Proxies and the Reflect functions are implemented in C++ which means that 
currently there are two things that will cause a slowdown over the simple 
delegator object that installs getters and setters:
1. the optimizing compiler cannot inline or otherwise improve calls to 
2. calls to proxies will always be more costly since we have to jump from 
the JavaScript world to the C++ world

A minor difference from the nodes delegates is that you do a full-blown 
[[HasProperty]] check with Reflect.has (which walks up the prototype 
chain), while in the delegates implementation you only check this once if 
you use the auto-setup.
If you care a bit less for some corner cases you can do a keyed-load from 
the target (target[key]) and just assume that if it's undefined you have to 
look it up on origin object.

let me know if this helps.

On Friday, August 5, 2016 at 6:49:09 AM UTC+2, Fangdun Cai wrote:
>    - Node 6.3.1:
>    - macOS:
> I try use proxies for my project and created the 
> But results from the benchmarks, proxy is very slowly. 
> How to improve it?
> Source code
> module.exports = function delegateProxy (target, origin) {
>   return new Proxy(target, {
>     get (target, key, receiver) {
>       if (Reflect.has(target, key)) return Reflect.get(target, key, receiver)
>       const value = origin[key]
>       return 'function' === typeof value ? function method () {
>         return value.apply(origin, arguments)
>       } : value
>     },
>     set (target, key, value, receiver) {
>       if (Reflect.has(target, key)) return Reflect.set(target, key, value, 
> receiver)
>       origin[key] = value
>       return true
>     }
>   })
> }
> Benchmarks code, delegate-proxy VS delegates
> const Benchmark = require('benchmark')const delegate = 
> require('delegates')const delegateProxy = require('..')
> const obj = {}
> const p1 = {}const d1 = delegateProxy(p1, obj)
> const d0 = {}d0.obj = objconst d = delegate(d0, 'obj')
> for (let i = 0, l = 1000; i < l; i++) {
>   obj[`a${i}`] = i
>   obj[`b${i}`] = function () {}
>   obj[`c${i}`] = i
>   d.getter(`a${i}`)
>   d.method(`b${i}`)
>   d.access(`c${i}`)
> }
> const suite = new Benchmark.Suite()
> suite
>   .add('delegates#getter', () => {
>     /* eslint no-unused-expressions: 0 */
>     d0.a0 === 0 ? 1 : 0
>   })
>   .add('delegateProxy#getter', () => {
>     /* eslint no-unused-expressions: 0 */
>     d1.a0 === 0 ? 1 : 0
>   })
>   .on('cycle', event => {
>     console.log(String(
>   })
>   .on('complete', function () {
>     console.log('Fastest is ' + this.filter('fastest').map('name'))
>   })
>   .run()
> const suite2 = new Benchmark.Suite()
> suite2
>   .add('delegates#method', () => {
>     d0.b0()
>   })
>   .add('delegateProxy#method', () => {
>     d1.b0()
>   })
>   .on('cycle', event => {
>     console.log(String(
>   })
>   .on('complete', function () {
>     console.log('Fastest is ' + this.filter('fastest').map('name'))
>   })
>   .run()
> const suite3 = new Benchmark.Suite()
> suite3
>   .add('delegates#access', () => {
>     d0.c0 = 1
>   })
>   .add('delegateProxy#access', () => {
>     d1.c0 = 1
>   })
>   .on('cycle', event => {
>     console.log(String(
>   })
>   .on('complete', function () {
>     console.log('Fastest is ' + this.filter('fastest').map('name'))
>   })
>   .run()
> const suite4 = new Benchmark.Suite()
> suite4
>   .add('Reflect#get', () => {
>     Reflect.get(obj, 'a0')
>   })
>   .add('obj#key', () => {
>     /* eslint dot-notation: 0 */
>     obj['a0']
>   })
>   .add('obj.key', () => {
>     obj.a0
>   })
>   .on('cycle', event => {
>     console.log(String(
>   })
>   .on('complete', function () {
>     console.log('Fastest is ' + this.filter('fastest').map('name'))
>   })
>   .run()
> const suite5 = new Benchmark.Suite()
> suite5
>   .add('Reflect#has', () => {
>     Reflect.has(d0, 'a0')
>   })
>   .add('key in d0', () => {
>     'a0' in d0
>   })
>   .on('cycle', event => {
>     console.log(String(
>   })
>   .on('complete', function () {
>     console.log('Fastest is ' + this.filter('fastest').map('name'))
>   })
>   .run()
> const suite6 = new Benchmark.Suite()
> suite6
>   .add('Reflect#set', () => {
>     Reflect.set(obj, 'a0', 2)
>   })
>   .add('obj#key=', () => {
>     /* eslint dot-notation: 0 */
>     obj['a0'] = 2
>   })
>   .on('cycle', event => {
>     console.log(String(
>   })
>   .on('complete', function () {
>     console.log('Fastest is ' + this.filter('fastest').map('name'))
>   })
>   .run()
> Results
> delegates#getter x 2,414,206 ops/sec ±0.81% (83 runs sampled)
> delegateProxy#getter x 1,383,270 ops/sec ±0.94% (84 runs sampled)
> Fastest is delegates#getter
> delegates#method x 4,707,516 ops/sec ±6.25% (53 runs sampled)
> delegateProxy#method x 1,339,755 ops/sec ±6.93% (65 runs sampled)
> Fastest is delegates#method
> delegates#access x 2,427,859 ops/sec ±8.88% (67 runs sampled)
> delegateProxy#access x 1,344,403 ops/sec ±10.72% (47 runs sampled)
> Fastest is delegates#access
> Reflect#get x 7,481,142 ops/sec ±2.35% (82 runs sampled)
> obj#key x 35,676,972 ops/sec ±0.73% (83 runs sampled)
> obj.key x 35,687,692 ops/sec ±0.65% (82 runs sampled)
> Fastest is obj.key,obj#key
> Reflect#has x 8,369,451 ops/sec ±4.04% (77 runs sampled)
> key in d0 x 10,618,353 ops/sec ±7.39% (51 runs sampled)
> Fastest is key in d0
> Reflect#set x 6,356,287 ops/sec ±7.22% (56 runs sampled)
> obj#key= x 32,970,782 ops/sec ±1.74% (82 runs sampled)
> Fastest is obj#key=

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