Hi list,
Is there any CCode attribute to make the generated C function "inline"?
Or, is it possible to generate C macros instead of functions with vala?

For example:
class Test {
  inline public void func1() {

  public void func2() {

The generated result:

inline void test_func1(Test* test) {

#define test_func2(test) { \

Another question is, is it possible to use bit-field in vala classes?
Like this:
class Test {
  private bool b1 : 1;
  private bool b2 : 1;
  private bool b3 : 1;
  private uint i1 : 4;

These questions are mostly for performance reason.
Otherwise I'm satisfied with vala.
These features are what I frequently used in C/C++ and I hope that I can
have them in Vala.

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