Hi there,

        I've been playing around with vala, libpeas, and plugins loaded on
        the fly through libseed (javascript) and python.  

        The way you make plugins in libpeas  is through extensions.  These
        can be defined through an interface.  It looks something like this:

        public interface MyActivatable : Object {
                public abstract ScriptableWindow window { get; set; }
                public abstract void activate ();
                public abstract void deactivate ();

        Since libpeas doesn't really handle Vala code, I've been trying to
        write vala that compiles close to the same C code that libpease

        The above interface works to some extent, but I did
        noticed that the  GIR file that  vala produces is not the same as
        what libpeas has.  They have a default interface called "Activatable"
        whos GIR file looks like so (section): 

 <field name="activate">
        <callback name="activate">
          <return-value transfer-ownership="none">
            <type name="none" c:type="void"/>
            <parameter name="activatable" transfer-ownership="none">
              <type name="Activatable" c:type="PeasActivatable*"/>

        The GIr that vala produces looks like this however:

            <callback name="my_activatable_activate" 
      <return-value transfer-ownership="none">
        <type name="none"/>

         It is missing the <field> tags altogether.  Since they are using some 
of automatic means of generating the GIR file, I wonder where these <field>
statems come from.  I was told on the #libpeas IRC that the GIR creation is off
in vala.   Any ideas or help on this? 

        There is something wrong in the GIR that causes all python plugins to 
crash when they use MyActivatable instead of the default Activatable from 

thanks -august.
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