
In fact my version of vala makes Win64 binaries so I just put
gspawn-win64-helper-console.exe and all is now perfect.

(in fact I've read something about win32 gspawn when vala was linking my
project so I've thought that I've need gspawn-win32, ooops)



> Hi,
> I'm trying to launch a command with spawn_async_with_pipes
> unsuccessfully...
> I've installed gspawn_console and helper executables in the same directory
> of test.vala
> --- test.vala -----------------------------------------------
> int main (string[] args) {
>               string[] spawn_args;
> // spawn_args = { "a_soft.exe" };
>               spawn_args = {"dir"};
>               string[] spawn_env = Environ.get ();
>               Pid child_pid;
>               int standard_input;
>               int standard_output;
>               int standard_error;
>               try {
>                       Process.spawn_async_with_pipes (null,
>                               spawn_args,
>                               spawn_env,
>                               SpawnFlags.SEARCH_PATH ,
>                               null,
>                               out child_pid,
>                               out standard_input,
>                               out standard_output,
>                               out standard_error);
>                } catch (SpawnError e) {
>                        stderr.printf ("Error : %s\n", e.message);
>               }
>               return 0;
> }
> ------------------------------------------------------
> I've set on a cmd shell : set G_SPAWN_WIN32_DEBUG=1
> I've launched valac with a lot ofd debug information about
> vala_gspawn_console:
>>valac test.vala -o test.exe
> calling C:\Vala\bin\vala-gspawn-console.exe with argv:
> argv[0]: C:\Vala\bin\vala-gspawn-console.exe
> argv[1]: 6
> argv[2]: 7
> argv[3]: z
> argv[4]: 4
> argv[5]: -
> argv[6]: -
> argv[7]: y
> argv[8]: y
> argv[9]: w
> argv[10]: pkg-config
> argv[11]: --silence-errors
> argv[12]: --modversion
> argv[13]: glib-2.0
> (...)
> and then launched test.exe and get :
> calling C:\Temp\gspawn-win64-helper-console.exe with argv:
> argv[0]: "C:\Temp\gspawn-win64-helper-console.exe"
> argv[1]: 10
> argv[2]: 11
> argv[3]: 3
> argv[4]: 6
> argv[5]: 8
> argv[6]: -
> argv[7]: y
> argv[8]: y
> argv[9]: -
> argv[10]: dir
> argv[11]: NULL
> Could not load UI: Failed to execute helper program (Invalid argument)
> Do you have an idea ? where am I wrong ?
> thanks
> Regards
> Raum
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