Re: Varnish and sticky sessions

2008-11-13 Thread JT Justman
Torstein Krause Johansen wrote:
 is there a way to get Varnish load balancing (the director) to support 
 sticky sessions?
 Or do I need to put a load balancer behind the Varnish that ensures that 
 a client with a given session always goes to the same backend server?

Never tried it, but it seems to me you could read a cookie in VCL to
determine the backend to use. This is how most load balancers handle
sticky sessions, right?

varnish-misc mailing list

Re: ESI works in IE6 curl, but not in FF, Opera, Konqueror

2008-11-11 Thread JT Justman
Torstein Krause Johansen wrote:
 Good morning,
 Tollef Fog Heen wrote:
   | Turning off Apache mod_deflate solves the problem. However, it's
   | probably not the ultimate solution as I wager the customer wants to
   | still use the deflate module. Setting
   There's unfortunately no way to use ESI and gzipped content at the
 Ok, thanks for the confirmation :-)
 Sorry for asking, but I know many customers will be asking me this: do 
 you have any idea when we could expect support for this?

Torstein -

We have a client who is interested in ESI and also requires gzip (as I
think most would), and we've been working on it on the back burner for a
while. Faster work from us depends on the client's priorities. It's not
a trivial undertaking, but I have at least got to the point of
understanding the ESI request flow enough to guess where the encoding
should probably be performed.

See here for links to two bugs discussing the issue:


varnish-misc mailing list

Re: TCP_HIT header

2008-11-05 Thread JT Justman
Alecs Henry wrote:
 Hi Per,
 Here's what I got:
 vcl.load test /usr/local/etc/varnish/configs/test.vcl
 106 267
 *Variable 'obj.http.X-Cache' not accessible in method 'vcl_miss'.*
 At: (/usr/local/etc/varnish/configs/test.vcl Line 62 Pos 13)
 set obj.http.X-Cache = TCP_MISS from  server.ip;
 VCL compilation failed
 It works just fine for vcl_hit though.
 Any ideas?

'obj' is only available in 'hit' and 'fetch'. So set it in vcl_fetch.
The only side effect being then your header will be set in the case of a
'pass' as well, which may or may not be what you want.

varnish-misc mailing list

Re: Varnish 2.01 - GETs with Grinder end up in PASS

2008-11-04 Thread JT Justman
Robert Ming wrote:
 We do load-testing with 'The Grinder' vers. 3.1 on Varnish in front
 of several Plone3 instances. The tests worked out fine with Varnish
 2.0 beta. Now with version 2.01 we have the following issue: 
 Executing any GET with the Testing-Framework results always in a PASS
 in Varnish. As a consequence all subsequent requests with the same
 url end up in cache hits for pass, that's not what we like to test.
 Requesting the same urls manually, say with firefox or ie are first
 LOOKUPed and afterwards cached, the behaviour we would like to test.
 Trying different ways to get around this PASSing-issue we came to
 the conclusion that it is not a grinder problem, because a simple GET
 done with the python httplib.HTTPConnection had the same effect.
 Any comments, solutions, enlightments on this issue are appreciated.

Post your vcl? Have you looked at the logs?

varnish-misc mailing list

Re: Strange browser hickups with varnish

2008-06-17 Thread JT Justman
Christian Wiese wrote:
 The funny thing is that this seems to be a client thing. When I have a
 browser hanging, I can fetch the same file with curl or wget just fine.

This could be due to Varnish having different versions in different 
encodings (gzip/deflate/etc). Take a look at the encoding and see if 
this is the cause of differences between browsers.

As to the larger issue, I don't have much idea, but I think you should 
post more information, at least your varnishlog output.


End Point Corporation
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