虚拟机后正常;
> > 5.windows虚拟机在主机之间迁移后会出现蓝屏现象,代码是0x077,关闭此虚拟机后重新打开正常


RE: 配置RBD作为主存储时,迁移出现若干问题

2013-10-22 文章 王耀锋
cloudstack4.1 主存储还像不支持ceph?

> From:
> To:
> Subject: 配置RBD作为主存储时,迁移出现若干问题
> Date: Wed, 16 Oct 2013 10:19:45 +0800
> 环境如下:
> cloudstack4.1.0
> hypervisor是kvm,qemu-kvm版本1,2.0(手动编译),libvirt版本1.1.2(手动编译)
> ceph版本0.67.3(yum安装)
> 遇到的问题如下:
> 1.运行在rbd主存储上的windows 2003虚拟机关闭后,迁移到另外一个rbd主存储,有时候能成功,有时候虚拟机引导不了;
> 2003虚拟机关闭后,从nfs主存储迁移到rbd主存储或者从rbd 主存储迁移到nfs主存储,都出现找不到引导设备的情况;
> 3.linux虚拟机在nfs和rbd之间迁移或者两个rbd存储之间迁移都会出现找不到引导设备的情况;
> 4.linux虚拟机在主机之间迁移后,内核会崩溃,重启虚拟机后正常;
> 5.windows虚拟机在主机之间迁移后会出现蓝屏现象,代码是0x077,关闭此虚拟机后重新打开正常