[vbox-dev] Saved memory loading in Snapshot impl

2017-08-24 Thread Huihong Luo

I wonder if any of you can shed some lights on vbox snapshot impl. In 
particular, when saved vm memory is loaded, does it get all loaded at once? or 
the memory is loaded on demand as guest code execute?


- Huihong 

Sent from my iPhone
vbox-dev mailing list

Re: [vbox-dev] fw:Re: 3d acceleration of android-x86 for virtualbox

2017-07-23 Thread Huihong Luo
Another option, which is more doable, is to use emulator's gles pipes. 

Sent from my iPhone

> On Jul 19, 2017, at 4:35 AM, Chih-Wei Huang  wrote:
> 2017-07-19 7:05 GMT+08:00 tim3385 :
>>  在 2017-07-18 16:20:43 写道:
>> Hello Dong Hao,
>> (Is that the right way to address you?)
>> 15.07.2017 19:57, tim3385 wrote:
>> [...]
>>> vboxguest, vboxvideo and vboxsf have been probed into android-x86.
>>> We are finding the entrance of translate android-x86 3d implement to
>>> host OS.
>>> We have a few questions about virtualbox, thanks^^:
>>> 1 "external_vboxguest-linux-module" is a driver for virtualbox's virtual
>>> hardware, is my understanding right?
>> The vboxguest module drives the virtual "guest" device which does most
>> of the work of letting the Guest Additions communicate with the host.
>>> 2 There is a sentense "Hardware 3D acceleration under Ubuntu 10.10 and
>>> Fedora 14 have been tested and confirmed as working"
>>> in http://www.virtualbox.org/manual/ch04.html#guestadd-video . Can you
>>> introduce the theory? eg. where is the entrance that The additon
>>> translate 3d api invoke to host?
>> I see that our manual needs some adjusting not to refer to precise guest
>> versions which get out of date quickly. To repeat: the theory is that
>> we replace libGL.so.1 on the guest with our own one: VBoxOGL.so, with
>> various dependencies VBoxOGL*.so. Those marshall OpenGL API calls
>> (though they deal with some things locally in the address space of the
>> caller) which they send through the guest device using the HGCM
>> transport (though it can also be done through the graphics device using
>> the HGSMI transport) to the host for rendering. See the make file
>> src/VBox/Additions/common/crOpenGL/Makefile.kmk
>> for an overview of what goes into those libraries. The source files are
>> rather scattered over the tree, and some are auto-generated, but if you
>> want to do something here you will not get around doing a lot of reading
>> of source. We could probably answer specific questions, but generic
>> explanations of "how it works" will probably not help much without that
>> reading.
>> See though my suggestion by private e-mail of modifying the vboxvideo
>> graphics device to be able to channel Qemu's virgl rendering protocol
>> through to the host. You would be able to leave the guest rendering
>> code in Mesa almost unmodified (just changed enough to recognise
>> vboxvideo as a supported device) and re-use the host rendering code (the
>> virglrenderer library) which would just need to be hooked, more or less
>> unmodified, into our host code. The changes to vboxvideo itself should
>> be reasonably trivial too. In comparison, reworking our current 3D code
>> will be a lot of work.
> Hi Michael,
> Thank you for the detailed reply.
> Let me sum it up to see if I understand
> your words correctly:
> * Modify Mesa to recognize vboxvideo
> * Modify vboxvideo to send virgl rendering protocol to the host
> * Hook virglrenderer to vbox host code
> I have concern about the third step.
> As I know currently virglrenderer only supports Linux.
> (though I saw some Windows's patches are ongoing)
> That would limit our supported hosts.
> Besides, I think currently virglrenderer is still not stable
> or complete enough. As I tested on QEMU with virgl,
> many 3D benchmark apps don't work.
> (just crash or black screen)
> The only famous benchmark app that works on it
> is GLXBench.
> I'm still thinking if it's possible to use your current 3D code
> directly. Could you give us more ideas how it work
> for Linux or Windows guests? Or point us which
> code to read. Thanks a lot!
>>> 3 We want to do some modification based
>>> on "external_vboxguest-linux-module". Could you please give us some
>>> suggestions or samples?
>> That is hard without knowing what you want to do.
>>> 4 About android-x86: is there some way to directly(like by usb
>>> wire) connect host to android-x86 in virtualbox by adb? We only found
>>> the way "adb connect IP" can success, and the "IP" must be a lan IP
>>> but so that the transfer speed would be low.
>> Not that I know of, though I don't know much about adb. In theory you
>> could write a virtual USB device to do that, but I suspect you have
>> already set more than enough work for yourself.
>>> 5 How can sound card of virtualbox Android-x86 work fine?
>> Sound is being worked on. What problems are you experiencing?
>> Regards
>> Michael
>>> best
>>> Dong Hao
>>> Sent from YoMail for Gmail 
>>> < Michael Thayer > 在 2017-07-12
>>> 19:17:49 写道:
>>> 10.07.2017 10:52, tim3385 wrote:
 Dear Sirs:
 I want to make virtualbox addition for android-x86 to improve the
 efficient of 3d and 2d.
 Mr. Chih-Wei Huang, current pro

[vbox-dev] question on snapshot for 3D accelerated vm

2016-12-15 Thread Huihong Luo
Can any of you provide some info on vbox's snapshot when 3D acceleration 
addition is enabled? Can opengl/directx calls be saved and restored? Since the 
process involves host contexts, so I imagine it would be very difficult to 
In other words, if I am playing a direct3d games inside a windows 10 guest 
(with 3d enabled), then I save the vm, and later on, I resume the vm, will the 
game still play?
- Huihong___
vbox-dev mailing list

[vbox-dev] Looks like a potential bug in DnD, please check

2016-07-28 Thread Huihong Luo
During our development of Leapdroid vm, we found that DnD sometimes not 
working, we traced the code, and the root cause is a callback is registered too 
Specifically, it's in src\VBox\Main\src-client\GuestDnDTargetImpl.cpp:
int GuestDnDTarget::i_sendURIData(PSENDDATACTX pCtx, RTMSINTERVAL msTimeout){
rc = GuestDnDInst()->hostCall(MsgSndData.getType(), MsgSndData.getCount(), 
call needs to move to here after params are set
Basically, need to register later.
Please take a look,
- Huihong___
vbox-dev mailing list

[vbox-dev] Introduce a new Android virtual machine - Leapdroid

2016-05-25 Thread Huihong Luo
we just released a android vm based on vbox, free download is available here:
For those of you that are interested in the techniques, we can discuss more 
here in the forum, such as OpenGL passthru, etc.
- Huihong
vbox-dev mailing list

[vbox-dev] VBox build with Qt5?

2016-04-22 Thread Huihong Luo
Anyone has compiled vbox with Qt5? or is there a plan to do this?
- Huihong___
vbox-dev mailing list

[vbox-dev] DnD issue in VBOX5.0

2015-08-28 Thread Huihong Luo
It seems there is a bug on DnD, please take a look of it:
Steps to reproduct:

1) Enable DnD bidirectional in VBOX VM.
2) Restart VM
3) Drag a file from VM to Host
4) VM will say copy file fails
5) do step 3 again
6) Mouse freeze. (can't control mouse on host, need to reboot the host)

Host OS is Ubuntu 
Linux 3.16.0-30-generic #40~14.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Thu Jan 15 17:43:14 UTC 2015 
x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

Guest OS is Ubuntu
Linux xxx-VirtualBox 3.13.0-32-generic #57-Ubuntu SMP Tue Jul 15 03:51:12 UTC 
2014 i686 i686 i686 GNU/Linux

vbox-dev mailing list

[vbox-dev] How to access Linux guess user space memory address ?

2015-08-27 Thread Huihong Luo
Hi Guys,
I have a question regarding to accessing to guess user space memory access,  
and I hope I can get some helps here.
This is the scenario:
inside a Linux kernel driver, we lock the pages, and then send the guest 
address to vbox using a virtual device.

// buffer is passed from user space program
void read_write(struct file *filp, char __user *buffer,  size_t bufflen, int 
is_write){        // lock each page , then send the guest address to vbox 
through a virtual device
    get_user_pages(current, current->mm, buffer, 1, !is_write, 0, &page, 
now inside the vbox, how do I get access to the user space address?
I tried the following vbox apis, but seems I am getting the wrong address:
Any helps are greatly appreciated.

- Huihong

vbox-dev mailing list

Re: [vbox-dev] VirtualBox Windows build instructions

2015-08-04 Thread Huihong Luo
The reason you need to be admin is due to vboxdrv driver, without an installer. 
If you use an Installer, then no need to be admin.

Make sue you completely uninstall the prev version, to avoid conflicts 

Sent from my iPhone

> On Aug 4, 2015, at 7:09 PM, Maarten Hoes  wrote:
> Hi,
> Athough I have to admit, after having run this as administrator
> (1) set PATH=.;%PATH%
> (2) comregister.cmd
> (3) loadall.cmd
> Running VirtualBox.exe as Administrator, and only starting the newly created 
> vm, gives me positive results. Failing to start VirtualBox.exe as 
> Administrator gives me *nothing*, and starting any 'old' vms even when 
> running VirtualBox.exe as administrator still gives me the old bug.
> - Maarten

vbox-dev mailing list

Re: [vbox-dev] VirtualBox Windows build instructions

2015-08-04 Thread Huihong Luo
Try to reinstall those network adapters 

NetAdp6Install.exe etc

Sent from my iPhone

> On Aug 4, 2015, at 5:05 PM, Maarten Hoes  wrote:
> Hi,
>> On Wed, Aug 5, 2015 at 1:36 AM, Huihong Luo  wrote:
>> Here is the debug build:
>> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B0R9HPU9wNfmdlFPMTNXbU5hcVE/view?usp=sharing
>> then open command window as Administrator, and run these:  YES, you need to 
>> do step 1
>> (1) set PATH=.;%PATH%
>> (2) comregister.cmd
>> (3) loadall.cmd
>> (4) VirtualBox.exe
> Thanks,
> This gives me this :
> Could not start the machine "My Vm Name" because the physical network 
> interfaces were not found : 'VirtualBox Host-Only Ethernet Adapter (adapter 
> 2).
> Starting VirtualBox.exe and removing the 2nd host only interface from the vm, 
> then proceeds to give me this on startup: The exception breakpoint. A 
> breakpoint has been reached. (0x8003) occured in the application  at 
> location 0x95561253. Click on OK to terminate the program.
> Should I create a new vm using this build ?
> Thanks for your kind efforts,
> - Maarten
vbox-dev mailing list

Re: [vbox-dev] VirtualBox Windows build instructions

2015-08-04 Thread Huihong Luo
Here is the debug build:

then open command window as Administrator, and run these:  YES, you need to do 
step 1(1) set PATH=.;%PATH%    (2) comregister.cmd(3) loadall.cmd(4) 
  From: Maarten Hoes 
 To: Huihong Luo  
Cc: Rudolfs Bundulis ; VirtualBox developer's list 
 Sent: Tuesday, August 4, 2015 3:27 PM
 Subject: Re: [vbox-dev] VirtualBox Windows build instructions
Also, this :

On Wed, Aug 5, 2015 at 12:18 AM, Huihong Luo  wrote:

I ended up modifying a lot of places on .kmk files, and even vs 2010 header 
files to make it to compile.
Im certainly no dev, but it appears to me that the building procedure and 
toolchain for building on windows is in desperate need of some love and 

Just my 2$

- Maarten.

vbox-dev mailing list

Re: [vbox-dev] VirtualBox Windows build instructions

2015-08-04 Thread Huihong Luo
yes, I will upload to google drive. You just download the package, and unzip it
then open command window as Administrator, and run these:
  From: Maarten Hoes 
 To: Huihong Luo  
Cc: Rudolfs Bundulis ; VirtualBox developer's list 
 Sent: Tuesday, August 4, 2015 3:24 PM
 Subject: Re: [vbox-dev] VirtualBox Windows build instructions

On Wed, Aug 5, 2015 at 12:18 AM, Huihong Luo  wrote:

I ended up modifying a lot of places on .kmk files, and even vs 2010 header 
files to make it to compile.
I will upload the debug in a couple of hrs, building it now

Thanks again. Now lets hope that the debug build assists me in getting to the 
root cause for my issue.

It's way past bedtime for me now though; Could you please mail me the url where 
i can download the debug build, so that I can try that as soon as I wake up ?

- Maarten

vbox-dev mailing list

Re: [vbox-dev] VirtualBox Windows build instructions

2015-08-04 Thread Huihong Luo
I ended up modifying a lot of places on .kmk files, and even vs 2010 header 
files to make it to compile.
I will upload the debug in a couple of hrs, building it now
  From: Maarten Hoes 
 To: Huihong Luo  
Cc: Rudolfs Bundulis ; VirtualBox developer's list 
 Sent: Tuesday, August 4, 2015 3:15 PM
 Subject: Re: [vbox-dev] VirtualBox Windows build instructions

On Wed, Aug 5, 2015 at 12:09 AM, Huihong Luo  wrote:

I can upload a debug build for you. 
Really ? That would be great, thanks.

If took me a lot of time to build on windows, you don't want to try
I really dont mind trying, and updating the documentation for the procedure - 
with a little help from the devs - so that people coming after me will have an 
easier experience. I do, however, have something against forking over $$$ just 
so I can have a debug build of an - otherwise - open source project.

Again, thank you very much for the time and effort.

- Maarten.

vbox-dev mailing list

Re: [vbox-dev] VirtualBox Windows build instructions

2015-08-04 Thread Huihong Luo
I can upload a debug build for you. 

If took me a lot of time to build on windows, you don't want to try

Sent from my iPhone

> On Aug 4, 2015, at 2:36 PM, Maarten Hoes  wrote:
> Hi,
>> On Tue, Aug 4, 2015 at 11:32 PM, Rudolfs Bundulis 
>>  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> not sure what do you mean by "we" - if you meant Microsoft then yeah sure, 
>> msvc 2015 community is there, but I dont think jumping from msvc 2010 that 
>> is already somewhat stable and has had a lot of bugfixes to msvc 2015 that 
>> is fresh out of the box would be wise, too much of a risk. Again I am not 
>> aware of what is supported for 5.x, will check out tommorrow, in 4.3.8 which 
>> was the last one I build before hardening kicked in the highest available 
>> option was experimetal support of msvc 2012.
>> Best Regards,
>> Rudolfs Bundulis
> Sorry. As long as it leads up to me getting a debug build im good.
> ;)
> Thanks,
> - Maarten
> ___
> vbox-dev mailing list
> vbox-dev@virtualbox.org
> https://www.virtualbox.org/mailman/listinfo/vbox-dev
vbox-dev mailing list

Re: [vbox-dev] VirtualBox Windows build instructions

2015-08-02 Thread Huihong Luo
I recommend you follow those instructions closely. VS 2010 is the supported 
- huihong
  From: Maarten Hoes 
 To: vbox-dev@virtualbox.org 
 Sent: Saturday, August 1, 2015 7:52 AM
 Subject: [vbox-dev] VirtualBox Windows build instructions

Im considering building VirtualBox svn trunk on Windows, and am looking for 
some instructions.

I noticed this document on the wiki :

However, all the software versions mentioned in the prerequisite section seem 
to be quite outdated. For example, is v7.1 still the required/preferred Windows 
SDK/WDK version ? Is Visual Studio 2010 still the required/preferred compiler ? 
GCC 3.3.3 for MingW32 ? Same for all the other versions.

So does this document need some updating, or perhaps there even is another, 
more current, guide for building latest virtualbox on Windows ?


- Maarten

vbox-dev mailing list

vbox-dev mailing list

[vbox-dev] VBox equivalent to QEMU's CharDriverState?

2015-07-11 Thread Huihong Luo
Does vbox has something equivalent to QEMU's CharDriverState?

It's like a charactor pipe to different components to communicate inside QEMU 
process. Read/Write handlers can be registered, and one component can send/recv 
I know vbox has a driver interface to deal with i/o for virtual devices inside 
vbox process. Does vbox provide a closer equivalent to CharDriverState?
- Huihong

vbox-dev mailing list

Re: [vbox-dev] Announcement: VirtualBox 5.0 Release Candidate 2 released

2015-06-30 Thread Huihong Luo
it seems all of the individual download links point to wrong locations, I had 
to manually modify the link to download, please take a look.
  From: Frank Mehnert 
 To: vbox-dev  
 Sent: Thursday, June 25, 2015 10:49 AM
 Subject: [vbox-dev] Announcement: VirtualBox 5.0 Release Candidate 2 released
Please do NOT use this Release Candidate on production machines! A
VirtualBox Release Candidate should be considered a bleeding-edge
release meant for early evaluation and testing purposes.

You can download the binaries here:


Please do NOT open bug reports at our public bugtracker but use our
VirtualBox Beta Feedback forum at


to report any problems with the Beta. Please concentrate on reporting
regressions since VirtualBox 4.3.28!

Version 5.0 will be a new major release. Please see the forum at


for a list of changes since VirtualBox 5.0 Release Candidate 1.

Thanks for your help!

Dr.-Ing. Frank Mehnert | Software Development Director, VirtualBox
ORACLE Deutschland B.V. & Co. KG | Werkstr. 24 | 71384 Weinstadt, Germany

ORACLE Deutschland B.V. & Co. KG
Hauptverwaltung: Riesstraße 25, D-80992 München
Registergericht: Amtsgericht München, HRA 95603

Komplementärin: ORACLE Deutschland Verwaltung B.V.
Hertogswetering 163/167, 3543 AS Utrecht, Niederlande
Handelsregister der Handelskammer Midden-Niederlande, Nr. 30143697
Geschäftsführer: Alexander van der Ven, Astrid Kepper, Val Maher

vbox-dev mailing list

vbox-dev mailing list

Re: [vbox-dev] 答复: How add device or driver (PDM) to VirtualBox

2015-06-29 Thread Huihong Luo
The code belongs to our company, and it's quite complicated, so I can't share 
the code here. I can answer questions.
This is roughly the components you will need:
(1) linux user mode: test.c   --- (open and read/write /dev/vbox_pipe)
(2) linux kernel driver: vbox_pipe.ko
Windows host plugins for the virtual PCI device:
(3)vbox_pipe_pci.dll(4) vbox_pipe_driver.dll
You need two additions, one is the virtual PCI device itself, and the other is 
the driver to handle the i/o of the virtual device, to pipe in/out to other 
processes, for example.
Inside vbox_pipe_pci.dll, you  create a PCI device, register some register and 
map some memory I/O spaces.
Good lucks,
- Huihong
  From: 星策DRACULAX 
 To: 'Huihong Luo' ; vbox-dev@virtualbox.org 
 Sent: Monday, June 29, 2015 3:01 AM
 Subject: 答复: [vbox-dev] How add device or driver (PDM) to VirtualBox
#yiv9128755192 #yiv9128755192 -- _filtered #yiv9128755192 
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{margin:72.0pt 90.0pt 72.0pt 90.0pt;}#yiv9128755192 
div.yiv9128755192WordSection1 {}#yiv9128755192 I am doing the same work now.I 
try to buile my own virtual pci device and as Luo said, I must read all the 
vmmdev related code.Could you send me some document or demo on virtual pci 

发件人: Huihong Luo [mailto:huisi...@yahoo.com] 
发送时间: 2015年6月27日 14:25
收件人: Klaus Espenlaub; vbox-dev@virtualbox.org
主题: Re: [vbox-dev] How add device or driver (PDM) to VirtualBox  I think that 
most likely the OP wants to develop a virtual PCI device, so the guest and the 
host can communicate with each other, like some kind of pipe system. The guest 
and the host can read/write to each other through shared memory.  If this is 
indeed the case, one can study vbox's builtin guest/host implementation, 
basically vbox itself uses a virtual PCI device (Devices/VMMDev/VMMDev.cpp), 
and then inside Linux guest, there is corresponding VBoxGuest.ko kernel module, 
which is a PCI driver to interact with the virtual device emulated by vbox. 
This is how vbox's guest additions work.  I have implemented a simple virtual 
PCI device, like QEMU's pipe. What I can tell you, this is not an easy job, and 
you have to understand all the concepts, plus a detailed study of vbox source 
code.   From: Klaus Espenlaub 
To: vbox-dev@virtualbox.org 
Sent: Friday, June 26, 2015 6:22 AM
Subject: Re: [vbox-dev] How add device or driver (PDM) to VirtualBox

On 25.06.2015 10:57, Marcin K wrote:
> Hi,
> I ask about this before but don't get any answer...

yes, sorry about that, but right now everyone in the dev team is booked 
out with super urgent things which have to be finished before 5.0 is 
released. There's simply not enough time right now for bigger explanations.

> How add new device/driver to Virtualbox?
> Is there a someone who understand how PDM works?
> I compile VBoxSampleDevice.cpp and add it to VirtualBox but
> system(ubunutu 14) don't show any new device.
> To add dll to Virtualbox I use:
> VBoxManage setextradata global VBoxInternal/PDM/Devices/[[1]]/Path
> g:\VirtualBox\out\win.amd64\release\obj\testingDevice\VBoxSampleDevice.dll

VBoxSampleDevice.cpp is a totally empty piece of code. It compiles, it 
loads, but doesn't expose ANY functionality to the VM.

> Also I try to add device using copy of Virtio device. I copy code
> of DevVirtioNet.cpp modify it (change some names), build dll and add to
> VirtualBox:
> VBoxManage setextradata global VBoxInternal/PDM/Devices/[[3]]/Path
> g:\VirtualBox\out\win.amd64\release\obj\testingDevice\testingDevice.dll
> But still nothing change in guest system.
> In DevVirtioNet.cpp I found a lot of code which set a lot of parameters
> connected with PCI. I try understand this code but this take, a lot of tim

Re: [vbox-dev] How add device or driver (PDM) to VirtualBox

2015-06-26 Thread Huihong Luo
I think that most likely the OP wants to develop a virtual PCI device, so the 
guest and the host can communicate with each other, like some kind of pipe 
system. The guest and the host can read/write to each other through shared 
If this is indeed the case, one can study vbox's builtin guest/host 
implementation, basically vbox itself uses a virtual PCI device 
(Devices/VMMDev/VMMDev.cpp), and then inside Linux guest, there is 
corresponding VBoxGuest.ko kernel module, which is a PCI driver to interact 
with the virtual device emulated by vbox. This is how vbox's guest additions 
I have implemented a simple virtual PCI device, like QEMU's pipe. What I can 
tell you, this is not an easy job, and you have to understand all the concepts, 
plus a detailed study of vbox source code. 
  From: Klaus Espenlaub 
 To: vbox-dev@virtualbox.org 
 Sent: Friday, June 26, 2015 6:22 AM
 Subject: Re: [vbox-dev] How add device or driver (PDM) to VirtualBox

On 25.06.2015 10:57, Marcin K wrote:
> Hi,
> I ask about this before but don't get any answer...

yes, sorry about that, but right now everyone in the dev team is booked 
out with super urgent things which have to be finished before 5.0 is 
released. There's simply not enough time right now for bigger explanations.

> How add new device/driver to Virtualbox?
> Is there a someone who understand how PDM works?
> I compile VBoxSampleDevice.cpp and add it to VirtualBox but
> system(ubunutu 14) don't show any new device.
> To add dll to Virtualbox I use:
> VBoxManage setextradata global VBoxInternal/PDM/Devices/[[1]]/Path
> g:\VirtualBox\out\win.amd64\release\obj\testingDevice\VBoxSampleDevice.dll

VBoxSampleDevice.cpp is a totally empty piece of code. It compiles, it 
loads, but doesn't expose ANY functionality to the VM.

> Also I try to add device using copy of Virtio device. I copy code
> of DevVirtioNet.cpp modify it (change some names), build dll and add to
> VirtualBox:
> VBoxManage setextradata global VBoxInternal/PDM/Devices/[[3]]/Path
> g:\VirtualBox\out\win.amd64\release\obj\testingDevice\testingDevice.dll
> But still nothing change in guest system.
> In DevVirtioNet.cpp I found a lot of code which set a lot of parameters
> connected with PCI. I try understand this code but this take, a lot of time.
> I also found that I have to set which driver will be use in system also
> in configuration of virtual machine.
> I try to set net ethernet cart type but in VBoxManage I found code which
> allow using only build in drivers so I can't set "My" modified Virtio
> driver.
> There is really no instruction or documentation how it's works?

There are lots of examples, in the form of the various device 
implementations :)


> I will be really gratefull for any help or instruction how add new
> device to VirtualBox.
> Best regards,
> Marcin

vbox-dev mailing list

vbox-dev mailing list

[vbox-dev] OpenSSL Dependency broken?

2015-06-18 Thread Huihong Luo
I am trying to build vbox 64-bit master and 4.3.28 on windows, but it fails on 
OpenSSL/md5.h not found error in VBoxRTDeps.cpp, the file exists as I confirmed 
many times. Interestingly enough, the other file x509.cpp that also uses 
OpenSSL .h files compiles just fine.

So I am guessing some deps issue in kmk file in runtime folder.

Can you guys check on this?


Sent from my iPhone
vbox-dev mailing list

Re: [vbox-dev] Announcement: VirtualBox 5.0 Beta 3 released

2015-05-17 Thread Huihong Luo
Beta 3 has issues booting OS X, Beta 2 and formal releases work just fine.
With Beta 3, my OSX vms stops at /boot1 message, can won't proceed to boot.
  From: Frank Mehnert 
 To: vbox-dev@virtualbox.org 
 Sent: Thursday, May 7, 2015 12:46 PM
 Subject: [vbox-dev] Announcement: VirtualBox 5.0 Beta 3 released
Please do NOT use this VirtualBox Beta release on production machines!
A VirtualBox Beta release should be considered a bleeding-edge release
meant for early evaluation and testing purposes.

You can download the binaries here:


Please do NOT open bug reports at our public bugtracker but use our
VirtualBox Beta Feedback forum at


to report any problems with the Beta. Please concentrate on reporting
regressions since VirtualBox 4.3.26!

Version 5.0 will be a new major release. Please see the forum at


for a list of changes since VirtualBox 5.0 Beta 2.

Thanks for your help!

Dr.-Ing. Frank Mehnert | Software Development Director, VirtualBox
ORACLE Deutschland B.V. & Co. KG | Werkstr. 24 | 71384 Weinstadt, Germany

ORACLE Deutschland B.V. & Co. KG
Hauptverwaltung: Riesstraße 25, D-80992 München
Registergericht: Amtsgericht München, HRA 95603

Komplementärin: ORACLE Deutschland Verwaltung B.V.
Hertogswetering 163/167, 3543 AS Utrecht, Niederlande
Handelsregister der Handelskammer Midden-Niederlande, Nr. 30143697
Geschäftsführer: Alexander van der Ven, Astrid Kepper, Val Maher

vbox-dev mailing list

vbox-dev mailing list

Re: [vbox-dev] Announcement: VirtualBox 5.0 Beta 3 released

2015-05-12 Thread Huihong Luo
I verify that the shared folder freezing bug is now fixed, I reported the bug a 
few weeks ago.
  From: Frank Mehnert 
 To: vbox-dev@virtualbox.org 
 Sent: Thursday, May 7, 2015 12:46 PM
 Subject: [vbox-dev] Announcement: VirtualBox 5.0 Beta 3 released
Please do NOT use this VirtualBox Beta release on production machines!
A VirtualBox Beta release should be considered a bleeding-edge release
meant for early evaluation and testing purposes.

You can download the binaries here:


Please do NOT open bug reports at our public bugtracker but use our
VirtualBox Beta Feedback forum at


to report any problems with the Beta. Please concentrate on reporting
regressions since VirtualBox 4.3.26!

Version 5.0 will be a new major release. Please see the forum at


for a list of changes since VirtualBox 5.0 Beta 2.

Thanks for your help!

Dr.-Ing. Frank Mehnert | Software Development Director, VirtualBox
ORACLE Deutschland B.V. & Co. KG | Werkstr. 24 | 71384 Weinstadt, Germany

ORACLE Deutschland B.V. & Co. KG
Hauptverwaltung: Riesstraße 25, D-80992 München
Registergericht: Amtsgericht München, HRA 95603

Komplementärin: ORACLE Deutschland Verwaltung B.V.
Hertogswetering 163/167, 3543 AS Utrecht, Niederlande
Handelsregister der Handelskammer Midden-Niederlande, Nr. 30143697
Geschäftsführer: Alexander van der Ven, Astrid Kepper, Val Maher

vbox-dev mailing list

vbox-dev mailing list

[vbox-dev] Job opportunity in android virtualization

2015-05-07 Thread Huihong Luo

I am starting a company with sufficient vc funds in place. If you are 
interested, please send me the resume.

Job Title: Senior Linux/Android System Software Engineer

Location: California - Santa Clara

Skills: Strong background in Computer Sciences. Hands on experience with Linux 
and Android operating systems. Proficient in C/C++. Experience in at any of the 
following areas is a plus:
  - Android application development.
  - Android framework (AOSP) development
  - Linux kernel or embedded system development
  - Virtual machine and ARM/x86 binary translation
  - Graphics acceleration and OpenGL
  - Windows kernel development 

Our company is a startup developing innovative technology for mobile device 

Sent from my iPhone
vbox-dev mailing list

[vbox-dev] A minor bug on adding shared folders on Windows

2015-04-13 Thread Huihong Luo
When a vm is running, adding a shared folder results in freezing.
The progress bar displays 90% then hangs, and I have to kill the vbox processes 
using task manager. ___
vbox-dev mailing list

Re: [vbox-dev] vbox disables Windows 8.1 miracast menu

2015-04-07 Thread Huihong Luo
Hi Klaus,
Great! I confirm the 5.0 beta NDIS 6 network driver fixed the issue.
I tested on 2 win 8.1, and miracast works well, as if not filter driver is 
present. At the same time, I can use bridged network inside a vm.
Nice work done !
- Huihong
  From: Klaus Espenlaub 
 To: vbox-dev@virtualbox.org 
 Sent: Tuesday, April 7, 2015 3:00 AM
 Subject: Re: [vbox-dev] vbox disables Windows 8.1 miracast menu

please retry with the current VirtualBox 5.0 BETA - of course only on 
systems where one can tolerate an install which isn't production ready.

We believe that it's fixed with the pretty much rewritten drivers, but 
as the reason why Miracast disables itself is totally unknown it's hard 
to predict if this is working on all systems.

Any feedback is welcome, about the general status and what happens if 
one uses bridging to the wireless interface for a VM and Miracast 


On 22.10.2013 20:26, Huihong Luo wrote:
> Alexy,
> Thanks.
> Your guess is correct. If I disable those network drivers, then wireless
> display behaves as normal. so, it is the network drivers causing the issue.
> I noted windows 8.1 has a wifi direct virtual network adapter, perhaps,
> vbox shouldn't bridge that adapter?
> Wireless LAN adapter Local Area Connection* 12:
>    Media State . . . . . . . . . . . : Media disconnected
>    Connection-specific DNS Suffix  . :
>    Description . . . . . . . . . . . : Microsoft Wi-Fi Direct Virtual
> Adapter
>    Physical Address. . . . . . . . . : C8-F7-33-DD-F6-86
>    DHCP Enabled. . . . . . . . . . . : Yes
>    Autoconfiguration Enabled . . . . : Yes
> --------
> *From:* Alexey Eromenko 
> *To:* Huihong Luo 
> *Cc:* "vbox-dev@virtualbox.org" 
> *Sent:* Tuesday, October 22, 2013 11:11 AM
> *Subject:* Re: [vbox-dev] vbox disables Windows 8.1 miracast menu
> might be vbox-network drivers ?
> Can you install VBox without network drivers? (no bridge and no host-mode)
> On Tue, Oct 22, 2013 at 5:37 PM, Huihong Luo  <mailto:huisi...@yahoo.com>> wrote:
>  > It seems vbox has some conflicts with Windows 8.1 wireless display.
>  >
>  > Without vbox, you can swipe from right side of desktop to bring up
> Devices
>  > Charm, then Devices > Project, you should see an option to Add a display,
>  > ...
>  >
>  > With vbox installed, if you do same, you won't see "Add a display" menu
>  > item, it goes directly to Projected to a second screen, skipping the
>  > wireless display page.
>  >
>  > ___
>  > vbox-dev mailing list
>  > vbox-dev@virtualbox.org <mailto:vbox-dev@virtualbox.org>
>  > https://www.virtualbox.org/mailman/listinfo/vbox-dev
>  >
> --
> -Alexey Eromenko "Technologov"

vbox-dev mailing list

vbox-dev mailing list

Re: [vbox-dev] USB 2.0 Question

2014-06-25 Thread Huihong Luo
I did this in 2010, it took me more than 6 months full time work, so I'd say 
it's very difficult work.

 From: 임승환 
To: vbox-dev@virtualbox.org 
Sent: Wednesday, June 25, 2014 8:32 PM
Subject: [vbox-dev] USB 2.0 Question

I am trying to develop a usb ehci.
So I Added code.

1.Registered EHCI Device in the VBoxDeviceRegister() Fucntion.
2.create ehci confignode and attach the status driver.
3.create DevEHCI.cpp file
    ehciR3Construct function has been modified as follows. 
     PCIDevSetVendorId (& pEhci-> PciDev, 0x8086);
     PCIDevSetDeviceId (& pEhci-> PciDev, 0x265c);
     PCIDevSetClassProg (& pEhci-> PciDev, 0x20);

But, host controller has not been successfully loaded
and usb root hub has not been registered.

What should I do now consider the progres?

please help me.. :(
vbox-dev mailing list
vbox-dev mailing list

Re: [vbox-dev] vbox disables Windows 8.1 miracast menu

2013-10-22 Thread Huihong Luo


Your guess is correct. If I disable those network drivers, then wireless 
display behaves as normal. so, it is the network drivers causing the issue.

I noted windows 8.1 has a wifi direct virtual network adapter, perhaps, vbox 
shouldn't bridge that adapter?

Wireless LAN adapter Local Area Connection* 12:

   Media State . . . . . . . . . . . : Media disconnected
   Connection-specific DNS Suffix  . :
   Description . . . . . . . . . . . : Microsoft Wi-Fi Direct Virtual Adapter
   Physical Address. . . . . . . . . : C8-F7-33-DD-F6-86
   DHCP Enabled. . . . . . . . . . . : Yes
   Autoconfiguration Enabled . . . . : Yes

 From: Alexey Eromenko 
To: Huihong Luo  
Cc: "vbox-dev@virtualbox.org"  
Sent: Tuesday, October 22, 2013 11:11 AM
Subject: Re: [vbox-dev] vbox disables Windows 8.1 miracast menu

might be vbox-network drivers ?

Can you install VBox without network drivers? (no bridge and no host-mode)

On Tue, Oct 22, 2013 at 5:37 PM, Huihong Luo  wrote:
> It seems vbox has some conflicts with Windows 8.1 wireless display.
> Without vbox, you can swipe from right side of desktop to bring up Devices
> Charm, then Devices > Project, you should see an option to Add a display,
> ...
> With vbox installed, if you do same, you won't see "Add a display" menu
> item, it goes directly to Projected to a second screen, skipping the
> wireless display page.
> ___
> vbox-dev mailing list
> vbox-dev@virtualbox.org
> https://www.virtualbox.org/mailman/listinfo/vbox-dev

-Alexey Eromenko "Technologov"___
vbox-dev mailing list

[vbox-dev] vbox disables Windows 8.1 miracast menu

2013-10-22 Thread Huihong Luo
It seems vbox has some conflicts with Windows 8.1 wireless display.

Without vbox, you can swipe from right side of desktop to bring up Devices 
Charm, then Devices > Project, you should see an option to Add a display, ...

With vbox installed, if you do same, you won't see "Add a display" menu item, 
it goes directly to Projected to a second screen, skipping the wireless display 
vbox-dev mailing list

Re: [vbox-dev] VirtualBox Extension Pack going GPL?

2013-07-19 Thread Huihong Luo
As for vrdp, I've been working on using FreeRDP, not fully working yet, but it 
is very positive, also made the remoteUSB to work too.

For the remaining portions of the extension pack, I don't have any ideas. 
Basically, USB + VRDP considered to be done, provided a nice payment. It took 
me one year.

 From: Oliver Loch 
To: Huihong Luo  
Cc: Joachim Schiele ; "vbox-dev@virtualbox.org" 
Sent: Friday, July 19, 2013 10:30 AM
Subject: Re: [vbox-dev] VirtualBox Extension Pack going GPL?

Gimme your bank account I'll send you an Euro for your effort.

Am 19.07.2013 um 19:21 schrieb Huihong Luo :

I do have a complete implementation of the USB 2.0 (fully compatible to vbox), 
if someone pays, I can submit my code as open source.
> From: Joachim Schiele 
>To: vbox-dev@virtualbox.org 
>Sent: Friday, July 19, 2013 8:50 AM
>Subject: [vbox-dev] VirtualBox Extension Pack going GPL?
 vbox developers and users,
>i would like to get the proprietary parts, especially the VirtualBox 
>Extension Pack, open source. most of VirtualBox is already open source, 
>which is a good thing in several regards:
>- quality of distro integration and
>- debugging
>getting basic OSE virtualbox support is straight forward and better than 
>any other solution i tried (i'm on linux, i tried vmware/libvirt) for 
>desktop virtualization.
>in contrast to OSE virtualbox, installing VBox extension pack is a PITA:
>- http://nixos.org/wiki/Installing_VirtualBox_on_NixOS
>- http://forums-web2.gentoo.org/viewtopic-t-717099-start-0.html
>- http://wiki.ubuntuusers.de/VirtualBox/Installation#Extension-Pack
>it usually forces me to manually download the extension pack which 
>interrupts my whole upgrade process. and i have to do that on each 
>upgrade of my system which really costs a lot of time. so here is my 
>we try to get the 'USB 2.0 support codebase' of the 'VirtualBox 
>Extension Pack' open source!
>VirtualBox Extension Pack consists of:
>* support for USB 2.0 devices
>* VirtualBox RDP and PXE boot for Intel cards
>* VirtualBox Remote Desktop Protocol (VRDP) support
>* Experimental support for PCI passthrough on Linux hosts
>i would like to start with the USB 2.0 support becoming open source and 
>i think we have several options:
>== 1 ==
>oracle releases the 'oracle USB 2.0 codebase' as GPL for free - is that 
>an option?
>== 2 ==
>we finance the 'oracle USB 2.0 codebase' GPL release via
>(how much would oracle want for their code?)
>== 3 ==
>we have the specification so we could finance a 'third party GPL USB 2.0 
>codebase', we could finance this via kickstarter as well
>i would like to have comments on this, especially from oracle.
>thanks to oracle/sun for making virtualbox open source in the first 
>place - i really love your software.
>best wishes,
>joachim schiele
>vbox-dev mailing list
>vbox-dev mailing list
vbox-dev mailing list

Re: [vbox-dev] VirtualBox Extension Pack going GPL?

2013-07-19 Thread Huihong Luo
I do have a complete implementation of the USB 2.0 (fully compatible to vbox), 
if someone pays, I can submit my code as open source.

 From: Joachim Schiele 
To: vbox-dev@virtualbox.org 
Sent: Friday, July 19, 2013 8:50 AM
Subject: [vbox-dev] VirtualBox Extension Pack going GPL?

dear vbox developers and users,

i would like to get the proprietary parts, especially the VirtualBox 
Extension Pack, open source. most of VirtualBox is already open source, 
which is a good thing in several regards:
- quality of distro integration and
- debugging

getting basic OSE virtualbox support is straight forward and better than 
any other solution i tried (i'm on linux, i tried vmware/libvirt) for 
desktop virtualization.

in contrast to OSE virtualbox, installing VBox extension pack is a PITA:
- http://nixos.org/wiki/Installing_VirtualBox_on_NixOS
- http://forums-web2.gentoo.org/viewtopic-t-717099-start-0.html
- http://wiki.ubuntuusers.de/VirtualBox/Installation#Extension-Pack

it usually forces me to manually download the extension pack which 
interrupts my whole upgrade process. and i have to do that on each 
upgrade of my system which really costs a lot of time. so here is my 

we try to get the 'USB 2.0 support codebase' of the 'VirtualBox 
Extension Pack' open source!

VirtualBox Extension Pack consists of:
* support for USB 2.0 devices
* VirtualBox RDP and PXE boot for Intel cards
* VirtualBox Remote Desktop Protocol (VRDP) support
* Experimental support for PCI passthrough on Linux hosts

i would like to start with the USB 2.0 support becoming open source and 
i think we have several options:

== 1 ==
oracle releases the 'oracle USB 2.0 codebase' as GPL for free - is that 
an option?

== 2 ==
we finance the 'oracle USB 2.0 codebase' GPL release via kickstarter 
(how much would oracle want for their code?)

== 3 ==
we have the specification so we could finance a 'third party GPL USB 2.0 
codebase', we could finance this via kickstarter as well


i would like to have comments on this, especially from oracle.

thanks to oracle/sun for making virtualbox open source in the first 
place - i really love your software.

best wishes,
joachim schiele

vbox-dev mailing list
vbox-dev mailing list

Re: [vbox-dev] How to convert kmk file to VS project file?

2013-02-05 Thread Huihong Luo
Since vbox frontend uses Qt, you can generate Visual Studio project files using 
Qt tools.
--- On Mon, 2/4/13, fly  wrote:

From: fly 
Subject: [vbox-dev] How to convert kmk file to VS project file?
To: "vbox-dev" 
Date: Monday, February 4, 2013, 11:32 PM

My task is develop a virtualbox front end.I want to study the source code about 
front ends first. So debug the code in VS is a fast way for me. first, I need 
create vs project, but i don't know how to do. If any one have that experience, 
please share to me. I will thank you very much.
-Inline Attachment Follows-

vbox-dev mailing list
vbox-dev mailing list

[vbox-dev] A USB bug for vbox

2012-08-20 Thread Huihong Luo
test case:
Android ADB, linux or windows guest
Enable debug mode on Android device, connect the device via USB, then inside 
guest run this command:
adb devices
it will list the android device, but display as offline. (on host, it will 
display as online).
It's partially working to some extent.
If you don't want to download Android SDK, you can use our program here, which 
contains adb.exe

- huihong

vbox-dev mailing list

[vbox-dev] FYI: VMLite RDP/VNC client for iOS

2012-05-29 Thread Huihong Luo
It has been thoroughly tested against VirtualBox vrdp, supporting audio, video 
redirection, file sharing, etc. equivalent to Windows 7 client. Android version 
will be available soon.

Check out this application on the App Store:VMLiteVMLite CorporationCategory: 
BusinessUpdated: May 3, 2012

iTunes for Mac and WindowsPlease note that you have not been added to any email 
Copyright © 2012
 Apple Inc. All rights reserved

Sent from my iPhone___
vbox-dev mailing list

Re: [vbox-dev] IoGetDeviceObjectPointer hangs vboxusbmon

2012-03-13 Thread Huihong Luo
sorry, just realized that you are debugging host drivers. Yes, you will have to 
use 2 physical pcs.

--- On Tue, 3/13/12, Huihong Luo  wrote:

From: Huihong Luo 
Subject: Re: [vbox-dev] IoGetDeviceObjectPointer hangs vboxusbmon
To: "Ribhi Kamal" 
Cc: "vbox-dev" 
Date: Tuesday, March 13, 2012, 2:41 PM

do you mean you need 2 pcs to debug?
no, you can use same pc. Just run vm on the same pc, and configure COM1 as 
pipe. Then start windbg this way:

C:\WinDDK\7600.16385.0\Debuggers\windbg.exe -b -k 

--- On Tue, 3/13/12, Ribhi Kamal  wrote:

From: Ribhi Kamal 
Subject: Re: [vbox-dev] IoGetDeviceObjectPointer hangs vboxusbmon
To: "Huihong Luo" 
Cc: "vbox-dev" 
Date: Tuesday, March 13, 2012, 2:38 PM

Thanks, that helped me get started. Unfortunately I can't set break points when 
debugging locally so it is going to take me a while answer your questions. The 
only dev machine that I use is 100 miles away from me, so it will be very hard 
to attach a console/USB cable for debugging. I need to go hunt for a laptop 
somewhere, put windows on it then run a windbg in server mode. That way I can 
connect via tcp and set breakpoints.

Thanks again

On Tue, Mar 13, 2012 at 3:30 PM, Huihong Luo  wrote:

inside windbg, click Disassembly window, it will display assembly code, then 
you can set a breakpoint by click the left side of the code line. 

--- On Tue, 3/13/12, Ribhi Kamal  wrote:

From: Ribhi Kamal 
Subject: Re: [vbox-dev] IoGetDeviceObjectPointer hangs vboxusbmon
To: "Huihong Luo" 
Cc: "vbox-dev" 
Date: Tuesday, March 13, 2012, 12:29 PM 

The \Device\USBPDO-11 physical device is a sprint hub driver BcmBusCtr.SYS. But 
I've seen it happen with other devices as well (Apple trackpad) 

Will update you once I get windbg working.


On Tue, Mar 13, 2012 at 3:08 PM, Ribhi Kamal  wrote:

The hubwalker loops through PDO devices 0-15 and it hangs at number 11. So the 
device name (hub name) should be "\Device\USBPDO-11". Is that what you wanted?

I'm still trying to figure out how to step through assembly code in windbg. I 
just started windows in debug mode and connected windbg. 

In the mean time, I found the link below which suggests queuing a work item to 
call IoGetDeviceObjectPointer using ioallocateworkitem routine, should I give 
that a try?

Here is a little snippet:

Figure 5 – The wrong way to write a PnP Notification Callback

And, while you’d be partially right, you do get a pointer to a device object 
using its name by calling IoGetDeviceObject Pointer, you’d also get bitten by 
one of the conditions of PnP Notification routines.  As it very clearly states 
in the documentation:


A callback routine must not open the device directly. If the provider of the 
interface causes blocking PnP events, the notification callback routine can 
cause a deadlock if it tries to open the device in the callback thread. 

When you call IoGetDeviceObjectPointer, you’re actually issuing an open 
(IRP_MJ_CREATE) for the specified device.  That’s why you get back a File 
Object pointer, in addition to the Device Object pointer that you wanted.  So, 
the proper thing to do is queue a work item that does the call 
to IoGetDeviceObjectPointer, as shown in Figure 6. 

On Tue, Mar 13, 2012 at 2:10 PM, Huihong Luo  wrote:

This api simply returns a device object from a name, and usually does not 
block. What is the 
device name? you can examine ObjectName unicode string.
IoGetDeviceObjectPointer() does the following thing:
ZwOpenFile(ObjectName) to get a handle
ObReferenceObjectByHandle(handle) to get the FileObject
IoGetRelatedDeviceObject(FileObject) to get the device object
you can further step into the assembly code to nail down which function call 
causes the lock.
you can also list all locks using these commands in windbg:
--- On Tue, 3/13/12, Ribhi Kamal  wrote:

From: Ribhi Kamal 
Subject: Re: [vbox-dev] IoGetDeviceObjectPointer hangs vboxusbmon
To: "vbox-dev" 
Date: Tuesday, March 13, 2012, 10:49 AM 

Sorry, actually the IRQL == PASSIVE_LEVEL is okay. So just ignore that bit.

On Tue, Mar 13, 2012 at 1:27 PM, Ribhi Kamal  wrote:

I've been troubleshooting an issue that prevents vbox from capturing USB 
devices when other specific USB devices are plugged in (i.e. Sprint USB 
crap). I finally managed to track down the problem to IoGetDeviceObjectPointer 
in VboxUsbMonHubDevWalk. IoGetDeviceObjectPointer was getting called, however, 
it never returned. 

I'm not an expert in windows driver development so I'd like to run things by 
you before I start fixing it.

Firstly, I'm not really sure why it hangs (deadlocks?) there for some devices 
and not others. However, I believe that it may be due to the fact that some 
driver interfaces cause block

Re: [vbox-dev] IoGetDeviceObjectPointer hangs vboxusbmon

2012-03-13 Thread Huihong Luo
do you mean you need 2 pcs to debug?
no, you can use same pc. Just run vm on the same pc, and configure COM1 as 
pipe. Then start windbg this way:

C:\WinDDK\7600.16385.0\Debuggers\windbg.exe -b -k 

--- On Tue, 3/13/12, Ribhi Kamal  wrote:

From: Ribhi Kamal 
Subject: Re: [vbox-dev] IoGetDeviceObjectPointer hangs vboxusbmon
To: "Huihong Luo" 
Cc: "vbox-dev" 
Date: Tuesday, March 13, 2012, 2:38 PM

Thanks, that helped me get started. Unfortunately I can't set break points when 
debugging locally so it is going to take me a while answer your questions. The 
only dev machine that I use is 100 miles away from me, so it will be very hard 
to attach a console/USB cable for debugging. I need to go hunt for a laptop 
somewhere, put windows on it then run a windbg in server mode. That way I can 
connect via tcp and set breakpoints.

Thanks again

On Tue, Mar 13, 2012 at 3:30 PM, Huihong Luo  wrote:

inside windbg, click Disassembly window, it will display assembly code, then 
you can set a breakpoint by click the left side of the code line.

--- On Tue, 3/13/12, Ribhi Kamal  wrote:

From: Ribhi Kamal 
Subject: Re: [vbox-dev] IoGetDeviceObjectPointer hangs vboxusbmon
To: "Huihong Luo" 
Cc: "vbox-dev" 
Date: Tuesday, March 13, 2012, 12:29 PM

The \Device\USBPDO-11 physical device is a sprint hub driver BcmBusCtr.SYS. But 
I've seen it happen with other devices as well (Apple trackpad) 

Will update you once I get windbg working.


On Tue, Mar 13, 2012 at 3:08 PM, Ribhi Kamal  wrote:

The hubwalker loops through PDO devices 0-15 and it hangs at number 11. So the 
device name (hub name) should be "\Device\USBPDO-11". Is that what you wanted?

I'm still trying to figure out how to step through assembly code in windbg. I 
just started windows in debug mode and connected windbg. 

In the mean time, I found the link below which suggests queuing a work item to 
call IoGetDeviceObjectPointer using ioallocateworkitem routine, should I give 
that a try?

Here is a little snippet:

Figure 5 – The wrong way to write a PnP Notification Callback
And, while you’d be partially right, you do get a pointer to a device object 
using its name by calling IoGetDeviceObject Pointer, you’d also get bitten by 
one of the conditions of PnP Notification routines.  As it very clearly states 
in the documentation:
A callback routine must not open the device directly. If the provider of the 
interface causes blocking PnP events, the notification callback routine can 
cause a deadlock if it tries to open the device in the callback thread. 
When you call IoGetDeviceObjectPointer, you’re actually issuing an open 
(IRP_MJ_CREATE) for the specified device.  That’s why you get back a File 
Object pointer, in addition to the Device Object pointer that you wanted.  So, 
the proper thing to do is queue a work item that does the call 
to IoGetDeviceObjectPointer, as shown in Figure 6. 

On Tue, Mar 13, 2012 at 2:10 PM, Huihong Luo  wrote:

This api simply returns a device object from a name, and usually does not 
block. What is the 
device name? you can examine ObjectName unicode string.
IoGetDeviceObjectPointer() does the following thing:
ZwOpenFile(ObjectName) to get a handle
ObReferenceObjectByHandle(handle) to get the FileObject
IoGetRelatedDeviceObject(FileObject) to get the device object
you can further step into the assembly code to nail down which function call 
causes the lock.
you can also list all locks using these commands in windbg:
--- On Tue, 3/13/12, Ribhi Kamal  wrote:

From: Ribhi Kamal 
Subject: Re: [vbox-dev] IoGetDeviceObjectPointer hangs vboxusbmon
To: "vbox-dev" 
Date: Tuesday, March 13, 2012, 10:49 AM 

Sorry, actually the IRQL == PASSIVE_LEVEL is okay. So just ignore that bit.

On Tue, Mar 13, 2012 at 1:27 PM, Ribhi Kamal  wrote:

I've been troubleshooting an issue that prevents vbox from capturing USB 
devices when other specific USB devices are plugged in (i.e. Sprint USB 
crap). I finally managed to track down the problem to IoGetDeviceObjectPointer 
in VboxUsbMonHubDevWalk. IoGetDeviceObjectPointer was getting called, however, 
it never returned. 

I'm not an expert in windows driver development so I'd like to run things by 
you before I start fixing it.

Firstly, I'm not really sure why it hangs (deadlocks?) there for some devices 
and not others. However, I believe that it may be due to the fact that some 
driver interfaces cause blocking PnP events. Due to that, vboxusbmon runs into 
a deadlock when executing IoGetDeviceObjectPointer because it is being used 
directly from a callback function, VBoxUsbMonDeviceControl, and 

What led me to that conclusion is that right after IoGetDeviceObjectPointer is 
executed, I start seeing lots of 

Re: [vbox-dev] IoGetDeviceObjectPointer hangs vboxusbmon

2012-03-13 Thread Huihong Luo
inside windbg, click Disassembly window, it will display assembly code, then 
you can set a breakpoint by click the left side of the code line.

--- On Tue, 3/13/12, Ribhi Kamal  wrote:

From: Ribhi Kamal 
Subject: Re: [vbox-dev] IoGetDeviceObjectPointer hangs vboxusbmon
To: "Huihong Luo" 
Cc: "vbox-dev" 
Date: Tuesday, March 13, 2012, 12:29 PM

The \Device\USBPDO-11 physical device is a sprint hub driver BcmBusCtr.SYS. But 
I've seen it happen with other devices as well (Apple trackpad)

Will update you once I get windbg working.


On Tue, Mar 13, 2012 at 3:08 PM, Ribhi Kamal  wrote:

The hubwalker loops through PDO devices 0-15 and it hangs at number 11. So the 
device name (hub name) should be "\Device\USBPDO-11". Is that what you wanted?

I'm still trying to figure out how to step through assembly code in windbg. I 
just started windows in debug mode and connected windbg.

In the mean time, I found the link below which suggests queuing a work item to 
call IoGetDeviceObjectPointer using ioallocateworkitem routine, should I give 
that a try?

Here is a little snippet:

Figure 5 – The wrong way to write a PnP Notification Callback
And, while you’d be partially right, you do get a pointer to a device object 
using its name by calling IoGetDeviceObject Pointer, you’d also get bitten by 
one of the conditions of PnP Notification routines.  As it very clearly states 
in the documentation:
A callback routine must not open the device directly. If the provider of the 
interface causes blocking PnP events, the notification callback routine can 
cause a deadlock if it tries to open the device in the callback thread.
When you call IoGetDeviceObjectPointer, you’re actually issuing an open 
(IRP_MJ_CREATE) for the specified device.  That’s why you get back a File 
Object pointer, in addition to the Device Object pointer that you wanted.  So, 
the proper thing to do is queue a work item that does the call 
to IoGetDeviceObjectPointer, as shown in Figure 6.

On Tue, Mar 13, 2012 at 2:10 PM, Huihong Luo  wrote:

This api simply returns a device object from a name, and usually does not 
block. What is the 
device name? you can examine ObjectName unicode string.
IoGetDeviceObjectPointer() does the following thing:
ZwOpenFile(ObjectName) to get a handle
ObReferenceObjectByHandle(handle) to get the FileObject
IoGetRelatedDeviceObject(FileObject) to get the device object
you can further step into the assembly code to nail down which function call 
causes the lock.
you can also list all locks using these commands in windbg:
--- On Tue, 3/13/12, Ribhi Kamal  wrote:

From: Ribhi Kamal 
Subject: Re: [vbox-dev] IoGetDeviceObjectPointer hangs vboxusbmon
To: "vbox-dev" 
Date: Tuesday, March 13, 2012, 10:49 AM

Sorry, actually the IRQL == PASSIVE_LEVEL is okay. So just ignore that bit.

On Tue, Mar 13, 2012 at 1:27 PM, Ribhi Kamal  wrote:

I've been troubleshooting an issue that prevents vbox from capturing USB 
devices when other specific USB devices are plugged in (i.e. Sprint USB 
crap). I finally managed to track down the problem to IoGetDeviceObjectPointer 
in VboxUsbMonHubDevWalk. IoGetDeviceObjectPointer was getting called, however, 
it never returned. 

I'm not an expert in windows driver development so I'd like to run things by 
you before I start fixing it.

Firstly, I'm not really sure why it hangs (deadlocks?) there for some devices 
and not others. However, I believe that it may be due to the fact that some 
driver interfaces cause blocking PnP events. Due to that, vboxusbmon runs into 
a deadlock when executing IoGetDeviceObjectPointer because it is being used 
directly from a callback function, VBoxUsbMonDeviceControl, and 

What led me to that conclusion is that right after IoGetDeviceObjectPointer is 
executed, I start seeing lots of PnP events.

IoGetDeviceObjectPointer - Starting     

VBoxUsbMonPnPHook In    

==>PnP: Mn(IRP_MN_QUERY_DEVICE_RELATIONS), PDO(0x8833d028), IRP(0x882a71a8), 

See attached for complete debug view.

Are my assumptions correct? If so how would you go about fixing the problem.


-- Ribhi

-- Ribhi

-Inline Attachment Follows-

vbox-dev mailing list

-- Ribhi

-- Ribhi
vbox-dev mailing list

Re: [vbox-dev] IoGetDeviceObjectPointer hangs vboxusbmon

2012-03-13 Thread Huihong Luo
This api simply returns a device object from a name, and usually does not 
block. What is the 
device name? you can examine ObjectName unicode string.
IoGetDeviceObjectPointer() does the following thing:
ZwOpenFile(ObjectName) to get a handle
ObReferenceObjectByHandle(handle) to get the FileObject
IoGetRelatedDeviceObject(FileObject) to get the device object
you can further step into the assembly code to nail down which function call 
causes the lock.
you can also list all locks using these commands in windbg:
--- On Tue, 3/13/12, Ribhi Kamal  wrote:

From: Ribhi Kamal 
Subject: Re: [vbox-dev] IoGetDeviceObjectPointer hangs vboxusbmon
To: "vbox-dev" 
Date: Tuesday, March 13, 2012, 10:49 AM

Sorry, actually the IRQL == PASSIVE_LEVEL is okay. So just ignore that bit.

On Tue, Mar 13, 2012 at 1:27 PM, Ribhi Kamal  wrote:

I've been troubleshooting an issue that prevents vbox from capturing USB 
devices when other specific USB devices are plugged in (i.e. Sprint USB 
crap). I finally managed to track down the problem to IoGetDeviceObjectPointer 
in VboxUsbMonHubDevWalk. IoGetDeviceObjectPointer was getting called, however, 
it never returned.

I'm not an expert in windows driver development so I'd like to run things by 
you before I start fixing it.

Firstly, I'm not really sure why it hangs (deadlocks?) there for some devices 
and not others. However, I believe that it may be due to the fact that some 
driver interfaces cause blocking PnP events. Due to that, vboxusbmon runs into 
a deadlock when executing IoGetDeviceObjectPointer because it is being used 
directly from a callback function, VBoxUsbMonDeviceControl, and 

What led me to that conclusion is that right after IoGetDeviceObjectPointer is 
executed, I start seeing lots of PnP events.

IoGetDeviceObjectPointer - Starting     

VBoxUsbMonPnPHook In    

==>PnP: Mn(IRP_MN_QUERY_DEVICE_RELATIONS), PDO(0x8833d028), IRP(0x882a71a8), 

See attached for complete debug view.

Are my assumptions correct? If so how would you go about fixing the problem.


-- Ribhi

-- Ribhi

-Inline Attachment Follows-

vbox-dev mailing list
vbox-dev mailing list

[vbox-dev] any plan to support multitouch input?

2012-02-27 Thread Huihong Luo
Since touch screen becomes more and more popular now, are they any plan for 
this kind of support? so a user can apply gestures on virtual machines.
vbox-dev mailing list

[vbox-dev] "The number of bug reports with virtualbox loaded are truly astonishing"

2012-02-24 Thread Huihong Luo
Yesterday, when I read a Linux magizine (Linux Format ?), it has this sentence:
"The number of bug reports we get from people with virtualbox loaded are
truly astonishing.  It's GPL, but sadly that doesn't mean it's good.
Nearly all of these bugs look like random corruption. (corrupt linked lists,
corrupt page tables, and just plain 'weird' crashes)."

It's from this thread:
>From my limited testing, I thought KVM is more buggy.
vbox-dev mailing list

Re: [vbox-dev] any plan to support RDP usb redirection spec?

2012-02-20 Thread Huihong Luo
did some more debugging, with our own client, we can make it to work well. But 
as a plugin to microsoft rdp client, it's not consistent, sometimes, usb 
devices appear, sometimes not.
It seems to do with the time vrdp server starts to send out messages. MS plugin 
API  receives messages after rdp connection is fully established. So can you 
investigate the server side, to start sending out messages after connection is 
Right now, we noticed that our client receives messages from rspsnd and vrdpusb 
channels during connection time. In our client, we can fix this. However, with 
MS plugin, we don't have a way to hook so early.

--- On Tue, 2/7/12, Klaus Espenlaub  wrote:

From: Klaus Espenlaub 
Subject: Re: [vbox-dev] any plan to support RDP usb redirection spec?
To: vbox-dev@virtualbox.org
Date: Tuesday, February 7, 2012, 2:47 AM

On 06.02.2012 22:48, Huihong Luo wrote:
> Microsoft has published a spec:
> http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ff635589/
> for usb redirection from rdp client to Hyper-V virtual machines through
> a channel extension. similar to vbox's current vrdp usb protocol. From
> my implementation of vrdp usb client, it seems not that stable. So I
> wonder if microsoft's spec is better.

Not immediately, especially as a spec by itself doesn't fix problems. Is 
your implementation available anywhere? We could potentially help, as 
the VirtualBox USB redirection is quite stable as such on the platforms 
where we have RDP client support for it.


vbox-dev mailing list
vbox-dev mailing list

[vbox-dev] some errors with ActualLength in VBoxUsbLib-win.cpp

2012-02-20 Thread Huihong Luo
I spotted a few bugs: (possibly a few other places)
Name.ActualLength, pName, Name.ActualLength, &cbReturned, NULL))
rc = RTUtf16ToUtf8Ex((PCRTUTF16)pName->DriverKeyName, pName->ActualLength, 
plpszName, 0, NULL);
all length inside UNICODE_STRING refers to bytes in microsoft impl, this is the 
so pName->ActualLength may cause buffer overflow, and needs to be divided by 2:
rc = RTUtf16ToUtf8Ex((PCRTUTF16)pName->DriverKeyName, 
pName->ActualLength/sizeof(WCHAR), plpszName, 0, NULL);
Other files might contain same errors, pls check.
vbox-dev mailing list

Re: [vbox-dev] any plan to support RDP usb redirection spec?

2012-02-08 Thread Huihong Luo
Thanks, vitali.
Does it use a fixed pixel format, such as YUV, or it may vary depending on the 
source stream. The reason I am asking is to check whether a versatile decoder 
is needed inside the client.

On Windows RDP server, only Windows Media Player supports this video 
redirection, is this true in vrdp? in other words, does all video get 
redirected? or only those played from Windows media player?

--- On Wed, 2/8/12, Vitali Pelenjow  wrote:

From: Vitali Pelenjow 
Subject: Re: [vbox-dev] any plan to support RDP usb redirection spec?
To: "Huihong Luo" 
Cc: vbox-dev@virtualbox.org, "Klaus Espenlaub" 
Date: Wednesday, February 8, 2012, 12:29 AM

VRDP uses TSMF for video redirection.


Huihong Luo wrote:
> I did a plugin for windows rdp client, and found that vrdp usb works 
> sometimes, but freezes sometimes too. Now I am doing a full rdp client with 
> features equivalent to windows 7 rdp client, and trying to implement 
> Microsoft's USB redirection protocol on the client, in addition to vrdp usb. 
> MS specifies a smaller granularity for the usb messages compared to vrdp.
> It might be our usb driver causing the issue, will investigate more, the 
> client still not available yet.
> Another question, is vrdp video acceleration feature using TSMF or RemoteFX? 
> our client supports these two, and wanted to make sure it works well with 
> vrdp.
> --- On *Tue, 2/7/12, Klaus Espenlaub //* wrote:
>     From: Klaus Espenlaub 
>     Subject: Re: [vbox-dev] any plan to support RDP usb redirection spec?
>     To: vbox-dev@virtualbox.org
>     Date: Tuesday, February 7, 2012, 2:47 AM
>     On 06.02.2012 22:48, Huihong Luo wrote:
>     > Microsoft has published a spec:
>     > http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ff635589/
>     > for usb redirection from rdp client to Hyper-V virtual machines
>     through
>     > a channel extension. similar to vbox's current vrdp usb
>     protocol. From
>     > my implementation of vrdp usb client, it seems not that stable. So I
>     > wonder if microsoft's spec is better.
>     Not immediately, especially as a spec by itself doesn't fix
>     problems. Is
>     your implementation available anywhere? We could potentially help, as
>     the VirtualBox USB redirection is quite stable as such on the
>     platforms
>     where we have RDP client support for it.
>     Klaus
>     ___
>     vbox-dev mailing list
>     vbox-dev@virtualbox.org
>     <http://us.mc1603.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=vbox-dev@virtualbox.org>
>     https://www.virtualbox.org/mailman/listinfo/vbox-dev
> ___
> vbox-dev mailing list
> vbox-dev@virtualbox.org
> https://www.virtualbox.org/mailman/listinfo/vbox-dev

vbox-dev mailing list

Re: [vbox-dev] any plan to support RDP usb redirection spec?

2012-02-07 Thread Huihong Luo
I did a plugin for windows rdp client, and found that vrdp usb works sometimes, 
but freezes sometimes too. Now I am doing a full rdp client with features 
equivalent to windows 7 rdp client, and trying to implement Microsoft's USB 
redirection protocol on the client, in addition to vrdp usb. MS specifies a 
smaller granularity for the usb messages compared to vrdp.
It might be our usb driver causing the issue, will investigate more, the client 
still not available yet.
Another question, is vrdp video acceleration feature using TSMF or RemoteFX? 
our client supports these two, and wanted to make sure it works well with vrdp.

--- On Tue, 2/7/12, Klaus Espenlaub  wrote:

From: Klaus Espenlaub 
Subject: Re: [vbox-dev] any plan to support RDP usb redirection spec?
To: vbox-dev@virtualbox.org
Date: Tuesday, February 7, 2012, 2:47 AM

On 06.02.2012 22:48, Huihong Luo wrote:
> Microsoft has published a spec:
> http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ff635589/
> for usb redirection from rdp client to Hyper-V virtual machines through
> a channel extension. similar to vbox's current vrdp usb protocol. From
> my implementation of vrdp usb client, it seems not that stable. So I
> wonder if microsoft's spec is better.

Not immediately, especially as a spec by itself doesn't fix problems. Is 
your implementation available anywhere? We could potentially help, as 
the VirtualBox USB redirection is quite stable as such on the platforms 
where we have RDP client support for it.


vbox-dev mailing list
vbox-dev mailing list

[vbox-dev] any plan to support RDP usb redirection spec?

2012-02-06 Thread Huihong Luo
Microsoft has published a spec:
for usb redirection from rdp client to Hyper-V virtual machines through a 
channel extension. similar to vbox's current vrdp usb protocol. From my 
implementation of vrdp usb client, it seems not that stable. So I wonder if 
microsoft's spec is better.
vbox-dev mailing list

Re: [vbox-dev] proposal: Unattended Guest OS Installs for VirtualBox ?

2011-12-19 Thread Huihong Luo
For vista and later, you can actually run some command to create a bootable 
image from the dvd iso file (.wim file inside).
then after boot the vm, a user only need to enter computer name, 
not sure if this is related.

--- On Mon, 12/19/11, Alexey Eromenko  wrote:

From: Alexey Eromenko 
Subject: Re: [vbox-dev] proposal: Unattended Guest OS Installs for VirtualBox ?
To: "VirtualBox developer's list" 
Date: Monday, December 19, 2011, 8:46 AM

On Mon, Dec 19, 2011 at 6:16 PM, Armindo Silva  wrote:
> Any chance to upload this to github (or any other)?

Maybe after v1.0 stable release :)
(I'm _really_ not used to any kind of source code management)
BETA testing is better be done on vbox forum.

If you like, and wish to join my project (to contribute code) - then
setup something on 'github' and I will join in.
For one man effort - code repo is just extra overhead - shooting myself in foot.

-Alexey Eromenko "Technologov"

vbox-dev mailing list
vbox-dev mailing list

Re: [vbox-dev] Which Visual Studio version for 64 bit build on Windows

2011-12-15 Thread Huihong Luo
vs2005 does support 64-bit, you need to install an optional component called 
something as x64 compilers. use the original vs cd, click setup to configure vs.
- huihong

--- On Thu, 12/15/11, Shiv Agarwal  wrote:

From: Shiv Agarwal 
Subject: [vbox-dev] Which Visual Studio version for 64 bit build on Windows
To: vbox-dev@virtualbox.org
Date: Thursday, December 15, 2011, 2:20 PM

Hello Folks,

I am trying to build Virtualbox OSE on windows and wanted to know which version 
of Visual Studio do I need for a 64 bit build.
It seems like Visual Studio 2005 has support for only 32 bit.

Thanks a ton in advance.

Shiv Agarwal

-Inline Attachment Follows-

vbox-dev mailing list
vbox-dev mailing list

[vbox-dev] kernel panic error on AMD processors for Android ICS 4.0.1

2011-12-05 Thread Huihong Luo
works fine on VT-x cpus, but AMD-v fails to boot. Tried latest svn code on 
Linux os, same error.
"kernel panic, attempted to kill init"
You can download a prebuilt vm here:
error message:
the kernel is actually 2.6.29, quite old, same kernel works fine with Android 
2.2, so probably v4 uses more drivers, and caused the panic.
vbox-dev mailing list

Re: [vbox-dev] mouse integration concept level overview?

2011-11-30 Thread Huihong Luo
Thanks for the clarification. Yes, I noted that, when absolute positing is 
enabled, mouse intergration works w/o additions, which is very nice !

--- On Wed, 11/30/11, Michael Thayer  wrote:

From: Michael Thayer 
Subject: Re: [vbox-dev] mouse integration concept level overview?
To: "Huihong Luo" 
Cc: vbox-dev@virtualbox.org
Date: Wednesday, November 30, 2011, 11:57 AM

This is correct.  However, the USB tablet is not related to the Guest 
Additions (although it is also used for mouse integration as it supports 
absolute reporting), so it doesn't fit into the same schema - instead it 
has to conform to the USB HID specification.



On 11/30/2011 07:39 PM, Huihong Luo wrote:
> Seems in UsbMouse.cpp, the tablet reports 0-0x7fff range, which is
> different from 0x, is this correct? I wanted to confirm this.
> Thanks,
> --- On *Tue, 9/6/11, Michael Thayer //* wrote:
>     From: Michael Thayer 
>     Subject: Re: [vbox-dev] mouse integration concept level overview?
>     To: "Huihong Luo" 
>     Cc: vbox-dev@virtualbox.org
>     Date: Tuesday, September 6, 2011, 12:19 PM
>     Hello Huihong,
>     On Tue, 2011-09-06 at 10:25 -0700, Huihong Luo wrote:
>      > I noted that Windows additions (vboxmouse.sys and VBoxMouseNT.sys)
>      > doesn't perform any conversion from this 0- percentange
>      > coordinates, however X11 additions convert them to screen resolution.
>      > Does Windows happen to use the same measurement of 0-0x ?
>     Yes, since we originally only supported Windows as a guest the Additions
>     and Host-to-Guest protocol were originally designed to work comfortably
>     with Windows. Note that X.Org has evolved/improved quite a bit over the
>     years - if you look at vboxmouse_15.c, which supports a range of
>     different "vintages" of X.Org, you will see that the older ones require
>     us to manually convert the values we read to pixel offsets, whereas the
>     newest let us specify the range of values we return and take care of all
>     the conversion for us. (With an off-by-half pixel error unfortunately
>     which we have to work around in the host code, but such is life.)
>      > Another thing is that the cursor shape at pointer disppears when
>      > moving out of vm guest window, does virtualbox perform some special
>      > task to make the curson not to appear? or the host simply reports
>     some
>      > out of range positions to the guest. I was curious how this is
>      > handled.
>     When mouse integration is enabled the software guest cursor is hidden,
>     and instead the host cursor tracks the shape that the guest cursor would
>     have. From the point of view of the Additions we are providing a
>     hardware cursor (most graphics cards provide a hardware sprite for this
>     purpose), and it is telling us where it should be and what shape it
>     should be. And obviously when the host pointer is not above the guest
>     window it simply takes on the shape requested by whatever other host
>     application it moves over next.
>     Of course, since we don't let the guest move the host cursor this only
>     works if the guest wants it to be where it is already, but since our
>     input driver is providing the position data this usually works.
>     Regards,
>     Michael
>      > --- On Fri, 9/2/11, Michael Thayer      <http://us.mc1603.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=michael.tha...@oracle.com>>
>     wrote:
>      >
>      >
>      > From: Michael Thayer      <http://us.mc1603.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=michael.tha...@oracle.com>>
>      > Subject: Re: [vbox-dev] mouse integration concept level overview?
>      > To: "Huihong Luo"      <http://us.mc1603.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=huisi...@yahoo.com>>
>      > Cc: vbox-dev@virtualbox.org
>     <http://us.mc1603.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=vbox-dev@virtualbox.org>
>      > Date: Friday, September 2, 2011, 1:47 PM
>      >
>      >
>      > Hello Huihong,
>      >
>      > On Thu, 2011-09-01 at 20:56 -0700, Huihong Luo wrote:
>      > > I need to know a bit more about the mouse integration. Can
>     someone explain in big picture on what happened when a mouse pointer
>     is moving from host to the guest? once the mouse inside the guest
>     window, host informs the guest about the mouse positions? etc.
>      > >
>      > > I need to get some ideas on this in order to implement the
>     drag-and-drop feature for vbox. Right now, it's stuck when the mouse
>     is dragged from host to vm, how the guest side knows about that. I

Re: [vbox-dev] mouse integration concept level overview?

2011-11-30 Thread Huihong Luo
Seems in UsbMouse.cpp, the tablet reports 0-0x7fff range, which is different 
from 0x, is this correct? I wanted to confirm this.

--- On Tue, 9/6/11, Michael Thayer  wrote:

From: Michael Thayer 
Subject: Re: [vbox-dev] mouse integration concept level overview?
To: "Huihong Luo" 
Cc: vbox-dev@virtualbox.org
Date: Tuesday, September 6, 2011, 12:19 PM

Hello Huihong,

On Tue, 2011-09-06 at 10:25 -0700, Huihong Luo wrote:
> I noted that Windows additions (vboxmouse.sys and VBoxMouseNT.sys)
> doesn't perform any conversion from this 0- percentange
> coordinates, however X11 additions convert them to screen resolution.
> Does Windows happen to use the same measurement of 0-0x ?
Yes, since we originally only supported Windows as a guest the Additions
and Host-to-Guest protocol were originally designed to work comfortably
with Windows.  Note that X.Org has evolved/improved quite a bit over the
years - if you look at vboxmouse_15.c, which supports a range of
different "vintages" of X.Org, you will see that the older ones require
us to manually convert the values we read to pixel offsets, whereas the
newest let us specify the range of values we return and take care of all
the conversion for us.  (With an off-by-half pixel error unfortunately
which we have to work around in the host code, but such is life.)

> Another thing is that the cursor shape at pointer disppears when
> moving out of vm guest window, does virtualbox perform some special
> task to make the curson not to appear? or the host simply reports some
> out of range positions to the guest. I was curious how this is
> handled.
When mouse integration is enabled the software guest cursor is hidden,
and instead the host cursor tracks the shape that the guest cursor would
have.  From the point of view of the Additions we are providing a
hardware cursor (most graphics cards provide a hardware sprite for this
purpose), and it is telling us where it should be and what shape it
should be.  And obviously when the host pointer is not above the guest
window it simply takes on the shape requested by whatever other host
application it moves over next.

Of course, since we don't let the guest move the host cursor this only
works if the guest wants it to be where it is already, but since our
input driver is providing the position data this usually works.



> --- On Fri, 9/2/11, Michael Thayer  wrote:
> From: Michael Thayer 
> Subject: Re: [vbox-dev] mouse integration concept level overview?
> To: "Huihong Luo" 
> Cc: vbox-dev@virtualbox.org
> Date: Friday, September 2, 2011, 1:47 PM
> Hello Huihong,
> On Thu, 2011-09-01 at 20:56 -0700, Huihong Luo wrote:
> > I need to know a bit more about the mouse integration. Can someone explain 
> > in big picture on what happened when a mouse pointer is moving from host to 
> > the guest? once the mouse inside the guest window, host informs the guest 
> > about the mouse positions? etc.
> >  
> > I need to get some ideas on this in order to implement the drag-and-drop 
> > feature for vbox. Right now, it's stuck when the mouse is dragged from host 
> > to vm, how the guest side knows about that. I need to press a key for now 
> > to tell the guest side, so the dnd isn't smooth yet. A good understanding 
> > on mouse integration would be very helpful.
> > ___ vbox-dev mailing list 
> > vbox-dev@virtualbox.org http://vbox.innotek.de/mailman/listinfo/vbox-dev
> I'm afraid that this will be a quick-ish explanation for now.  When
> absolute pointer reporting is enabled (see the VMMDevReq_GetMouseStatus
> VMM device request) the current pointer position can be requested with
> the VMMDevReqMousePointer request.  This is reported as a percentage of
> the width and height (respectively) of the guest screen - expressed as a
> value from 0 to 0x - or of the virtual desktop for multi-monitor
> guests.  The host works out what percentage values correspond to the
> position of the host pointer relative to the host window the machine is
> running in, and the Additions report the position back to the guest in a
> way that the guest OS can convert to the correct pixel offset.  The host
> sends a VMM device event (basically an interrupt and a data word) when
> absolute reporting is enabled or disabled and when new position data is
> available.
> Hope that helps a bit.
> Regards,
> Michael

ORACLE Deutschland B.V. & Co. KG   Michael Thayer
Werkstrasse 24                     VirtualBox engineering
71384 Weinstadt, Germany           mailto:michael.tha...@oracle.com

Hauptverwaltung: Riesstr. 25, D-80992 München
Registergericht: Amtsgericht München

Re: [vbox-dev] VBoxDrvCfg.cpp patch so vboxddu.dll runs well on Windows 2000

2011-11-25 Thread Huihong Luo
I spent a couple of hours browsing more code, it seems should be very easy to 
make current vbox to work on windows 2000. about 10 more functions to deal with.
however, would anyone on earth still want to run 2k?

--- On Mon, 11/21/11, Alexey Eromenko  wrote:

From: Alexey Eromenko 
Subject: Re: [vbox-dev] VBoxDrvCfg.cpp patch so vboxddu.dll runs well on 
Windows 2000
To: vbox-dev@virtualbox.org
Date: Monday, November 21, 2011, 11:06 PM

On Tue, Nov 22, 2011 at 8:06 AM, Huihong Luo  wrote:
> I changed SetupUninstallOEMInfW api to dynamic loading, so the dll can still 
> run on win2k.
> patch is attached.
> this is the only api in vboxrt.dll, vboxddu.dll that is unavailable on 
> windows 2000.

the intention is to re-add VBox support for Windows 2000 as host OS ?
(it existed back in VBox v1.x days)

-Alexey Eromenko "Technologov"

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Re: [vbox-dev] VBoxDrvCfg.cpp patch so vboxddu.dll runs well on Windows 2000

2011-11-21 Thread Huihong Luo
 Not the whole thing, at least to make runtime dlls to work, so can use, for 
example, disk Apis on windows 2k

vbox-dev mailing list

[vbox-dev] VBoxDrvCfg.cpp patch so vboxddu.dll runs well on Windows 2000

2011-11-21 Thread Huihong Luo
I changed SetupUninstallOEMInfW api to dynamic loading, so the dll can still 
run on win2k.
patch is attached.
this is the only api in vboxrt.dll, vboxddu.dll that is unavailable on windows 

Description: Binary data
vbox-dev mailing list

Re: [vbox-dev] Offer for testing of new VMlite features in exchange for Open-Sourcing them

2011-11-13 Thread Huihong Luo
Hi Alexey,
Thanks for the offer. We will consider open source some of them, such as 
tseamless askbar. (as you know, we are also slow SLOWLY impl drag and drop 
The disk driver is based on our multiple year StorPort driver impl, if vbox 
team like it, we can provide a free license of binary to ship with vbox, 
with APIs, easy to integrate with GUI. This way, all vbox windows users can 
easily mount virtual disks. Our virtual disk is fastest impl in the world, have 
spends multi year efforts on Storport, 

As for the last feature, "ability to use physical HDD for new VM via GUI", not 
exactly correct, was the primary reason we did vmlite in the first place, 
trying to provide a sandbox to run all apps securely and separately. This is 
totally different from using a raw offline disk for a vm. It's using the 
currently running os instance. for example, you have Windows 7 as host running, 
also have the same os running inside a vm. The whole thing takes a couple of 
mins. This technology, we won't open source, or provide free binay. It depends 
on some level kernel drivers to do this.
- huihong

--- On Sun, 11/13/11, Alexey Eromenko  wrote:

From: Alexey Eromenko 
Subject: Offer for testing of new VMlite features in exchange for Open-Sourcing 
To: "VirtualBox developer's list" , "Huihong Luo" 

Date: Sunday, November 13, 2011, 2:54 AM

Hello Huihong Luo,

I had taken a look at VMlite Workstation 4.2.0-BETA r38938.

It is based on VBox code, *but*, some new features exist:
-Offline loop-mounter (u can loop mount VDi on Windows hosts)
-Shared folder are auto-mounted for special folders (My Documents, My
Desktop, ...)
-Colored borders of seamless windows
-Improved Seamless mode: "Seamless Taskbar mode" (complete integration
of taskbars)
-XP mode (downloads XP image from internet + automatically installs
it, which is legal for Windows 7 users)
-ability to use physical HDD for new VM via GUI

I find many of those features useful for VBox as well. I did test some of them.
Several bugs were found. I have seen VMlite community on forum testing
it -- but their skill-set and coverage was very limited.
Anyway, I'd like to publish my test results for VMlite, but the
Open-Source community primarily supports Open-Source Software.

For example I recently covered VirtualBox 4.1.6 testing on Windows 7:

Similarly to VirtualBox, I promise to publish test results for every
single feature that VMlite Open-Sources, and make available for
VirtualBox to include.
Closed-Source features will remain untested (or with results unpublished).

So please consider my offer.

Best wishes,
-Alexey Eromenko "Technologov"
vbox-dev mailing list

Re: [vbox-dev] No Good v4.1.x release to date. Please make more community BETAs

2011-10-09 Thread Huihong Luo
yes, the hang was caused by vboxmouse.sys, you can disable it to get rid of 
this issue.
I have submitted a pacth that fixed this. The patch is checked into latest svn. 
--- On Sun, 10/9/11, walt  wrote:

From: walt 
Subject: Re: [vbox-dev] No Good v4.1.x release to date. Please make more 
community BETAs
To: vbox-dev@virtualbox.org
Date: Sunday, October 9, 2011, 7:25 AM

On 10/09/2011 02:52 AM, Alexey Eromenko wrote:
> Hi,
> Since the v4.1.0 release there were no good v4.1.x to date.
> v4.1.0 - stable and works for me, but lacks linked clones - lacks a
> killer feature, that should be here.
> v4.1.2 - has broken GuestControl (in GA) - critical bug.
> v4.1.4 - has broken PS/2 mouse - critical bug (+broken RHEL4 GA).

Has anyone else had problems with guest additions 4.1.2 and 4.1.4 on
(specifically) Windows 7 guests?

I find that the guest hangs forever while shutting down after installing
the guest additions.  If I 'reset' the hung guest machine, it then hangs
forever during the next boot at the splash screen stage.

Reverting guest additions to 4.1.0 fixes the problem.  (Linux host, BTW.)

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[vbox-dev] VBoxUSBMon doesn't install

2011-10-05 Thread Huihong Luo
from Windows MSI, not 100% sure though, please take a look.___
vbox-dev mailing list

[vbox-dev] error in VirtualBox.wxs

2011-10-04 Thread Huihong Luo
a typo in latest svn: (missing '>' before last ), causing 2717 error 
in msi

vbox-dev mailing list

[vbox-dev] is Merging cancellable?

2011-10-04 Thread Huihong Luo
wonder if the virtual disk files are still consistent if a merging task is 
stopped in between? 
During merge, does child disk gets updated when a portion is merged to base? if 
so, then the merge can stop at any time, and base/child would be still valid?
or child is discarded as whole? thus merging task can not be cancelled?___
vbox-dev mailing list

Re: [vbox-dev] Live CD/DVD Setting

2011-10-04 Thread Huihong Luo

/* Attach live or empty CD/DVD ROM Device */
CVirtualBox vbox = vboxGlobal().virtualBox();
QVector  dvds = vbox.GetHost().GetDVDDrives(); 
QString dvdId("");
if (dvds.count() > 0)
dvdId = dvds[0].GetId();
vmedium = vboxGlobal().findMedium(dvdId);
medium = vmedium.medium();
m.AttachDevice (ctrDvdName, 1, 0, KDeviceType_DVD, medium);
m.AttachDevice (ctrDvdName, 1, 0, KDeviceType_DVD, CMedium());

--- On Tue, 10/4/11, Emad Steitieh  wrote:

From: Emad Steitieh 
Subject: [vbox-dev] Live CD/DVD Setting
To: "vbox-dev@virtualbox.org" 
Date: Tuesday, October 4, 2011, 3:10 AM

Hello Experts,
I tried to find the API that makes a DVD live but could not. If you add a DVD 
drive to a machine you have the option to set it to be Live CD/DVD. How can I 
do that using the MSCOM? Thank you
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vbox-dev mailing list

[vbox-dev] VHD.cpp patch

2011-10-02 Thread Huihong Luo
I noted that relative path is not emitted for VHD_PLATFORM_CODE_W2RU parent 
The attached patch fixes this, the code looks cryptic, but is very well tested 
on windows, and works well. For linux and other systems, you can improve the 
code. Right now, added only for RT_OS_WINDOWS
As I mentioned in earlier email, you may need to decide whether to change 
pLocator->u32DataSpace to match MS software, need to use bytes instead of 

Description: Binary data
vbox-dev mailing list

Re: [vbox-dev] VHD child disk imcompatible with Windows 7 vhdmp driver or Hyper-V

2011-10-02 Thread Huihong Luo
Actually, VBox does emit parent locator info to the diff disk. However, it 
seems that Microsoft made a mistak in VHD spec regarding to 
Parent Locator Entries
Platform Data Space. This field stores the number of 512-byte sectors needed to 
store the parent hard disk locator.
Platform Data Length. This field stores the actual length of the parent hard 
disk locator in bytes.

the spec says Platform Data Space should be number of sectors, but Windows 7 or 
hyper-V actually checks that data as number of bytes, vbox puts 1 for 1 sector, 
but MS puts 0x200.
When I change u32DataSpace to be number of bytes, then VBox diff files are 
vbox team can decide whether to change this. I will check what vmware is doing 
on this.


--- On Sat, 10/1/11, Huihong Luo  wrote:

From: Huihong Luo 
Subject: Re: [vbox-dev] VHD child disk imcompatible with Windows 7 vhdmp driver 
or Hyper-V
To: vbox-dev@virtualbox.org
Date: Saturday, October 1, 2011, 10:29 AM

error was due to the lack of parent locators. VBox doesn't emit any parent 
locator info to the child disk. Windows 7 vhdmp driver or hyper-V relies on 
parent locator info to find the base disk.
I will see if I can add the code.

--- On Sat, 10/1/11, Huihong Luo  wrote:

From: Huihong Luo 
Subject: [vbox-dev] VHD child disk imcompatible with Windows 7 vhdmp driver or 
To: vbox-dev@virtualbox.org
Date: Saturday, October 1, 2011, 9:39 AM

receives "The file or directory is corrupted and unreadable" if mouting a child 
disk created by vbox using vhdmp driver on windows 7. (Base disk works fine)
I will debug this.
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-Inline Attachment Follows-

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vbox-dev mailing list

Re: [vbox-dev] VHD child disk imcompatible with Windows 7 vhdmp driver or Hyper-V

2011-10-01 Thread Huihong Luo
error was due to the lack of parent locators. VBox doesn't emit any parent 
locator info to the child disk. Windows 7 vhdmp driver or hyper-V relies on 
parent locator info to find the base disk.
I will see if I can add the code.

--- On Sat, 10/1/11, Huihong Luo  wrote:

From: Huihong Luo 
Subject: [vbox-dev] VHD child disk imcompatible with Windows 7 vhdmp driver or 
To: vbox-dev@virtualbox.org
Date: Saturday, October 1, 2011, 9:39 AM

receives "The file or directory is corrupted and unreadable" if mouting a child 
disk created by vbox using vhdmp driver on windows 7. (Base disk works fine)
I will debug this.
-Inline Attachment Follows-

vbox-dev mailing list
vbox-dev mailing list

[vbox-dev] VHD child disk imcompatible with Windows 7 vhdmp driver or Hyper-V

2011-10-01 Thread Huihong Luo
receives "The file or directory is corrupted and unreadable" if mouting a child 
disk created by vbox using vhdmp driver on windows 7. (Base disk works fine)
I will debug this.___
vbox-dev mailing list

Re: [vbox-dev] VBoxMouse.sys prevents windows XP guest from rebooting

2011-09-30 Thread Huihong Luo
seems vboxmouse working ok in Windows 8 now, so no need to do anything. Last 
time checked, it won't start.
However, win8 guest freezes randomly in my build from svn.

--- On Fri, 9/30/11, Huihong Luo  wrote:

From: Huihong Luo 
Subject: Re: [vbox-dev] VBoxMouse.sys prevents windows XP guest from rebooting
To: "Mikhail Sennikovsky" 
Cc: vbox-dev@virtualbox.org
Date: Friday, September 30, 2011, 8:56 AM

yes, I accept those licenses.
- huihong

--- On Fri, 9/30/11, Mikhail Sennikovsky  wrote:

From: Mikhail Sennikovsky 
Subject: Re: [vbox-dev] VBoxMouse.sys prevents windows XP guest from rebooting
To: "Huihong Luo" 
Cc: vbox-dev@virtualbox.org
Date: Friday, September 30, 2011, 1:51 AM

Thanks for the patch. To be able to use the patch, we have to ask you for MIT 
or PUEL license for this patch.
Can you please specify whether you are ok with either of those?


On 9/30/2011 11:39 AM, Huihong Luo wrote: 

The attached patch fixes this error, please apply it.
I will look into why vboxmouse is not working in Windows 8, most likely need to 
handle more pnp messages.

--- On Sun, 9/25/11, Huihong Luo  wrote:

From: Huihong Luo 
Subject: [vbox-dev] VBoxMouse.sys prevents windows XP guest from rebooting
To: vbox-dev@virtualbox.org
Date: Sunday, September 25, 2011, 6:35 PM

Latest svn code, xp sp3 guest, can shutdown w/o problem, but reboot hangs.
After attaching windbg, it displays this message:
Waiting on: \Driver\Mouclass \Device\PointerClass2 irp (8220a9b8) 
SetPower-Shutdown status c0bb
Waiting on: \Driver\Mouclass \Device\PointerClass2 irp (8220a9b8) 
SetPower-Shutdown status c0bb
Waiting on: \Driver\Mouclass \Device\PointerClass2 irp (8220a9b8) 
SetPower-Shutdown status c0bb
Waiting on: \Driver\Mouclass \Device\PointerClass2 irp (8220a9b8) 
SetPower-Shutdown status c0bb

When VBoxMouse is disabled, it reboots fine.
Another interesting discovery, when "Enable absolute pointing device" is 
checked, mouse ingration works very well even if VBoxMouse is disabled.
-Inline Attachment Follows-

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-Inline Attachment Follows-

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vbox-dev mailing list

Re: [vbox-dev] VBoxMouse.sys prevents windows XP guest from rebooting

2011-09-30 Thread Huihong Luo
yes, I accept those licenses.
- huihong

--- On Fri, 9/30/11, Mikhail Sennikovsky  wrote:

From: Mikhail Sennikovsky 
Subject: Re: [vbox-dev] VBoxMouse.sys prevents windows XP guest from rebooting
To: "Huihong Luo" 
Cc: vbox-dev@virtualbox.org
Date: Friday, September 30, 2011, 1:51 AM

Thanks for the patch. To be able to use the patch, we have to ask you for MIT 
or PUEL license for this patch.
Can you please specify whether you are ok with either of those?


On 9/30/2011 11:39 AM, Huihong Luo wrote: 

The attached patch fixes this error, please apply it.
I will look into why vboxmouse is not working in Windows 8, most likely need to 
handle more pnp messages.

--- On Sun, 9/25/11, Huihong Luo  wrote:

From: Huihong Luo 
Subject: [vbox-dev] VBoxMouse.sys prevents windows XP guest from rebooting
To: vbox-dev@virtualbox.org
Date: Sunday, September 25, 2011, 6:35 PM

Latest svn code, xp sp3 guest, can shutdown w/o problem, but reboot hangs.
After attaching windbg, it displays this message:
Waiting on: \Driver\Mouclass \Device\PointerClass2 irp (8220a9b8) 
SetPower-Shutdown status c0bb
Waiting on: \Driver\Mouclass \Device\PointerClass2 irp (8220a9b8) 
SetPower-Shutdown status c0bb
Waiting on: \Driver\Mouclass \Device\PointerClass2 irp (8220a9b8) 
SetPower-Shutdown status c0bb
Waiting on: \Driver\Mouclass \Device\PointerClass2 irp (8220a9b8) 
SetPower-Shutdown status c0bb

When VBoxMouse is disabled, it reboots fine.
Another interesting discovery, when "Enable absolute pointing device" is 
checked, mouse ingration works very well even if VBoxMouse is disabled.
-Inline Attachment Follows-

vbox-dev mailing list

vbox-dev mailing list

vbox-dev mailing list

Re: [vbox-dev] VBoxMouse.sys prevents windows XP guest from rebooting

2011-09-30 Thread Huihong Luo
The attached patch fixes this error, please apply it.
I will look into why vboxmouse is not working in Windows 8, most likely need to 
handle more pnp messages.

--- On Sun, 9/25/11, Huihong Luo  wrote:

From: Huihong Luo 
Subject: [vbox-dev] VBoxMouse.sys prevents windows XP guest from rebooting
To: vbox-dev@virtualbox.org
Date: Sunday, September 25, 2011, 6:35 PM

Latest svn code, xp sp3 guest, can shutdown w/o problem, but reboot hangs.
After attaching windbg, it displays this message:
Waiting on: \Driver\Mouclass \Device\PointerClass2 irp (8220a9b8) 
SetPower-Shutdown status c0bb
Waiting on: \Driver\Mouclass \Device\PointerClass2 irp (8220a9b8) 
SetPower-Shutdown status c0bb
Waiting on: \Driver\Mouclass \Device\PointerClass2 irp (8220a9b8) 
SetPower-Shutdown status c0bb
Waiting on: \Driver\Mouclass \Device\PointerClass2 irp (8220a9b8) 
SetPower-Shutdown status c0bb

When VBoxMouse is disabled, it reboots fine.
Another interesting discovery, when "Enable absolute pointing device" is 
checked, mouse ingration works very well even if VBoxMouse is disabled.
-Inline Attachment Follows-

vbox-dev mailing list

Description: Binary data
vbox-dev mailing list

Re: [vbox-dev] VirtualBox dll, can i use them?

2011-09-29 Thread Huihong Luo
VBox has bridged network that you may be able to use, the code is inside this 
you will have to develop a kernel driver, and then some user space apps.
However, if you only want to virtualize Windows physical NIC, you can just 
start from the windows WDK sample, which has a working sample to turn one NIC 
to have multiple physical ip addrs.
the wdk sample is located inside C:\WinDDK\6001.18002\src\network\ndis

--- On Thu, 9/29/11, jorge Rodriguez  wrote:

From: jorge Rodriguez 
Subject: [vbox-dev] VirtualBox dll, can i use them?
To: vbox-dev@virtualbox.org
Date: Thursday, September 29, 2011, 4:38 PM

Im programing an app, this app its about NIC bonding in windows, I must 
virtualize a NIC, wich will represent the n physical NIC's in the pc. I was 
wondering if I could take virtualbox dll, and use them, to virtualize the NIC 
and manage the hardware (all NIC's in the pc) using this virtual NIC. Im using 
Visual Studio C# to develop this app. Is this possible?  
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vbox-dev mailing list

Re: [vbox-dev] [RESOLVED] vbox bug causing Windows system cache problems?

2011-09-29 Thread Huihong Luo

Thanks for the update.
Yes, the real cause is something to do with physical pages. Somehow, pages are 
not supposed to be updated get flushed, then cause the file to be written, but 
the file is opened for read, so cause the write to receive ACCESS DENIED error.
I debugged Windows code, MmFlushSection()  => 
the error is inside MiFlushSectionInternal() , you can google to find 
some source code on this function to get some clues, it basically check dirty 
pages, if found, then send a write request to update the file using the 
following code:
Status = IoSynchronousPageWrite (ControlArea->FilePointer,
IoStatus );
Let me know if you need more helps,

--- On Thu, 9/29/11, Frank Mehnert  wrote:

From: Frank Mehnert 
Subject: Re: [vbox-dev] [RESOLVED] vbox bug causing Windows system cache 
To: vbox-dev@virtualbox.org
Date: Thursday, September 29, 2011, 11:38 AM


unfortunately this isn't really a fix. There are two code paths in the HGCM
code to share data between guest and host. The VBGLR0_CAN_USE_PHYS_PAGE_LIST
flag is set if the guest can use lists of physical pages. If you remove that
condition, the old (slower) code is used. This is only a workaround but we
have to find the correct fix for the real bug. Though this workaround might
help you for the time being.

Thanks for your help anyway,


On Thursday 29 September 2011 19:38:05 Huihong Luo wrote:
> r36201 caused this issue, kind of weird.
> VMMDev.cpp
> this condition:
> && requestHeader.requestType != VMMDevReq_GetHostVersion
> After I removed this condition from latest svn code, the cache error no
> longer displays. 
> Is there any special call to make from guest addition to ensure the above
> condition?
> --- On Thu, 9/29/11, Huihong Luo  wrote:
> From: Huihong Luo 
> Subject: Re: [vbox-dev] vbox bug causing Windows system cache problems?
> To: "Vitali Pelenjow" 
> Cc: vbox-dev@virtualbox.org
> Date: Thursday, September 29, 2011, 8:32 AM
> Vitali,
> No problem, I've been doing that. Now narrowed down to r36210 - r36190,
> where r36210 has the bug, but r36190 works. 
> I will go further. Most likely a bug in vmm.
> - huihong
> --- On Thu, 9/29/11, Vitali Pelenjow  wrote:
> From: Vitali Pelenjow 
> Subject: Re: [vbox-dev] vbox bug causing Windows system cache problems?
> To: "Huihong Luo" 
> Cc: vbox-dev@virtualbox.org
> Date: Thursday, September 29, 2011, 1:58 AM
> Hi Huihong,
> we would appreciate, if you could narrow down the changeset, which
> introduced the regression.
> This would be a great help. The changeset range is still too wide to
> have a guess.
> Thanks,
> Vitali.
> Huihong Luo wrote:
> > After last few days' buiding different OSE revisions, the bug exists
> > between
> > r36100 - r36222 (Feb 28, 11 - Mar-09, 11)
> > if you have some wild guess on which code change may have caused that,
> > let me know, to save some time.
> > Otherwise I will continue the brutal force way of narrowing down the
> > code set that caused the bug.
> >
> > --- On *Tue, 9/27/11, Huihong Luo //* wrote:
> >     From: Huihong Luo 
> >     Subject: Re: [vbox-dev] vbox bug causing Windows system cache
> >     problems?
> >     To: vbox-dev@virtualbox.org
> >     Date: Tuesday, September 27, 2011, 12:33 PM
> >
> >     After some backing tracing, this error occurs from vbox 4.1.0
> >     r73009, and works well with 4.0.12 and before.
> >     The windows cache manager displays an error message as attached
> >     from our driver.
> >     We run exactly the same guest (same disk, same configure) using
> >     different versions of vbox downloaded from virtualbox.org.
> >     so very likely there is a bug in vbox between 4.0.12 and 4.1.0
> >
> >     --- On *Mon, 9/26/11, Huihong Luo //* wrote:
> >
> >
> >         From: Huihong Luo 
> >         Subject: [vbox-dev] vbox bug causing Windows system cache
> >         problems?
> >         To: vbox-dev@virtualbox.org
> >         Date: Monday, September 26, 2011, 6:47 PM
> >
> >         After one week of debugging, there might be a bug in vbox that
> >         causes Windows MmFlushSection() to behave weirdly.
> >         We have a Windows driver working very well on old versions of
> >         vbox, but not on v4. The problem was caused by MmFlushSection,
> >         which wrongly updates files that are opened for read. In other
> >         words, MmFlushSec

Re: [vbox-dev] [RESOLVED] vbox bug causing Windows system cache problems?

2011-09-29 Thread Huihong Luo

r36201 caused this issue, kind of weird.
this condition: 
&& requestHeader.requestType != VMMDevReq_GetHostVersion
After I removed this condition from latest svn code, the cache error no longer 
Is there any special call to make from guest addition to ensure the above 

--- On Thu, 9/29/11, Huihong Luo  wrote:

From: Huihong Luo 
Subject: Re: [vbox-dev] vbox bug causing Windows system cache problems?
To: "Vitali Pelenjow" 
Cc: vbox-dev@virtualbox.org
Date: Thursday, September 29, 2011, 8:32 AM

No problem, I've been doing that. Now narrowed down to r36210 - r36190, where 
r36210 has the bug, but r36190 works.
I will go further. Most likely a bug in vmm.
- huihong

--- On Thu, 9/29/11, Vitali Pelenjow  wrote:

From: Vitali Pelenjow 
Subject: Re: [vbox-dev] vbox bug causing Windows system cache problems?
To: "Huihong Luo" 
Cc: vbox-dev@virtualbox.org
Date: Thursday, September 29, 2011, 1:58 AM

Hi Huihong,

we would appreciate, if you could narrow down the changeset, which 
introduced the regression.
This would be a great help. The changeset range is still too wide to 
have a guess.


Huihong Luo wrote:
> After last few days' buiding different OSE revisions, the bug exists 
> between
> r36100 - r36222 (Feb 28, 11 - Mar-09, 11)
> if you have some wild guess on which code change may have caused that, 
> let me know, to save some time.
> Otherwise I will continue the brutal force way of narrowing down the 
> code set that caused the bug.
> --- On *Tue, 9/27/11, Huihong Luo //* wrote:
>     From: Huihong Luo 
>     Subject: Re: [vbox-dev] vbox bug causing Windows system cache
>     problems?
>     To: vbox-dev@virtualbox.org
>     Date: Tuesday, September 27, 2011, 12:33 PM
>     After some backing tracing, this error occurs from vbox 4.1.0
>     r73009, and works well with 4.0.12 and before.
>     The windows cache manager displays an error message as attached
>     from our driver.
>     We run exactly the same guest (same disk, same configure) using
>     different versions of vbox downloaded from virtualbox.org.
>     so very likely there is a bug in vbox between 4.0.12 and 4.1.0
>     --- On *Mon, 9/26/11, Huihong Luo //* wrote:
>         From: Huihong Luo 
>         Subject: [vbox-dev] vbox bug causing Windows system cache
>         problems?
>         To: vbox-dev@virtualbox.org
>         Date: Monday, September 26, 2011, 6:47 PM
>         After one week of debugging, there might be a bug in vbox that
>         causes Windows MmFlushSection() to behave weirdly.
>         We have a Windows driver working very well on old versions of
>         vbox, but not on v4. The problem was caused by MmFlushSection,
>         which wrongly updates files that are opened for read. In other
>         words, MmFlushSection() causes files to write even if they are
>         opened for read, and thus get ACCESS denined error.
>         It seems somehow the page dirty bit is not set correctly in
>         some case, because MmFlushSection checks dirty pages.
>         I first thought there might be some bugs in our driver's code,
>         but strange thing is that it works fine before with old
>         versions of vbox, so I post this message just in case
>         something wrong with vbox code.
>         -Inline Attachment Follows-
>         ___
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Re: [vbox-dev] vbox bug causing Windows system cache problems?

2011-09-29 Thread Huihong Luo
No problem, I've been doing that. Now narrowed down to r36210 - r36190, where 
r36210 has the bug, but r36190 works.
I will go further. Most likely a bug in vmm.
- huihong

--- On Thu, 9/29/11, Vitali Pelenjow  wrote:

From: Vitali Pelenjow 
Subject: Re: [vbox-dev] vbox bug causing Windows system cache problems?
To: "Huihong Luo" 
Cc: vbox-dev@virtualbox.org
Date: Thursday, September 29, 2011, 1:58 AM

Hi Huihong,

we would appreciate, if you could narrow down the changeset, which 
introduced the regression.
This would be a great help. The changeset range is still too wide to 
have a guess.


Huihong Luo wrote:
> After last few days' buiding different OSE revisions, the bug exists 
> between
> r36100 - r36222 (Feb 28, 11 - Mar-09, 11)
> if you have some wild guess on which code change may have caused that, 
> let me know, to save some time.
> Otherwise I will continue the brutal force way of narrowing down the 
> code set that caused the bug.
> --- On *Tue, 9/27/11, Huihong Luo //* wrote:
>     From: Huihong Luo 
>     Subject: Re: [vbox-dev] vbox bug causing Windows system cache
>     problems?
>     To: vbox-dev@virtualbox.org
>     Date: Tuesday, September 27, 2011, 12:33 PM
>     After some backing tracing, this error occurs from vbox 4.1.0
>     r73009, and works well with 4.0.12 and before.
>     The windows cache manager displays an error message as attached
>     from our driver.
>     We run exactly the same guest (same disk, same configure) using
>     different versions of vbox downloaded from virtualbox.org.
>     so very likely there is a bug in vbox between 4.0.12 and 4.1.0
>     --- On *Mon, 9/26/11, Huihong Luo //* wrote:
>         From: Huihong Luo 
>         Subject: [vbox-dev] vbox bug causing Windows system cache
>         problems?
>         To: vbox-dev@virtualbox.org
>         Date: Monday, September 26, 2011, 6:47 PM
>         After one week of debugging, there might be a bug in vbox that
>         causes Windows MmFlushSection() to behave weirdly.
>         We have a Windows driver working very well on old versions of
>         vbox, but not on v4. The problem was caused by MmFlushSection,
>         which wrongly updates files that are opened for read. In other
>         words, MmFlushSection() causes files to write even if they are
>         opened for read, and thus get ACCESS denined error.
>         It seems somehow the page dirty bit is not set correctly in
>         some case, because MmFlushSection checks dirty pages.
>         I first thought there might be some bugs in our driver's code,
>         but strange thing is that it works fine before with old
>         versions of vbox, so I post this message just in case
>         something wrong with vbox code.
>         -Inline Attachment Follows-
>         ___
>         vbox-dev mailing list
>         vbox-dev@virtualbox.org
>         http://vbox.innotek.de/mailman/listinfo/vbox-dev
>     -Inline Attachment Follows-
>     ___
>     vbox-dev mailing list
>     vbox-...@www.virtualbox.org
>     https://www.virtualbox.org/mailman/listinfo/vbox-dev
> ___
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> vbox-dev@virtualbox.org
> https://www.virtualbox.org/mailman/listinfo/vbox-dev

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Re: [vbox-dev] vbox bug causing Windows system cache problems?

2011-09-28 Thread Huihong Luo
After last few days' buiding different OSE revisions, the bug exists between
r36100 - r36222 (Feb 28, 11 - Mar-09, 11)
if you have some wild guess on which code change may have caused that, let me 
know, to save some time.
Otherwise I will continue the brutal force way of narrowing down the code set 
that caused the bug.

--- On Tue, 9/27/11, Huihong Luo  wrote:

From: Huihong Luo 
Subject: Re: [vbox-dev] vbox bug causing Windows system cache problems?
To: vbox-dev@virtualbox.org
Date: Tuesday, September 27, 2011, 12:33 PM

After some backing tracing, this error occurs from vbox 4.1.0 r73009, and works 
well with 4.0.12 and before.
The windows cache manager displays an error message as attached from our driver.
We run exactly the same guest (same disk, same configure) using different 
versions of vbox downloaded from virtualbox.org.
so very likely there is a bug in vbox between 4.0.12 and 4.1.0

--- On Mon, 9/26/11, Huihong Luo  wrote:

From: Huihong Luo 
Subject: [vbox-dev] vbox bug causing Windows system cache problems?
To: vbox-dev@virtualbox.org
Date: Monday, September 26, 2011, 6:47 PM

After one week of debugging, there might be a bug in vbox that causes Windows 
MmFlushSection() to behave weirdly.
We have a Windows driver working very well on old versions of vbox, but not on 
v4. The problem was caused by MmFlushSection, which wrongly updates files that 
are opened for read. In other words, MmFlushSection() causes files to write 
even if they are opened for read, and thus get ACCESS denined error.
It seems somehow the page dirty bit is not set correctly in some case, because 
MmFlushSection checks dirty pages.
I first thought there might be some bugs in our driver's code, but strange 
thing is that it works fine before with old versions of vbox, so I post this 
message just in case something wrong with vbox code.
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-Inline Attachment Follows-

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[vbox-dev] vbox bug causing Windows system cache problems?

2011-09-26 Thread Huihong Luo
After one week of debugging, there might be a bug in vbox that causes Windows 
MmFlushSection() to behave weirdly.
We have a Windows driver working very well on old versions of vbox, but not on 
v4. The problem was caused by MmFlushSection, which wrongly updates files that 
are opened for read. In other words, MmFlushSection() causes files to write 
even if they are opened for read, and thus get ACCESS denined error.
It seems somehow the page dirty bit is not set correctly in some case, because 
MmFlushSection checks dirty pages.
I first thought there might be some bugs in our driver's code, but strange 
thing is that it works fine before with old versions of vbox, so I post this 
message just in case something wrong with vbox code.
vbox-dev mailing list

[vbox-dev] VBoxMouse.sys prevents windows XP guest from rebooting

2011-09-25 Thread Huihong Luo
Latest svn code, xp sp3 guest, can shutdown w/o problem, but reboot hangs.
After attaching windbg, it displays this message:
Waiting on: \Driver\Mouclass \Device\PointerClass2 irp (8220a9b8) 
SetPower-Shutdown status c0bb
Waiting on: \Driver\Mouclass \Device\PointerClass2 irp (8220a9b8) 
SetPower-Shutdown status c0bb
Waiting on: \Driver\Mouclass \Device\PointerClass2 irp (8220a9b8) 
SetPower-Shutdown status c0bb
Waiting on: \Driver\Mouclass \Device\PointerClass2 irp (8220a9b8) 
SetPower-Shutdown status c0bb

When VBoxMouse is disabled, it reboots fine.
Another interesting discovery, when "Enable absolute pointing device" is 
checked, mouse ingration works very well even if VBoxMouse is disabled.
vbox-dev mailing list

[vbox-dev] VBoxSVC R6025 (pure virtual function call) Error

2011-09-23 Thread Huihong Luo
The error message is attached. The error occured after I deleted a vm (with all 
files deleted), then close the gui. VBoxSvc.exe seems to be quiting since there 
are no vm instances are running.
call stack:
  user32.dll!_NtUserWaitMessage@0()  + 0xc bytes 
  user32.dll!_DialogBox2@16()  + 0x19e bytes 
  user32.dll!_InternalDialogBox@24()  + 0xb6 bytes 
  user32.dll!_SoftModalMessageBox@4()  + 0x69d bytes 
  user32.dll!_MessageBoxWorker@4()  + 0x2c7 bytes 
  user32.dll!_MessageBoxTimeoutW@24()  + 0x7f bytes 
  user32.dll!_MessageBoxTimeoutA@24()  + 0xa1 bytes 
  user32.dll!_MessageBoxExA@20()  + 0x1b bytes 
  user32.dll!_MessageBoxA@16()  + 0x45 bytes 
> msvcr80.dll!__crtMessageBoxA(const char * lpText=0x732d3808, const char * 
>lpCaption=0x732a4898, unsigned int uType=0x00012010)  Line 168 + 0xe bytes C
  msvcr80.dll!_NMSG_WRITE(int rterrnum=0x0019)  Line 242 + 0x10 bytes C
  msvcr80.dll!_purecall()  Line 56 C
  VBoxSVC.exe!util::AutoWriteLockBase::callLockImpl(util::LockHandle & 
l={...})  Line 544 C++
  VBoxSVC.exe!util::AutoLockBase::callLockOnAllHandles()  Line 387 + 0xb 
bytes C++
  VBoxSVC.exe!util::AutoLockBase::acquire()  Line 460 C++
  VBoxSVC.exe!VirtualBoxBase::addCaller(VirtualBoxBase::State * 
aState=0x0012d954, bool aLimited=false)  Line 171 C++
  VBoxSVC.exe!VirtualBox::unregisterMachineMedia(const com::Guid & 
uuidMachine={...})  Line 3750 + 0x1f bytes C++
  VBoxSVC.exe!Machine::uninit()  Line 805 C++
  VBoxSVC.exe!Machine::FinalRelease()  Line 249 C++
Line 2798 C++
  VBoxSVC.exe!ATL::CComObjectNoLock::`scalar deleting destructor'()  + 
0xb bytes C++
  VBoxSVC.exe!ATL::CComObjectNoLock::Release()  Line 2808 C++
  ole32.dll!CStdIdentity::ReleaseCtrlUnk()  + 0x51 bytes 
  ole32.dll!CStdMarshal::Disconnect()  - 0x493f bytes 
  ole32.dll!DisconnectSwitch()  + 0x16 bytes 
  ole32.dll!CStdMarshal::DisconnectAndRelease()  + 0x2e bytes 
  ole32.dll!COIDTable::ThreadCleanup()  - 0x27cab bytes 
  ole32.dll!FinishShutdown()  + 0x40 bytes 
  ole32.dll!NAUninitialize()  + 0x1c bytes 
  ole32.dll!ApartmentUninitialize()  - 0x13cfd bytes 
  ole32.dll!wCoUninitialize()  - 0x13a04 bytes 
  ole32.dll!_CoUninitialize@0()  + 0x1b1 bytes 
  VBoxSVC.exe!com::Shutdown()  Line 576 C++
  VBoxSVC.exe!WinMain(HINSTANCE__ * hInstance=0x0040, HINSTANCE__ * 
__formal=0x, HINSTANCE__ * __formal=0x, HINSTANCE__ * 
__formal=0x)  Line 407 C++
  VBoxSVC.exe!__tmainCRTStartup()  Line 589 + 0x1d bytes C
  kernel32.dll!@BaseThreadInitThunk@12()  + 0x12 bytes 
  ntdll.dll!___RtlUserThreadStart@8()  + 0x27 bytes 
  ntdll.dll!__RtlUserThreadStart@8()  + 0x1b bytes 
vbox-dev mailing list

Re: [vbox-dev] CMachine.SetExtraData() deadlocks

2011-09-20 Thread Huihong Luo
It's before the call, when deadlock occured, I attached the debugger, and then 
found out it's the windows WaitForObject call keeps waiting. Not sure if the 
server side finished the call or not. I will pay more attention next time.

--- On Tue, 9/20/11, Klaus Espenlaub  wrote:

From: Klaus Espenlaub 
Subject: Re: [vbox-dev] CMachine.SetExtraData() deadlocks
To: vbox-dev@virtualbox.org
Date: Tuesday, September 20, 2011, 2:27 PM

On 20.09.2011 18:40, Huihong Luo wrote:
> very rarely, I got deadlock by invoking this method.
> After debugging, it deads lock at WaitForSingleObject Windows API inside
> some rpc stub.

Is the deadlock before (or after) actually invoking the method? Haven't seen 
such issues in a long time, but if they're happening they're very nasty to 
debug, because the COM machinery internals is totally undocumented closed 
source code.

> What is the correct context to invoke this call? such as threading
> requirement?

VBoxSVC is a "local" COM service which by design supports arbitrary concurrency.

The caller should initialize the COM client side appropriately, but that's a 
generic requirement which isn't specific to VirtualBox.


> Thanks
> ___
> vbox-dev mailing list
> vbox-dev@virtualbox.org
> http://vbox.innotek.de/mailman/listinfo/vbox-dev

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Re: [vbox-dev] CMachine.SetExtraData() deadlocks

2011-09-20 Thread Huihong Luo
Very likely.
I had to kill vboxsvc.exe too from taskmgr.
I will try to get some call stacks if it happens again.

--- On Tue, 9/20/11, Alexey Eromenko  wrote:

From: Alexey Eromenko 
Subject: Re: [vbox-dev] CMachine.SetExtraData() deadlocks
To: vbox-dev@virtualbox.org
Date: Tuesday, September 20, 2011, 1:15 PM

On Tue, Sep 20, 2011 at 7:40 PM, Huihong Luo  wrote:
> very rarely, I got deadlock by invoking this method.
> After debugging, it deads lock at WaitForSingleObject Windows API inside some 
> rpc stub.
> What is the correct context to invoke this call? such as threading 
> requirement?

Is it possible that I came across a similar bug from python API ?

look here:

-Alexey Eromenko "Technologov"

vbox-dev mailing list
vbox-dev mailing list

[vbox-dev] CMachine.SetExtraData() deadlocks

2011-09-20 Thread Huihong Luo
very rarely, I got deadlock by invoking this method.
After debugging, it deads lock at WaitForSingleObject Windows API inside some 
rpc stub.
What is the correct context to invoke this call? such as threading requirement?
vbox-dev mailing list

[vbox-dev] current USB bug

2011-09-20 Thread Huihong Luo
I connect my iPhone 4 to an xp sp3 vm, and access photos from vm on Windows 
Vista SP1 32-bit host.
It works fine to about 90% of opening the photo folder, then stops, and hangs.
the total size is about 600MB.___
vbox-dev mailing list

Re: [vbox-dev] Download of VBox Guest addtions for Windows 8 (32-bit)

2011-09-18 Thread Huihong Luo
sure, will try to pose the 64-bit version late today. Doing some tests right 

--- On Sat, 9/17/11, Liang Suilong  wrote:

From: Liang Suilong liangsuil...@gmail.com
Subject: Re: [vbox-dev] Download of VBox Guest addtions for Windows 8 (32-bit)
To: "Huihong Luo" 
Cc: vbox-dev@virtualbox.org
Date: Saturday, September 17, 2011, 11:53 PM

Thank you very much. 

I am using 64-bit Windows 8. Could you compile the drivers for Windows 8 x64?

Fedora && Debian User, former Ubuntu User
My Page: http://www.liangsuilong.info
Fedora Project Contributor -- Packager && Ambassador

On Sun, Sep 18, 2011 at 2:24 PM, Huihong Luo  wrote:

this is binary that works inside Windows 8 32-bit guest
make sure to click Direct3D Support, then select No to install wddm driver. 
Basic driver doesn't work.
I tested full screen, seamless, shared folders, etc. all seem to work
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[vbox-dev] Download of VBox Guest addtions for Windows 8 (32-bit)

2011-09-17 Thread Huihong Luo
this is binary that works inside Windows 8 32-bit guest
make sure to click Direct3D Support, then select No to install wddm driver. 
Basic driver doesn't work.
I tested full screen, seamless, shared folders, etc. all seem to work___
vbox-dev mailing list

[vbox-dev] win8 patch to make guest additions to work

2011-09-16 Thread Huihong Luo
This patch (to svn 38746) will enable guest additions to install and work 
inside a windows 8 guest.
vboxvideo.sys has a bug not working, but the areo version VBoxVideoWddm.sys 
works, so make sure to enable 3D and assign 128MB video memory, select d3d 
during install of guest additions, and then click No to not choose basic video, 
this way, the advanced video will be installed.

Description: Binary data
vbox-dev mailing list

Re: [vbox-dev] VirtualBox 4.1.x and Windows 8 status update

2011-09-15 Thread Huihong Luo
need to modify source code, I have a patch that works.
I can post here if that saves some work for vbox team

--- On Thu, 9/15/11, walt  wrote:

From: walt 
Subject: Re: [vbox-dev] VirtualBox 4.1.x and Windows 8 status update
To: vbox-dev@virtualbox.org
Date: Thursday, September 15, 2011, 2:39 PM

On 09/15/2011 02:09 PM, Mario Lobo wrote:
> On Wednesday 14 September 2011 04:59:29 Alexey Eromenko wrote:
>> The bad news: GuestAdditions fail to install (unable to detect OS version).
> I got it to install without errors under compatibily mode but it doesn't work
> :(
> Everything else is fine here too :)

I just tried installing the 64-bit version of Win8beta on my 64-bit linux host,
and haven't quite succeeded yet.

The install actually finishes, but after rebooting into the new Win8 guest, I
can create a new user account/password, but then the "Preparing your desktop
settings" phase stops after about 30 seconds with a "problem encountered: memory
management error".

Have you or Alexey tried the 64-bit Win8 install?

I'm running vbox 4.1.2 on gentoo linux and I have Win7 working fine.

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[vbox-dev] Win8 doesn't install on PCs w/o VT-x/AMD-V

2011-09-15 Thread Huihong Luo
tried Linux build (latest svn) on 32-bit old Thinkpad, cdrom loads fine, but 
throws some error code after "Windows Developer Preview" message.
vbox-dev mailing list

Re: [vbox-dev] serious VDI bug

2011-09-15 Thread Huihong Luo
38746 is the one I am using too, but I am testing it on Windows 32-bit host 
Vista os.

The error occurs randomly, which never happened before. My hd is highly 
fragmented, only have enough free space to hold about 8GB for the new vm.

I will test Linux version on the same hd to compare.

--- On Thu, 9/15/11, Perry Halbert  wrote:

From: Perry Halbert 
Subject: Re: [vbox-dev] serious VDI bug
To: vbox-dev@virtualbox.org
Date: Thursday, September 15, 2011, 5:22 AM


  I installed Win8 yesterday using VDI, SATA, and
  it went smoothly

  SVN r38746 Debian 7 x86_64 host

Guest additions failed as I expected it would.

I actually installed it two times.  Deleted the entire build and
installed again to test.

On 09/15/2011 04:40 AM, Alexander eichner wrote:


  the trim feature does not depend on the SSD flag but is a separate
  feature which needs to be enabled manually, the default is to
  disable trim ( everything else is a bug ;) )





  Am 15.09.2011 um 09:43 schrieb Frank Mehnert


  Note: If you used a VDI file and activated
the SSD flag then the SVN

code will strip out unused code from the VDI file. As this code

very new then this could be the reason for the problems you

Did you enable the SSD-Flag for the drive associated with the


Kind regwrds,


On Thursday 15 September 2011 09:12:18 Frank Mehnert wrote:

Why do you think this is a regression?
  Did you try to install Windows 8

  with an older SVN version?


  Kind regards,




  On Thursday 15 September 2011 06:55:08 Huihong Luo wrote:

  might be SATA controller bug too, as
it is more stable when using IDE hd

--- On Wed, 9/14/11, Huihong Luo 

From: Huihong Luo 

Subject: [vbox-dev] serious VDI bug

To: "VirtualBox developer's list"

Date: Wednesday, September 14, 2011, 9:16 PM

trying to install Windows 8 to vdi image, and it fails
randomly. Seems

recent code changes have introduced a bug to vdi.

It stops at some random percentage of Windows expanding
phase,25%, 96%,

etc. It never succeeded, tried 5 times with today's SVN

vmdk/vhd works fine.

-Inline Attachment Follows-


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Dr.-Ing. Frank Mehnert

Senior Manager Software Development Desktop Virtualization,

ORACLE Deutschland B.V. & Co. KG | Werkstr. 24 | 71384
Weinstadt, Germany

Hauptverwaltung: Riesstr. 25, D-80992 München

Registergericht: Amtsgericht München, HRA 95603

Komplementärin: ORACLE Deutschland Verwaltung B.V.

Hertogswetering 163/167, 3543 AS Utrecht, Niederlande

Handelsregister der Handelskammer Midden-Niederlande, Nr.

Geschäftsführer: Jürgen Kunz, Marcel van de Molen, Alexander van
der Ven


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Re: [vbox-dev] serious VDI bug

2011-09-14 Thread Huihong Luo
might be SATA controller bug too, as it is more stable when using IDE hd

--- On Wed, 9/14/11, Huihong Luo  wrote:

From: Huihong Luo 
Subject: [vbox-dev] serious VDI bug
To: "VirtualBox developer's list" 
Date: Wednesday, September 14, 2011, 9:16 PM

trying to install Windows 8 to vdi image, and it fails randomly. Seems recent 
code changes have introduced a bug to vdi.
It stops at some random percentage of Windows expanding phase,25%, 96%, etc. It 
never succeeded, tried 5 times with today's SVN code.
vmdk/vhd works fine.
-Inline Attachment Follows-

vbox-dev mailing list
vbox-dev mailing list

[vbox-dev] serious VDI bug

2011-09-14 Thread Huihong Luo
trying to install Windows 8 to vdi image, and it fails randomly. Seems recent 
code changes have introduced a bug to vdi.
It stops at some random percentage of Windows expanding phase,25%, 96%, etc. It 
never succeeded, tried 5 times with today's SVN code.
vmdk/vhd works fine.___
vbox-dev mailing list

Re: [vbox-dev] VirtualBox 4.1.x and Windows 8 status update

2011-09-14 Thread Huihong Luo
I build 32-bit vbox from latest svn code, and it failed to install Win8 
somehow. It gets "Can't copy file" after expanding about 96%. very weird.
will do more tries.

--- On Wed, 9/14/11, Alexey Eromenko  wrote:

From: Alexey Eromenko 
Subject: [vbox-dev] VirtualBox 4.1.x and Windows 8 status update
To: "VirtualBox developer's list" 
Date: Wednesday, September 14, 2011, 12:59 AM

Hi All !

As you might know, Windows 8 developer preview is now officially
released, so anyone can freely download the build and try it out:
No registration required.

The good news: VBox 4.1 works on it as host. (you can start VMs)
And Win8 works as guest: installed successfully -- audio, network and
mouse (via VBox USB tablet) works fine.
The bad news: GuestAdditions fail to install (unable to detect OS version).
About Windows 8:

Desktop looks like Windows 7.
Other than that my personal feeling is a bit strange -- very difficult
for me to use the new "Metro" style Start Menu,
and so far I have found no way to revert to classic Windows Start Menu.

The good news about Win8 is that it has built-in virtualization:
(according to some articles, not tried yet)
1. loop-mount of ISOs and VHDs
2. Hyper-V and enlighted PV drivers
This means you can mount virtual HDD on host, even when VM is powered
off ! (it could be useful for VBox users)
NOTE: Vmware WS includes loop-mounter for VMDK for both Windows and
Linux hosts, while there are 3rd party tools to loop mount VDI on
Linux hosts only. There are no freeware nor OSS tools exist (that I
know of) to loop-mount vHDDs on Windows hosts.


ARM support: makes me wonder: why ?
It offers no advantages for desktops and one huge disadvantage: legacy
apps will stop working, so I will stick to x86 arch in the coming
decade. (on desktop)
Unlike Apple with their Rosetta emulator, Win8-ARM cannot emulate x86.
(x86 MAC OS X does emulate PowerPC for backward compatibility)

Best wishes,
-Alexey Eromenko "Technologov"

vbox-dev mailing list
vbox-dev mailing list

[vbox-dev] code patch to auto detect USB insertion

2011-09-13 Thread Huihong Luo
I have some code (around 600 lines) that auto attaches usb device when inserted 
to the windows host while vm window is on focus, similar to vmware's handling.
not sure if vbox team wants to integrate this patch.___
vbox-dev mailing list

Re: [vbox-dev] win 95/98 guest additions ?

2011-09-12 Thread Huihong Luo
Thanks for the info.
We have those old ddk installed on our pcs, most likely from old cds (don't 
remember exactly the source).
our virtual disk drivers works on 95/98, so we have some experiences in 
developing 95/98 drivers.

--- On Mon, 9/12/11, François Revol  wrote:

From: François Revol 
Subject: Re: [vbox-dev] win 95/98 guest additions ?
To: vbox-dev@virtualbox.org
Date: Monday, September 12, 2011, 9:44 AM

Le 12/09/2011 18:30, Huihong Luo a écrit :
> We are exploring the possibility of implementing this old stuff.
> In particular, the mouse and graphics drivers.
> Seems mouse integration shouldn't be that difficult. However,
> for video cards, it will take quite some time.

Btw, There is a thread on freedos-devel about better VM support
also, in case anyone is interested.

Maybe for some parts there could be common development ?

Are the Win9x DDK publicly available now ?
How are you developing for it ?

I'll be forwarding your message to freedos-devel for the record.


vbox-dev mailing list
vbox-dev mailing list

[vbox-dev] win 95/98 guest additions ?

2011-09-12 Thread Huihong Luo

We are exploring the possibility of implementing this old stuff. In particular, 
the mouse and graphics drivers.
Seems mouse integration shouldn't be that difficult. However, for video cards, 
it will take quite some time.
I have a question, does 
C:\virtualbox-dev\vbox\include\VBox\Hardware\VBoxVideoVBE.h contains all the 
video card's registry information? In other words, do these constants 
sufficient to develop the display driver? 95/98 uses totally different driver 
model, and needs to implment in real mode using assembly code.
So wanted to know what is the minimum requirement?___
vbox-dev mailing list

Re: [vbox-dev] mouse integration concept level overview?

2011-09-06 Thread Huihong Luo
Hi Michael,
I noted that Windows additions (vboxmouse.sys and VBoxMouseNT.sys) doesn't 
perform any conversion from this 0- percentange coordinates, however X11 
additions convert them to screen resolution. Does Windows happen to use the 
same measurement of 0-0x ?
Another thing is that the cursor shape at pointer disppears when moving out of 
vm guest window, does virtualbox perform some special task to make the curson 
not to appear? or the host simply reports some out of range positions to the 
guest. I was curious how this is handled.
- huihong

--- On Fri, 9/2/11, Michael Thayer  wrote:

From: Michael Thayer 
Subject: Re: [vbox-dev] mouse integration concept level overview?
To: "Huihong Luo" 
Cc: vbox-dev@virtualbox.org
Date: Friday, September 2, 2011, 1:47 PM

Hello Huihong,

On Thu, 2011-09-01 at 20:56 -0700, Huihong Luo wrote:
> I need to know a bit more about the mouse integration. Can someone explain in 
> big picture on what happened when a mouse pointer is moving from host to the 
> guest? once the mouse inside the guest window, host informs the guest about 
> the mouse positions? etc.
> I need to get some ideas on this in order to implement the drag-and-drop 
> feature for vbox. Right now, it's stuck when the mouse is dragged from host 
> to vm, how the guest side knows about that. I need to press a key for now to 
> tell the guest side, so the dnd isn't smooth yet. A good understanding on 
> mouse integration would be very helpful.
> ___ vbox-dev mailing list 
> vbox-dev@virtualbox.org http://vbox.innotek.de/mailman/listinfo/vbox-dev

I'm afraid that this will be a quick-ish explanation for now.  When
absolute pointer reporting is enabled (see the VMMDevReq_GetMouseStatus
VMM device request) the current pointer position can be requested with
the VMMDevReqMousePointer request.  This is reported as a percentage of
the width and height (respectively) of the guest screen - expressed as a
value from 0 to 0x - or of the virtual desktop for multi-monitor
guests.  The host works out what percentage values correspond to the
position of the host pointer relative to the host window the machine is
running in, and the Additions report the position back to the guest in a
way that the guest OS can convert to the correct pixel offset.  The host
sends a VMM device event (basically an interrupt and a data word) when
absolute reporting is enabled or disabled and when new position data is

Hope that helps a bit.


ORACLE Deutschland B.V. & Co. KG   Michael Thayer
Werkstrasse 24                     VirtualBox engineering
71384 Weinstadt, Germany           mailto:michael.tha...@oracle.com

Hauptverwaltung: Riesstr. 25, D-80992 München
Registergericht: Amtsgericht München, HRA 95603

Komplementärin: ORACLE Deutschland Verwaltung B.V.
Hertogswetering 163/167, 3543 AS Utrecht, Niederlande
Handelsregister der Handelskammer Midden-Niederlande, Nr. 30143697
Geschäftsführer: Jürgen Kunz, Marcel van de Molen, Alexander van der Ven

vbox-dev mailing list

Re: [vbox-dev] mouse integration concept level overview?

2011-09-02 Thread Huihong Luo
Thanks, I also studied a bit more on the mouse filter driver for Windows.
In short, when integration mode is enabled, guest/host uses exactly the same 
mouse. When the mouse is in guest window (or guest virtual desktops), the guest 
gets notifications about the mouse pointers/positions/states, etc. When the 
mouse is out of guest window, the guest will no longer get any notifications, 
Is this correct? 
- huihong

--- On Fri, 9/2/11, Michael Thayer  wrote:

From: Michael Thayer 
Subject: Re: [vbox-dev] mouse integration concept level overview?
To: "Huihong Luo" 
Cc: vbox-dev@virtualbox.org
Date: Friday, September 2, 2011, 1:47 PM

Hello Huihong,

On Thu, 2011-09-01 at 20:56 -0700, Huihong Luo wrote:
> I need to know a bit more about the mouse integration. Can someone explain in 
> big picture on what happened when a mouse pointer is moving from host to the 
> guest? once the mouse inside the guest window, host informs the guest about 
> the mouse positions? etc.
> I need to get some ideas on this in order to implement the drag-and-drop 
> feature for vbox. Right now, it's stuck when the mouse is dragged from host 
> to vm, how the guest side knows about that. I need to press a key for now to 
> tell the guest side, so the dnd isn't smooth yet. A good understanding on 
> mouse integration would be very helpful.
> ___ vbox-dev mailing list 
> vbox-dev@virtualbox.org http://vbox.innotek.de/mailman/listinfo/vbox-dev

I'm afraid that this will be a quick-ish explanation for now.  When
absolute pointer reporting is enabled (see the VMMDevReq_GetMouseStatus
VMM device request) the current pointer position can be requested with
the VMMDevReqMousePointer request.  This is reported as a percentage of
the width and height (respectively) of the guest screen - expressed as a
value from 0 to 0x - or of the virtual desktop for multi-monitor
guests.  The host works out what percentage values correspond to the
position of the host pointer relative to the host window the machine is
running in, and the Additions report the position back to the guest in a
way that the guest OS can convert to the correct pixel offset.  The host
sends a VMM device event (basically an interrupt and a data word) when
absolute reporting is enabled or disabled and when new position data is

Hope that helps a bit.


ORACLE Deutschland B.V. & Co. KG   Michael Thayer
Werkstrasse 24                     VirtualBox engineering
71384 Weinstadt, Germany           mailto:michael.tha...@oracle.com

Hauptverwaltung: Riesstr. 25, D-80992 München
Registergericht: Amtsgericht München, HRA 95603

Komplementärin: ORACLE Deutschland Verwaltung B.V.
Hertogswetering 163/167, 3543 AS Utrecht, Niederlande
Handelsregister der Handelskammer Midden-Niederlande, Nr. 30143697
Geschäftsführer: Jürgen Kunz, Marcel van de Molen, Alexander van der Ven

vbox-dev mailing list

[vbox-dev] mouse integration concept level overview?

2011-09-01 Thread Huihong Luo
I need to know a bit more about the mouse integration. Can someone explain in 
big picture on what happened when a mouse pointer is moving from host to the 
guest? once the mouse inside the guest window, host informs the guest about the 
mouse positions? etc.
I need to get some ideas on this in order to implement the drag-and-drop 
feature for vbox. Right now, it's stuck when the mouse is dragged from host to 
vm, how the guest side knows about that. I need to press a key for now to tell 
the guest side, so the dnd isn't smooth yet. A good understanding on mouse 
integration would be very helpful.___
vbox-dev mailing list

Re: [vbox-dev] compiling error from SrvPciRawR0.cpp

2011-08-30 Thread Huihong Luo
yes, it's fixed. thanks.

--- On Tue, 8/30/11, Frank Mehnert  wrote:

From: Frank Mehnert 
Subject: Re: [vbox-dev] compiling error from SrvPciRawR0.cpp
To: vbox-dev@virtualbox.org
Date: Tuesday, August 30, 2011, 1:33 AM


thanks for the report. This fix is in r38564.

Kind regards,


On Monday 29 August 2011 23:39:45 Huihong Luo wrote:
> it's to do with pci passthru config, which is not available on OSE.
> I added
> #define IN_PCIRAW_R0
> to that file SrvPciRawR0.cpp, then can build
> --- On Mon, 8/29/11, Huihong Luo  wrote:
> From: Huihong Luo 
> Subject: [vbox-dev] compiling error from SrvPciRawR0.cpp
> To: vbox-dev@virtualbox.org
> Date: Monday, August 29, 2011, 12:49 PM
> today tried to compile the latest svn code
> C:\virtualbox-dev\vbox\src\VBox\Devices\Bus\SrvPciRawR0.cpp(143) : error
> C2491: 'PciRawR0Init' : definition of dllimport function not allowed
> C:\virtualbox-dev\vbox\src\VBox\Devices\Bus\SrvPciRawR0.cpp(158) : error
> C2491: 'PciRawR0Term' : definition of dllimport function not allowed
> C:\virtualbox-dev\vbox\src\VBox\Devices\Bus\SrvPciRawR0.cpp(169) : error
> C2491: 'PciRawR0InitVM' : definition of dllimpo rt function not allowed
> C:\virtualbox-dev\vbox\src\VBox\Devices\Bus\SrvPciRawR0.cpp(194) : error
> C2491: 'PciRawR0TermVM' : definition of dllimpo rt function not allowed
> C:\virtualbox-dev\vbox\src\VBox\Devices\Bus\SrvPciRawR0.cpp(920) : error
> C2491: 'PciRawR0ProcessReq' : definition of dll import function not
> allowed
> -Inline Attachment Follows-
> ___
> vbox-dev mailing list
> vbox-dev@virtualbox.org
> http://vbox.innotek.de/mailman/listinfo/vbox-dev

Dr.-Ing. Frank Mehnert
Senior Manager Software Development Desktop Virtualization, VirtualBox
ORACLE Deutschland B.V. & Co. KG | Werkstr. 24 | 71384 Weinstadt, Germany

Hauptverwaltung: Riesstr. 25, D-80992 München
Registergericht: Amtsgericht München, HRA 95603

Komplementärin: ORACLE Deutschland Verwaltung B.V.
Hertogswetering 163/167, 3543 AS Utrecht, Niederlande
Handelsregister der Handelskammer Midden-Niederlande, Nr. 30143697
Geschäftsführer: Jürgen Kunz, Marcel van de Molen, Alexander van der Ven

-Inline Attachment Follows-

vbox-dev mailing list
vbox-dev mailing list

Re: [vbox-dev] compiling error from SrvPciRawR0.cpp

2011-08-29 Thread Huihong Luo
it's to do with pci passthru config, which is not available on OSE. 
I added 
#define IN_PCIRAW_R0
to that file SrvPciRawR0.cpp, then can build

--- On Mon, 8/29/11, Huihong Luo  wrote:

From: Huihong Luo 
Subject: [vbox-dev] compiling error from SrvPciRawR0.cpp
To: vbox-dev@virtualbox.org
Date: Monday, August 29, 2011, 12:49 PM

today tried to compile the latest svn code
C:\virtualbox-dev\vbox\src\VBox\Devices\Bus\SrvPciRawR0.cpp(143) : error C2491: 
'PciRawR0Init' : definition of dllimport
 function not allowed
C:\virtualbox-dev\vbox\src\VBox\Devices\Bus\SrvPciRawR0.cpp(158) : error C2491: 
'PciRawR0Term' : definition of dllimport
 function not allowed
C:\virtualbox-dev\vbox\src\VBox\Devices\Bus\SrvPciRawR0.cpp(169) : error C2491: 
'PciRawR0InitVM' : definition of dllimpo
rt function not allowed
C:\virtualbox-dev\vbox\src\VBox\Devices\Bus\SrvPciRawR0.cpp(194) : error C2491: 
'PciRawR0TermVM' : definition of dllimpo
rt function not allowed
C:\virtualbox-dev\vbox\src\VBox\Devices\Bus\SrvPciRawR0.cpp(920) : error C2491: 
'PciRawR0ProcessReq' : definition of dll
import function not allowed
-Inline Attachment Follows-

vbox-dev mailing list
vbox-dev mailing list

[vbox-dev] compiling error from SrvPciRawR0.cpp

2011-08-29 Thread Huihong Luo
today tried to compile the latest svn code
C:\virtualbox-dev\vbox\src\VBox\Devices\Bus\SrvPciRawR0.cpp(143) : error C2491: 
'PciRawR0Init' : definition of dllimport
 function not allowed
C:\virtualbox-dev\vbox\src\VBox\Devices\Bus\SrvPciRawR0.cpp(158) : error C2491: 
'PciRawR0Term' : definition of dllimport
 function not allowed
C:\virtualbox-dev\vbox\src\VBox\Devices\Bus\SrvPciRawR0.cpp(169) : error C2491: 
'PciRawR0InitVM' : definition of dllimpo
rt function not allowed
C:\virtualbox-dev\vbox\src\VBox\Devices\Bus\SrvPciRawR0.cpp(194) : error C2491: 
'PciRawR0TermVM' : definition of dllimpo
rt function not allowed
C:\virtualbox-dev\vbox\src\VBox\Devices\Bus\SrvPciRawR0.cpp(920) : error C2491: 
'PciRawR0ProcessReq' : definition of dll
import function not allowed
vbox-dev mailing list

Re: [vbox-dev] Any news on drag-n-drop ?

2011-07-18 Thread Huihong Luo
I will try my best, and merge the code.
Had trouble over last few months building vbox 4 on Windows. never succeeded in 
building it out of the box. It used to be no problems with v3.
will try hard.

--- On Mon, 7/18/11, Alexey Eromenko  wrote:

From: Alexey Eromenko 
Subject: Re: [vbox-dev] Any news on drag-n-drop ?
To: "VirtualBox developer's list" 
Date: Monday, July 18, 2011, 3:45 PM

Hello again,

The basic building blocks for future drag-n-drop may be achievable.
VBox already mastered drag-n-drop of VMs inside VM list (VBox

Next step is the Guest Additions.

Here is example source code from VMware: (for X11/Linux guests)

VMlite (Huihong Luo) : Please consider opening up the source code for
Windows Guests,
as it will really save time for all the parties involved from
re-inventing the wheel.
Just as you used the advances made by the VirtualBox team, we would
like to access the advances you did in this area.

-Alexey Eromenko "Technologov"

vbox-dev mailing list
vbox-dev mailing list

Re: [vbox-dev] how does i/o routed from host kernel to user space?

2011-07-15 Thread Huihong Luo
Perhaps, I should ask this way:
Is VirtualBox.exe looping around and continuously polling (send ioctl to 
kernel) for i/o requests? or whether the kernel notifies the user mode when 
there are i/o exits?

--- On Thu, 7/14/11, Huihong Luo  wrote:

From: Huihong Luo 
Subject: Re: [vbox-dev] how does i/o routed from host kernel to user space?
To: vbox-dev@virtualbox.org, "Klaus Espenlaub" 
Date: Thursday, July 14, 2011, 10:25 AM

Thanks for the info. I am aware of those, I'd appreciate if you can dig into 
more detains on Host kernel => VMM ==> disk emulation layer.
Disk emulation code is executed in a user process, how does the i/o traverse 
this path? In general, it is not easy for kernel to call a function inside 
another process.
What I meant to implement is a Windows disk driver for offline disk access, for 
example, one can mount a vdi file as disk C:\. Usually this kind of driver is 
implemented as kernel, but I want to move the core storage code to user space, 
so I need to find out if vbox uses some undocumented way of forwarding kernel 
calls to use space.

--- On Thu, 7/14/11, Klaus Espenlaub  wrote:

From: Klaus Espenlaub 
Subject: Re: [vbox-dev] how does i/o routed from host kernel to user space?
To: vbox-dev@virtualbox.org
Date: Thursday, July 14, 2011, 10:12 AM

On 14.07.2011 17:45, Huihong Luo wrote:
> As I understand, when vm performs i/o, the i/o requests traps to the
> host kernel (assuming VT-x/AMD-V). This i/o must be sent to user mode
> VirtualBox.exe for processing. Throgh what mechanism the user mode
> callback functions are invoked? The user mode performs pooling? Address
> space switching? Interprocess communications? ...

The VM machinery is in src/VBox/VMM. If you want to look at it from the device 
emulation side, look at src/VBox/Devices (as this is about storage, the Storage 
subdir is probably most interesting).

> I really wanted to find this out. I am exploring doing a user mode
> virtual disk driver for vbox. so the same vbox code can be used to mount
> virtual disks, and vbox can have an integrated interface on Windows for
> virtual disk mounting.

I don't understand what you're exactly trying to achieve - the 
IDE/SATA/SCSI/SAS device emulations generally use DrvVD (which is 100% 
userland) for all image accesses (host floppy/DVD uses a different driver), so 
that already is a single implementation, which uses the VD support (see 
include/VBox/vd.h) for a uniform interface to all disk image formats. The VD 
framework is very flexible and powerful. It handles complete stacks of base and 
diff images and so on. Sample code how to use the VD framework directly is e.g. 
in the vbox-img tool.


vbox-dev mailing list

-Inline Attachment Follows-

vbox-dev mailing list
vbox-dev mailing list

Re: [vbox-dev] how does i/o routed from host kernel to user space?

2011-07-14 Thread Huihong Luo
Thanks for the info. I am aware of those, I'd appreciate if you can dig into 
more detains on Host kernel => VMM ==> disk emulation layer.
Disk emulation code is executed in a user process, how does the i/o traverse 
this path? In general, it is not easy for kernel to call a function inside 
another process.
What I meant to implement is a Windows disk driver for offline disk access, for 
example, one can mount a vdi file as disk C:\. Usually this kind of driver is 
implemented as kernel, but I want to move the core storage code to user space, 
so I need to find out if vbox uses some undocumented way of forwarding kernel 
calls to use space.

--- On Thu, 7/14/11, Klaus Espenlaub  wrote:

From: Klaus Espenlaub 
Subject: Re: [vbox-dev] how does i/o routed from host kernel to user space?
To: vbox-dev@virtualbox.org
Date: Thursday, July 14, 2011, 10:12 AM

On 14.07.2011 17:45, Huihong Luo wrote:
> As I understand, when vm performs i/o, the i/o requests traps to the
> host kernel (assuming VT-x/AMD-V). This i/o must be sent to user mode
> VirtualBox.exe for processing. Throgh what mechanism the user mode
> callback functions are invoked? The user mode performs pooling? Address
> space switching? Interprocess communications? ...

The VM machinery is in src/VBox/VMM. If you want to look at it from the device 
emulation side, look at src/VBox/Devices (as this is about storage, the Storage 
subdir is probably most interesting).

> I really wanted to find this out. I am exploring doing a user mode
> virtual disk driver for vbox. so the same vbox code can be used to mount
> virtual disks, and vbox can have an integrated interface on Windows for
> virtual disk mounting.

I don't understand what you're exactly trying to achieve - the 
IDE/SATA/SCSI/SAS device emulations generally use DrvVD (which is 100% 
userland) for all image accesses (host floppy/DVD uses a different driver), so 
that already is a single implementation, which uses the VD support (see 
include/VBox/vd.h) for a uniform interface to all disk image formats. The VD 
framework is very flexible and powerful. It handles complete stacks of base and 
diff images and so on. Sample code how to use the VD framework directly is e.g. 
in the vbox-img tool.


vbox-dev mailing list
vbox-dev mailing list

[vbox-dev] how does i/o routed from host kernel to user space?

2011-07-14 Thread Huihong Luo
As I understand, when vm performs i/o, the i/o requests traps to the host 
kernel (assuming VT-x/AMD-V). This i/o must be sent to user mode VirtualBox.exe 
for processing. Throgh what mechanism the user mode callback functions are 
invoked? The user mode performs pooling? Address space switching? Interprocess 
communications? ... 
I really wanted to find this out. I am exploring doing a user mode virtual disk 
driver for vbox. so the same vbox code can be used to mount virtual disks, and 
vbox can have an integrated interface on Windows for virtual disk mounting.
vbox-dev mailing list

Re: [vbox-dev] Any news on drag-n-drop ?

2011-07-04 Thread Huihong Luo
We are working on v4.

About dnd, I made a prototyper that validated the impl worked, but never got a 
chance to finish it up. Once in a good shape, will check in the code.

There is one glitch about moving the cursor across between vm and host while 
mouse is pressed down.

Sent from my iPhone

On Jul 2, 2011, at 11:48 AM, Alexey Eromenko  wrote:

> Hello Huihong Luo,
> Just checked on your web-site to look at VMlite progress:
> http://www.vmlite.com/index.php?option=com_rokdownloads&view=folder&Itemid=153
> It is still v3.2.x-based.
> Wouldn't you like to update your packages to the newest 4.1.0 codebase ?
> -or- Alternatively, if your code is not planned to be updated & used,
> perhaps you could Open-Source it under MIT license?
> It will help the Open-Source community and the parent project, VirtualBox.
> Especially the drag-n-drop feature may come handy.
> Thanks in advance,
> -- 
> -Alexey Eromenko "Technologov"

vbox-dev mailing list

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